The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1282 Return the Bomb to You

Chapter 1282 Return the Bomb to You
After repeated pursuits, he finally got rid of the wolf god and found his location. Li Xiaogang couldn't help but feel relieved, and stretched long.Just when he was feeling refreshed, there was a sudden burst of fragrant wind from his nose, and then a blur in front of his eyes, a soft and enchanting body fell into his arms. Even with his eyes closed, Li Xiaogang knew that this was Song Xiaogang. Undoubtedly, both hands hurriedly and tightly wrapped around Song Shuang's small waist, and when he looked back, he saw Song Shuang's smiling face right in front of him, coupled with that tender and affectionate eyes, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but feel the pain in his heart. There was a burst of restlessness, and it fiercely imprinted the fragrant red lips of the beautiful woman in her arms, and there was a long and affectionate entanglement.

"Hey, I'm really envious of this person, why don't I have such a good fortune?" Seeing the two hugging each other tightly, Lin Tian felt envious in his heart, pouted, and said sadly.Song Shuang looked up at him, curled his lips and said, "If a strange person like you can have good luck, that sow can also climb a tree." Lin Tian went crazy for a while, and said angrily "You girl, don't think I won't dare to do anything to you because your husband is here."

Song Shuang held Li Xiaogang's neck with both hands proudly, giggled at Lin Tian and said, "You just don't dare to do anything to me. Otherwise, try to touch me." "I..."

Li Xiaogang was sitting here, Lin Tian didn't dare to mess around even if he had a hundred guts, he just gritted his teeth angrily, but there was nothing he could do. "Hahaha... I asked why the Dragon God appeared in such a timely manner. It turns out that you have been here, Li Xiaogang. If I had known you were here earlier, I wouldn't have to worry as much as I did just now. You don't know, I almost had a heart attack just now. All committed." With a series of hearty laughter, Sikong Ming and Jiang Quan walked over together.

The other people heard that the Dragon God was here, and they all wanted to go up to see the style of the Dragon God, but they were stopped by Jiang Quan, perhaps because they were afraid that this would cause Li Xiaogang's displeasure.After all, Li Xiaogang and Sikong Ming are old acquaintances.When Li Xiaogang was still fiddling with his fruit seedlings in Xingfu Village, Si Kongming had approached him.Got into a fight with him.As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other. The relationship between Li Xiaogang and Sikong Ming is pretty good.Seeing Sikongming, Li Xiaogang stood up and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, Chief Si, I broke in without notifying you." Sikongming laughed and said, "Come on. It's not like you don't know me, Sikongming. If you are really interested in the Wuwei Bureau, I am willing to give you my position as the director.
It is enough for me to be your deputy.

It's not that Sikong Ming said something nice, he really thought so in his heart.One Ge Jun shared most of his work. If he really got Li Xiaogang, then his life would not be as happy as a fairy.It's just that he also knows that this is impossible.To them, the Military Guard Bureau is just a small earth temple that cannot be smaller, so how can they accommodate such a great god? "Dragon God, thanks to your timely arrival this time, our Military Security Bureau survived the disaster. Here, on behalf of all colleagues in the entire Network Security Department, I would like to express my gratitude to you!" Jiang Quanman said solemnly to Li Xiaogang .

Li Xiaogang shook his head and smiled, "Don't say that. It is the responsibility of every citizen to defend the security of the country. Don't forget, I am also an upright Chinese. Faced with such a situation, of course it is impossible to stand idly by. By the way, I have traced the IP address of the Wolf God just now." "The IP address of the Wolf God? Didn't he escape just now?" Jiang Quan felt as if he was in a dream.Knowing the IP address of the wolf god is something he can only dream of.

Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, and said quietly: "Escape! Unless his parents can give him an extra leg!" Catch them all in one go. In this way, the wolf god will no longer be able to threaten our Huaxia network! Xiao Gang, tell me the location of the wolf god right away, and I will give the order!" Sikong Ming couldn't help being full of excitement and excitement. Excitedly said to Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang nodded, and was about to report the location of the wolf god to Sikongming, when he suddenly heard a voice asking from the corridor outside the door, "Huh? Whose briefcase is this?" Li Xiaogang subconsciously looked for his reputation, and saw a job The staff was holding up a black briefcase, asking everyone over and over again, and Li Xiaogang felt very familiar with that briefcase.

