The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1296 Aggressive!

Chapter 1296 Aggressive!

Wu Hao sneered and said: "Director Ma is really good at joking! Our Mr. Jiang was brought back to the police station by their father and daughter, how could he have nothing to do with them." "Oh! I was confused for a moment and didn't think of this. So I Let the two of them write the inspection, and give each of them a punishment!" Ma Liang said hastily.Wu Hao shook his head slowly, and said coyly: "I have nothing to do with it, but I'm afraid that our Commander Jiang will be dissatisfied. You know, our Commander Jiang is Jiang Wu, the only son, so he loves him very much. Ever since he was a child, even our Commander Jiang has never allowed him to suffer such grievances, but today, he was deeply hurt by a pair of father and daughter policemen. I am afraid that our Commander Jiang will..."

Before Wu Hao finished speaking, Ma Liang said first: "Understood, I understand what Chief of Staff Hao means! Fire, definitely fire!" Wu Hao smiled, and said lightly: "Is this punishment too much?" Serious?" Ma Liang said repeatedly: "Not serious, how could it be serious? The two of them arrested people indiscriminately, seriously violated police discipline, and even damaged the image of our police force among the people. It is already a shame to expel them from the police force. It's light." Wu Hao nodded in satisfaction, and said quietly: "Since this is the case, then I won't say anything more. I just hope that you, Director Ma, can restrain your subordinates in the future, so that you don't have to deal with the situation like today. What happened again. You are lucky, our Commander Jiang is generous and doesn’t care too much about it. If it comes to those difficult big shots, the black hat on your head, Director Ma, will be dangerous.” Ma Liang nodded hastily. Nodding, he said sincerely: "Chief of Staff Hao is right, Ma will always remember it."

Wu Wuhao chuckled a few times, and said quietly: "Let's go, let's go out. Just act according to what we discussed just now. This matter is actually not difficult to deal with." Now Wu Hao has basically recognized that Li Xiaogang, Wang Changren and Wang Xinping conspired to frame Jiang Wu.Of course, Wu Hao also believed that these three people must have been instigated by other people, but Wu Hao didn't want to do anything to this other person.Of course, if we can learn who this other person is from Li Xiaogang and the others, it would be better for Jiang Zhongde to take precautions.

The reason why Wu Hao didn't want to do anything to this person hiding behind the scenes was because of his own considerations.You must know that Jiang Zhongde has a high status in the military and is a powerful figure, and the people who are qualified to be his opponents are definitely not ordinary people, and he is not something that Wu Hao can easily move.If he bites too deeply, it will be self-defeating, angering the people behind the scenes, and bringing him and Jiang Zhongde more trouble.After teaching Li Xiaogang, Wang Changren and Wang Xinping a lesson, this is to show their own strength, so that the mysterious person will retreat in spite of difficulties, and not to trouble Jiang Zhongde again.Wu Hao thought he had made a good calculation, but unfortunately he didn't know that he had made a mistake from the very beginning.

Walking out of the office, Wu Hao stepped aside with a sneer on his face, waiting to see Ma Liang's performance.In order not to let Wu Hao vent his anger on him, Ma Liang did not disappoint him, and spared no effort.As soon as he walked out of the office, he said to Jiang Wu solemnly: "Mr. Jiang, you just said that you didn't steal all the things, but he wanted to frame you. Is this true?" Said: "Of course it is true! How could the only son of the commander of my dignified military region become a lowly thief?" Ma Liang made an appearance of agreeing, and said: "What you said is very reasonable. From this point of view , then the real suspect should be him!" Director Ma pointed at Li Xiaogang and said loudly.

Although Li Xiaogang had expected such a change, he never expected that Ma Liang would go so far.Just after listening to Jiang Wu's few words, he pushed everything to Li Xiaogang.He made it clear that he wanted to excuse Jiang Wu, but let Li Xiaogang take the blame, and he didn't even make the slightest cover-up.Li Xiaogang's brows frowned suddenly, and a cold light began to flicker in his eyes.As soon as Jiang Wu heard what Ma Liang said, he knew that Wu Hao had already settled everything in the office. He was very excited, nodded and said: "It's good that you, the chief, know everything! It's not like these two stupid policemen who are treated like a fool." No wonder you can sit in the office and control the whole situation, but this father and daughter can only patrol the streets."

Ma Liang smiled coquettishly and said, "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, for your compliment." After finishing speaking, his smiling face changed into an angry one, and he looked at Li Xiaogang gloomyly and said, "Boy, you are brave enough, not only did you dare to frame us Jiang Young master, you dare to run up to me and say what kind of witnesses you want to be? Do you think that we policemen are children, and you can cheat as much as you want?" Li Xiaogang shook his head with a sneer and said, "Ma Liang, Ma Liang, Ma Liang! There have been mistakes, and people have made mistakes. This time you have it all. I had some hopes for you, but I didn't expect you to be so incompetent. In order to please your superiors, you would even turn right and wrong. It's the end!"

