The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1295 This Should Be Your Specialty

Chapter 1295 This Should Be Your Specialty
Ma Liang didn't expect Li Xiaogang to say that, so he couldn't help hesitating for a while, he didn't know how to deal with it, the theft case was just an excuse, the victim didn't show up, witnesses alone weren't enough to prove his guilt, so it was a good excuse, but this It is difficult to get rid of the charge of molesting a female police officer.There are both the accusation of the victim and the testimony of the witness. Wherever he goes, Jiang Wu can't get rid of his involvement.Although it is not a crime, it is at least a suspect. It is reasonable for Li Xiaogang to handcuff Yan and Jiang Wu.As the bureau chief, Ma Liang had nothing to say.

Wu Hao coughed, frowned, and said slowly: "This is the police station, and the security is heavily guarded. Even without handcuffs, I believe Jiang Wu can't run away. Don't be so nervous, unless you don't care about the police here. Don't worry." Li Xiaogang sneered, and said quietly: "It was impossible for a bear like Jiang Wu to escape. But now, those of you who are eager to protect the Lord are here, who knows if you will suddenly take him away?" How about robbing him?" Wu Hao frowned, and said in a deep voice, "If we want to rob someone, even if you put him in handcuffs and shackles, it doesn't make any sense."

"Hahaha, from the looks of it, you really have plans to snatch someone!" Li Xiaogang laughed loudly as if he had caught Wu Hao's handle.Wu Hao's expression changed, and he said in a deep voice: "You are spitting blood!" Li Xiaogang's expression changed, and he said quietly: "If you want to prove your innocence, then handcuff him to me!" "Brother Hao Why did you listen to him? He framed me, I didn't steal those things, he stole them!" Jiang Wu stared at Li Xiaogang angrily and said to Wu Hao.Originally, Wu Hao felt that Li Xiaogang was not an ordinary person, but after hearing what Jiang Wu said, Wu Hao became even more alert to Li Xiaogang, and his eyes on Li Xiaogang became more and more fierce.

Li Xiaogang shook a finger, and said to Jiang Wu: "Don't talk nonsense! There is no evidence and no evidence, be careful that I will sue you for slander, so that you can't eat it!" "You..." The corner of Jiang Wu's mouth was angry The son kept twitching, wishing he could go forward and punch Li Xiaogang twice.Seeing Li Xiaogang's various performances, Wu Hao already realized that Li Xiaogang is not an easy person to deal with, he frowned lightly, and said: "Well, since our Jiang Wu was wrong first, then the matter of the female police officer beating someone will come soon." Let's stop here, everyone, don't mention it anymore." Brother Hao, how could she be so cheap, she hasn't apologized to me yet! "Jiang Wu was a little ignorant of current affairs, and shouted at Wu Hao full of dissatisfaction.

Wu Hao's face darkened, and he said: "Wu Zi, as a man, you should be more magnanimous. Why do you have to haggle over every detail with a girl?" People who have been in the market are very suspicious. When he said this, in the end, it seemed that Wang Xinping was the one who made the mistake.Seeing that Wu Hao's face had changed a bit, Jiang Wu had no choice but to give up. He gave Wang Xinping a hard look, turned around and sat on the chair, crossing his legs, looking lawless.Wu Hao shook his head, and whispered to Ma Liang: "Director, let's go to your office." Ma Liang nodded hastily, and carefully led Wu Hao into the office.

"Thank you for helping me out." Wang Xinping said gratefully to Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang shook his head and said with a smile: "You're welcome, I just can't see someone being bullied, so I'm just telling the truth." Wang Changren has already seen everything now, Jiang Wu's background is very big, if their father and daughter want to be able to It can only rely on Li Xiaogang to get through this level safely.Wang Changren knew that Jiang Wu's background was big, but Li Xiaogang's background was not small.Just from his calm and calm attitude towards Wu Hao, it can be seen that he doesn't take Jiang Zhongde seriously at all. There are probably only two kinds of people who don't take Jiang Zhongde seriously, one is a lunatic, and the other is an overlord. The superior person above Jiang Zhongde.No matter how you look at it, Li Xiaogang doesn't look like a lunatic, so it's obviously the latter.

Wang Changren also approached Li Xiaogang, changed his address from young man to Mr. Li Xiaogang, and asked, "Sir, what do you think the officer and our chief are talking about in the office?" Li Xiaogang sneered. , and said nonchalantly: "I don't know, and I don't want to know, but there is one thing, today's matter. If I can't handle it to my satisfaction, then I will definitely not agree." , Wang Changren's heart was lifted, and he was more and more sure of his inner guess, but he still couldn't guess what Li Xiaogang's identity was, and he didn't even pay attention to the threat from Jiang Zhongde.

