The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1298 Locked in Room 3

Chapter 1298 Locked into Room [-]

Wang Xinping glared at Ma Liang fiercely, looked at Li Xiaogang full of guilt, and murmured: "Mr. Li, I'm sorry. I didn't expect such a thing to happen, and you have been wronged." Li Xiaogang lightly disapproved He laughed and said lightly: "Suppressing evil Yang Shan is the duty of every citizen. Even if you suffer a little wronged because of this, what's the point? Don't worry about me, go quickly."

Wang Xinping nodded heavily, and said: "No matter what you encounter, you have to hold on until we come back!" Li Xiaogang responded with a smile. Wang Xinping and Wang Changren went to find the waiter in the cafe, and Wu Hao was not idle , With a wave of his hand, a group of people was mobilized from the guards, and they rushed out of the police station following the two of them.Wu Hao knew in his heart that if Wang Changren's father and daughter really brought that waiter here, then things would become more complicated, and Wu Hao had no other choice in order to avoid a long night of dreams.Seeing that Wu Hao also dispatched people, Li Xiaogang immediately frowned, and looked at Wu Hao with bright eyes. Wu Hao choked in his heart when he saw Li Xiaogang's glance, and couldn't help shivering.

"Hmph, now Wang Changren and Wang Xinping have been transferred by me, and now there is no one to protect you, are you still as obsessed as before?" Ma Liang said to Li Xiaogang with a gloomy face.Li Xiaogang looked at Ma Liang's face, his eyes were full of contempt, and he said quietly: "This majestic and solemn police uniform is simply a kind of coercion on you. Ma Liang, a police chief like you is still It’s better to spread it early, so as not to let the common people suffer.”

Ma Liang sneered, gritted his teeth and said: "Okay boy, you are tough enough. But I want to see how tough you are! Come to someone and take him to Class No. [-]!" Although the police present, To Ma Liang is also very dissatisfied with what he has done, but Ma Liang is the director after all, and he firmly holds their future in his hands.It is not easy to find a job now, and it is even more rare to be a policeman, in order not to ruin the future that has been earned so hard.Although reluctant, but can not but obey his orders.

Several policemen came up and pinched Li Xiaogang from left to right. Li Xiaogang didn't resist, but pointed to Jiang Wu coldly, and asked indifferently, "What about him? Isn't he also a suspect? Is he with me?" Lock them up in Class No. [-]?" Ma Liang sneered, and said, "What are you thinking? Are you out of your mind? A place as high as Class No. [-] is specially prepared for you. As for Mr. Jiang, I still I have something to ask him, so he won’t be sent to any class, so he will stay here.” Jiang Wuman glanced at Li Xiaogang proudly, and sighed pretendingly: “Hey... I am not as lucky as you, Can live in the classroom.

This is a good day, you can enjoy it slowly.Hahaha……"

Although Jiang Wu's laughter was so wild that Li Xiaogang had the urge to kill, but he finally held back, without saying a word, and followed a few policemen to the No. [-] classroom. "Wait a minute!" Wu Hao suddenly shouted.Li Xiaogang stopped in his tracks and looked at Wu Hao with a calm expression, his eyes were calm, without the slightest shock, as if he wasn't the one who was going to be sent to Class No. [-].This calm and calm kung fu cannot be practiced without experiencing countless storms and waves.This made Wu Hao doubt Gong Blinkou's identity even more.

"Who are you?" Wu Hao finally asked the question in his heart.Li Xiaogang just gave him a faint smile, but didn't answer his question.However, this smile made Wu Hao feel an inexplicable heavy pressure, as if his heart had been injected with stimulants, it kept beating non-stop.Coughing and forcing himself to calm down, Wu Hao said lightly: "No matter who you are, I don't think this matter should continue. As long as you nod your head and say that our Young Master Jiang didn't steal those things, everything That's all. You don't have to admit that you stole it, everyone pretends nothing happened. Our Commander Jiang has a big heart, and he won't make things difficult for you."...

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said lightly: "I don't know if you, Commander Jiang, are open-minded or not, but I know that I will take revenge. What you did to me today, if I don't let you If you pay the price, then I, Li Xiaogang, will live this life in vain." " you want to keep playing?" Wu Hao's expression was startled, and he couldn't help asking a little gloomyly.Li Xiaogang sneered, and said: "Play! Of course we have to keep playing! More exciting things are yet to come, and I will play with you slowly." Wu Hao frowned, and said: "Didn't you listen Come on, there are three vicious scumbags locked up in Class No. [-]. Once you are locked up with them, you won't be able to get out!"

