The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1279 Cyber ​​War!

Chapter 1279 Cyber ​​War!

What made Jiang Quan and others even more desperate was that the firewall actually had a perverted self-healing function.The number that symbolized the defense value, after falling to 90.00%, began to rise, but it returned to the high level of 90.00% in the blink of an eye. "This is..." Jiang Quan was completely dumbfounded, and he was terrified by the abnormality of the wolf god.

Even if the firewall does not have the self-healing ability, it will take at least 10 minutes to defeat the firewall, and if the ability of the firewall to automatically repair is included, it may not take more than 10 minutes. They basically want to break through the firewall. impossible.But inside the firewall, Song Shuang might not be able to resist the wolf god and almost all his wolf cubs alone for 5 minutes.In other words, after Wolf God defeated Song Shuang, not only would he have enough time to attack the main server, download all the confidential information stored in the main server, and even have enough time to escape.

If such a thing really happened, it would not be described as a fiasco or a complete failure.Such a heavy defeat, not to mention any one of Jiang Quan and the others, could not afford it, even the whole country could not afford it.

However, all this seemed inevitable. Jiang Quan, the network security department, which has always been known for its calmness, was really flustered at this time.The entire network security department fell into a deathly silence, only Song Shuang, who was unconscious, was exerting his greatest ability and entangled with Wolf God and others desperately.

The huge purple dot representing the wolf god launched another attack, and the turbulent attack wave hit Song Shuang and the firewall behind her like a blood dragon.Song Shuang's beautiful eyebrows were clustered, and she did not want to show weakness and released her unique secret skill Death Rose.The black rose collided with the blood-colored dragon. After a brief confrontation, Song Shuang's death rose was torn apart by the dragon in an instant, turning into countless petals and falling everywhere. The domineering aura slammed into the last firewall that guarded all the secrets of the Military Security Bureau.The defense value of the firewall immediately dropped below [-]%, the system's alarm bell was triggered immediately, and it rang extremely harshly, making many people tremble involuntarily, even Sikong Ming was no exception.

"Hahaha... you are finished, surrender!" A line of Nuoda characters suddenly appeared on the top of the computer screen.It was hit by the wolf god.Through this line of characters, anyone can feel how proud and rampant the wolf god behind the characters is.There was an indescribably intense anger rising in the hearts of all the people.The scolding immediately resounded throughout the hall.No wonder they were emotional, even Li Xiaogang was aroused by this sentence at this time, he rubbed his hands together, making crackling sounds.The crisp sound startled Lin Tian, ​​and Lin Tian's heart was shaken. Looking back, seeing Li Xiaogang was there, he hurriedly said: "Dragon God, it's your turn to play! Teach them a lesson!"

Needless to say, Lin Tian, ​​Li Xiaogang was also ready to act, turned around and found a computer in a corner, and no one would pay attention, turned around and walked straight over.Lin Tian wanted to follow, but Li Xiaogang shook his head and said in a low voice, "I'm not used to being watched."

Lin Tian frowned and stopped knowingly.Before Li Xiaogang came to bring the computer, he realized that the reason why the computer was placed in the corner was because it was broken and unusable.But this has no effect on Li Xiaogang.With a slight smile, Li Xiaogang's spiritual sense came out of his body, and he got into the light, just like a Ferrari racing car on the highway. Li Xiaogang's spiritual sense ran to his heart's content, rushing straight to where Song Shuang was. past.

The wolf god's attack is much more powerful than the combined attacks of his wolf cubs.Every attack will cause a certain amount of damage to the firewall, and it will make Song Shuang suffer from wave after wave of blows.If it weren't for Song Shuang's excellent technology, her computer would probably have crashed by now.However, despite relying on his tenacious will and strong sense of responsibility, Song Shuang still persevered and refused to give up.But in the face of the powerful attack of the wolf god, how long can she continue to hold on?The defense value of the firewall kept dropping, getting closer and closer to the brink of collapse.And under the wolf god's despotic power, she didn't even have a chance to fight back, so she could only blindly be beaten passively.

Outside the firewall set up by the wolf god, Jiang Quan and his group continued to attack the firewall, but unfortunately the effect was insignificant.The defense value of that firewall is like an old lady who can't walk, and refuses to jump for a long time.More and more people began to despair, and more and more people thought of giving up.A sense of powerlessness is quietly emerging in people's hearts.

The wolf god and his wolf cubs still sneered at them from time to time. This kind of contradiction of having more energy than energy made everyone present clenched their fists tightly. Sikong Ming felt that at such a juncture, he should say something To encourage everyone, but there is only a blank in his brain, as if the consciousness has been stripped from his body.This hopeless feeling of being unable to do anything in the face of disaster is making his heart hurt like a thousand arrows passing through.A line of subtitles appeared on the computer screen in front of Song Shuang again, from the wolf god, which read, "The nightmare has just begun, I not only want your information, but also all of you. Just wait and see, the good show is yet to come." It's in the back, hahaha..."

Si Kongming didn't understand why the wolf god wanted their lives, and he didn't have the heart to think about it at this moment.If the information of the Military Defense Bureau was stolen, he might as well be dead.Just when everything was about to become a foregone conclusion and the Military Guards Bureau was about to usher in a disastrous defeat, suddenly a golden light radiated from the upper peak of the screen, and slowly transformed into a line of golden characters. Looking at its content, one couldn’t help but Everyone, including Song Shuang, was taken aback.

