Chapter 1278
A real hacker uses his familiarity with computer principles and superb operational skills to achieve his goals.After all, no matter how strong a hacker is, he can't do anything without a computer.But Li Xiaogang is completely different. He directly infiltrates the network with his spiritual consciousness, and then uses his spiritual consciousness to create a virtual entity. Using this entity as a medium, he conducts a series of activities such as attack and defense. In this way, the computer It is no longer a necessary condition for everything, but has become a kind of cover, a prop to deceive bystanders.What kind of hacker is this kind of hacker, so Li Xiaogang has never admitted that he is a hacker, even though the name of "Dragon God" has become an unattainable name in the hearts of all hackers.

But then again, although Li Xiaogang is not a real hacker, his attack power is a hundred times, a thousand times stronger than any real hacker.Although hackers have many attack methods, most of them are by writing an offensive source code and implanting it into the other party's computer, so as to achieve the purpose of sabotage (Feiwu is not a hacker, and his understanding of computers is limited to switching on and off, so please Dear knowledgeable readers, don’t compare yourself to Fei Wu).But Li Xiaogang's attack came from Nuwa's divine power. This kind of power is enough to destroy the world. How can it be compared with those source codes.It's like a stone and stick against a long gun, the result can be imagined.

"You came so timely, I think it's God's will!" Lin Tianman said excitedly, "Hurry up, don't delay, let's go to the Network Security Department!" Seeing Lin Tianman, he was very anxious Li Xiaogang couldn't help asking, "What happened? I've been hearing people talking about the wolf god since just now. Who the hell is he?"

Lin Tian dragged Li Xiaogang away and explained: "The wolf god is not only a person, but also the code name of an organization. It probably means that you, as the dragon god, disappeared from the Internet shortly after, and the wolf god rose rapidly. According to After such a long investigation, we initially found that this wolf god is from country M, and this organization is also based in country M. The main purpose of its existence is to continuously steal important data and intelligence from our country, and then sell them to country M at a high price .We doubt its existence, and it should be more or less instructed by country M."

"Is this wolf god very powerful?" Li Xiaogang asked again.Lin Tian nodded heavily, and said: "Actually, I don't know much about the Internet, but I heard from Song Shuang and the others that this wolf god is very powerful. He has included a mysterious virus in the attack code, which can defeat it in an instant. The enemy's defense system can steal all the data in the computer it captured in less than ten seconds. Not only the attack power and destructive power of the wolf god are huge, but the The organization is full of masters. Not only do each member have jaw-dropping superb hacking skills, but their cooperation with each other is even more impenetrable, reaching the level of shock. According to incomplete statistics, the wolf God and his team members have attacked our country's network at least dozens of times in more than a year, and each time they were able to retreat unscathed, causing losses of no less than tens of billions to our country."

After hearing Lin Tian's words, Li Xiaogang frowned immediately.He had just found the power source of selfless dedication to the country from Lin Chaoran, the leader. When he encountered such a thing at this time, he couldn't help being filled with righteous indignation, and the gaze in his eyes became much colder.Lin Tian didn't pay attention to Li Xiaogang's expression, but went on to say: "At the beginning of the wolf god's rampage, Song Shuang's network security department began to make every effort to end this organization. After all the hardships, finally three days ago, the wolf god He even led his team members in an arrogant attempt to seize the core host of the Military Defense Bureau and steal all the secret information stored in it. You also know that the information here is related to the life and death of the entire country. Once it falls into their hands, then The consequences are disastrous. In order to defend this forbidden area, Song Shuang and Jiang Quan from the Cyber ​​Security Department led the elites of the Cyber ​​Security Department to fight each other to the death. Today is the third day."

"What? We've been fighting for three days?" Li Xiaogang immediately began to feel sorry for Song Shuang.Three days without sleep or even food, what a pain.Lin Tian nodded heavily, and said: "I thought that the people in our dragon group were already desperate and strong enough to fight, but I never thought that these guys who look so weak while guarding the computer all day, It's so crazy. After watching their battles, I realized that the cruelty of this slow-moving battle is not inferior to that of the real battlefield."

Li Xiaogang is not in the mood to listen to him now, and asked eagerly: "How is the battle going?" Lin Tian shook his head and said, "It seems very pessimistic. The elites of the Network Security Department have suffered heavy casualties. Two-thirds of the computers were destroyed by the other party. Now Jiang Quan and Song Shuang can only rely on the last two firewalls for the final struggle."

"Damn it! These M countrymen, it seems that they haven't been taught enough lessons, and they dare to put their claws on our heads!" Li Xiaogang said, gnashing his teeth full of anger.

In fact, the reason why country M secretly steals China's confidential information from the wolf god is probably because China is forced to do nothing.In the past few years, under the influence of Li Xiaogang, Huaxia seems to have taken a stimulant, developing by leaps and bounds, and that kind of momentum is almost unstoppable.It has seriously threatened the hegemony of country M.

