The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1274 Thinking of Song Shuang

Chapter 1274 Thinking of Song Shuang
Although the person who spoke was not completely right, it was not easy for him to know so much. "Longquan Group has never bullied people, but it never likes to be bullied by others. Since the Otama Group was unrighteous first, the senior management of the Longquan Group would naturally not be polite to him, so they took advantage of the Otama Group's encirclement. , taking the opportunity to attack, Liju merged and acquired the Otama Group, and at the same time got back the brand that should have belonged to them, Supreme Confidante.

Isn't that fun? "

The middle-aged man suddenly frowned, and asked puzzledly: "No, Wei. Since the 'Supreme Confidante' has such a fatal flaw, why does Longquan Group still insist on taking back this brand? Is it necessary? "The speaker snorted contemptuously, and his expression seemed to say, "What do you know?" The middle-aged man understood the expression of the other party, and his face couldn't help but gloomy, looking very unhappy.

Although the other party's expression was ugly, the person who took the photo didn't care at all, and said excitedly: "Of course Longquan Group will take back this brand, not only because this brand belongs to them, but more importantly, after Longquan Group With the unremitting efforts of the experts of the group, the biggest shortcoming of Zhizun Hongyan has finally been completely overcome. It is said that the current Supreme Hongyan will not become unpalatable even if it is kept for 30 years, let alone for three days. Like wine, it will become richer and more fragrant as time goes by!
"Is this true?" After hearing his words, all the people couldn't help cheering up.Although there is no truly perfect thing in this world, everyone still hopes that a treasure can have fewer flaws.

'Supreme Confidante' is undoubtedly a rare treasure, and no one can bear to see any fatal flaws in it, let alone hope that it will disappear because of this flaw.Even the middle-aged man with an unattractive expression couldn't help looking at the speaker with excitement at this moment.

The person who spoke nodded heavily, and said with affirmation: "Of course! A friend of mine who works in Longquan Group told me that it won't be long before Supreme Confidante will be mass-produced and enter the market.

"It's great! Such a good wine has entered the market a long time ago!" There was a roar of excitement from the crowd.The person who had made a sound of surprise before couldn't help but let out a sigh at this time, which made everyone feel down involuntarily.The man said with a distressed expression: "Although this wine is good, the price is also extremely expensive. It is not at the same level as the Longquan fine wine launched by Longquan Group before."

"Ha! Dude, I thought you were worried about something, it turned out to be this. I see that you are stylishly dressed, and your assets are probably in the tens of millions. Could it be that you can't even drink a bottle of wine?" The middle-aged man said Putting on a bold look, he smiled and said that the other party gave him a look, and said quietly: "Do you know how much a bottle of Supreme Confidante costs?" "How much?" The middle-aged man frowned and asked. "This number!" The other party stretched out two fingers.The middle-aged man breathed a sigh of relief, and said as if relieved: "Di~~ I thought how much it was. Isn't it only [-]. Although it is a bit expensive, we can afford it!"

After hearing what he said, the other party cut it and said, "It's 20, but it's only [-] pounds!" Or gold?" The middle-aged man was really frightened this time, his face changed, and he asked in surprise.

Seeing the surprised eyeballs of the middle-aged man seemed to pop out, the other party smiled and said: "Gold is much cheaper than this. I heard from my friends that the taste of 'Supreme Beauty' is not only excellent, but the packaging is also very good. It is extremely high-end. I heard that the outer packaging of the supreme beauty is all carved from a kind of precious jade, and this jade bottle alone is worth a lot of money." "That's right, the guests of 808 drink The wine here is a particularly beautiful jade bottle. Grandma’s, using jade to make the bottle, you think, this Longquan Group is too good, right?" The manager of the hotel hurriedly stood up to prove it.

The man interjected: "Of course! You don't even look at what kind of group Longquan Group is. The annual profit is astronomical. Naturally, it is extraordinary. But there is one thing I don't understand. My friend clearly told me , Now Longquan Group has not officially produced Supreme Beauty, so where did the guests in Box 808 get the authentic "Supreme Beauty"? It seems that the guests in Box 808 must not be ordinary people." He said with a smile He leaned over to the manager who was pretending to be deep, and asked quietly: "I said manager, you don't want to play tricks on us! Tell me, who are the people sitting there?" After hearing this, the manager hurriedly turned his face , full of seriousness said: "I'm sorry, I have nothing to comment on this question. Since you also know that this 'Supreme Confidante' has not been officially launched so far, you should also understand that we really do not have the ability to provide you with So, everyone, please forgive me, should I drink other bars? Our hotel can give you a [-]% discount."