Li Xiaogang sneered a few times unmoved, as if the matter was not turned off, and said calmly: "Everyone has his own life, life and death are in heaven! If God really let me die, Li Xiaogang, I will definitely not live. However, if the old If the sky won't let me die, then no one will touch me!" "You..." Li Xiaogang's words made Wu Hao's brows wrinkle, and he felt a little annoyed in his heart. "Brother Hao, do you need to talk so much nonsense with him? Just let him die!" Jiang Wu gave Li Xiaogang an angry look, and shouted with disdain.Wu Hao shook his head, feeling very uncomfortable.This Jiang Wu seems to be quite shrewd, but he is actually an idiot.He really couldn't figure it out, with Jiang Zhongde's great talent, how could he give birth to such a man who didn't understand anything, only knew how to be brave and ruthless. All the people in the audience were excited and restless.

Wu Hao frowned, and asked in a deep voice: "What are you laughing at?" Li Xiaogang stopped laughing, and said slowly: "I'm laughing, heaven really loves to tease people. Thinking that Jiang Zhongde commanded hundreds of thousands of troops, then What a hero. But God gave him such an unworthy son. Hahaha... Don't you think it's ironic?" "Bastard, you are courting death!" The enraged beast roared at Li Xiaogang jumping and jumping.However, Li Xiaogang only gave him a cold look full of contempt.

There is a saying in China that a person cannot be rich for three generations.This seems to be a common phenomenon.The ancestors worked hard and started a business with difficulty.Parents endured hardships and guarded the country, but in the generation of children and grandchildren, the country is no longer there, the building will collapse, and all the glory ends here.This seems to be a strange circle, and I don't know how many originally prominent families have been swallowed up.Li Xiaogang has seen Ke Xue's savagery, and now he has seen Jiang Wu's arrogance. The children of these generals are more hateful than the other. Could it be a genetic problem?Or should it be blamed on the illusory fate?Or is it due to the defects of the national education system and the inferiority of the nation?
No matter what the reason was, looking at Jiang Wu jumping like a clown, Li Xiaogang felt sad for Jiang Zhongde from the bottom of his heart.

"Director Ma, hurry up! Lock him up with those three beasts, I want to see him being torn apart with my own eyes." Jiang Wu roared at Ma Liang. "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and bring me in!" Ma Liang yelled at several policemen while smiling charmingly at Jiang Wu.This made his originally not-so-appreciative face look even uglier.The policemen had no choice but to sigh, each looked at Li Xiaogang guiltily, and brought him to the No. [-] shift room.

Pushing open the door of the classroom, three ferocious and fierce faces were immediately revealed.Seeing Li Xiaogang, the three brothers looked at each other, and then each had a cruel sneer on their faces, as if a very hungry wolf suddenly saw food.Facing the ferocious faces of the three people, Li Xiaogang just smiled lightly, greeted them friendly, and said slowly: "Diwei is very happy to see you, I hope we can get along well." A policeman pushed him into the room, and then closed the heavy iron door...

"Dad, is Mr. Li okay?" In the police car, Wang Xinping couldn't calm down and couldn't help asking Wang Changren.Wang Changren's expression was very solemn at this time.While stepping on the accelerator vigorously to speed up the car, he said worriedly: "Jiang Zhongde has too much power, even if Ma Liang is full of courage, he would not dare to fight him. In order to protect himself, he will definitely spare no effort to help Jiang Zhongde." Wu is exonerated. Now it is obvious that Ma Liang wants Mr. Li to take the blame. In order to get rid of all the crimes than him, Ma Liang will definitely do whatever it takes."

"Isn't Mr. Li very dangerous?" Wang Xinping asked with anxiety on her face.Wang Changren nodded heavily, and said: "It's very dangerous, so we must take that waiter back as quickly as possible, correct Jiang Wu, and settle this matter. If it's a little later, we will I'm afraid that even if Mr. Li was not forced to confess his crime, he would be tortured by Ma Liang and bruise all over his body."

"Then...then what are you waiting for? Hurry up!" Wang Xinping urged eagerly.Wang Changren smiled wryly, and said, "This is already the fastest!" At this time, in the airport cafe, the waitress Xiaoshan who was rudely pushed to the ground by Jiang Wu was happily telling others that Li Xiaogang How to expose Jiang Wu's true identity as a thief.He praised Li Xiaogang as a living god who exists in the sky and does not exist in the world.Little did she know that she herself had become the core of a huge storm.

"Xiaoshan is looking for you!" Just when Xiaoshan was talking about her joy, Wang Xinping and Wang Changren arrived.When Wang Xinping saw Xiaoshan, she hurried forward and took her hand.Xiaoshan looked at Wang Xinping in surprise and asked, "Hey, aren't you that female police officer? You came just in time. I was just telling everyone how Mr. Li subdued that nasty man. They didn't believe it. Come and prove it to me."

(End of this chapter)

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