The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1287 Jiang Wu

Chapter 1287 Jiang Wu
The second floor is the area where the high-level executives of the airport operate. In the place Li Xiaogang pointed to, there is a middle-aged man with a serious face standing, who is obviously the director of the airport.He shook his head slightly at several security guards, obviously signaling them to let Li Xiaogang go.Now that the director has spoken, the security guards have no choice but to obey.After bowing to Long Ling'er, they dispersed.Aios, who was so nervous that he was about to suffocate, never thought that when Li Xiaogang appeared, everything would end. There was a feeling as if he was dreaming, and he didn't realize it for a long time.It wasn't until Li Xiaogang and Long Linger found that they were about to go far with the suitcases that they woke up, and hurriedly ran after them.

Li Xiaogang took Long Ling'er and walked quickly until they reached the parking lot of the airport, only then did Aios catch up to the two of them out of breath.Seeing that there was no one around, Aios pulled out his pistol sharply, aimed at the two of them, and shouted loudly: "Stop!" Li Xiaogang and Long Ling'er stopped their bodies as they said, and turned around.Looking at Aios with cold eyes, Li Xiaogang exaggeratedly said: "Huh? Isn't this the gentleman from just now? Why did he suddenly become a beast?" With Li Xiaogang by his side, even if there are 1 Aios Pointing the gun at herself, Long Ling'er would not feel afraid, giggled a few times, and said: "Maybe he is the one in the fabled sheepskin. Now that the sheepskin is off, it will naturally become Wolves."

Aios snorted coldly, and said to the two of them: "Stop talking nonsense, throw the box over, and I can spare you!" He shook the gun in his hand, telling the two that the initiative is in control. in his hand.Li Xiaogang's face suddenly turned cold, and he said gloomyly: "Aios, you are really kind. I have grown up so much, and no one has dared to point a gun at me. I really want to know, do you want to live?" Hearing Li Xiaogang call out his name, Aios looked at Li Xiaogang in shock, and asked blankly, " do you know me?"

Li Xiaogang said coldly: "Aios, do you think that Linger caused you to fall into this situation today? No, you are wrong. I planned all of this. You poor bastard is going to die. You don’t even know whose hands you died in. I really feel sad for you!” Li Xiaogang’s words turned into bullets, each of which hit Aios’ heart.The shock in Aios's heart at this moment can no longer be described in words.Staring fixedly at Li Xiaogang, the hand holding the gun kept shaking, and asked tremblingly with a pale face, "This...what the hell is going on?"

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said quietly: "Go down and ask Lord Yan. But I want to thank you for giving us such a generous gift before you died. Seeing that you are so sincere, then we will not hesitate to accept it, haha ..." Li Xiaogang shook the heavy box and said with a smile.Like a crazy lion, Aios roared madly, roaring repeatedly: "Give me back my money! Quick, or I will shoot!" Li Xiaogang said coldly: "Then you Just fire, I want to see if your gun can kill us."

"Don't kidding, I have a real gun! If I really shoot, none of you will live. The past is over, and I don't want to pursue it. I just need to get my money, and then I disappear. "Li Xiaogang has always made Aios feel pressured. This pressure seems to be everywhere, making Aios just want to leave Li Xiaogang as soon as possible. The farther away from him, the better.It's just that he has completely fallen into the trap that Li Xiaogang arranged in advance, and if he wants to escape, it may be impossible in this life. "Whoever commits a lot of evil will be punished. You have committed many crimes, but you want to live in seclusion. It is a dream. To tell you the truth, the reason why I brought you here is because I have arranged for you here. It's a net of heaven and earth. I don't want you to accidentally injure someone when you are crazy at the end."

"What did you say? Is this a trap?" Aios couldn't help but asked in fear.Li Xiaogang shrugged his shoulders and blew a clear whistle. All he could hear was shouts, footsteps, and the roar of helicopter propellers. On the ground, teams of heavily armed special police fighters continued to pour in from all directions. , the helicopter hovered, and agile and agile figures quickly descended from the helicopter using ropes. In the blink of an eye, the originally quiet parking lot was tightly surrounded, which can really be described as watertight.

Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Nonsense, of course it's a trap. Aios, you really shouldn't have taken the risk to come to China, let alone try to blackmail my Ling'er. All of this is your own fault, no one else's fault. "

"I...I'll kill you!" Aios, who had completely lost his mind, raised the gun in his hand recklessly, and frantically pulled the trigger on Li Xiaogang and Long Ling'er.Just as Aios pulled the trigger, countless black holed muzzles pointed at him opened fire at the same time.Brilliant blood flowers bloomed on his body, and with the screams of pain, Aios' life was ended.

Aios stared at Li Xiaogang and Long Linger full of reluctance, hoping to see them being pierced by the bullet he shot at the last moment, but the last thing he saw was Li Xiaogang gently waving his hand , The bullet he fired turned into a cloud of childish powder in the strange purple light, which was scattered between heaven and earth with the wind.Although this scene completely plunged his heart into despair, it also allowed him to understand that it turned out that what he had been fighting against was not man at all but God.

