The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1294 Angry!

Chapter 1294 Angry!
Ma Liang was thinking in the office, it was coming to the Mid-Autumn Festival, what kind of gifts should be given to the superiors, which would not be too eye-catching, but also make the leaders smile, so that his position as the bureau chief would be more secure.However, his thoughts were interrupted by the noise from outside the door, and he was naturally annoyed, so he couldn't help but come out and scolded a few words.However, when Ma Liang saw Wu Hao wearing the rank of major general, he was immediately taken aback. Seeing Wu Hao's arrogant posture and the equally arrogant guard soldiers behind him, a thought immediately flashed through Ma Liang's head, that is "It's a hard stubble!"

For hard stubble, Ma Liang's principle is to gnaw it if he can.Even if he gnawed it off, he might have to break out one of his teeth, which is not cost-effective.So he, who was still full of gloom just now, suddenly cleared from the rain, with a smile on his face, he trotted all the way to Wu Hao, and said with a smile: "This general is..." Wu Hao gave a military salute , with a stern face, and said with a bit of force: "I am the chief of staff of the major general in front of Commander Jiang Zhongde of the T Provincial Military Region. My name is Wu Hao!" "Ah! It turned out to be Commander Jiang's subordinates. I have admired your name for a long time. My Ma Liang, please give me a lot of advice from Brother Hao."

Wu Hao put on a smile and said: "I don't dare to teach you. Wu came here this time just to bring back the son of our Commander Jiang." Ma Liang frowned, and asked with a puzzled face: " Why is the son of Commander Jiang here with me? General Hao, are you mistaken?" Wu Hao shook his head, pointed to Jiang Wu, and said, "No, that is the son of Commander Jiang." Seeing Jiang Zhongde Ma Liang's son was really in his epigram, Ma Liang choked in his heart, looked at Wu Hao with a pale face, and murmured: " can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

Wu Hao sneered at Zhu Sheng, and said quietly: "Director Ma's subordinates are really brave, they even managed to catch the son of Commander Jiang. Wu is very impressed!" Jiang Zhongde is the commander of the military region and has a wide network , Just a little finger can poke him to death. If he offends Jiang Zhongde, it is tantamount to ruining his future. How can Ma Liang not feel nervous, cold sweat immediately rolled down his cheeks, and his speech is a bit incoherent , nana said: "This... how is this possible. One... must be a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding..."

When Ma Liang was trying to explain, Wu Hao had been observing him carefully.The result after watching Cai made Wu Hao feel a little confused.If someone really wants to harm Jiang Zhongde by framing Jiang Wu, they must collude with Ma Liang, who is the police chief.How could a police chief have the guts to arrest the son of a military region commander without collusion in advance?Besides, if Ma Liang really colluded with the other party, he would not be as nervous as he is now. Although some things can be pretended, some things cannot be pretended.

Since the other party did not collude with Ma Liang, Wu Hao immediately thought that maybe even Ma Liang was kept in the dark, the other party bypassed him and colluded with Ma Liang's subordinates.This is quite possible, although in this way, that subordinate may not be able to stay in the police station anymore, but it doesn't matter, as long as a generous reward is given, enough to make people live without worry in the future, I am afraid that many people will be willing Quit this thankless job.

When Wu Hao came, Jiang Zhongde had been urging him thousands of times, telling him to deal with this matter properly, so now Wu Hao feels like walking on thin ice, not daring to be careless about anything, and being careful about everything Think transparently.After pondering for a while, Wu Hao whispered to Ma Liang: "Director Ma, can we come to your office to talk?" Ma Liang was startled, and hurriedly said: "Of course, please!" Followed Wu Hao to his office.When passing by Jiang Wu, Jiang Wu seemed to have been bitten by someone, and shouted to Wu Hao: "Brother Hao, quickly find a way to get me out! If it is later, I will be handed over by them." Killed!
"What? You were beaten?" Wu Hao was taken aback. After taking a closer look, sure enough, Jiang Wu had five sticks of fried dough sticks hanging on his face. He couldn't help but look at Director Ma angrily, and asked loudly: " Director Ma, what's going on? Even if Jiang Wu is a criminal, the laws of our country clearly stipulate that beating criminals is not allowed? Director Ma, this problem is very serious. If you don't give me a satisfactory trouble , even if the trouble goes to Shangfeng, our Commander Jiang has to ask for an explanation." Ma Liang only felt his head buzzing, and it became blank.The son of the commander of the dignified military region was beaten in his police station. What a serious crime. Even if Ma Liang twisted his head off and gave it to someone to play as a ball, he might not be able to pass the test.

"This-this must be a misunderstanding-" Ma Liang said quietly while wiping the cold sweat from his forehead. "What a misunderstanding! No, it was this stinky girl who beat her up. You can figure it out yourself!" Jiang Wuman yelled angrily, pointing at Wang Xinping.Wang Xinping was completely bewildered now, she never expected that after a long time of trouble, Jiang Wu turned out to be a person who can't be moved, and now seeing him accusing herself so confidently, Wang Xinping really wanted to cry without tears.After all, she is just a little policeman, how can she fight against the powerful Jiang family?

