The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1285 Perverted Huang Ziwen!

Chapter 1285 Perverted Huang Ziwen!
Outside the office, hundreds of people are working overtime according to his wishes.Although it was late at night, Huang Ziwen didn't mean to let them go off work because he was not sleepy yet.He is like this, he has always only cared about his own feelings, as for the life and death of others, it is definitely not what he cares about.Looking out through the blinds, at least half of the people are very impatient. Some of them have their own arrangements for the night. Maybe they have planned this arrangement a long time ago and have been looking forward to it for a long time , if possible, Huang Ziwen would like to hear their heartbroken voices now.The more eager these people are, the more excited Huang Ziwen is, because only in this way can he reflect his authority, which is what he thinks.

There was a rhythmic knock on the door, and Huang Ziwen slammed the cigar in his hand into the ashtray, and said in a deep voice, "Come in!" The graceful female secretary pushed the door open with slow steps. Come in.There was obviously a trace of fatigue hidden between the female secretary's brows, Huang Ziwen sensitively caught this trace of fatigue, and couldn't help feeling proud.This female secretary-general was extremely alluring, and he had noticed her the day she came to him.It's a pity that this female secretary is a typical ignorant woman, and she doesn't appreciate his various hints at all, but instead embarrass him from time to time, Huang Ziwen has always held a grudge.So I often leave her in the company to work overtime until late when I have nothing to do, and I want to see how long she can survive.

Huang Ziwen knows that he has a very bad reputation in the company. 90.00% of the employees in the company have scolded him behind his back, but Huang Ziwen doesn't care.In his opinion, a person who is not hated by others must be a mediocre person.Since you don't want to be a mediocre person, you must be prepared to be accused by thousands of people. "President, I've already found what you asked me to check." The female secretary's voice was clear and sweet, coupled with her delicate face, it made people sigh that God was really kind to her.

Huang Ziwen coughed, and said: "Tell me. Which company is so bold that it dares to take in those two traitors blatantly!" The female secretary was very dissatisfied with Huang Ziwen's style, but as a small secretary , the only thing she can do is dare not speak out.Taking a long breath, the female secretary replied: "Ma Bing and Zhou Tao joined a company named Longhao Group. This Longhao Group was established in the province of S. It is a very powerful agricultural materials company... "

"Wait, you said those two boys joined an agricultural material company? What are you doing, selling fertilizer?" Huang Ziwen asked puzzled.Female secretary: "No. Ever since the grain seeds with perfect genes were bred, the dependence of grain growth on some agricultural products such as chemical fertilizers has been greatly reduced, including Longhao Group. Under such circumstances, Longhao Group chose to switch production, and the field they switched production was automobiles." "What? You said that a company that produces chemical fertilizers wants to switch production to high-end automobiles in a whimsical way? They thought Cars are toys, can anyone make them?" Huang Ziwen couldn't help asking sarcastically, full of surprise.

The female secretary shook her head, and said flatly: "I think this is why they ignored our warning and took Ma Bing and Zhou Tao under their command? With Ma Bing and Zhou Tao, it's only a matter of time before they switch production smoothly. "Huang Ziwen frowned, looked at the female secretary a little unkindly, and said quietly: "Why, I hear you mean that you seem to admire the two of them, don't you?" The female secretary frowned and said: "No , I just said that with the abilities of Ma Bing and Zhou Tao, it is very possible to help Longhao Group complete the production change. Huang Ziwen snorted coldly and said, "Longhao Group?What a guts, this is clearly against us!
Don't they know that after they successfully transfer production, they will be under our rule?When the time comes, if I make them flat, they won't dare to round them! "The female secretary said faintly: "The background of this Longhao Group is not simple, I think the president should be more careful. "Huang Ziwen waved impatiently and said: "How can a small company that produces chemical fertilizers compete with us?Just wait, I'll make it die as ugly as it needs to be.

Huang Ziwen's arrogance and insidiousness really disgusted the female secretary, and she wanted to ask the bigwigs at the GM headquarters to ask them what was wrong with choosing Huang Ziwen as the president of GM's Huaxia District. Didn't he dig his own grave?The female secretary doesn't like Huang Ziwen, but she is a member of GM after all, and GM has given her a rich living environment, so she can't help but want to remind Huang Ziwen, but seeing Huang Ziwen's attitude, the female secretary can only He swallowed the words again, and only hoped that in the end, Huang Ziwen would die by himself, so as not to implicate them.

"President, should we launch an action against Longhao Group now?" The female secretary asked quietly.Huang Ziwen laughed a few times, and said slowly: "No! I have to wait. When Longhao Group completes the transfer of production and there is no way out, I will destroy it in one fell swoop! This time, it is better to kill chickens and monkeys. Let those who dare not obey our will see that there is only one end for resisting us, and that is to be smashed to pieces!"

