The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1275 Consecration!

Chapter 1275 Consecration!

This exercise directly determined the attitude of the commanders of the eight major military regions towards him, and affected the realization of his plan for the era of aviation, so Li Xiaogang attached great importance to it.Although both the leader and Lin Chaoran promised to help him with all their strength, Li Xiaogang still felt that it would be better for him to stay.At least you can improvise.If you want to achieve complete victory, you must be fully prepared.

After making up his mind, Li Xiaogang and Gao Liguo helped Lin Chaoran and Shi Qiu fight to get the crumbling leader, Ke Zhengang, to be carried on his back by Ke Feixiong.Li Yong and Li Xiaoshui supported each other and cuddled each other, showing their missing love, and the nine walked out of the hotel together.The hotel manager had been waiting here for a long time, and when he saw the Mothman coming out, he hurried up to greet them, and escorted the three of them out of the hotel courteously.Outside the hotel, [-] leaned against the car, waiting for them.Li Xiaogang and Shi Qiu helped the leader into the car, and then asked Ling Wu to follow Shi Qiu to send the leader home.As for Lingliu, he was still sent by Li Xiaogang to Li Xiaoshui and Li Yong's side, and he helped Lin Chaoran and Gao Liguo stop a taxi together.

Originally, Ke Feixiong wanted the company to send several cars to take them back to their places of residence, but Li Xiaogang refused. It's okay to experience the life of ordinary people occasionally.In the capital city at night, the neon lights are flickering, which makes the city dotted with tension and hustle and bustle, and is full of vitality everywhere.Li Xiaogang has never admired the capital so closely, let alone felt the heart of the descendants of the Yellow Emperor so closely.A strange emotion suddenly rises from Li Xiaogang's body. This feeling is so kind and gentle, which makes Li Xiaogang feel that everything that catches his eye is so beautiful, which makes people infinitely attached to him. Everything is dedicated to him.

Li Xiaogang seemed to understand why the leader, Lin Chaoran, and Ke Zhengang would do anything for this country and the people here, even at the risk of death.It turned out that it was all because of this emotion in my heart.Gradually, Li Xiaogang understood that this emotion was nothing but a genuine sense of belonging.Li Xiaogang is more certain than ever that he belongs here, and his roots are buried here.People cannot live without roots, and those without roots are duckweed, which flow with the water and have no home of their own.A strong sense of belonging breeds a strong sense of responsibility.It is precisely because of this sense of belonging that you are forced to have a desire to protect and prosper this place.

Looking at Lin Chaoran, who was gradually falling asleep beside him, and his gray silver hair, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but feel awe in his heart. For these old people who have dedicated their lives to the country, shouldn't we have a deep feeling in our hearts? An admiration and gratitude?
As if he understood the meaning hidden in Li Xiaogang's expression, Gao Liguo smiled slightly, and said faintly: "Do you think the old man is cute?" "Cute?" Li Xiaogang couldn't help being stunned for a moment.You should know: "Cute, this time the word has been used on children and women. Few people would use cute to describe an old man. However, Li Xiaogang suddenly felt in his heart that it is precisely the word that is most suitable for being loved. Used on Lin Chaoran and the leaders.

This may be because they are really cute.Li Xiaogang nodded heavily, and said slowly: "Yes, it's cute!"

Gao Liguo sighed softly, and said, "Hearing you say that, I am really relieved from the bottom of my heart. I know that sometimes you feel that the old man and the leader are a little 'greedy'. They always ask you to do this, do it Well, maybe this makes you feel very uncomfortable.But you have to know that none of what they ask you to do is for themselves, but for this country and this nation.Under such righteousness, any request from them is holy and unpolluted.Perhaps this makes you feel unfair, wondering why you have to do so much, while others can sit back and enjoy the benefits? "

"I..." Li Xiaogang opened his mouth, but his words were interrupted by Gao Liguo, "Don't tell me you don't have one. The old man and I have lived most of our lives. This little ability to know people We still have some." Li Xiaogang gave a wry smile with some shame, and lowered his head.Not only did he feel this way, but it happened more than once.

Sometimes he even doesn't understand what the leader and Lin Chaoran are doing.Gao Liguo's voice rose again, "Actually, it's only natural for you to think so. After all, you have done more for this country than most people. But you have to know that although everything you have done is better than the leader, the old man and the others You have done a lot, but what you paid for these things may only account for one-tenth of what you have. On the contrary, although the leader and the old man did not do as much as you, what they paid was theirs all."