Not only that, she may also implicate her father because of this, thinking that her father loves the police career so much, but now he has to take off his uniform and leave his favorite post because he offended Jiang Wu, and he can't help but feel guilty , but also very wronged, the guilt is naturally because of Wang Changren, but the grievance is because Wang Xinping can't figure it out, it is obviously Jiang Wu who is wrong, why is it that she is wrong just because of Jiang Wu's special status?

Could it be that she is inherently inferior to Jiang Wu, a scumbag?Now everyone is clamoring to build a harmonious society, but in this real society with strict hierarchy, can it really be harmonious? "Wang Xinping! It's you!?" Ma Liang was like an enraged lion, yelling loudly at Wang Xinping: "You are still a policeman, how can you beat people casually? Don't you even have this awareness? Don't you have any?"

Wang Xinping was full of grievances and said: "It was him first..." Before Wang Xinping could finish speaking, Ma Liang interrupted her with a wave of his hand, and said angrily: "It's useless to say anything, it's wrong to beat someone! Won't you apologize to Young Master Jiang?" "Let me apologize to him?" Wang Xinping turned her head to look at Jiang Wu full of annoyance, only to see Jiang Wu was looking at her triumphantly, and said with a wicked smile: "Nonsense! You call If you don’t apologize to me, who do you apologize to? You’d better hurry up, my patience is limited. If I think your attitude is sincere enough, maybe I will forgive you generously.”

" are dreaming! I will never apologize to you!" Wang Xinping's face turned blue with anger, and she bit her lip so hard that it was bleeding.Wang Changren naturally knew his daughter well, knew her stubborn temper, and could do what he said, fearing that she would really do something stupid in a moment of "immediacy"; he hurriedly stood up and blocked her behind.

Director Ma, I admit that it was indeed wrong for Xinping to beat someone, but that was after Jiang Wu attempted to moles Xinping.No matter what, Xinping was justified in defending herself! .So, I don't think Xinping needs to apologize to him for this! "Although Wang Changren knew that Jiang Wu's background was tough and he couldn't afford to offend him, but in order not to let his daughter be wronged, he could only go all out.

"Wang Changren, now that your daughter has made a mistake and is going to be punished, you just stood up. What did you do long ago? Why did I arrange your father and daughter to be on duty together? I just hope you can come here as a father and an officer." Constraints taught her to let her grow into the best policewoman in the shortest possible time. But you are lucky. Not only did you not take your due responsibility, but you blindly protected her when she made a mistake. Yes Are you a father like this? Let me tell you, she has a right to apologize today, and she has a way if she doesn't! You can figure it out yourself. "

"Director, listen to me..." Wang Changren wanted to refute himself, but in the end, in order to express himself in front of Wu Hao, Ma Liang didn't give the father and daughter the slightest chance, and turned his head coldly to the side .Wang Changren looked helplessly at Wang Xinping.Wang Xinping suppressed her tears, shook her head firmly, and said, "I'd rather take off this police uniform than apologize to this scum!" "Ha! Wang Xinping, you are really promising! Why, even I won’t listen to you, can I?”

Seeing that Wang Xinping didn't give herself any face in front of Wu Hao and so many of his subordinates, Ma Liang burst into anger and roared angrily, "Okay! Aren't you going to take off your police uniform? Take it off now, take it off and leave immediately! The police station will go around without you!"

"You..." Wang Xinping didn't expect that the director would not defend her at all, she felt aggrieved, and in a fit of anger, she really took off her police uniform. "Xinping!" Wang Changren knew that Wang Xinping was just acting impulsively. If she really took off her police uniform like this, she would regret it when she calmed down, so he hurriedly shouted, "Don't be impulsive!" Finally Wang Xinping couldn't help it. With a loud cry, Li Xiaogang couldn't help feeling sorry for his pitiful expression.With a sneer, Youyou said, "It's really eye-opening today. After being beaten for molesting others, he even shamelessly asked others to apologize to him. I really don't understand. How did his parents make this rubbish?"

Although Li Xiaogang's voice was not loud, Bo Shiji and everyone present heard it clearly.Although Jiang Wu was furious, Wu Hao couldn't help frowning.Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, not only dismissed Jiang Wu as useless, but even pointed the finger at Jiang Wu's parents, namely Jiang Zhongde.So bold, how could Wu Hao not be surprised by it, couldn't help turning his eyes to Li Xiaogang, and looked him up and down.

Facing Wu Hao's sharp eyes that could see through everything like X-rays, Li Xiaogang did not change his face and his heart beat, as if the person Wu Hao was looking at was not him He looked at him with admiration, not to mention the powerful aura of ignoring everything faintly emanating from Li Xiaogang.Just when Wu Hao was looking at Li Xiaogang's Shihou, Ma Liang shouted at Li Xiaogang with a look of indignation in order to show off, "Boy, who are you, do you have a place to speak here?" Li Xiaogang straightened his neck , Zhen Sheng said: "I am an eyewitness to Jiang Wu's theft case, and I am also a witness to Jiang Wu molesting this female police officer. Jiang Wu is guilty of these two crimes. Chief, do you think we should handcuff him first?" How about getting up?"

(End of this chapter)

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