The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1280 The Power of the Dragon God

Chapter 1280 The Power of the Dragon God
"Wolf God, you are too arrogant, don't forget, I am still here. If you want to crack this last line of defense within ten seconds, then you have to see if I agree with you first!" Seeing Li Xiaogang coming, Song Shuang's Unlimited fighting spirit emerged in my heart again, and I threw out a line of words full of confidence.The wolf god sneered contemptuously, and said, "Death Rose? Just because you want to stop me, the wolf god, is simply fantastic. I just raise my hand and I can wipe you out!" Song Shuang, who was underestimated, was very Dissatisfied, he typed out a line full of annoyance, "How dare you look down on Miss Ben? If I catch you, see if I don't tear your dog's mouth!"

"Hey, I'm afraid you won't have this chance in your life." Wolf God said with a sneer.Song Shuang was about to give birth, when suddenly a line of subtitles floated up from Dragon God, saying, "Honey, don't be as knowledgeable as him, he is dying, let's see how my husband accepts him later!"

Hearing Li Xiaogang say such nasty words in full view, Song Shuang's pretty face turned red all of a sudden, both happy and ashamed in her heart, wishing to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, shyly typing on the computer After typing out the word "En!", as soon as the word appeared on the screen, a series of mournful cries filled with heartache burst out from the crowd...

Song Shuang is as beautiful as a flower, and can be said to be the dream goddess in the hearts of all men.There are plenty of people who think about her.Especially Song Shuang at the same time, always thinks that the moon is the first to be close to the water, and he is even more attentive to Song Shuang.However, at this time, seeing Song Shuang's conversation with the Dragon God undoubtedly announced to them that Song Shuang had already had a master, and this "lord" was still an existence that they looked up to and respected all the time. The possibility of competition is not going to help them feel heartache.Hearing this one sound after another, which seemed to be an endless cry of pain, Li Xiaogang couldn't help being startled, feeling proud and scared at the same time.

Li Xiaogang is naturally proud of his woman being sought after by so many men.What frightened him was that he didn't even know that Song Shuang was thrown into this typical wolf's den.If Song Shuang was really snatched away one day, wouldn't his intestines be ruined?Ignoring his own existence, he showed his love in front of his face, which made the wolf god, who had a bad temper, even more annoyed. : "Dare to love Death Rose and Dragon God, you are a team of dogs and men, hahaha..."

The wolf god's act of looking for death finally completely angered Li Xiaogang, let out a heavy cold snort from his swollen nose, and released a line of golden words on the screen, "Wolf boy, you don't want me to break you in ten seconds!" Firewall, I’ll let you open your eyes, open your dog’s eyes to see clearly!”

When this line of golden words gradually blurred, everyone couldn't help but hold their breath, and stared at the computer screen with wide eyes, ready to see how the Dragon God would show his might.After a very brief silence, the huge golden dragon on the top of the screen suddenly twisted and rolled violently.Although it's just a virtual picture, the powerful power that accompanies its movements seems to exist, making those who watched it tremble all over, with their hearts raised in their throats.

Accompanied by a beautiful "Shenlong Wagging Tail", the golden dragon's tail was surrounded by a golden light, and hit the firewall fiercely. Countless golden lights came out of the golden dragon's tail in an instant, strands, strands, strands Like a golden snake, it got into the firewall and disappeared. The golden light disappeared, but the firewall was still standing there intact, and the progress bar showing the defense value of the firewall was still showing [-]%. The network security department was trapped In the dead silence, everyone couldn't believe that such a mighty blow from the Dragon God could prevent the firewall from being damaged at all, but they couldn't help but believe in the glaring numbers. In such a mood, everyone could only remain silent. .

The wolf god's extremely insolent and hypocritical laughter floated on the computer screen, "Hahahaha... Dragon God, you are nothing more than that!" At that moment, they suddenly heard an icy-cold groan, as if it sounded from hell, and they couldn't help but feel a chill in their hearts.

And at this moment, suddenly, a dazzling golden light burst out from the inside of the firewall.Afterwards, it was like a chain reaction, one after another life light kept stealing out, covering the entire firewall in an instant, anyone could see that the Dragon God's attack began to work.The numbers on the progress bar seemed to have been taken with laxatives, and they plummeted at a rapid pace.It is estimated that the wolf god was completely stunned by this scene. The purple light point representing him did not move for more than ten seconds.

