The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1297 Calm and relaxed!

Chapter 1297 Calm and relaxed!

"Director, you can't do this! What did Xinping and I do wrong, you want to fire us?" Wang Changren couldn't help but stared at Ma Liang angrily and asked.Ma Liang said coldly: "Abusing power and arresting people indiscriminately has seriously damaged the glorious image of our police force! Just for this one, I will fire your father and daughter, and no one will say anything."

"If you want to add a crime, there is no reason! You keep saying that we have ruined the image of the police, but you don't know that you are the one who really ruined the image of the police!" Wang Xinping roared extremely angrily.Ma Liang raised his eyebrows, and said quietly: Wang Xinping, you are just an ordinary citizen now, if you speak wild words, be careful that I will sue you for slander.Slandering a public security chief is no small crime.I advise you, before speaking, it is best to think about the words first! "

"You've all been fired, why don't you just stay here?" Jiang Wu said to Wang Xinping with a smile on his face. "Dad, we..." Wang Xinping had just entered the society for a few days, and hadn't realized the darkness of this society. Now she saw the cruelty of society, and it was unbearable. She looked at Wang Changren with tears in her eyes. The pitiful appearance really makes people feel distressed when they see it.Now that the matter has developed to this point, Wang Changren knew that he could no longer be weak, frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "I am a member of the church, and I am also a police officer. You are not the only one who has the final say on my appointment and dismissal." Yes, it needs to be decided after a unified research and vote by the bureau branch!"

In the past, Wang Changren had always been submissive, so much so that Ma Liang didn't take him seriously.But at this time, the honest man suddenly lost his mind, and Ma Liang was caught off guard.Wang Changren is right, the police are civil servants, and it is not so easy to fire them.Ma Liang said coldly: "Wang Changren, do you think this is meaningful? I am the person in charge of the bureau branch. If you need it, I can hold a branch meeting at any time to pass this resolution." Wang Changren was also cold He said in a loud voice: "Okay! I will leave the police station after you hold the branch meeting and pass the vote. But now, I am still a people's policeman, and I still have the right to exercise the power entrusted to me by the country and the people!" "

Seeing that Wang Changren seemed to be determined, Ma Liang looked at Wu Hao with some embarrassment, and Wu Hao frowned at this moment, and said: "Whether to expel their father and daughter is a matter within your police station. Let’s discuss it later. For now, let’s focus on how to solve our Mr. Jiang’s case.” Wang Changren said in a deep voice, “What is there to discuss? Jiang Wu committed theft, and Mr. Li is Witness. I think he should be taken into custody immediately, and a trial will be held at another day!" Forced to this situation, Wang Changren can't take care of so much anymore.Since you have to take off your police uniform sooner or later, you might as well use this last power to punish Jiang Wu, at least it can make you feel more at ease.

From Ma Liang's point of view, Wang Changren was completely insane. To oppose Jiang Zhongde so blatantly was simply courting death. "Dad, you're right, that's how it should be done!" Wang Xinping looked at Wang Changren with excitement and admiration and said loudly.In the past, in fact, Wang Xinping always looked down on Wang Changren, always felt that he was submissive, always accompanied and careful, and he did not look like a heroic and brave policeman at all.But today, her view of Wang Changren has changed drastically.In my heart, I not only applaud Wang Changren, but also take pride in him.

Director Ma wanted to let Jiang Wu go just like that, but unexpectedly, he was met with fierce resistance from Wang Changren's father and daughter.Although he was very annoyed in his heart, he didn't dare to act recklessly in front of so many subordinates.Right now, it seems that Jiang Wu is unlikely to leave here in a short time.Li Xiaogang also greatly appreciated Wang Changren's performance. In Wang Changren, Li Xiaogang suddenly discovered a kind of beauty that can be called noble. This is a kind of spirit, a kind of spirit that is indispensable for an excellent policeman .In Li Xiaogang's mind, a thought gradually became clear...

Ma Liang looked helplessly at Wu Hao, and Wu Hao couldn't help but let out a long sigh.They didn't expect them to lose this round.But if he just lost like this, Wu Hao would naturally not be reconciled.Turning his head to look at Li Xiaogang, he said lightly: "Well, my Mr. Jiang is indeed only one-sided. You can't believe everything he says, but you can't believe nothing at all. But the same is true for this gentleman. You can't believe everything. So , we should not open him as a witness, but like our Mr. Jiang, he is a suspect in this case. If our Mr. Jiang wants to take him into custody, then he should be locked up too, which is fair."

Ma Liang understood Wu Hao's meaning as soon as he heard it, laughed a few times, and said to Li Xiaogang: "Boy, I advise you to be frank and lenient. Although our place is not a prison, some unscrupulous people are often locked up in the guard room." No one. You seem to be very gentle. If you are locked up with them, if you have a conflict with them, I’m afraid you will suffer.” Li Xiaogang sneered, shook his neck, and said in a deep voice : "You are a person who uses the word gentle to describe me. Director Ma, it seems that I am going to teach you a lesson today, and the title of the lesson is 'Don't judge people by their appearance'."