When Aios died, Li Xiaogang held a box full of money in one hand and Long Ling'er's slender and soft waist like a snake in the other, and turned to leave, leaving the body for the police to deal with.Walking out of the parking lot, Li Xiaogang didn't take Long Linger away in the car, but turned around and went to a cafe in the airport.Long Ling'er really wanted to ask Li Xiaogang why he brought him here, when he suddenly found Song Shuang who was waving vigorously at them, he was overjoyed and walked over quickly.

As soon as he walked in front of Song Shuang, Song Shuang couldn't wait to take Long Linger's hand and start to look at it carefully. While looking at it, he asked: "Sister Linger, are you not injured?" Long Linger giggled He smiled and said, "How can I be injured with our husband here? Sister Shuangshuang, why are you free to pick me up? I heard that you are now a general of the Network Security Department!" Song Shuang smiled and glanced at Li Xiaogang, saying "It's not all because of him, and I didn't say hello to others before coming." Li Xiaogang snorted, sat down beside the two women, stared at Song Shuang, and said quietly: "So, you It seems that I am not welcome to come to you?" Song Shuang gave him a hard look, and said cautiously: "Yes, why don't you disappear quickly!"

Li Xiaogang rubbed his nose and said cheekily: "Don't you know that I'm a donkey? If you don't let me go, you'll go backwards! The more you let me go, hey, I won't go." Li Xiaogang made a rascally funny expression and the two girls couldn't help giggling. "Hey, can you keep your voice down! You are blind, don't you see that there are other people here?" Just when Long Ling'er and Hu Rong were laughing happily, a very discordant voice sounded.Li Xiaogang couldn't help frowning, and turned his head to look in the direction of the voice.I saw a handsome man in a suit and leather shoes staring at them fiercely.

It was indeed Li Xiaogang's fault for making loud noises in this public place, but this man's attitude was really too bad, and he cursed people out of his mouth, which made Li Xiaogang, who wanted to apologize, very unhappy, and his face suddenly turned cold.Long Ling'er and Hu Rong were also unhappy, and stared at the man fiercely.Seeing the dispute, the waiter in the cafe hurried over and said to the man politely: "Sir, if you have something to say, please calm down first." "Stop anger, calm down, you bastard!" You drive them out immediately, or I will complain to the airport!" The man roared arrogantly.

"Sir, those are our guests just like you, how can we..." The waiter still kept a smile on his face, it was really embarrassing for her.However, the waiter's politeness did not get the man's understanding, but made him worse.The man yelled and said, "Whispering! You'd better do what I say immediately, otherwise, I'll get someone to block this place immediately. If you think I can't do it, I can call and do it right away. Look!" Seeing that the man was well dressed, wearing a famous brand, there was a domineering look between his brows, unlike ordinary people, the waitress also didn't know what to do.He kept saying good things, and he just hoped that his anger would calm down.

However, the man seemed to have taken gunpowder, his temper became more and more violent, and finally he pushed the waiter to the ground.Seeing the weak waiter sitting helplessly on the ground, with tears of grievance in his eyes, Li Xiaogang couldn't sit still. This matter was originally caused by them, how could he stand by and watch.And this man was indeed a little too much, Li Xiaogang wanted to teach him a lesson. "It's unreasonable, how can there be such a rude man in the world, let me teach him a lesson!" Song Shuang yelled softly, a little bit unable to hold back the anger in her heart.

Li Xiaogang stopped her in a hurry, and said with a smile: "Honey, I'll do it for such a small matter, and you need to come forward. Look at me!" After finishing speaking, Li Xiaogang straightened his clothes and held his head high. came before the man.First he glanced at him with a sneer, then helped the pushed down waiter up, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry to trouble you."

The sharp contrast between Li Xiaogang's demeanor and the man's brutality immediately made the other guests despise the man even more in their hearts.If it weren't for the fact that this man seemed to have some background, and he was afraid of getting into trouble, everyone would stand up and criticize him. After helping the waiter up, Li Xiaogang cast his eyes on the man and said coldly: "Your Excellency What a majestic presence. You might as well tell us who you are, so that we can all open our eyes."

The man sneered, and said arrogantly: "I didn't want to say it at first, but since you asked, I will tell you openly, so that you can know who you are talking to. Tell me Listen carefully, I am Jiang Wu, the only son of Jiang Zhongde, Commander-in-Chief of the Military Region of T Province!" As soon as Jiang Wu's words fell to the ground, there was a buzz of discussion in the cafe.No matter which country you are in, the military holds real power and is a person who cannot be provoked casually.Not to mention the commander-in-chief of the military region, many people are very glad that they held back just now and did not show up, otherwise, the follow-up troubles would have ruined their lives.

(End of this chapter)

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