"The barbarian small country, the tyrannical guards deceive me into the power of Huaxia, and I will never recover!"

Although this line of words is short, the words are full of sacred domineering and majesty. When Song Shuang read it, he felt as if he had been injected with stimulants, and his blood boiled.Just as everyone was guessing who the golden light was emitting from, a clear and clear dragon chant came to people's ears clearly and unmistakably.Song Shuang couldn't believe his eyes, and even forgot that he was still hostile to the wolf god at this moment, and jumped up from his seat in shock.If the wolf god took the opportunity to deliver a fatal blow to Song Shuang now, Song Shuang would probably be doomed, but unfortunately, the wolf god at this time was obviously shocked by the sudden golden light, and missed this once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity. opportunity.

Just when everyone was guessing who did it, Lin Tian couldn't help but sat in the corner, looking at Li Xiaogang who was looking at the computer solemnly, a heart that was mentioned in mid-air fell back into his stomach. He took a long breath, and sighed in his heart, "That's so dangerous!" "Look, what is that?" Suddenly, an exclamation sounded from the crowd, pointing to a golden light that suddenly flashed on the screen and asked loudly.The golden light was like a golden dragon flying from the sky, getting bigger and more powerful. When it appeared on the screen, the golden dragon almost occupied half of the screen. Dots of light, I don’t know how many times more gorgeous and eye-catching.

Seeing the giant dragon Yan Songshuang wriggling on the screen, exuding an incomparably sacred golden light, he could no longer restrain the emotions deep in his heart, and even couldn't help sobbing softly.Of course, what Song Shuang shed at this time was tears of happiness, tears of joy.Song Shuang stared blankly at the golden dragon on the screen, as if he was looking at Li Xiaogang, a strong love flowed like a torrent in his heart.

"It's the Dragon God, it's His Excellency the Dragon God who has arrived!" Many people in the Network Security Department have personally experienced the hacker war between China, Japan and the United States, and have seen with their own eyes how the Dragon God is admired by others. The posture swept all directions.

At such a critical juncture, the Dragon God suddenly appeared. From the eyes of everyone, it was as if the Lord of the World had felt it in time. They only felt that all dangers would pass away, and their hearts fell to the ground.At the same time, worries were swept away, replaced by strong curiosity and faint excitement.I eagerly want to see how the dragon god beats the wolf god.

"Dragon God, you finally appeared!" As soon as the Dragon God appeared, the Wolf God immediately turned all his attention to the Dragon God.Listening to the wolf god's tone as if he was waiting for him here, Li Xiaogang couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and conjured up a few words on the screen, "You knew I would come?" The wolf god laughed a few times presumptuously, and said: "The dragon god Known as the patron saint of Huaxia Network, now that Huaxia Network is facing danger, how can you stand by?" Li Xiaogang sneered, and said: "So, you know that I am coming, but you still dare to attack the Wuwei Bureau. It seems that You were already prepared for me."

The wolf god said coldly: "I was also one of the people who were defeated by you in the hacker war two years ago. Since then, I have vowed to defeat you. So for the past two years, I only slept three times a day. For hours, I practiced my hacking skills hard, and finally made me what I am today. All this is to defeat you." Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said sarcastically: "I only sleep for three hours a day, I guess You must be human right now, ghost or ghost, I really sympathize with you."

"Wei..." Li Xiaogang obviously angered the wolf god, who said in a cold and vicious tone: "As long as I can defeat you, as long as I can completely destroy Huaxia's network and return Huaxia to the Stone Age overnight, I will be considered a People are not people, ghosts are not ghosts, so what? Hahaha..."

"It's not good, it's just that you are dreaming. With my Dragon God here, even if you really become a ghost, you can't even think about the conspiracy!" Li Xiaogang said. "Isn't it? Now that Huaxia's network has been under my feet, I only need the last ten seconds to destroy the last firewall of your Military Security Bureau. But you have a way to use ten seconds. Destroy the firewall I set up? You know, this firewall was written after years of painstaking efforts. The most terrifying thing about it is that it can absorb 50.00% of the enemy's attack and transform it into its own defensive energy. I’m not exaggerating if I say it’s an impossible firewall.”

Li Xiaogang took a look at the firewall set up by the wolf god. In the eyes of others, it is a solid wall, but in its eyes, it is just a bunch of meaningless codes. Just researched such a crap? If that’s the case, I think you should change careers as soon as possible. As a hacker, you really don’t have much talent.” As a hacker, especially a top hacker, what you hate the most is yourself The programs that have been written through hard work are regarded as garbage and abused arbitrarily.The wolf god seemed to be angry, and the purple light representing him seemed to have a cramp and wandered around for a while, floating around, as if a person was running wild.

Li Xiaogang just watched coldly, until the wolf god calmed down, and then said quietly: "Why, I hurt your self-esteem just now? Then do I need to apologize?" The wolf god resisted the urge to go crazy again, with a full heart The hatred threw out a line of words, "Since you are so dismissive of my firewall, then you can break it for me. However, you only have ten seconds. After ten seconds, I will completely destroy the Wuwei Bureau." Even the entire Chinese network!"

(End of this chapter)

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