In Ma Liang's office, as soon as the two of them sat down, Wu Hao asked in a questioning tone: "Director Ma, why did our Commander Jiang offend you, and you framed him like this?" Wu Hao This question was like a slap in the face, and Ma Liang was blindsided at the time. Ma Liang smiled bitterly and said: "Chief of Staff Hao, what do you say? I... I have no grievances or enmity with Commander Jiang." , How could I frame him? Besides, even if I have the heart, I don’t have the guts!” Wu Hao said in a deep voice, “I really want to believe you, but I can’t help but doubt the facts. If you don’t want to frame us Jiang Commander, why did we arrest the only son of our Commander Jiang to the police station, and he was still charged with theft. Director Ma, let me ask you, our Commander Jiang’s son has whatever he wants, and he uses it. To steal? This is too absurd!"

Ma Liang nodded again and again, and said: "Yes, yes, there must be something wrong. How could Commander Jiang's son steal something? Impossible, it must be impossible!" Looking at the tense Ma Liang, Wu Hao went on to say: "Director Ma, our Commander Jiang was very annoyed when he got the news. Because he felt that someone deliberately wanted to embarrass him and make him look good. As you know, soldiers are I like to fight for some face, but this incident made our Commander Jiang feel ashamed, so he personally instructed me to get to the bottom of this incident and find out the culprit behind it!"

Every word Wu Hao said made Ma Liang tremble.Although Wu Hao didn't say what he would do after finding out who was behind the scenes, it was obvious that Jiang Zhongde would never make it easy for him.Ma Liang felt as if he had reached the edge of a cliff, and if he didn't pay attention, he would fall to pieces.Ma Liang bitterly said to Wu Hao: "Chief of Staff Hao, we all learn from each other. If I, Ma Liang, participate in this matter, I don't need Commander Jiang to do anything. I will tie myself up and send it to Commander Jiang. He dealt with it!" Seeing that the groundwork was almost done, Wu Hao sighed a long time, and said quietly: "Director Ma, don't be nervous. In fact, after my careful observation, I also feel that Director Ma didn't know about this matter. .”

Ma Liang couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief when he heard this, and said gratefully: "Oh, Chief of Staff Hao, you are really perceptive! I, Ma Liang, absolutely did not know. If I knew, let alone Mr. Jiang If he didn't steal anything, even if he did, then I would turn a blind eye and close one eye..." Wu Hao waved his hand and said, "That's absolutely unnecessary. Nowadays, harmony and prosperity are emphasized, and everyone is treated equally. If we Jiang The young master really broke the law, and with our upright temper, Commander Jiang, he will definitely destroy his relatives!" Ma Liang hurriedly said: "That's that! Commander Jiang's character has always been highly praised! Hehe... ..."

Wu Hao nodded, and suddenly changed the subject, saying: "But our Mr. Jiang has indeed been arrested and entered the bureau under your jurisdiction, and he was also framed as a thief and splashed with dirty water. Fact. We have to come up with a solution, don’t we?” Ma Liang waved his hands and said, “This matter is easy to handle, so let’s acquit him! Anyway, there are no victims, so let him let it go. "Wu Hao said in a deep voice: "Our Young Master Jiang is innocent, of course we must be released. However, we still have to find out the person who framed Young Master Jiang. This can be regarded as an explanation for our Commander Jiang."

"This..." Ma Liang seemed a little embarrassed.Wu Hao frowned, and said in a deep tone: "Why, Chief Ma thinks this is not good?" Ma Liang hurriedly waved his hands and said, "No, no, that's not what I meant. I was just thinking about how to find out who framed Jiang. Young master." Wu Hao smiled slightly, pointed at Li Xiaogang through the blinds, and said faintly: "Didn't you listen to our young master Jiang, the person who framed him is that boy, why should we investigate?" Ma Liang smiled wryly He let out a sigh and said: "Chief of Staff Hao, you know that we rely on evidence to handle cases. Just relying on Mr. Jiang's one-sided words is still a bit weak, and I'm afraid it will be difficult to convince people."

Wu Hao said in a cold voice: "What you said is also reasonable, but there is nothing difficult to do. You just need to let him admit it." The evidence is solid, but I don't think that kid is a fool, he may not be willing to obey obediently."

Wu Hao glanced at Ma Liang, and said with a smile: "Director Ma, you have been in this business for so many years, how to make prisoners speak up is your specialty, don't tell me, you don't even know how to do this. Small things can’t be done.” Ma Liang gritted his teeth fiercely, and shouted: “Okay! I understand. Don’t worry, Chief of Staff Hao, I will give you a satisfactory answer.” Wu Hao nodded, and said: “That’s right , and the pair of father and daughter police officers, what will Director Ma plan to do?" Ma Liang asked in a daze: "What should we do? What does this matter have to do with them?"

(End of this chapter)

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