The golden light diffused, and the firewall was like a dam broken by a flood. It collapsed layer by layer, and finally turned into a pile of ruins with a beep.Li Xiaogang's Golden Dragon followed closely behind and appeared next to Song Shuang, "Roar!!" A burst of cheers resounded like explosives being ignited suddenly, resounding throughout the Wuwei Bureau.Even Si Kongming, who was always dignified and serious, didn't hold back this time, and pounded the table with both hands, venting the excitement in his heart at this moment.

Jiang Quan's reaction was extremely fast. While everyone was cheering for this, he had already entered the last firewall of the Military Security Bureau's network and put on a defensive posture.After all, the last firewall of the Martial Security Bureau has less than [-]% of its defense value left. If the defense is not launched immediately, it is likely to be breached by the wolf god, causing system paralysis and data leakage.However, now that there is a powerful and unpredictable dragon god, Jiang Quan's heart is much calmer and more at ease.

"Dragon God is indeed a Dragon God, and he defeated my ultimate firewall in one fell swoop. It seems that everyone's praise for you for so long is not unreasonable." Wolf God, who had been silent for a long time, spoke again.However, at this moment, Li Xiaogang seemed to have no time to pay attention to him.The golden dragon representing Li Xiaogang kept circling the death rose representing Song Shuang. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that this was Li Xiaogang trying to curry favor with Song Shuang.

Song Shuang's face was full of shyness, and it was so red that it made people love it.Although shy, Song Shuang was secretly happy, hoping that Li Xiaogang would always be with her like this.

"Dragon God! Damn it, why should you respect your opponent!" Seeing the Dragon God and Death Rose, who were so indifferent, completely threw him aside. Naturally, the arrogant Wolf God couldn't bear it. Full of resentment, Zhu threw out a line of words.When Li Xiaogang was thinking about how to further please Song Shuang, he was disturbed by the wolf god all the time, and he was very angry and said in an impatient tone: "Are you annoying, like a fly?" Yes, buzzing and buzzing, you can’t drive them away. I think you are the one who hates it!"

Arrogant, conceited, and defiant, the God of Wolf can't wait to use all the most vicious words in the world on Li Xiaogang, so that he can dispel the hatred in his heart.However, as an excellent hacker, the wolf god understands that it is a terrible thing to lose his calm in a battle with the enemy.So he suppressed the anger in his heart and asked gloomyly: "What principle did you use to completely defeat my firewall in an instant? Otherwise, you have found the fatal weakness in my firewall. But how is this possible?" ? My ultimate firewall has been tested in countless battles, and there is no fatal weakness at all."

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said: "There is nothing truly perfect in the world. Everything has its weaknesses. Of course, your firewall is no exception. Do you want to know what its Achilles' heel is?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Although your attitude is not very polite, my lord has a lot of knowledge and I don't have the same knowledge as you. Let me tell you, the biggest weakness of your firewall is - It’s too weak, it’s too weak! You’re so embarrassed to take out such a rubbish thing, if it were me, I would have thrown it in the trash can.”

I have to admit that Li Xiaogang is also quite hurt sometimes.As soon as these words came out, God Wolf almost vomited blood in anger. If his subordinates had stopped him in time, he would have smashed the computer in front of him.I'm afraid the wolf god has been around since his debut.Song Shuang had never been subjected to such a useless attitude before, and he laughed happily beside him.She felt that she was not the only one who felt happy in her heart. Jiang Quan and other people from the Internet Security Department all laughed heartily.Li Xiaogang typed out a line of words "Wife, my husband vented your anger for you, isn't it great!" This time Song Shuang didn't feel shy anymore, but simply typed a line of words on the screen "Husband, you are really good!" ! Wife loves you!"

Song Shuang's words seemed to have injected Li Xiaogang with a strong stimulant. Li Xiaogang could hardly sit still, and released another line of domineering golden words on the screen, saying: "Wolf cub, hurry up!" Come here and die, after I kill you, I still have to go shopping with my wife, I don't have time to waste time here with you!" The humiliation, boundless as the sea, the humiliation that can drown people, enveloped the wolf god.If Li Xiaogang could see the wolf god, he would definitely find that the eyes of the wolf god have turned blood red because of hatred and anger.The Wolf God gritted his teeth and tapped the keyboard, and said, "Okay! Dragon God, you destroyed my firewall. In return, let me smash the last firewall of the Military Security Bureau. Take it!"

The handwriting was still on the screen, but the wolf god had already launched a powerful attack.A series of bloody attack waves started from the purple light spot, and with a strong momentum, they attacked the firewall behind the Dragon God at the same time.Although the attack waves are still some distance away, some defenders have accurately analyzed the attack power of these attack waves, and a trembling voice resounded in the crowd, "My God, the attack power... 32! "

(End of this chapter)

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