The man smiled and said: "Those who can come to eat with you are not short of money, and don't care about your little discount. I just want to satisfy my curiosity. Before the Supreme Confidante was officially listed, those people had already Drinking the Supreme Confidante in their mouths, I guess their relationship with Longquan Group must not be so close. And the people who can have a relationship with Longquan Group, and are so close, must not be ordinary people. I said manager, you just Please do me a favor, reveal a thing or two, and satisfy everyone's curiosity." Speaking of which, the manager is still a man of principles, and when he heard what the other party said, his face became even colder, and he said like chewing a carrot: "This Sir, some curiosity is harmless to satisfy, but some curiosity is fatal. Don't forget the saying, curiosity killed the cat!
Seeing the manager's unkind complexion, with a faint cold light in his eyes, the man coughed unnaturally, and said, "Virtue! Don't talk about pulling down, let's show it to someone. I won't eat this meal , Check out!" The manager was also unambiguous, and immediately asked a waiter to bring the bill.The fragrance of 'Supreme Confidante' kept coming from his nose, but he couldn't drink it into his mouth. This kind of trouble was really a kind of torture.Now that they knew that it was impossible to drink the 'Supreme Beauty' today, everyone didn't want to suffer in vain here anymore, they checked out and left one after another. In the blink of an eye, the noisy and lively hall became quiet.Faced with such a situation, the manager didn't take it seriously. His main task today was to serve the guests in Box 808. As for the other things, he couldn't control them.

After a banquet ended happily, both the leader and Lin Chaoran were a little drunk, but fortunately, the 'Supreme Confidante' couldn't drink enough, and when they woke up, they were still able to go to work in good spirits.If the leader and Lin Chaoran were still sober, then Ke Zhengang was completely drunk.First of all, he is the host today, and he already has an apology in his heart, so he drank very happily today.Secondly, this 'Supreme Confidante' is so delicious that people will forget that it is actually wine, which can intoxicate people.In addition, it is probably the main reason why Ke Zhengang got drunk, that is, he wanted to renege on his debts.

After eating this meal, it is estimated that there is no 10,000+.Apart from that salary and allowance, Ke Zhengang has no other income on weekdays. Could it be possible that he really needs half of his life's salary to pay the bills?It was good for him to be drunk, and the task of paying the bill fell on Ke Feixiong's head.But Ke Feixiong is quite willing to be taken advantage of. What he got today is definitely more than the value of this meal.First of all, the business he worked hard for half his life was saved.Secondly, he has also reached several cooperation intentions with Li Xiaoshui and Li Yong, which will have an immeasurable impact on the future development of the Ke Group. Ke Feixiong is even confident that with this opportunity, he can develop the Ke Group into a first-class super group.Therefore, compared with what he got, he paid the bill quite willingly.

Both Shi Qiu and Gao Liguo remained sober, but it was difficult for Shi Qiu to get drunk because of his heavy drinking capacity.And Gao Liguo was helpless because of self-discipline, drinking less.Of course Li Xiaogang would not get drunk, the Nuwa's divine power flowing in his body was not blocked, even the Nuwa's divine power could not dissolve it, and no one could brew the wine that made him drunk.The young couple Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui were both slightly drunk at this time, perhaps because they experienced this tribulation together, the relationship between them became deeper invisibly.Seeing that the two of them are flirting with each other at this moment, secretly communicating with each other, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of trouble tonight.This made Li Xiaogang very envious. Thinking about it, it had been a long time since he had made out with Long Linger, Hu Rong, and Gao Yuanyuan.But thinking of this, Li Xiaogang suddenly remembered one thing, isn't Song Shuang in the capital?He actually forgot these days.Thinking of coming to the capital for so many days, but not thinking of going to see Song Shuang, Li Xiaogang really felt a little ashamed.

For a long time, Song Shuang has been fighting and carrying out tasks in the Network Security Department of Huaxia Dragon Group all year round. He rarely has the opportunity to accompany Gao Yuanyuan like Gao Yuanyuan, but Song Shuang's love for him has never diminished. , It's like a hot fire, I can't wait to melt Li Xiaogang.Every time Li Xiaogang would taste her inextricable love for him from being with her.But as for myself, because I couldn't see her often, I gradually ignored her. Li Xiaogang really didn't want to admit it.

Li Xiaogang originally planned to go to Antarctica to assist Chang Xuefei after today's end. Antarctica is related to the life and death of the entire earth, so there is no room for sloppyness.However, thinking of Song Shuang, he decided to stay in the capital for a few more days.This was mainly to make up for his guilt towards Song Shuang. In addition, if Chang Xuefei was really in danger, Fire Dragon Ball would let him sense it.There has been no movement for a long time now, which shows that Chang Xuefei's investigation in Antarctica is still normal and has not encountered any danger.However, danger can happen anytime and anywhere, and Li Xiaogang is also ready to leave at any time.

Just as Li Xiao made such a decision, he received a call from Long Ling'er, telling him that she would return from country M the day after tomorrow, and would transfer in the capital before returning to province S.Because Gao Yuanyuan has already received the appointment from Shangfeng, she officially entered the embassy to take up the post. This time, she might not be able to come back.Although Li Xiaogang knew about it a long time ago, and he had made sufficient psychological preparations, he was still sleepless and somewhat lost when he heard the news.After answering the call from Long Linger, Li Xiaogang decided to stay in the capital, and promised to pick up Long Linger at the airport at that time. This made Long Linger very excited, because the production of the Yinhe No. The installation on the missiles went very smoothly, so the deadline for the exercise was brought forward to three days later.Li Xiaogang hopes to stay and watch the exercise before going to Antarctica.

(End of this chapter)

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