Seeing that Huang Ziwen was full of confidence, as if he was the God who ruled over everything, the female secretary couldn't help curling her lips, feeling quite disapproving.GM is indeed a well-deserved aircraft carrier and super overlord in the automotive industry, but the days of this super overlord are getting worse and worse.With the rise of China, country H, and island countries, GM's market share is decreasing year by year, and it has shown a sharp decline in recent years.On the contrary, compared with those emerging auto industries, GM has shown more and more disadvantages.The most important thing to mention is the general burden.After more than 100 years of development, GM has created an automobile empire, but at the same time it has also carried a heavy burden.

GM has a huge number of retired employees that is unmatched by any company in the world.After retirement, these retired employees can still receive generous pensions from GM, and their share has reached more than 30.00% of the same annual profit, and this number is still showing a rising trend.Many economists even speculate that it won't be long before GM will be crushed alive by this heavy burden.

In addition, the salaries and benefits of GM's employees are amazing. Even an ordinary GM worker's salary is enough for him to live a middle-class life in country M.High wages undoubtedly greatly increased GM's production costs and became another disadvantage.While GM's burden is increasing, GM's turnover is dropping sharply every year, and GM's profits are shrinking sharply. The situation is becoming more and more severe.Even low-level employees like the female secretary are starting to worry, but the president of a district like Huang Ziwen is still thinking about how to plot against someone who has offended him. How can the female secretary not despise him?Even though Huang Ziwen was immersed in arrogance and arrogance, the female secretary asked boredly: "Mr. President, are you okay?"

Huang Ziwen was imagining the scene where Longhao Group collapsed, Ma Bing and Zhou Tao begged him for forgiveness on their knees, waved impatiently and said: "It's okay, you can go out." The female secretary took a few steps, then stopped suddenly Stopped, turned around and said to him: "By the way, President, it is already late at night, can we stop working overtime and let everyone go back?" Huang Ziwen turned to look at her coldly, and said: "Want to get off work? Don't you See, even I insist on going to work here, so what right do they have to propose to get off work? You go out and tell them, keep working, and no one will leave until the work is finished!" The female secretary opened her mouth, but did not say After speaking, he finally sighed helplessly, turned and walked out of Huang Ziwen's office.Huang Ziwen snorted coldly, lay back on the swivel chair, and continued to enjoy the bustling night scene outside the window...

"Xiao Gang, where are you taking me?" Song Shuang sat in the car, looking at Li Xiaogang in confusion and asked.Li Xiaogang said mysteriously: "You will know when you get there." Song Shuang curled her lips with some dissatisfaction, and said, "You know how to cheat, you are really cunning!" This day and night, Song Shuang and Li Xiaogang were together. How many times have I been surprised, how many surprises have I encountered.If Song Shuang hadn't developed the habit of exercising when she was a policeman, she would probably have had a heart attack by Li Xiaogang's endless surprises.But even though he said so on the lips, Song Shuang didn't know how beautiful it was in his heart.

With Song Shuang, the two arrived at the airport all the way.The airport was bustling with people coming and going, Song Shuang asked suspiciously: "Do you want to pick up someone?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Smart!" "Who is it?" Song Shuang asked subconsciously.

Li Xiaogang smiled lightly and said: "Don't ask now, you will know when the person arrives later." Song Shuang knew in her heart that if Li Xiaogang was willing to tell her, he would have told her on the way here, and it was just a passing word Asked, I never thought that Li Xiaogang would answer, so I didn't feel annoyed at all, just quietly nestled beside Li Xiaogang and waited for the mysterious visitor to appear...

On the plane, Long Ling'er was very excited when she heard Li Xiaogang said that she would come to pick her up.It stands to reason that she and Li Xiaogang are already considered old couples, but whenever Li Xiaogang is mentioned, Long Ling'er can't help being inexplicably excited.People say that this love also has a fresh period, after the fresh period, it will become more and more dull.But Long Ling'er didn't think so at all. The love between her and Li Xiaogang seemed to be in a fresh stage forever, and every reunion would always bring her inexplicable surprises, which made her seem to be possessed by a demon, yes Li Xiaogang is always unable to let go.In fact, she is not the only one who feels this way, Gao Yuanyuan, Hu Rong and Song Shuang are all like this.

Seeing that the plane was about to land, Long Ling'er kept looking out the porthole, wishing she could jump directly with a parachute on her back, so that she could fall into Li Xiaogang's arms earlier.Along the way, Long Ling'er was always looking forward to the reunion with Li Xiaogang, how exciting it would be.In such a restless mood, Long Ling'er did not realize at all that there was suddenly an extra person in the empty seat beside her.Until that person took the initiative to say hello to her, "Dick, Miss Long Ling'er, it's so exciting to meet you here!

(End of this chapter)

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