Li Xiaogang was greatly shocked by Gao Liguo's words, and a story he read when he was a child appeared in his mind, and he said slowly: "Once upon a time, after a terrible disaster, people rushed to donate money to the victims. A millionaire The rich donated a huge sum of money generously. At a charity party, the host will invite the person who donated the most to come on stage and give a speech to everyone. The rich man is full of confidence that he must be invited to the stage, because No one donated more money than him. However, it turned out that a black, thin, ragged old man was invited. The rich man could not believe that this old man donated more money than him, so he went around After asking, he finally got the answer he wanted. The old man only donated 82 yuan, which is only one-thousandth of his.

The rich man thought it was unfair, so he loudly questioned the host and asked the host to give him a reasonable explanation. The host silently endured the rich man's anger, and finally told him lightly that although the old man donated only a thousand cents of his One, but this is the relief fund that the old man has accumulated over more than ten years, and it is all his property.After donating this money, the old man has nothing!Then the host asked him another question, you donated one-tenth of everything, but the old man donated all of his, you said, which one of you donated more. "

After listening to Li Xiaogang's narration, Gao Liguo smiled, and said quietly: "It seems that you have understood this truth." Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said slowly: "I didn't understand before, but today, I understand everything It is." Gao Liguo nodded in relief, and asked: "The Ke family's affairs have been successfully concluded, what are your plans for the next step?" Li Xiaogang said: "I want to stay in the capital for a few more days, and wait until the exercise is over. , I should go to Antarctica."

Gao Liguo frowned and said, "I've heard the leader tell me about the Antarctic. It seems that the situation is very serious. The news from the Antarctic is more serious than the other. Xiaogang, are you sure?" Li Xiaogang looked at the sleeping Lin Chaoran glanced at him, and said firmly: "For us lovely old people who have given everything, I have to be sure if I am not sure. Dad, don't worry!" Gao Liguo stared deeply at Li Xiaogang, Shen Sheng said: "Xiao Gang, I don't want to see our home suffer disaster at all, but I also don't want to lose you, do you understand?"

Seeing the deep love in Gao Liguo's eyes, Li Xiaogang's heart was warmly filled with emotion, he nodded heavily, and said to Gao Liguo with a smile: "Don't worry, Dad, I'll be fine." Gao Liguo nodded, and said: "The drill is still a few days away, what are you going to do these few days? I will lend you my car, so it will be more convenient for you to go anywhere." Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "I want to I’m going to the Wuwei Bureau to meet an old friend. I don’t need a car, and now it’s so convenient to take a taxi, so let’s leave it to you.” Of course Gao Liguo would not know, if it’s just for convenience, Li Xiaogang’s teleportation is better than Cars are a thousand times more convenient, ten thousand times more convenient.

Sending Lin Chaoran back to the room, Gao Liguo also went to bed, and Li Xiaogang didn't know whether it was because of what Gao Liguo said to him, or because he was about to see Song Shuang, he couldn't calm down all the time, sat down In the bedroom, a sleepless night until the sun came up in the east.He heard Mrs. Gao downstairs had woken up and was preparing breakfast.Li Xiaogang sighed, straightened up, and walked out of the room.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang got up so early, Mrs. Gao seemed a little surprised. Li Xiaogang just smiled at her, said that he was not sleepy, and then helped Mrs. Gao prepare breakfast together.Thinking of the phone call from Long Ling'er yesterday, Li Xiaogang frowned, and said to Mrs. Gao with some guilt: "Mom, Yuanyuan has gone to work at the embassy now, I'm afraid you won't see her for a while gone."

A trace of sadness flashed instinctively in Mrs. Gao's eyes.She is such a precious daughter, how can she not miss her?However, the gloomy look didn't last long before receding.Mrs. Gao smiled and said, "It's okay. This bird's wings have grown hard, and it always has to leave the nest. As long as she can make some achievements, we parents will feel at ease."

Yes, when the chicks grow up, they will flap their wings and fight in the sky, challenging everything in the world to their heart's content.But when they are galloping, in the bird's nest where they were born, there will often be a pair of aging ducks, staring at the sky obsessively. When he sees Mrs. Gao's gray hair, Li Xiaogang can't help but have a feeling in his heart. A little sour, she smiled and said: "Don't worry, Gao Yuanyuan is so smart, she will definitely not let you down." Mrs. Gao couldn't help showing a trace of pride on her face, and said with a smile: "Of course! You don't See who gave birth to her? Hehe..."

When the two of them were almost ready to prepare breakfast together, Gao Liguo and Lin Chaoran also walked out of the room one after another.Although Lin Chaoran was drunk yesterday, thanks to the magic of the Supreme Beauty, Lin Chaoran seemed extraordinarily energetic.As soon as he walked out of the room, he let out a series of hearty laughter.Looking at the table full of Chinese and Western breakfasts, I have a great appetite and enjoy eating.Seeing Lin Chaoran's full energy and vigorous figure, Li Xiaogang's heart felt at ease.I feel that with this old man who has experienced countless winds and rains and has become a fine old man escorting him, I have inexhaustible courage in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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