Just as Li Xiaogang was thinking about where he had seen this briefcase before, Lin Tianzhi, a combatant, saw that the briefcase had not been claimed for a long time, his heart suddenly changed, and he shouted loudly, "Get down, get down!" Get off!" Lin Tian roared, and rushed towards the man holding the briefcase, before the man had time to react, Lin Tian knocked him to the ground and snatched the briefcase.Li Xiaogang also realized that the situation was not good, and came to Lin Tian's side in a flash.Song Shuang subconsciously wanted to follow, but was stopped by Si Kongming. Song Shuang looked at Si Kongming in surprise, but saw that Si Kongming's face was full of seriousness and dignity at this time, which made Song Shuang's heart ache. The heart couldn't help but lifted it up.

Lin Tian carefully placed the briefcase flat on the ground.Then he gently pushed the unlock button on the briefcase, and with a click, the cover of the briefcase automatically popped open a gap, and a red light came out of the gap immediately, making Lin Tian's body involuntarily shuddered.Lifting the lid of the briefcase, Lin Tian and Li Xiaogang finally saw the contents clearly, but couldn't help but gasp at the same time.I saw that what was contained in the briefcase was a plastic high-explosive time bomb.The numbers displayed on the timer indicated that it was less than 50 seconds before the explosion.

Judging by Lin Tian's experience, this time bomb is powerful enough to blow up the entire Military Security Bureau building.If you start escaping now, you can escape from the building within 50 seconds, not to mention that there are many, many people in the building, and they don't even know that a bomb is about to explode at this time, let alone It is said that the organization was evacuated.Perhaps at this time, the bomb should be thrown out of the building.However, there is a busy road outside the building of the Military Security Bureau, and there is a bustling pedestrian street nearby. Once the explosives explode outside the building, the building of the Military Security Bureau may be spared, but I don’t know what is happening on the street outside. How many people will die unexpectedly.

Lin Tian is a fighter with extremely rich combat experience, but at this time his mind is blank, and he can only watch the time passing by second by second.Lin Tian has never felt that time is so precious. He always hopes that these 50 seconds can be as long as fifty hours or fifty days.Just when Lin Tian didn't know what to do, the face of the owner of the briefcase suddenly appeared in Li Xiaogang's mind, and a sneer appeared on his face. "Brother Gang, what should we do? Let's think of a way." Lin Tian knew that he was powerless, so he could only put all his hopes on Li Xiaogang, with an eager look on his face, and looked at Li Xiaogang eagerly.

The power of this bomb can be seen at a glance. If it explodes, no one here will be able to survive.The scythe of death was coming slowly, all the people couldn't help holding their breath, they didn't dare to take a breath, they just stared at Li Xiaogang closely, hoping that he could think of a way.Li Xiaogang picked up the briefcase containing the bomb without saying a word, turned around and ran outside. "Xiao Gang!" Song Shuang couldn't help being nervous, and couldn't help shouting loudly. Li Xiaogang turned his head and smiled at her, made a gesture of reassurance to her, and disappeared from everyone's sight in a blink of an eye. .Song Shuang's hands and ten fingers were tightly pinched together, his face was full of undisguised worry.

When he came to the corner, Li Xiaogang immediately teleported while there was no one around.At this time, Philip, who was in charge of bringing the explosives into the building of the Military Security Bureau, had successfully walked out of the Military Security Bureau. He was sitting in a cafe not far from the Military Security Bureau, and ordered a cup of fragrant coffee. While drinking leisurely, waiting to appreciate the moment when the bomb exploded.Philip was drinking, when his eyes suddenly blurred, and then there was another person opposite him.Philip turned around in astonishment, and when he saw Li Xiaogang, he couldn't help being taken aback, and asked in surprise, "It's you? Why are you here?"

