The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1289 The Arrogant Thief

Chapter 1289 The Arrogant Thief
"You... well, I'm too lazy to tell you. When I get to the police station, I'll make your guts green from regretting it!" Jiang Wu roared bitterly, turning his head aside.Seeing Jiang Wu's haughty look, Wang Xinping tugged on the handcuffs vigorously, curled her lips in disdain and said, "Wait until we get to the police station, who will regret it!" "Dad, no, sir, let's go!" Go!" Wang Changren nodded, and was about to take Jiang Wu away.Li Xiaogang frowned, and suddenly said: "Wait." The three stopped and looked at Li Xiaogang at the same time.

Li Xiaogang pondered for a while, smiled and said, "You need witnesses to prove his guilt? Why don't you just let me go back with you." "You want to go back with us?" The mentality of one thing is worse than one thing less, can walk around troubles, and never face troubles.So sometimes, even if the police catch the thief on the street, it is difficult to find someone to testify, and many times they can only helplessly let the thief go away.It is rare for people like Li Xiaogang to insist on testifying at the police station.Therefore, Li Xiaogang's just act immediately made Wang Changren and Wang Xinping's father and daughter have a good impression of him.Especially Wang Xinping couldn't help but look at him more.

"If you are willing to go back to the police station to testify with us, that would be the best. We wish for it." Wang Changren said with a hasty smile. "Xiao Gang, we'll go with you!" Long Ling'er and Song Shuang walked up and said.Li Xiaogang shook his head and said, "No need, it's enough for me to go alone. Ling'er, you haven't been home to see your father for a long time, so you should just go home and see his old man when you come back this time. Take Shuang'er with you I will go to you guys after I finish my proof at the police station." "How can we do that? How can we let you go alone?" Song Shuangman said worriedly.Li Xiaogang smiled, blinked at her, and said leisurely: "Why, you still don't believe in my ability?" Song Shuang thought of what Li Xiaogang showed in front of her last night, and couldn't help but let out a knowing smile He realized that he was worried about the sky, worried that he would disappear without a trace, and said with a smile: "Well, we will wait for you at Sister Ling'er's house."

Seeing Li Xiaogang voluntarily going to the police station with him, Jiang Wu couldn't help sneering, he was worried that he would not find a chance to deal with Li Xiaogang.In his opinion, once Li Xiaogang walked into the police station, it would make no difference if he fell into his palm.Watching Long Linger and Song Shuang leave safely in the car, Li Xiaogang followed behind Wang Changren and his daughter with a smile, and got Jiang Wu into the police car together.Jiang Wu and Li Xiaogang sat in the back row, and Wang Xinping sat in the co-pilot's seat. Turning her head, she smiled at Li Xiaogang and said, "Thank you for your cooperation. If everyone has a sense of justice like you, then our police Then you can retire." After speaking, his face immediately fell down, he looked at Jiang Wu fiercely, and said angrily: "Be honest with me, don't try to play tricks!" Jiang Wu's teeth were itchy with hatred, With a heavy snort, he cast his gaze out the window.

Police cars drove onto the expressway, and around them, heavily armed military vehicles sped past in droves, which was very spectacular!Wang Xinping looked a little curious, and couldn't help asking: "Father, sir, what are these military vehicles for?" Wang Changren glared at her, and said: "Father is dad, sir is sir, what messed up father, sir?" Wang Xinping said bitterly Said: "I can't change my mind for a while!" Wang Changren gave a wry smile, pointed at Wang Xinping's brow with his finger, and said, "I really can't do anything about you girl." As he spoke, he turned his eyes to those speeding past outside. The military vehicle said faintly: "Looking at this posture, it seems that there is going to be a war..."

"War? In this era of peace, fighting with ghosts? How do you ordinary people know such things?" Jiang Wu said coldly with some arrogance.Hearing Jiang Wuman's sarcasm, Wang Xinping felt a little upset in her heart. She couldn't help but glared at him fiercely, and said coldly: "Yes, we are indeed ordinary people compared to you. You are a thief, how can you be regarded as a thief?" What about ordinary people? Hmph!" Jiang Wuman glared at Wang Xinping angrily, and shouted, "What's the matter with you? How many times have I told you that I'm not a thief, and he set me up for all of this!" Jiang Wu hated He glanced at Li Xiaogang and shouted.Wang Xinping curled her lips, and said coldly: "If you told me that at the beginning, maybe I would have believed you a little bit. But now, even if you cut off my head, I wouldn't believe it!"

Jiang Wu snorted coldly, and said quietly: "Believe it or not! Anyway, soon, you and your father, sir, will no longer be a policeman. Hehe..." As he spoke, Jiang Wu became fatter With a glance, he said: "Don't you want to know why these military vehicles are going? Let me tell you. They are driving into a place about [-] kilometers away from here. There is an open field there. Tomorrow there will be a secret Hehe..." Hearing Jiang Wu's words, both Wang Changren and Wang Xinping couldn't help being taken aback, and looked at each other. You know, it's impossible for an ordinary thief to know this.

