The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1277 The Wolf's Den

Chapter 1277 The Wolf's Den
Only then did Wang Yongjin wake up from the great shock, and suddenly found that Li Xiaogang's nose was about to touch his nose, he subconsciously screamed, and wanted to back away, but Li Xiaogang grabbed the collar first.With Li Xiaogang's force, Wang Yongjin was immediately lifted off the ground.Full of horror, Wang Yongjin pulled Li Xiaogang's hand hard, but Li Xiaogang's hand was like iron tongs, no matter how much strength he exerted, he just remained motionless.Wang Yongjin couldn't help but asked a little timidly: "You...what do you want to do? This is the Military Security Bureau, don't you still want to kill people?"

Li Xiaogang said coldly: "I hate killing people, but I hate people labeling me as a Han woman begging and traitor for no reason. I don't know what a wolf god or a dog god is. If you dare to treat me again Talk nonsense, and I will pull out all your teeth!" "Since you are not sent by the wolf god, why do you inquire about the Network Security Department?" Li Xiaogang said contemptuously: "Originally I was I don't intend to hide it from you, but now I have no interest in telling you anything. Cut the nonsense and take me to the Network Security Department!

Wang Yongjin glanced at the rose in Li Xiaogang's hand, and said in a trembling voice, " want to blow up the Network Security Department, and you still say that you are not a wolf god? Only the wolf god can break through the first line of defense of our Military Security Bureau, let us You walked in without being discovered. But he never dreamed that there are stricter precautions inside the Military Guard Bureau, which will lead to your exposure. Right?" Li Xiaogang couldn't help but smiled bitterly, and shouted: "You With such a good imagination, why don’t you become an internet writer? I guarantee you will earn more than in Wuwei Bureau!

At this time, Wang Yongjin did not know where to generate a sense of heroism, and said with determination: "If you want to kill me, even though you can do it, I will not let you enter the network security department anyway. If you can If I use my own death to prevent the Wolf God from stealing the information of the Military Defense Bureau, then my death is worth it!" Li Xiaogang couldn't help pointing at his nose and shouted: "You still want to be a hero with your IQ. , I think it’s hard for you to be a bear! I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you, if you talk any more, I’ll explode a rose in my hand right here!
"No!" Wang Yongjin couldn't help exclaiming.Li Xiaogang sneered and said, "Why, are you afraid of death now?" Wang Yongjin gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice, "I'm not afraid of death! What's the big deal if I die? It's just that there are too many materials and information related to the survival of the country. Confidential, I absolutely cannot allow you to blow up this place!" Seeing that Wang Yongjin seemed to have a real will to die, Li Xiaogang still admired him.

After all, not everyone is able to lay down their lives for their duties.Li Xiaogang couldn't bear to continue teasing him anymore, so he put him down, and said lightly, "Since you don't want to take me there, then I'll go alone." After speaking, he walked straight towards the direction of the Network Security Department .There are things in this world that can hide from his consciousness, but the location of the Network Security Department is definitely not one of them. "Stop!" Seeing Li Xiaogang walking directly towards the Network Security Department, Wang Yongjin became anxious and shouted angrily.

Li Xiaogang paid attention to him, as if he didn't hear him, and walked forward on his own.Wang Yongjin snatched a submachine gun from a soldier, pointed it at Li Xiaogang's back, and shouted: "If you don't stop, I will shoot!" Li Xiaogang still didn't turn his head.Wang Yongjin yelled three times in a row, seeing that Li Xiaogang still didn't respond, Wang Yongjin was ready to pull the trigger.But just as he was about to use force with his fingers, he suddenly lightened his hand, and the submachine gun disappeared from his eyes out of thin air.Wang Yongjin subconsciously searched for the submachine gun, but suddenly found that Li Xiaogang, who had gradually walked away, was waving something in his hand. Wang Yongjin stared and saw that it was the submachine gun he was holding just now.

The shock in Wang Yongjin's heart at this moment cannot be described in words.Wang Yongjin's mouth was open, his eyes were staring, and his body became stiff as if someone had acupuncture points on him, like a stone. "He... who is he?" Wang Yongjin couldn't help looking at Li Xiaogang's back, and asked in a whisper. "He is someone we can't afford!" A somewhat stern voice came from behind Wang Yongjin.Wang Yongjin looked back in a daze and saw Lin Tian walking over with his hands in his pockets and his eyes shining.After Ge Jun withdrew from the dragon group, Lin Tian and Sun Xiang became the actual commanders of the dragon group.The reason why it is said to be real is because the two of them are just two ordinary fighters of the Dragon Group in name.But in a place where the strong are respected like the dragon group, Lin Tian and Sun Xiang are undoubtedly the strongest, even the current leader of the dragon group, Jiang Hu, is inferior to them.Therefore, even though the two are not team leaders in name, they actually have a higher status than Jiang Hu.