Seeing that Li Xiaogang seemed to have oil fumes not getting in, Ma Liang was furious, and said in a low voice: "Boy, don't be too arrogant. This theft case is not worth a lot. Even if you admit it, you will only be detained for a few days. It's fine. But if you persist in your obsession and continue to bear it, you may regret it forever." "Director Ma, are you coercing a confession?" Wang Changren frowned and said coldly.Ma Liang said lightly: "I reminded him out of good intentions, but I didn't intend to threaten him at all. Since he refuses to listen to my advice, then I have nothing to say. Come here, shut this kid up." Go to class three!"

"What? Class No. [-]? Are you crazy?" Wang Xinping couldn't help yelling at Ma Liang when she heard this.Ma Liang slammed the table and shouted: "Wang Xinping, who are you calling crazy? Don't forget your identity!" Wang Xinping said angrily, "You're obviously full of power. You know that class three What kind of people are locked up here? You locked Mr. Li with them, and you clearly want his life!" Ma Liang said coldly: "Wang Xinping, do you know what you are talking about? You are accusing Am I going to murder him?" Wang Xinping yelled softly, "That's what you meant! The three brothers in Class No. [-] hated the society since they were young, and they were famously cruel. They killed countless people. The three brothers knew that they must die. , Now I can’t wait to kill a few more. You lock Mr. Li with them, and you want to use their hands to kill him.”

Ma Liang said: "Wang Xinping, thank you very much for your wonderful analysis, but it is all nonsense. This is the police station. The three brothers have already confessed their crimes and served the law in fear of the majesty of the law. How could they kill again?" Besides, the shifts in our police station are always tight, and I have no other shifts to arrange except there. However, if he really doesn't want to stay with the three brothers, he should confess his crimes earlier, which is good for everyone!"

Wang Xinping said angrily: "He didn't commit any crimes, what kind of crimes did he confess?" Ma Liang chuckled a few times, and said quietly: "So you are still too young and inexperienced. You can't judge people just by their appearance. Like Your father, usually looks quite honest, but now he is so tricky and stubborn!"

Wang Changren snorted coldly, and said: "There is someone who is tricky and stubborn, but that person is definitely not me." After speaking, he looked at Wang Xinping and said, "Xinping, don't worry, just let Mr. Li stay with them. , I will stand by and watch the three brothers! But, in this way, Mr. Li will be wronged..."

After hearing Wang Changren's words, Wang Xinping's heart just relaxed a little, but Ma Liang sneered and said, "Wang Changren, didn't you say that you will be responsible for this case? Well, I promise you! I Let you go to the scene of the crime now, re-extract physical evidence, and look for witnesses. Within 24 hours, you must understand the case!" Ma Liang's words made Wang Changren and his daughter very angry, and it was clear that the two of them were to be transferred. Leaving the police station so that he could take the opportunity to kill Li Xiaogang, it was extremely insidious.Wang Changren frowned, and said: "I have returned the things that Jiang Wu stole to their owners. Where can I get the physical evidence? Those who were stolen have already flown to nowhere. Where can I find witnesses?"

Ma Liang smiled coldly: "This is your problem! Since you insist on handling this case, you must investigate it to the end! No matter how many difficulties and obstacles there are. This is the duty of our police, Officer Wang, right?" " did it on purpose." Wang Xinping now gritted her teeth in hatred for Ma Liang, wishing she could bite off a piece of his flesh.

Ma Liang smiled triumphantly, and said: "Go with your father, if this case is not handled properly, you don't have to come back, but you have to get the police badge back."

This time even Wang Changren had no choice. After all, Ma Liang was the director of the bureau. The so-called high-ranking officials crushed people to death. Wang Changren and Wang Xinping still had to listen to Ma Liang's orders.Just when the two were in a dilemma, Li Xiaogang spoke up and said calmly: "Those passengers are gone, but the waiter in the cafe is still there. Find her, and she will prove everything!" Li Xiaogang's words reminded Wang Changren's father Daughter, Wang Changren was heartbroken, clapped his hands and said, "Why didn't I think of that?" As he spoke, Wang Changren started to take action, but after walking a few steps, he suddenly stopped.

Once he and Wang Xinping left, Li Xiaogang became a loner in the police station. Without the help of Wang Changren and Wang Xinping, how could Li Xiaogang still be ruled by Ma Liang and Wu Hao?Of course, this was because Wang Changren didn't know Li Xiaogang's real identity. If he knew, he wouldn't have such worries.Wang Xinping was even more sad. Looking at Li Xiaogang, she was reluctant to leave for a long time, for fear that Li Xiaogang would have been killed when he came back. However, the more she didn't want to leave, the harder Ma Liang pressed her. He shouted repeatedly: "Don't hurry up? What does it look like to be dawdling!"

(End of this chapter)

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