The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1293 Ma Liang

Chapter 1293 Ma Liang
Lin Chaoran's last words touched Jiang Zhongde greatly.In my heart, I counted every one of Li Xiaogang's actions, and every one of them made him applaud, just like what Lin Chaoran said, all of them are good things that benefit the people and please people's hearts. How about embarrassing others?Jiang Zhongde couldn't help but fell into deep thought.Lin Chaoran shook his head and walked away.

"Okay, now the phone call is over, you should accept our interrogation." Seeing Jiang Wu muttering into the phone for a long time before putting the phone down, Wang Xinping yelled at him impatiently.Jiang Wu waved his hand gently, and said with a smile: "You can ask, I'm right here. But you have to hurry up, because you don't have much time." Wang Xinping frowned, and said: "Why don't you have time? Yes? According to regulations, we can detain you for 48 hours, and now we have 47 hours and 58 minutes, which is a long time!"

Jiang Wu let out a burst of icy laughter, and said faintly: "No one has ever been able to lock me up for 48 hours. Little girl, you have a serious tone!" "You...what did you call me?" With a somewhat contemptuous address, Wang Xinping was so annoyed that she almost hit him again.Jiang Wu sneered, and said angrily, "Little girl, did I call you wrong, but you are actually a man? Why don't you let me test it." Wang Xinping grabbed her towering chest.Wang Xinping was taken aback, jumped to the side hastily, and then, filled with unbearable anger, slapped Jiang Wu heavily on the face, making a soft 'pa' sound.

"Hahaha... Really enjoyable! Jiang Wu, it must be very painful, right? Li Xiaogang sat aside, holding the back of his head with his hands, and said to Jiang Wu with a loud smile. This is the first time Jiang Wu has been slapped by a girl when he grows up so big, and Still in front of so many people, Jiang Wu's heart was suddenly filled with anger, and he slapped the table fiercely, pointing at Wang Xinping, and roared: "You stinky bastard, how dare you hit me?You wait and see how I charge you! ""You obviously want to tease me, you... you deserve it!" "Wang Xinping shouted softly with her angry little face flushed.

"To tease you is to think highly of you! If this young master is happy and fucks you, what can you do?" Jiang Wu roared furiously. "What did you say? Say it again, believe it or not, I'll kill you!?" Wang Xinping was also completely enraged, and even wanted to touch the gun.Wang Changren hurriedly pushed her down on the chair, and shouted: "Xinping, calm down!" Wang Xinping said with red eyes, "Dad, look at him, what did he say? How can you make me calm down?" ?” Wang Changren also looked at Jiang Wu with an unfriendly expression, and said coldly: “Jiang Wu, maybe you really have a background, but this is a society ruled by law, no matter who commits a crime, he must be punished the same. Your father is the head of the country, so he can't protect you!
Li Xiaogang quietly interjected: "Come on, police officer, don't praise him too much. The leader can't produce such rubbish." "Trash? If I were rubbish, you would be worse than shit. Just wait, I will If I don’t break your legs today and let you climb out of the police station, I won’t be Jiang Wu!” Li Xiaogang’s sarcasm was like pouring oil on Jiang Wu’s anger, and Jiang Wu jumped scolded.Li Xiaogang said lightly: "Okay, as you said, I will break your two legs today!" Jiang Wu said with an angry smile: "Good eyes, I'm waiting for you! Come!" Li Xiaogang He said lightly: "No hurry! I will fulfill your wish in a short time.

"Okay! I'll just wait and see who crawls away from here in the end." Jiang Wu snorted and sat heavily on the chair, but kept a cold face and didn't speak. Regarding the questions raised by Wang Xinping and Wang Changren, No reason.The angry Wang Xinping almost had a heart attack.Just like that, time slipped through his fingers little by little, and finally, Jiang Wu waited for the person he was waiting for.

Just as Wang Xinping was thinking about how to get Jiang Wu to speak, the door of the police station was suddenly pushed open, and a burst of hasty and chaotic footsteps resounded throughout the hall.Everyone looked back in amazement, only to see a group of heavily armed soldiers rushing in under the leadership of Wu Hao. "Hey, what are you guys doing?" A policeman rushed forward to stop him, but was pulled aside by Wu Hao.Such a rude action immediately caused dissatisfaction among the rest of the policemen. Everyone is wearing uniforms. Isn't it remarkable that you are a soldier?More than a dozen policemen immediately stood up, forming a human wall in front of Wu Hao.

Wu Hao frowned, and shouted at the policemen, "Get out of the way, I'm here to carry out a military mission. If anyone dares to obstruct, I will send him to a military court!" Is the mission great? We are also performing missions. How about it? A young and vigorous policeman couldn’t understand Wu Hao’s arrogance, and couldn’t help shouting in a rough voice. Li Xiaogang also didn’t like Wu Hao’s behavior. You are here to pick up Jiang Wu, so there is no need to mobilize the crowd like this. It seems like you are going to level the police station and rob people. First there was Jiang Wu, and now there is another Wu Hao. They are all so arrogant and unreasonable. , All of a sudden, Li Xiaogang's impression of the Military Region of T Province was much worse, and he didn't have a good impression of Jiang Zhongde either.

