The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1283 Throwing it to Country M

Chapter 1283 Throwing it to Country M

Sikong Ming stepped forward, held Li Xiaogang's hand, and said with a chuckle: "Xiao Gang, you saved all of us this time, and I don't know how to thank you." Li Xiaogang waved his hand proudly and said: "It doesn't matter, it's just a little effort, what's the point?" Si Kongming nodded, and finally couldn't help asking: "Is there anyone dead?" Li Xiaogang frowned and said: "Such a big bomb, Can people not be killed if it explodes?" Si Kongming's heart sank, and he subconsciously asked: "Then how many died?" Li Xiaogang frowned and pondered for a while, then said: "About a hundred or so."

"One... a hundred? Oh my god!" Si Kongming couldn't help shouting in surprise.In a case where more than 100 people died at one time, Si Kongming had worked as the director of military defense all his life, and he had never encountered it once. He felt that this time he might have to write the report until he retired. He couldn't help showing a bitter smile on his face, and said quietly : "Compared to the entire Military Defense Bureau building being sent to the sky, it is a blessing in misfortune to have a hundred people die. Xiao Gang, tell me, where did you throw the bomb? We can also go to investigate the scene, It's good to have enough information to write a report when I come back.

Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Of course I can tell you where the explosion site is, but it may not be so easy for you to investigate the site, because I dropped the bomb in country M. If you want to investigate the site, you must first obtain the The official approval of country M is enough." "What!? You threw the bomb into country M? How did you do it?" Lin Tian couldn't suppress the horror in his heart, and asked curiously.Li Xiaogang smiled mysteriously at him, and said, "I'm sorry, it's a secret!" Sikong Ming heaved a long sigh of relief, and said slowly, "Although the innocent people of country M suffered, I also feel sorry for them." It's a bit irritating, but it's better than letting our compatriots die. Hehe..."

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Director, do you think I look like the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately? Don't worry, all the people who died this time were damned, and none of them were innocent." "Huh? You..." Xie Tian and Si Kongming looked at Li Xiaogang in astonishment.Li Xiaogang smiled mysteriously at the two of them, and said slowly: "To be honest, I returned the bomb to the wolf god. It's a pity that the wolf god hasn't cultivated enough yet, and I'm afraid he's working as a hacker in the underworld right now." Well, hahaha..." "The wolf god is dead?" Song Shuang couldn't help feeling excited.You know, for so many years, she has been dealing with the wolf god, and she knows how terrible the wolf god and his existence are to China.This time because of Li Xiaogang's help, they defeated the wolf god, what about next time, next time?Not only Song Shuang had this kind of worry, everyone had the same worry.It's just that everyone didn't want to spoil this rare festive atmosphere, so they didn't want to bring it up.

There are only two ways to completely eliminate the wolf god's threat to Huaxia Network. One is to keep Li Xiaogang in the Military Security Bureau and be ready to meet the wolf god's challenge at any time, but this is obviously impossible.The other is to get rid of the wolf god.But the wolf god has always been cunning, and his whereabouts are erratic. The overseas operations team of the Military Security Bureau tried to eradicate him several times, but he escaped.No one thought that he would fall into Li Xiaogang's hands so easily, no wonder Song Shuang was so excited.Li Xiaogang nodded with a smile, and said: "Not only the wolf god, but also his wolf cubs were all taken by me.

"Husband, you are so kind! You have helped us a lot!" Song Shuang was so excited that she completely ignored that they were at the center of everyone's attention. She desperately found Li Xiaogang's thick lips and kissed them vigorously. .It wasn't until there were cheers and cheers all around that Song Shuang snuggled into Li Xiaogang's arms with a blushing face.She lowered her head shyly and played with her fingers, that appearance really wanted to give Li Xiaogang a crush.

Li Xiaogang felt indescribably proud of having a top-notch beauty like Song Shuang as his partner. He turned to look at Si Kongming, and said with a smile, "Director Si, I think you will give Song Shuang a few days off, right? ?” Facing Li Xiaogang, Si Kongming dared not say anything, nodded hurriedly, and said: “The Network Security Department eradicated the wolf god and defended the dignity of Huaxia Network. It is a great contribution, and all staff are on vacation in shifts.” Si Kongming’s voice As soon as it fell, it immediately caused a series of cheers.Even Song Shuang couldn't help pursing his lips and laughing.Li Xiaogang put his arms around Song Shuang's small waist, waved his hands at Sikong Ming and Lin Tian, ​​and walked away.Facing the back of Li Xiaogang going away, Si Kongming not only sighed a long time, but felt that there was a huge treasure in front of him, but it was a pity that he had not found the key to open this treasure for a long time.

