The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1284 Fly to Paris

Chapter 1284 Fly to Paris

Li Xiaogang's throat became dry and astringent, and he finally couldn't help it, and pressed down on it.The two naked bodies were squeezed tightly together, and the stimulation of skin-to-skin contact made Song Shuang couldn't help but let out a seductive voice.This sound aroused Li Xiaogang's fire even more. On this deserted high hill, in this cool evening breeze and bright starlight...

Song Shuang hugged Li Xiaogang tightly, as if holding his own life, only felt that everything in this world could be discarded, only him in his arms could not.The stars are still shining, and the two are still immersed in the deep and inextricable love.Song Shuang leaned against Li Xiaogang, and Li Xiaogang hugged Song Shuang lightly, looking at the stars in the sky with distant eyes, his heart moved, and he pulled Song Shuang to stand up from the ground.

Song Shuang looked at Li Xiaogang in confusion, not knowing what he was going to do.Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, staring at Cang Wan.He said proudly: "Baby, you keep calling me Dragon God because it's a compliment to me. As everyone knows, in my eyes, Dragon God is insignificant!" Song Shuang looked at Li Xiaogang more and more confused, trying to understand What Li Xiaogang meant.Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said, "Honey, today I will tell you my biggest secret!" After finishing speaking, before Song Shuang could react, Li Xiaogang grabbed Song Shuang's hand fiercely and jumped into the high night sky Song Shuangqing Unexpectedly, he suddenly realized that he had left the ground and flew into the air. He couldn't help but exclaimed, closed his eyes instinctively, and hugged Li Xiaogang's neck tightly. Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "Don't be afraid baby, with me What! Open your eyes and see what you see."

With Li Xiaogang's encouragement, Song Shuang slowly opened his eyes.Opening his eyes, Song Shuang screamed again in fright.It turned out that they were standing at a height of [-] meters above the ground, with a bright starry sky above their heads, impressive lights of thousands of families under their feet, and the mischievous evening wind around them, which made Song Shuang feel as if he was in a dream. He murmured, "I...are we flying?"

"Yeah, let's fly together! Hahaha..." Li Xiaogang took Song Shuang's hand and kept spinning in the air, his hearty laughter completely broke the quiet night.Since ancient times, who doesn't envy those birds flying in the blue sky, who doesn't hope that God can give him a pair of wings, so that he can also fight in the sky, and experience the generosity and passion of letting birds fly in the sky.After the short-term fear subsided, only curiosity and inexplicable excitement remained in Song Shuang's heart, urging Li Xiaogang to take him to fly around, to experience the thrill of flying to the fullest.So in the deep night, not only Li Xiaogang's bold laughter permeated, but also Song Shuang's clear and moving laughter echoed.

Li Xiaogang took Song Shuangfei across mountains, rivers, and thousands of households, wishing he could visit the whole earth.And Song Shuang was like a tireless child who kept shouting, shouting, and laughing.In the past, fairy tale books always said that beautiful fairies danced on the clouds, and the wonderful sound of the harp echoed in their ears.This is a classic scene in the innocent dreams of countless children, and Song Shuang is no exception.The previous dream has now become a reality. On a snow-white cloud, Li Xiaogang is lying on the cloud, while Song Shuang dances cheerfully. Although there is no wonderful sound of the harp, Li Xiaogang is happy Laughter, to Song Shuang's ears, was much more beautiful than the melodious sound of the harp.

Just when Xiao Xi was dancing happily, Li Xiaogang hugged her suddenly, and hid her behind a cloud. Just as Song Shuang didn't know what happened, she was surprised, and when she wanted to ask, a huge roar came from far away. However, the nearest flyer turned out to be a plane that happened to pass by here.The plane flew over quickly, and Song Shuang couldn't help sticking out his tongue at Li Xiaogang.If they were seen by people in the plane, it would be strange if it didn't cause a crash.Being swept away by the plane, Song Shuang also felt a little tired, so she sat on the cloud next to Li Xiaogang and looked at him straight.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, knowing that he had asked the question when he was frank and lenient, and before Song Shuang asked, Li Xiaogang said first: "Actually, I am a demigod." "Demigod?" Song Shuang asked a little confused.Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said faintly: "The demigod means that I will become a real god sooner or later, but not at this moment..." As he spoke, Li Xiaogang picked up the fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen he accidentally picked up, and Song Shuang was told about the fact that she became a demigod with the help of Nuwa Yuanshen fragments.All of this is bizarre and full of fantasy, and it sounds like a complex and magnificent fantasy to Song Shuang.Jean, who had accepted scientific education long ago, didn't come back to her senses for a long time.