Li Xiaogang looked at him with a smile, and said faintly: "It took me a long time to find you. Your briefcase was left in the Military Security Bureau. I was afraid that you would be worried, so I specially brought it here for you, here it is!" said Then, he stuffed the briefcase with the bomb into Philip's hand.Philip was taken aback, his complexion changed drastically, and he said in a trembling voice, "No, no, no, this is not mine, you misidentified the person!" Looking at Philip's frightened face that had already lost all color, Li Xiaogang said solemnly: "How could it be? I clearly saw you carrying this bag, so it can't be wrong. You're welcome, just take it! It's the traditional virtue of us Chinese people to pick up money without ignorance!"

This is a deadly bomb, how dare Philip take it?Hastily threw the briefcase on the table, stood up, and said, "I'm sorry, this is not mine, I can't take it, I have to leave first!" Philip was worried that the bomb would explode at any moment, so he turned around impatiently and wanted to leave, but But Li Xiaogang pulled him back to his seat, leaned close to his ear and said in a deep voice: "We can't afford this great gift from God of Wolf. In my opinion, you should take it back and return it to him!" After finishing speaking, Pushing the briefcase into Philip's hand, he asked lightly, "Have you bought the ticket to go back?"

Philip was stunned, but before he could react, he heard Li Xiaogang continue to say: "I knew you didn't buy it, so I bought it for you. Now the time is up, let's go!" After finishing speaking, his right hand suddenly released a brilliant purple Guanghua wrapped Philip and the briefcase in it.Just when Philip was terrified and didn't know what happened, the purple light took him up and flew towards the goal set by Li Xiaogang like electricity.The last thing Philip heard was Li Xiaogang's cold, emotionless countdown voice, "Nineteen, eight..."

The wolf god was waiting for good news from Philip, when a dazzling purple light suddenly appeared unexpectedly.The purple light was so strong and dazzling that Wolf God and the others couldn't help but close their eyes. After the purple light passed, Philip, who had been completely stunned, and the official document tightly held in his hand suddenly appeared in front of their eyes. Bag. "Philip!? Aren't you in Huaxia now? Why are you here?" Seeing Philip, the wolf god was taken aback and couldn't hide his confusion and doubts, and asked repeatedly.But Philip had been frightened out of his wits for a long time now, where could he hear the question of the wolf god.The wolf god asked several times, but Philip still refused to answer.Just as the wolf god was about to get angry, he suddenly noticed the briefcase in Philip's hand. The wolf god's heart sank, and he subconsciously grabbed the briefcase and opened it.A red light flashed quickly in the bag, and the number on the timer jumped from an instant to zero.

A loud bang suddenly shook the land of country M. The wolf god didn't even understand what happened, so he, together with his team members, was torn into pieces by the power of the explosives and disappeared between the heaven and the earth.Regarding this mysterious explosion, country M did not give too much explanation, only inferring that it was an ordinary gas explosion, but no one knew that in this ordinary gas explosion, almost one-third of the people in country M died The second hacker elite.

Treating others in the same way, killing the wolf god and his team, at least for a long time, the hackers of country M dare not make trouble with China's network services, Li Xiaogang is very upset excited.Humming a little tune, he returned to the Wuwei Bureau.Lin Tian, ​​Si Kongming and the others who were anxiously waiting for the sound of the explosion never heard the sound of the explosion. They knew in their hearts that the most likely bomb had already been taken care of by Li Xiaogang.When they saw Li Xiaogang reappearing in front of them in a leisurely manner, a burst of cheers burst into the sky, as if the entire roof was about to be toppled over.Song Shuang couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart, and hugged Li Xiaogang together.

Lin Tian heaved a sigh of relief with some fear, and murmured: "No wonder the chief will try his best to keep him in the bureau. With him, grandma's is like having an extra amulet!" He didn't ask Li Xiaogang how to dispose of the bomb. He knew that at this time, if he wanted to dispose of the bomb, he had to use extraordinary methods, and how could Li Xiaogang casually tell others about extraordinary methods, so it was useless to ask. ask.

(End of this chapter)

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