Li Xiaogang also dislikes Wu Hao's behavior, even if you are here to pick up Jiang Wu, you must secretly mobilize the crowd like this, it seems like you are going to level the police station and rob people.First there was Jiang Wu, and now there is another Wu Hao, both of whom are so arrogant and unreasonable. For a while, Li Xiaogang's impression of the Military Region of T Province was much worse, and he didn't like Jiang Zhongde any more. However, Li Xiaogang misunderstood Wu Hao.Relying on Jiang Zhongde's power, Jiang Wu did evil, lawlessness is indeed arbitrariness.But Wu Hao is completely different from Jiang Wu.Wu Hao is a popular person around Jiang Zhongde. It stands to reason that he is very arrogant in the military region of T province, but the fact is just the opposite. Wu Hao has a good reputation in the military region of T province. Everyone who knows him, no matter whether his rank is higher than him or Those who are lower than him think that this person is humble and gentle, and he is an excellent soldier with considerable demeanor and self-restraint.But today, the reason why Wu Hao behaved so aggressively and aggressively was because of his reasons.

After some speculation, Wu Hao felt more and more that Jiang Wu was arrested and taken to the police station because he was targeting Jiang Zhongde.To put it bluntly, this is someone who wants to assassinate Jiang Zhongde.At this time, the capital is an away game for Jiang Zhongde, outside the sphere of influence, even the strong dragon can't overwhelm the local snake, if you are not stronger, wouldn't you have no strength to fight back?Wu Hao actually wanted to send a message to Jiang Zhongde's hostile side with this strong posture, that is, they are not easy to mess with.This is probably Jiang Zhongde's thought at the time, otherwise, Jiang Zhongde would not have assigned all the guards that he never left to him to command, and he just wanted to use this to strengthen Wu Hao's momentum.It's just that Jiang Zhongde and Wu Hao made a wrong calculation this time, and they almost self-defeating in the end.

"Arrest him!" Wu Hao glanced at the young policeman, suddenly turned cold, and shouted.

As soon as Wu Hao's words fell, two soldiers jumped out from behind him, and quickly pushed the policeman to the ground. "What are you doing, you are so courageous!" The rest of the policemen quit after seeing this, and wanted to rush forward one after another, but they were blocked back by the cold and black muzzles of their guns.

"Dad, something happened over there!" Looking at the situation at the door, Wang Xinping couldn't help but said worriedly.Wang Changren looked at all this, but his face became more gloomy.But the next time, Jiang Wu couldn't bear the pride in his heart, and said with a cold smile: "An accident? Of course an accident happened, and it's still a major event! My people have already arrived. How arrogant are you this time?" "You ...You said they belong to you? But they are clearly the army!" Jiang Wu sneered and said: "Of course it is the army! I have already told you that my father is Jiang Zhongde, the commander-in-chief of the Military Region of T Province, and all these are his The guards! However, my dad's guards never leave his side, but this time he sent all the guards here. Obviously, my dad must be angry. guys this time Dead.

"You... are you really Jiang Zhongde's son?" Wang Changren asked, looking at Jiang Wu in disbelief.If Jiang Wu was really Jiang Zhongde's son, then the trouble they caused the father and daughter this time would be beyond bounds.I'm afraid it is possible for them to take off their uniforms and leave.Seeing Wang Changren's expression, Jiang Wu laughed wildly triumphantly and said, "You know, I've always wanted to see this expression of yours, and now I see it,'s really cool!" Just be happy, isn't it too early?" Li Xiaogang interjected coldly from the side.

Jiang Wumeng turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang, his eyes were as cold as a knife and he gritted his teeth and said: "You bastard, you dare to tease me now, I will have all your teeth pulled out in a while!" Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, curled his lips, and He turned his head to the side, ignoring his harsh words. "However, since you are Jiang Zhongde's son, of course you will not be short of money. How could you steal something?" Wang Changren tried his best to keep calm, but his heart could not be calm all the time.

Jiang Wu roared furiously: "Bastard! How many times have I told you that I didn't steal anything, it's all because he is framing me!" After finishing speaking, Jiang Wu turned to Wu Hao and shouted loudly: "Wu Hao Brother, I am here, come and save me!

Seeing Jiang Wu, Wu Hao frowned, and shouted at the policemen in front of him: "If you don't move out of the way, I will be violent!" Although the policemen have also been trained, they are still not as brave and skilled Soldier.What's more, Jiang Zhongde's guards are the most powerful in the military region of T province, and everyone has their own kung fu. If there is a fight, the police will have to suffer a lot.Just as the two sides were confronting each other, a roar full of dissatisfaction rang out, "What's the noise? This is a police station, not a dance hall!"

Accompanied by this roar, a burly middle-aged man in the director's uniform came out of the office.This person is Ma Liang, the police chief here.Ma Liang's ability to sit on the police chief's seat is definitely not due to his ability to solve crimes, but his smooth handling style and slick style.Speaking of it, Ma Liang is more like a politician. He is familiar with all kinds of officialdom, but he knows nothing about solving crimes.

In fact, in this police station, no one does not despise him in their hearts, but because of his power, everyone is angry and dare not speak out.At first sight of Ma Liang's burly figure, Li Xiaogang thought he was a bold and tough northern man, but when he saw the cunning look flashing across his brows from time to time, Li Xiaogang couldn't help but sighed inwardly, and he followed Wang Changren's father and daughter went back to the police station together, which seemed to be the right thing to do. Otherwise, with such a chief there, Wang Changren's father and daughter might be a little angry.

(End of this chapter)

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