The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1276 Was Discovered

Chapter 1276 Was Discovered
After breakfast, Gao Liguo and Lin Chaoran both went to work, Li Xiaogang also bid farewell to Mrs. Gao, and prepared to go to the Wuwei Bureau.In a flower shop on the way to the Wuwei Bureau, Li Xiaogang carefully selected a bouquet of bright red roses.Sometimes, men should be generous.Li Xiaogang is handsome and personable, and with such an eye-catching bouquet of roses in his hand, he will become the focus of attention wherever he goes.From time to time, pretty girls would cast enthusiastic glances at him, which made Li Xiaogang a little embarrassed.

The Military Defense Bureau is the country's security department, and its defenses are naturally strict.Before approaching the building of the Military Security Bureau, a group of armed soldiers with live ammunition stood in two rows standing on both sides of the gate from a distance.The level of alert is no less than that of the base camp.Li Xiaogang also wanted to walk in through the gate openly, but found that it didn't seem to work.If anyone can enter the Military Guard Bureau, why is there any need to arrange so many guards in front of the gate?Those who can freely enter and exit the Military Security Bureau building have a small card similar to an ID card in their hands.There seemed to be a transmitter installed on the small card. The door sensed the special frequency emitted by the transmitter, and after comparison, it would automatically open the door.

Of course Li Xiaogang didn't have such a small card. If he didn't want to rush in like this, he could ask Song Shuang to come out to pick him up.But in this way, he would not be able to surprise Song Shuang.However, it is impossible for this small door to stop Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang turned around and walked into a remote alley, with a sliver of consciousness, he enveloped the entire Military Security Bureau, locked a temporarily unused bathroom in the Military Security Bureau building, and Li Xiaogang started teleportation.Seeing the change of the surrounding environment, when he was already standing inside the building of the Military Security Bureau, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but a trace of pride flashed across his face.However, before he could be proud, a harsh siren suddenly sounded throughout the building, and then there was a burst of noisy and chaotic footsteps in the corridor outside the toilet.Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching from far away, it seemed that they were coming towards the bathroom where he was.

Of course Li Xiaogang is full of confidence in himself, and he never thinks that the alarm sound was caused by him.However, when Li Xiaogang walked out of the bathroom with a mentality of seeking proof, he suddenly found that more than a dozen black guns were aimed at him.Li Xiaogang couldn't figure out how the other party found him as an intruder. Could it be that there are experts in the Military Security Bureau who can detect his teleportation trajectory?This is unbelievable, at least Li Xiaogang can't do it yet.

Just when Li Xiaogang was puzzled, a man about 40 years old hurried over.Seeing Li Xiaogang coming out of the bathroom holding a bouquet of roses, the man showed a look of surprise on his face, and said faintly: "The Bureau of Military Defense has not had any uninvited guests for more than ten years. Surprised." Li Xiaogang looked at him and asked lightly, "Who are you?"

The man didn't hide anything, and replied straightforwardly: "Wang Yongjin, Armed Forces Department of the Military Defense Bureau!" Li Xiaogang said casually, expressing that he knew about such a move, which surprised Wang Yongjin very much.He knew that the general criminals who dared to break into such an important place as the Military Security Bureau would have quite good psychological quality, but it would be an exaggeration to be as good as Li Xiaogang.Wang Yongjin couldn't help frowning, and couldn't help but look at Li Xiaogang carefully.

After looking at it, Wang Yongjin found that the calmness of the man holding flowers in front of him was definitely not faking.This discovery made Wang Yongjin immediately realize that Li Xiaogang must be an extraordinary criminal, and immediately became alert.He shouted in a deep voice: "Cuff him. Take him to the interrogation room. I will question him personally!"

Several heavily armed soldiers responded immediately, and made a gesture to rush towards Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang took a small step back, raised a finger and said shakingly: "Don't mess around. What do you think I'm holding in my hand? A rose?" Li Xiaogang's few words made Wang Yongjin immediately With his heart raised in his throat, he raised his hand violently to stop the soldier who was about to rush up, and asked in a deep voice, "What exactly are you holding? Is it a bomb?" Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said slowly: "What do you think?" "You..." It was the first time Wang Yongjin saw such an arrogant intruder, surrounded by tight siege, yet he could still laugh.Wang Yongjin snorted coldly, and said: "I advise you not to make unnecessary resistance. At this point, you can't escape!"

Li Xiaogang said lightly: "Run? Even if I can run out, I won't run, because I haven't met the person I want to see!" "Who do you want to see?" Wang Yongjin asked following Li Xiaogang's words.Li Xiaogang frowned and said, "Of course I will know when I see you. Now you are the one to answer my question. How did you find me?" Do you do what you want? Let me tell you, the entire building is filled with sensors, and the terminals of the sensors are connected to the alarm system of the building. As long as someone who should not belong here is sensed, the alarm device will be activated and locked. The location where the intruder appeared."