The Dragon Group is a specialized combat unit under the Military Defense Bureau.Because they are fighters, members of the Dragon Group have always been admired in the Martial Guard Bureau, let alone Lin Tian and Sun Xiang, who are at the commanding level.Seeing that it was Lin Tian, ​​Wang Yongjin instinctively showed a hint of eagerness on his face, and said repeatedly: "Mr. He couldn't help laughing, and said slowly: "Why is he reluctant to blow up the Network Security Department? There are his most cherished things there. Besides, if he really wants to blow up the Network Security Department, I don't even want to blow up the Network Security Department. I want to stop him. Well, it's none of your business here, you go back to your respective posts.

"But Mr. Lin..." Wang Yongjin was still a little worried.Lin Tian smiled at him and said, "Don't you feel at ease with me here?" After finishing speaking, afterimages appeared from his body, chasing towards Li Xiaogang like a black line.Li Xiaogang's mind was full of thoughts about the wolf god Wang Yongjin mentioned, so he couldn't help being a little distracted.Suddenly a figure jumped out from beside him, Li Xiaogang didn't stop the car for a while, almost collided with the figure, the figure seemed to be startled, and glared at Li Xiaogang angrily.Li Xiaogang knew that he was wrong, and hurriedly said sincerely: "I'm sorry, I was wrong just now." The man didn't speak, but just gave him a hard look, and then walked away quickly.

"Strange person!" Looking at the back of that person, Li Xiaogang murmured in his heart.The man's eyes just now were filled with a cold murderous look.This murderous aura is by no means brought by birth, but cultivated through countless bloody killings.If he met such a person on the street, Li Xiaogang would definitely be very interested in him, but this is the Military Defense Bureau, and there are veterans who have experienced countless bloody storms everywhere, Li Xiaogang didn't take it seriously.I glanced at the place where the figure suddenly appeared just now, and found that there was a door there. It turned out that he jumped out of the room. No wonder Li Xiaogang couldn't react in time.

"Mr. Li!" At this moment, Lin Tian also caught up.Li Xiaogang even forgot the figure that appeared just now.Turning to look at Lin Tian, ​​Li Xiaogang felt familiar.In addition, Lin Tian opened his mouth and called him Mr. Li.Obviously he recognized him, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but began to search in his mind where he had seen this person before.Seeing Li Xiaogang's brows slightly frowned and doubts flickering in his eyes, Lin Tian smiled and said, "Mr. Li, you have a lot to do, I'm afraid you don't remember me anymore..." "You are Ge Jun's comrade-in-arms, Lin Tian, ​​right?" Li Xiaogang said with a smile.

Lin Tian looked at Li Xiaogang in surprise and asked, "Do you still remember me?" Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle, "If you had appeared earlier, maybe there wouldn't be so many misunderstandings with that Wang Yongjin." Lin Tian Hehe smiled and said: "Mr. Li, don't mind, Wang Yongjin is also performing his duties." Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "If I really mind, do you think Wang Yongjin can still stand upright now?" Lin Tian was stunned I was stunned, and then smiled awkwardly: "That's that! I said too much." After speaking, Lin Tian pointed to the rose in Li Xiaogang's hand, and asked with a smile: "Is this for Song Shuang? Li Xiaogang frowned, and asked quietly: "Why, you also know Song Shuang?"

After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Lin Tian couldn't help laughing and said, "It's a shame not to know Song Shuang in our whole building!" Li Xiaogang asked a little puzzled, "Why is this?" Lin Tianlun said with a smile: "A great beauty like Song Shuang is not as good as those so-called star idols. If such a beautiful woman is placed next to you but you don't know her, do you think it's a shame? Is it unbearable? In order to get acquainted with Song Shuang, every man in this building has tried at least ten methods."

Li Xiaogang couldn't help but let out a wry smile, and murmured: "In this way, this place is clearly a wolf's den. I have to get Song Shuang away from here!" Lin Tian was almost not surprised when he heard that Get up: quickly begged: "Don't, you must not, if you let other men in the building know that it was because of me, Song Shuang, that they left, it would be strange if they didn't eat me alive. Boss, you must not do this Ah, please!" Seeing Lin Tian's nervous appearance, Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing, and said: "Look at your nervous appearance, do I not even have such a little confidence? Don't tell me They used ten ways to get close to Song Shuang, even if they used a hundred or a thousand ways, don't expect Song Shuang to look at them more. Well, I'm still in a hurry to find Song Shuang, so I won't accompany you."

"Do you know where the Network Security Department is?" Lin Tian followed Li Xiaogang's footsteps and asked.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "I know, I came here last time." Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Lin Tian suddenly remembered, and a trace of deep excitement passed between his brows, and he couldn't help but said excitedly: "I remember Get up, you are the original "Dragon God" who led the top domestic hackers at the critical moment, defeating the foreign hacker coalition forces in one fell swoop, and keeping China's national network.Even now, people still mention you from time to time. "Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said faintly: "It's really rare that you still remember, I have already forgotten it myself. "No wonder Li Xiaogang forgets that, strictly speaking, he is not a real hacker at all.

(End of this chapter)

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