The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1288 Police Father and Daughter

Chapter 1288 Police Father and Daughter
Everyone was surprised, but Li Xiaogang was a rascal and smiled wryly.He had just dealt with a commander of the military region, and now another one appeared, as if he had a destiny with the army in his life.Seeing the wry smile on Li Xiaogang's face, Jiang Wu couldn't help but smiled triumphantly and said, "Why, are you scared? If you're scared, just obediently get out of here." Li Xiaogang shook his head slowly, and said with a smile: "Are you scared? You should be the one who is afraid, right?" "I...what am I afraid of? Don't forget who I am!" Jiang Wu said arrogantly, looking ridiculous.

"It's really hard for me to believe that you have such courage. A little louse dares to pretend to be the only son of the commander-in-chief of the military region. Do you know how the word "death" is written?" Li Xiaogang stared at Jiang Wu and said. "Little louse thief? You dare to call me a petty thief, I think you don't want to live anymore!" Jiang Wu yelled at Li Xiaogang furiously.Li Xiaogang ignored his anger, but said with envy all over his face: "Wow, what a beautiful gold watch!" "Gold watch? What gold watch?" Jiang Wuman asked puzzled.Li Xiaogang raised his wrist, pointed to the shining golden watch on his wrist, and said, "Isn't it? It's really beautiful. Where did you buy it?"

"That's my gold watch!" Just as Jiang Wu was wondering where the gold watch came from, a burly man suddenly stood up from his seat, pointed at the gold watch and shouted angrily. "This..." Just as Jiang Wu's heart was shaking wildly and he didn't know how to explain it, Li Xiaogang quickly took out a wallet from his mouth and said with a smile: "This wallet is also pretty good, it should be Hand-stitched, right?" "He really is a thief, that's my wallet!" Another person stood up, pointed at Jiang Wu, and shouted loudly that the nightmare was far from over, Li Xiaogang seemed to be juggling It seemed that Jiang Wu took out one thing after another that originally belonged to other customers in the cafe, including necklaces, gestures, earrings, and even a piece of women's underwear.Seeing all this, Jiang Wu's face had already turned pale, and his whole body was twitching and trembling as if he was having a convulsion.Li Xiaogang made a sad look, and said tut-tsk: "I really didn't expect that you look like a human being, like a character, but you do such funny and shameless actions."

" framed me!" Jiang Wu gritted his teeth, wishing he could crush Li Xiaogang alive.Li Xiaogang sneered, and said faintly: "You'd better be careful, you will be responsible for the water you spill out of what you say!" Jiang Wu roared with a ferocious face: "Just wait, what happened today is not good. After the calculation, I will always find revenge on you!"

Li Xiaogang snorted, and said faintly: "Of course today's business is not over!" Then he turned to the other guests and said, "Everyone has seen that this handsome guy is actually a hateful thief. Everyone said, we What should I do?"

"Chop off his hand! You can't let him go for a bastard like this!" The owner of the gold watch glared at Jiang Wu with fire in his eyes.Judging from his tone and expression, one can predict that he must have suffered from the thief, which is why he hates the thief so much. "That's right! Chop off his hands so that he will never be able to steal again!" The suggestion of the owner of the gold watch was widely echoed by everyone.A roar continued to sound.Jiang Wu lost his mind, and murmured: "You... how dare you! I... I am Jiang Zhongde's son. If you dare to touch me, my father will arrest you all!" "Hmph Now, you still dare to pretend to be the son of the commander of the military region. Don’t you even think about it, will the son of the commander of the military region degenerate into a thief?” The owner of the gold watch sneered coldly. "I-I didn't steal these things! He stole them all!" Jiang Wu pointed at Li Xiaogang and tried to defend himself.Li Xiaogang frowned, and said quietly: "It's really funny, if I stole it, I can take these things and escape every day, so why put them on your body. Am I bored?" Jiang Wu said in a dark tone. face, and said word by word: "Because you want to punish me!"

Li Xiaogang said coldly: "Why should I punish you? I don't even know you! Don't you think you have a unique face that no one has seen before, and no one will come again, so that everyone who sees you can't help thinking Want to punish you?" "Stop talking nonsense with him, just chop off his hand!" "No! Never!" Seeing the anger of the crowd, Jiang Wu panicked and shouted hastily.Li Xiaogang laughed and said to everyone: "Although he is a shameful thief, he is still a human being after all. If we just chop off his hands like this, it would be a crime. We cannot do criminal things. In my opinion, Just hand him over to the police." After speaking, Li Xiaogang dialed directly!

Seeing that Li Xiaogang called the police, Jiang Wu was overjoyed, as soon as he got to the police station and revealed his identity, who would dare to do anything to him?Seeing the joy in Jiang Wu's eyes, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but let out a cold snort of contempt.Now Li Xiaogang has requests from the eight major military regions, so he cannot offend them easily.Although Jiang Wu's words and deeds today are arrogant and disgusting, but there is no major fault.A little punishment is enough.Handing him over to the police also gave Jiang Zhongde a face.It would be bad if those guests really hurt Jiang Wu.