Li Xiaogang smiled bitterly, and said helplessly: "I knew you would look at me like this, so I don't want to tell you this. Dear, you must believe that I am still your Li Xiaogang, I It's not a monster, nor an alien!" Seeing Li Xiaogang's dumbfounding expression, Song Shuang said: "I'm sorry dear, I... I'm just too surprised. What you said is completely beyond my imagination—I really can't believe it , I actually fell in love with a god! This... this is crazy!" Li Xiaogang hugged Song Shuang's shoulders, and said anxiously: "No! There is nothing crazy about this. Just remember, no matter how I change, I am your Li Xiaogang, the lover who will accompany you for the rest of your life, that is enough!"

Song Shuang's crescent eyebrows were suddenly clustered tightly, and she murmured: "One life? But I'm just an ordinary person. Compared with your life, my life is so short. Maybe I will soon be gray-haired But you are always so young and handsome, will you still like me then?" Seeing Song Shuang's worried face, Li Xiaogang shook his head with a wry smile and said: "Little fool, what are you thinking? With me as a god , what else do you have to worry about. Your life will be as long as mine, and we will lean on each other together, watching the changes of the world, the ups and downs of the sea, until the last moment when the world is destroyed!" "Is it possible, is it really possible? ? Are you lying to me?" Song Shuang suddenly became excited and shouted.

Li Xiaogang nodded with a smile, and said, "Of course!" Song Shuang couldn't help but kissed Li Xiaogang excitedly and said repeatedly: "So, I can stay young forever and never grow old? It's really great You don’t know, as long as I think that I will become old and pale one day, I will be extremely worried in my heart. But it’s fine now, I don’t have to worry anymore in the future! Hehe…” Li Xiaogang walked out with a look of great disappointment Looking at him, he said bitterly: "So you are so excited because of this? I thought you were happy because you can be with me forever." Song Shuang hugged Li Xiaogang with a smile, and ruthlessly kissed him. Kissed his face, and said in a low voice: "You are so capable, it's too late for me to pester you, how can you be willing to let go of your hand?"

Song Shuang's words made Li Xiaogang's heart flutter, and a trace of satisfied joy flashed across his face, and he said with a smile: "It's not too bad!" Song Shuang smiled, and suddenly looked at Li Xiaogang seriously and asked: "My dear, You are a god looking down on the world, but I am just an ordinary girl among all living beings, do you think I am not worthy of you?"

Li Xiaogang glared at Song Shuang, and said in a deep voice: "You are still doubting this, I really should spank your ass. My love for you has already surpassed the boundary between man and god, unless I give up my life, Otherwise, Shuiyuan won't be able to give up. Besides, who said you are an ordinary girl? From the day your life trajectory coincides with mine, you have no chance to be ordinary."

Seeing that Song Shuang still couldn't let go of the doubts in his heart, Li Xiaogang frowned and said, "Well, if you still don't believe me, then I will swear." : "If I, Li Xiaogang, have the guts to let Song Shuang down one day, let me be hit by thunder and a terrible death!"

However, Li Xiaogang probably never dreamed that God would be so disrespectful to him. As soon as his words fell, a thunder exploded not far from the two of them.Song Shuang was startled, and subconsciously threw herself into Li Xiaogang's arms.Li Xiaogang turned his head and looked, only to see a thick rain cloud in the distance quickly pressing over.

"It seems to be raining, what should we do?" Song Shuang asked worriedly.Li Xiaogang thought for a while and said, "Come and I'll take you to a place where it doesn't rain, where the night view is more beautiful!" Where is that? "Song Shuang couldn't help asking. Li Xiaogang took Song Shuang's hand, and disappeared thousands of miles away in an instant, with only the lingering sound of the conversation echoing in the air, "Paris, the most romantic place in the world!" "Is it considered smuggling if we pass like this?" "Ah, let's figure it out! But it doesn't matter, the French dare to say a word, I will beat them!" "Isn't it too overbearing?" "Hahaha... who Let me be a god!"...

While Li Xiaogang and Song Shuang were floating leisurely over Paris, looking at the infinitely bright lights of thousands of houses, in the headquarters of China General Motors Group, Huang Ziwen was sitting behind his huge desk, watching the lights outside the huge floor-to-ceiling windows. With a cigar in his mouth, he would take a puff from time to time, and the smoke ring would make his face clear sometimes, and sometimes blurred. At this time, he would feel that he was high above him, like a god, looking down on the suffering world. world.Watching the painful life of ordinary people with cold eyes, admiring their struggle and wandering in difficulties, this gave him an unprecedented sense of melancholy.Sometimes even Huang Ziwen himself feels that he is perverted, but...he likes the feeling this perversion brings to him.

(End of this chapter)

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