Ma Liang has Wu Hao, and Jiang Zhongde supports him. It can be said that he is justified and arrogant, and he is even more dismissive of Li Xiaogang's words.Sneered a few times, and said faintly: "Whoever turns right and wrong into black and white is up to you. Come here, handcuff him to me!" Ma Liang's words made Wang Xinping stunned for a while, and she felt unacceptable to Ma Liang. Said: "Director Ma, what are you doing? Li Xiaogang is our witness, how can you arrest him?" Ma Liang yelled at Wang Xinping full of annoyance: "You still have the face to say it! You still want to be a witness!" An excellent policeman, you can’t even tell the basics of a good guy from a bad guy, how can you be a good policeman?” I...why can’t I tell the difference?Obviously it was Jiang Wu who stole it, everyone in the coffee shop can testify. "Wang Xinping said with a heart full of anger.

"Since they can all testify, why didn't you bring them back, but why did you bring him back?" Ma Liang asked coldly with sideways eyes.Wang Xinping argued: "They are all passengers waiting to board the plane. How can they have time to come to our police station to testify? And I think Mr. Li's testimony alone is enough." Ma Liang shouted in a deep voice: "Confused I really can't believe that you can graduate from the police academy. Even if you can't bring witnesses, you should at least bring some evidence, which is what Mr. Jiang stole. Only his words alone, That can only be regarded as an isolated certificate. You don’t know how weak the proof of an isolated certificate is, right?”

No matter how innocent Wang Xinping was, she understood at this moment that Ma Liang was desperate to protect Jiang Wu.Even if she brought witnesses and evidence, Ma Liang still had a way to excuse Jiang Wu.Wang Xinping didn't understand what it was for, was it just because of Jiang Wu's special status?Wang Xinping, who was already disdainful of Ma Liang, was even more disappointed with him at this time, and couldn't help but said in a cold voice: "Director Ma, even if you want to protect Ma Liang, you don't have to be so obvious?" "Wang Xinping, what nonsense are you talking about?" Who am I protecting? I have been wearing this police uniform for decades, who I have protected and if you don’t speak clearly today, I will never let you go!” Ma Liang is like an enraged lion, full of It was an angry growl.

Wang Xinping snorted coldly, and said quietly: "Director Ma, since you have no shame in your heart, why are you so excited? Isn't this a guilty conscience?" "Presumptuous! Don't forget, I am your immediate leader, immediate boss! Are you talking to me like that?" Ma Liang roared angrily.Wang Xinping seemed to be going all out, and said coldly: Yes, you are my immediate leader.But you know, this is my greatest sorrow. "

Ma Liang narrowed his eyes, and said coldly: "So, you seem to be very dissatisfied with me?" Wang Xinping snorted heavily, and shouted: "It's not just that I am dissatisfied with you. How many people in this hall are there? I despise you from the bottom of my heart. Thanks to you, you still feel good about yourself, and I feel ashamed for you if you go around and drink all day long!" Wang Xinping was very eloquent, and Ma Liang's face turned pale with anger, and her whole body Trembling, pointed at Wang Xinping but couldn't say a word.Wang Changren was a little worried about his daughter, and said, "Xinping, that's enough, stop talking."

It was good that Wang Changren didn't speak, but when he spoke, he immediately directed Ma Liang's anger to himself. Ma Liang couldn't say no to Wang Xinping, so he shouted to Wang Changren: "Wang Changren, you really raised a good girl! It's incredible. , You don’t even pay attention to me, the bureau chief, you are really good at disciplining me!” Wang Changren frowned slightly, and said slowly: “Director, it is indeed her fault that Xinping contradicted you. But in Regarding Jiang Wu's case, I think you handled it too hastily. You have not been to the scene, so you should not make a conclusion on this case.

On the contrary, Xinping and I brought Jiang Wu back from the scene, and we have the most right to speak.At that time, all the guests proved that Jiang Wu stole things, so we brought Jiang Wu back.Mr. Li offered to be a witness, which is rare.And instead of giving praise, you also said that Mr. Li is the real criminal, relying on Jiang Wu's nonsense, which is a bit unreasonable.Everyone will inevitably think that it is you, the director, who is afraid of punishing Jiang Wu because of Jiang Zhongde's power, which will damage your reputation. "

Ma Liang snorted coldly, and said gloomyly: "So, you mean that I was wrong?" Wang Changren shook his head, and said slowly: "I didn't say that, I just think that in this case you It was not handled properly. In my opinion, you should leave it to us to handle it." Ma Liang snorted coldly, and said slowly: "Even if I leave it to you to handle it, I'm afraid you are not qualified now." Wang Changren Hearing this, I was startled, and asked full of confusion: "Director, what do you mean by this?" Grandma Ma Liang sneered, and said, "Wang Changren, Wang Xinping, from now on I will officially terminate your duties and clean you up." Get out of the police force.You guys pack up your things now and leave the police station. "

"Hahaha, Yi is really wonderful! Policemen like you father and daughter who are arresting people indiscriminately should have been kicked out of the police force a long time ago. Director Ma, you are really happy to do this!" Ma Liang's words made everyone feel happy. Wang Changren and his daughter were completely stunned as if struck by lightning.But Jiang Wu couldn't help being complacent, and laughed wildly.And he said to Wang Xinping with malicious intentions: "I said it long ago, you have offended me, you don't want to wear this uniform again, how about it, I didn't lie to you, did I? When you take off this police uniform, I will accompany you You are having fun, I guarantee you will want to die. Hahaha...

(End of this chapter)

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