"But how does the sensor tell who is the intruder?" Li Xiaogang asked again. "Rely on this!" Wang Yongjin took out a small card from his pocket, exactly the kind of card used to open the door of the building.Pointing to a small magnetic strip on it, Wang Yongjin said slowly: "This is not only the key to open the door, but also a pass to walk freely in this building."

Seeing that Li Xiaogang didn't seem to understand, Wang Yongjin continued to explain: "The magnetic strip here can send a special signal at a specific frequency all the time. This signal contains all the information of the cardholder. It is preset in this building. Thousands of sensors in the computer will continuously capture this signal, and it is difficult to analyze the information contained in the signal. Once the comparison result does not match, the sensor will trigger the alarm and lock the card. By.

After listening to Wang Yongjin's explanation, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but let out a wry smile, and said slowly: "That is to say, don't say that I don't have this kind of card, even if I snatch someone else's card, I will still be detected and exposed?" Wang Yongjin sneered and said, "That's not bad at all! Because of this perfect alarm system, no one has ever been able to break into this place for more than ten years. You can break through the gate, which is already very remarkable." Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "If you talk about it, can I also talk about it for masturbation?"

Wang Yongjin shook his head, and said full of surprise: "I really admire you a little. You're even in a tight siege, and you can still laugh. I don't know if it's your courage, or you're stupid and can't see the situation clearly." Li Xiaogang Said lightly: "I'm not very smart, but no one has ever called me stupid. I'm surrounded? I can't see it. Don't forget, I still have it in my hand." Li Xiaogang shook his hand Rose said with a smile.Of course Wang Yongjin wouldn't believe that someone would break into the Military Guard Bureau holding a bouquet of flowers, this is simply a fantasy.So from the very beginning he noticed the bouquet of roses.Hearing Li Xiaogang's words again, he became more and more sure that this bouquet of roses was actually a high-explosive bomb.

Why is the Military Defense Bureau so tightly guarded?It is because there are countless state secrets and materials here.If the bomb goes off, all these secrets and information will be wiped out.The loss caused to the country will be immeasurable.As an armed member, Wang Yongjin's main duty is to protect the safety of these materials. Of course, he will not allow such a situation to happen.A face suddenly became gloomy, and he asked coldly: "What is your intention of breaking into the Military Guard Bureau?"

Li Xiaogang didn't answer Jia and asked, "By the way, where is your chief? I want to see him!" Wang Yongjin snorted coldly, and said, "Forget it, our chief is not interested in seeing a little louse like you." It's enough to tell me what you have." Li Xiaogang didn't really want to see Si Kongming at first, he just said it casually.Hearing what Wang Yongjin said, he chuckled lightly, and said quietly: "If that's the case, can you tell me where the Network Security Department is located?" Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Wang Yongjin frowned and said coldly : "Now the Network Security Department is carrying out an urgent task. What do you want to do with the Network Security Department? Oh, I see, you must have been sent by the Wolf God, right? The Wolf God knew that his time limit had come, so he sent You little lice thief is here to make trouble, you want to take the opportunity to get away, right?"

Wang Yongjin's words made Li Xiaogang confused, and he asked full of doubts: "What wolf god, dog god, I don't know what you are talking about." Wang Yongjin's face showed a very disgusted expression, staring at Li Xiaogang He said coldly: "I really didn't expect that you look gentle and gentle, but you are golden and jade, and you are rotten. Seeing that you are also a Chinese, why do you help foreigners to bully us Chinese. Do you know that, If you act like this during the Anti-Japanese War, you will be considered a Han woman, a traitor!"

Wang Yongjin scolded happily, but Li Xiaogang's heart was full of doubts and confusion.He was puzzled, he just wanted to find Song Shuang, and once he relieved the pain of lovesickness, how could he become a Han female gangster and a traitor?Seeing Wang Yongjin becoming more and more addicted to cursing, if you don't stop him, he may be endless, Li Xiaogang suddenly roared like a lion, "Shut up!"

When Li Xiaogang got angry, he was majestic and majestic, and ordinary people couldn't resist it.Wang Yongjin was stunned by Li Xiaogang's drinking on the spot.Li Xiaogang didn't care about the black holes around him, exuding cold murderous intent, and walked towards Wang Yongjin step by step.Seeing that the situation was not going well, the two soldiers hurried forward one from the left and the other from the right, trying to stop Li Xiaogang, but in the end Li Xiaogang slapped him more than ten meters away like chasing flies.When more fighters Jin Ying rushed over, Li Xiaogang and Wang Yongjin had already made eye contact.

(End of this chapter)

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