Faced with an increasingly passive situation, country M has tried to make many changes, but none of them have achieved satisfactory results.In desperation, country M can only adopt such a method, which is somewhat shady.

Before Li Xiaogang and Lin Tian reached the door of the Network Security Department, they suddenly heard a huge exclamation coming from the Network Security Department. Lin Tian and Li Xiaogang's hearts tightened at the same time, and Lin Tian said in a deep voice: " Not good!" After speaking, he and Li Xiaogang quickened their pace.When Li Xiaogang came to the Network Security Department, he couldn't help being startled by the scene in front of him. He saw waste paper and broken and abandoned computers scattered everywhere on the ground.All the people were staring at the huge screen on the wall. The screen was displaying a blood-red progress bar, and next to the progress bar was a blood-red number, impressively ten percent.This means that the entire military security bureau's network has reached an extremely dangerous point, and it is about to be captured.

The atmosphere at the scene was tense, and everyone's foreheads were covered with beads of nervous sweat.Li Xiaogang searched for Song Shuang's figure in the crowd, but he didn't want to see Si Kongming first.At this moment, Sikong Ming's face was livid, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and his powerful eyes shone with light, indicating that he was extremely nervous at this moment.Following Si Kongming's gaze, Li Xiaogang found Song Shuang whom he had been thinking about day and night.Song Shuang was very focused at this time, as if she couldn't sense what was happening around her at all, her eyes were fixed on the computer screen, and her hands were moving quickly on the keyboard.

The dedicated Song Shuangtou showed another unique charm, which moved Li Xiaogang's heart. He couldn't help but recall the time when he and Song Shuang just met. At that time, Song Shuang was just a small policeman, but now she is An indispensable pillar of the Cyber ​​Security Department.

Just when Li Xiaogang was immersed in the good memories of the past, he suddenly heard a roar full of anger, "I am Cao! Bastard!" Li Xiaogang looked back subconsciously, and saw that Li Xiaogang was full of annoyance and would have already blacked out. The computer fell to the ground in a hurry.Li Xiaogang frowned, and asked Lin Tiandao beside him, "What happened?" Lin Tian said with a worried face: "Just now, the Wolf God broke through another firewall, and also hanged up Jiang Quan by the way. Now in the In the whole system, Song Shuang is the only one left to resist the attacks from all the members of the Wolf God Organization."

As soon as he heard that Song Shuang was working alone, Li Xiaogang hurriedly looked in Song Shuang's direction: he saw that Song Shuang's forehead was covered with beads of sweat, and he was clenching his teeth, typing hard on the keyboard, no matter who It can be seen that she is doing the final struggle.On the computer screen in front of Song Shuang, a huge purple dot of light led behind several smaller black dots of light, surrounding Song Shuang's dot of light like a pack of wolves, Waves of attacks kept falling on Song Shuang's head.Song Shuang, on the other hand, could only rely on the protection of a firewall behind the broom to make the last resistance.

Li Xiaogang could tell that Song Shuang was in pain now, because there were crystal tears in her eyes.This made Li Xiaogang see it in his eyes, but it hurt in his heart, and he hated that so-called wolf god to the extreme, and he wanted to drag him out to set him up, so that he could be relieved of his hatred.Seeing the critical situation, Si Kongming asked Jiang Quan impatiently: "Jiang Quan, how is the situation? No matter what, we must keep the main server of the Military Security Bureau, otherwise we will all be sinners of the people and the country!" "Jiang Quan nodded heavily, and ordered loudly: "Everyone listen, use any computer in the whole building that has not been destroyed to rejoin the battle. Today we will kill the wolf god and his wolf cubs Let's catch them all!"

Perhaps it is the responsibility of defending national security, and the responsibility of being a network security officer. At this juncture of life and death, everyone's fighting spirit has been thoroughly stimulated.Amidst a roar that shook the sky, more than a dozen elites from the Network Security Department rushed into the network.Li Xiaogang thought that in this way, Song Shuang would not have to fight alone, but an unexpected situation happened again.In front of Jiang Quan and the others, as if descending from the sky, there suddenly appeared an extremely stubborn, steel-cast firewall that firmly blocked Jiang Quan and the others from the core battle situation.

"Damn it, they were well prepared and set up a firewall long ago to prevent our rescue. Let's launch the strongest attack together and completely tear this firewall up for me!" Jiang Quan seemed to have lost his mind. The roar made people think of a wounded beast.However, in such an atmosphere, this kind of roar is undoubtedly the most able to boost people's fighting spirit.As soon as Jiang Quan's roar fell, the computer screens flickered brightly like fireworks.The attacks of Jiang Quan and others were like missiles launched, hitting the firewall set up by the wolf god one by one.In the face of such a strong attack, the general firewall collapsed long ago, but Jiang Quan and the others were surprised to find that the firewall set up by the wolf god was very unusual.After this wave of attacks ended, the defense value only dropped from 90.00% to [-]%.

(End of this chapter)

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