Li Xiaogang sneered, and whispered to Jiang Wu: "You are lucky today, I don't want to play anymore. Otherwise, I will play you to death. After this incident, you can learn a lesson, In the future, don’t take advantage of your power to bully others, that’s the best. But if you persist in your obsession and continue to act mischievously, I guarantee that your death will be as ugly as it is.” At this time, Jiang Wu was in extreme anger, and all he could think about was how to get revenge Li Xiaogang, he didn't listen to a single word of his warning.Seeing that Li Xiaogang played a trick on Jiang Wu, Long Linger and Song Shuang felt relieved, with bright smiles on their faces, they sandwiched Li Xiaogang from left to right, praising him for his ability.The efficiency of the police is very fast, and it will arrive in a short time.

"Who is the thief?" A policeman with glasses looked around and asked in a deep voice.All the guests pointed at Jiang Wu without hesitation, and shouted in unison: "That's him!" The policeman with glasses looked Jiang Wu up and down carefully, frowned and said: "You look well-dressed, you seem to be a son of a rich family, But I didn’t expect it to be gold and jade, but it’s a mess! What a pity this outfit!"

"Bold, you'd better be careful what you say, otherwise, I'll pull out your skin!" Jiang Wuzheng said that he was the only son of the commander of the military region, and even those generals would give him three points of courtesy on weekdays, but now But being scolded by a little policeman, how could he bear it?Couldn't help yelling loudly. "Ha! I've seen a lot of thieves, but it's the first time I've seen such an arrogant thief like you!" The policeman with glasses was furious, and without hesitation he took out a pair of brightly filed handcuffs from his pocket, and clicked With a bang, it was handcuffed to his wrist.Maybe it was because of the annoyance in his heart, the policeman with glasses made a little more effort, and Jiang Wu couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

The policeman with glasses glared at him, curled his lips and said, "What, it hurts? If you know it hurts, be honest with me! Otherwise, the pain will be worse!" Jiang Wu stared at him angrily, and said through gritted teeth "I remember you, you wait for me, if I make you feel better, I'm not Jiang Wu!" The policeman with glasses said with a sneer full of disdain: "Threatening me? Hehe... Ever since I put on this Since I was in police uniform, I have been threatened thousands of times and tens of thousands of times. I will be afraid of you? How troublesome it is to remember my police number, my name is Wang Changren, you just remember my name."

" will regret it one day!" Jiang Wu was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, but the guests at the side were very happy to see it.However, Li Xiaogang was not as relaxed as they were.Seeing Jiang Wu gnashing his teeth so fiercely, it was obvious that he held a grudge against Wang Changren.Li Xiaogang is naturally not afraid of Jiang Wu coming to deal with him. If he can deal with Ke Zhengang, he can also deal with Jiang Zhongde.But he was worried for Wang Changren.Wang Changren was just a small policeman. If Jiang Wu really wanted to embarrass him, with the power of the Jiang family, Wang Changren might not even be able to figure out how he died.He originally wanted to teach Jiang Wu a lesson, but if he got involved with a policeman who looked good because of this, the loss outweighed the gain.

"Dad, why didn't you wait for me?" Wang Changren was about to take Jiang Wu away when a heroic policewoman in a police uniform rushed in through the door.Seeing this policewoman, Li Xiaogang's mind couldn't help jumping out of the way he saw Song Shuang for the first time.At that time, Song Shuang also wore such a straight police uniform, and she was as majestic and beautiful as this policewoman.

She couldn't help turning her head to look at Song Shuang, but she saw that Song Shuang was also looking at the policewoman in a daze, with a Qianqian smile on her lips, obviously she was also immersed in the good memories of the past at this time.Wang Changren couldn't help frowning, and said: "If I had waited for you, the criminals would have run away long ago. Also, how many times have I told you that when you go out to perform missions, you are not allowed to call me daddy, you have to call me sir , why can't you remember?"

The policewoman's name is Wang Xinping, the daughter of Wang Changren. She just graduated from the police academy this year, and she happened to be assigned to Wang Changren's brigade.So the father and daughter became partners as a matter of course, patrolling together and dispatching police together.Wang Xinping stuck out her tongue playfully, and said, "When I was in a hurry, I forgot..." Wang Xinping's cute and playful expression, paired with her mighty and straight police uniform, was so beautiful that many people liked it. I was taken aback for a while.

Wang Changren glared at her, and said, "With your memory, how can you be a good policeman? Well, bring him back to the police first!" Wang Changren pushed Jiang Wu, who had been handcuffed, to Wang Xinping's side. .Wang Xinping reached out and grabbed the chain of the handcuffs, looked Jiang Wu up and down, and said quietly: "It's really rare to see a thief dressed in such a style." Jiang Wu gave Wang Xinping a hard look, and said unhappily "That's enough! Don't keep yelling at one thief at a time, I'm not a thief!" Wang Xinping snorted coldly and said, "Why, do you feel ashamed? If you feel ashamed, you shouldn't steal! Now I'm caught Yes, you deserve the embarrassment!"

(End of this chapter)

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