In the cafe outside the Wuwei Bureau, Song Shuang was so excited that she vented her excitement by chirping like a little sparrow, and would not stop for a moment.Li Xiaogang sat across from Song Shuang, looking at him quietly and gently, smiling from time to time.The two moved and remained still, and together they formed an incomparably beautiful picture, which made the other guests of the cafe see it in their eyes, but envy them in their hearts.

Song Shuang was so excited, Li Xiaogang's appearance was undoubtedly a huge surprise to her, and she even felt as if she was in a dream.She expresses her excitement on her own, but she doesn't know that the beloved person sitting opposite her is full of guilt, and the more excited she is, the more guilty Li Xiaogang feels. strong.Finally, Li Xiaogang couldn't help looking at Song Shuang, and murmured: "Shuang'er, I'm sorry! I can't spare more time to accompany you. Many times I unconsciously ignore your feelings. I let you down. Bar?"

Song Shuang was stunned for a moment, then calmed down, looked at Li Xiaogang affectionately, grasped his big hand in his own, shook his head slowly, and said: "Fool, what are you talking about? Although you are not by my side, your heart is always with me. When you are not around, I can miss you, miss your smile, miss your tenderness, and I have never felt lonely for a moment." Song Shuang said As he spoke, he put Li Xiaogang's hand on his face and stroked it lightly. The whole person was immersed in a kind of great happiness and couldn't extricate himself.

Hearing Song Shuang's soft words, Li Xiaogang's heart warmed up.He pulled Song Shuang into his arms with all his strength, hugged her tightly, leaned into her ear, and said slowly: "Dear baby, believe me, in a few years, I will I will be by your side all the time and never leave. I want to give you happiness and make all the women in the world envy you!
Song Shuang leaned into Li Xiaogang's arms emotionally, murmured with blurred eyes: "Fool, you don't know, in fact, we are now women who are envied by women all over the world, because we own you, and your heart belongs to us." In the past, Li Xiaogang always felt nauseous when talking about love, so he seldom said it.However, today, when the love is real, Li Xiaogang seems to have lost control, and keeps whispering all kinds of love words in Song Shuang's ear.Perhaps it was because Li Xiaogang spoke too little, so the love words he spoke were more touching. Listening to this, Song Shuang could not help but gather tears in his eyes. Of course, these tears were tears of excitement and happiness.

Today Li Xiaogang let go of everything, forgot everything for the time being, and just focused on accompanying Song Shuang, taking her around the entire capital city.The laughter of the two poured down along with the footsteps of the two, as if they were going to cover the entire capital, so that everyone could feel their happiness.As the sun was setting, Li Xiaogang was sitting on the rock on the top of the mountain with Song Shuang in his arms, surrounded by beautiful scenery covered by the afterglow. Li Xiaogang used the divine power of Nuwa to help Song Shuang block the harsh mountain wind. Their heads were leaning together, quietly Quietly admiring the splendor of the setting sun.The orange-red sunlight from the sky reflected in the eyes of the two of them. Quietly, softly, happiness permeated the hearts of the two of them silently.The longing and longing for many days were finally satisfied at this moment. Song Shuangzhi felt that he was going to be drunk, drunk in the afterglow of the setting sun, drunk in this strong tenderness...

Love is constantly fermenting and sublimating in a quiet and comfortable atmosphere, becoming deeper and more fragrant.Neither Li Xiaogang nor Song Shuang spoke, but their hearts never stopped communicating for a moment.This kind of spiritual confession is more real and more precious. Unknowingly, the setting sun is completely hidden behind the mountain, and the earth is plunged into darkness. Then the starlight is like the lights of thousands of families that have been lit. Lighting up one by one, hanging on the night sky for a short time, they interweave into a sea of ​​dazzling starlight.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!" Song Shuang couldn't help the excitement in her heart, and praised loudly.That crisp and sweet voice drifted far, far away with the evening wind, penetrating the entire deep night.Li Xiaogang smiled, and said slowly: "Although the starry sky is dazzlingly beautiful, it is not as beautiful as one-tenth of yours..." Li Xiaogang's voice was as soft as a spring breeze, with sincerity in it, not at all like The flamboyance in the playboy's mouth.

Song Shuang couldn't help but blushed and looked at Li Xiaogang shyly. This glance seemed like an electric current flashed through Li Xiaogang's heart instantly, making Li Xiaogang tremble. The seductive.Even though his mood was as calm as Li Xiaogang's, he couldn't help being moved at this moment, and gently embraced Song Shuang, and pressed a deep kiss on her bright red lips.This kiss almost contained all of Li Xiaogang's love, so it was so strong and hot that it almost melted Song Shuang completely.In Li Xiaogang's fiery kiss, Song Shuang had no other choice but to respond even more frantically.

Following this passionate kiss, like a blazing fire, it spread arrogantly and soon engulfed the two of them.

(End of this chapter)

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