Just when Jiang Wu was triumphant, Li Xiaogang said coldly: "Jiang Wu, this is the top secret of the military department. After the decision on the exercise was made, only the commanders of the eight major military regions in the country were notified. Although the dispatched military vehicles knew their destination, they didn’t know that they were here for an exercise. It’s so top-secret, and you revealed it casually. It seems that you have to add another crime.”

"Ah!? do you know so much? Who are you?" Li Xiaogang's words wiped away the pride on Jiang Wu's face in an instant. Jiang Wu looked at Li Xiaogang in shock and asked.Li Xiaogang sneered, and said quietly: "Jiang Wu, don't think your status is so great. As everyone knows, in my eyes, this is nothing at all."

Jiang Wu stared at Li Xiaogang for a long time, and after a while, let out a sigh of relief, and said in a gloomy voice: "No matter who you are, no matter how old you are, if you treat me like this today, I must take revenge! "The corner of Li Xiaogang's mouth twitched, a cold smile flashed across his face, and he uttered a few words, "What a big breath!" The conversation between Li Xiaogang and Jiang Wu made Wang Changren feel a little uneasy in his heart. .When Tongfu looked at Jiang Wu in the rearview mirror, he only felt that his face was murderous, and his every move revealed the dignity of the superior, no matter how he looked, he didn't look like a despicable thief.And looking at Li Xiaogang again, I found that Li Xiaogang has an extraordinary demeanor and excellent demeanor, and there is a faint arrogance hidden between his brows, just like the aura displayed by the statue in the temple, sitting high on the altar and looking down at the common people generally.One can tell at a glance that he is not an ordinary person.

Compared to Wang Changren, Wang Xinping didn't have such good eyesight, but she just vaguely felt that there seemed to be some amazing secret hidden in the conversation between Li Xiaogang and Jiang Wu, and she was more curious than uneasy.The police car roared all the way and drove into the police station.The building of the police station is tall and majestic. Before entering, it will make many criminals feel weak.It has always been Wang Xinping's long-cherished wish to be able to work in this building, and now that it has come true, she is naturally proud.Facing the police badge of Bu Gaoyi in the police station building, Wang Xinping straightened her clothes and hat seriously, then opened the car door and pulled Jiang Wu down unceremoniously.

Deliberately wanting to see Jiang Wu's timid appearance, but seeing that Jiang Wu didn't seem to notice it at all, and didn't even frown, which made Wang Xinping very bored.How did she know that Jiang Wu grew up in the military region since he was a child, and he was used to seeing tens of thousands of people lined up for Cao Lian, let alone the police station building.Wang Xinping looked at Li Xiaogang again, Li Xiaogang also had a calm and composed expression, more at ease than Jiang Wu, as if he had entered his own home.This reminded Wang Xinping of how she was when she first came here to report. Even though she was accompanied by Wang Changren, she was still trembling, as if she had broken into the gendarmerie headquarters of Japanese devils.That performance was far worse than the two in front of her.

Of course, Wang Changren also saw all this, which made his uneasiness even worse.Wang Changren said to Wang Xinping: "Xinping, bring the criminal in." Wang Xinping nodded, pushed Jiang Wu violently, and shouted softly, "What are you looking at? Go!" Jiang Wu staggered and turned around. She turned her head and gave Wang Xinping a hard look, and said coldly, "You'd better be polite to me!" Wang Xinping raised her hand and wanted to hit her, but Wang Changren stopped her loudly, and said, "Xinping, don't mess around! How can the police beat people?" Wang Xinping stared at Jiang Wu full of resentment, and said to Wang Changren: "This guy is really disgusting. He is still so arrogant when he arrives at the police station. He must be a habitual offender! I must have a good trial in a while. He, if he doesn't try all eight generations of his ancestors, I will be sorry for him!"

Jiang Wu sneered, stared at Wang Xinping, and said quietly: "You don't need to interrogate me, I will still tell you all about the eight generations of my ancestors. I just don't know if you will be scared out of your wits after listening to it!" Wang Xinping's crescent eyebrows A tuft was about to send out, but Li Xiaogang spoke first, with a face full of contempt, and said coldly: "Jiang Wu, you are still a man, and you are so vicious to a girl, and you have no gentleman's demeanor at all. If I It's eight generations of your ancestors, and I'm sure I'll strangle myself to death again in the grave." "Boy, don't be arrogant! I'll make you look good in a while!" , walked into the police station building as if no one else was there.

Looking at Jiang Wu's arrogant back, Wang Xinping's lungs were about to explode. Pointing at his back, she said in an annoyed voice, "It's really weird, why do you say he's a thief? Still so arrogant? Am I crazy or is he crazy?" Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, patted her on the shoulder and said: "You are not crazy, and he is not crazy. You will know the reason in a while." After finishing speaking, calmly He walked into the police station calmly, or else the capital is the capital, and even this police station is more dignified than other places.They all wore neat uniforms and shuttled through the spacious and bright hall, full of energy and majestic.But those criminals who were caught were pulling their heads and looking listless, which formed a stark contrast with the police.Of course, Jiang Wu was the exception.

(End of this chapter)

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