The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1300 High Blocker

Chapter 1300 High Blocker
Today, Ge Jun was talking to Li Lan, when Li Xiaogang's voice suddenly came from his ear.Although Ge Jun couldn't see Li Xiaogang's figure, he could be sure that the voice belonged to Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang has too many strange abilities, and Ge Jun has long been familiar with it, let alone this small voice transmission for thousands of miles.When Li Xiaogang found out that Wu Hao also assigned people to follow behind the Wang family father and daughter, he already guessed that Wu Hao would not let Xiaoshan appear at the police station.Because he was trapped in the police station and could not escape, he had no choice but to send a voice transmission to Ge Jun, asking him for help.Ge Jun has always been grateful to Li Xiaogang, and naturally he will not refuse his request.So at this critical moment, Ge Jun appeared where he should appear.

Although Ge Jun looks personable and handsome, he doesn't seem to be an ordinary person.But Wang Xinping's heart was not cheered up by his appearance.The facts are obvious, Ge Jun has only one person, while Wu Liang has ten people, and they are all fighters who have undergone rigorous training. It is clear at a glance which one is stronger and which is weaker.When Wang Xinping was feeling disappointed, Wu Liang was also looking at Ge Jun who suddenly appeared.Seeing Ge Jun's calm face, even with a smile on his face, he looked confident.Although Wu Liang was a little bit guilty, like Wang Xinping, he believed that Ge Jun was alone and would not pose a threat to him.So he stared at Ge Jun coldly, and said in a cold voice: "The military is on a mission, you'd better get out of here immediately."

Ge Jun sneered, and asked sarcastically, "Your task is to bully these weak women? What kind of fucking mission is this? People in the military are getting more and more jerks!" Ge Jun said It can be said that it was a bit dark, and Wu Liang's face was gloomy at that time, and he said gloomyly: "Pay attention to your words! You know, you have to be responsible for speaking." Ge Jun would not pay attention to these soldiers Li, ignoring Wu Liang's danger at all, said indifferently: "Of course! I never bully the weak man, of course I have to be responsible for what I say. Unlike you, under the banner of the military These mediocre things have completely embarrassed the military!"

"That's enough! We've been patient with you, but you are aggressive. It's unreasonable! If you turn around and leave now, we'll pretend we didn't hear anything, but if you dare to talk nonsense and hinder us from carrying out our mission, I'll kill you." Arrest you!" Wu Liang roared with unbearable anger.Ge Jun said coldly: "Your shit missions are none of my business! I just want to be a hero to save the beauty. Maybe we can be recorded in the history books, so that our reputation will be passed down through the ages. Wouldn't it be great? "

"Is he crazy?" Seeing that Ge Jun didn't pay attention to Wu Liang and the others, he was sneering and sarcastic at the same time, and Wu Liang's nose was almost twisted.From Wang Xinping's point of view, he was undoubtedly playing with fire, and asked in a low voice, somewhat incomprehensible.Xiaoshan has a different opinion from her. Seeing Ge Jun's calm and unrestrained demeanor, how could he be a lunatic?Reminiscing that Li Xiaogang is also like him, looking for his teeth all over Jiang Wu in a chic and calm manner, he can't help but settle down in his heart, and find hope again in despair.

"Since you are looking for death, I have no reason not to let you go! Falcon, Zhan Dao, you two!" Wu Liang gritted his teeth and shouted in a deep voice.Two burly and strong fighters immediately jumped out of the crowd, punched Ge Jun fiercely from left to right. "Be careful!" Wang Xinping closed her eyes a little unbearably.However, when she closed her eyes, she missed a rare and wonderful moment.With a sneer on his face, Ge Jun looked at Falcon and Fighter who came up together and said quietly: "I heard that you are Jiang Zhongde's guards, I want to see if you are really good at it!" With a sudden short move and a wrong move, the fists of Falcon and Zhandao missed, and they stabbed against the top of Ge Jun's head.

"The speed is too slow, the strength is too weak! Is this considered a punch?" Ge Jun easily dodged the fists of the two people, then quickly turned around, and hit the two of them with his fists like stabs. Feeling as if I had been hit by a hammer, I screamed and fell far away, but I couldn't stand up from the ground again.Wu Liang was taken aback by the fact that these seemingly inadvertent punches had such great force.Ge Jun waved his hands, looked at Wu Liang and the other seven soldiers with contempt, and said lightly: "There are eight more, are you going up together, or one by one?"

Seeing that Ge Jun threw the two burly and invincible soldiers to the ground without blinking, Wang Xinping's eyes widened suddenly, full of disbelief and surprise at the same time.Looking at Ge Jun full of nervousness and excitement, like Xiaoshan, she pinned all her hopes on Ge Jun.Wu Liang looked at Ge Jun carefully, trying to see something from him.It's a pity that he didn't see anything other than being lazy.Ever since he left the dragon group, he didn't have to worry about the never-ending tasks, Ge Jun's life has been much easier, and he has indeed become more lazy than before.Wu Liang frowned, and asked in a concentrated voice: "Who are you? Do you know what you are doing? We represent the military. If you attack us, you are an enemy of the entire country. Are you crazy?"

Ge Jun put away the smile on his face, and said coldly: "You represent the shitty military! If the military really liked you like this, then the country would have been messed up long ago. You just represent Jiang Zhongde." "You ...Do you know that we are under Commander Jiang?!" Wu Liang finally realized at this moment that the man in front of him was not passing by by accident at all, he was a hero to save the beauty, and he came for them, and his heart suddenly became alert stand up.Ge Jun smiled coldly and said, "If I didn't know, I wouldn't bother to meddle in such nosy business. With so much power in Jiang Zhongde's hands, he doesn't know what to do? He thinks who he is, he can just Covering the sky with your hands, what a joke! If you are sensible, you can get out of here now, the farther you get out, the better."

Wu Liang swallowed his saliva, and said coldly: "Okay! It turns out that you are the one who secretly opposed our Commander Jiang. You came just in time, and I just took you back together!" "Hahaha... Jiang Zhongde's People don't have any real skills, but this bull is top-notch! Okay, don't you want to catch me, come on, I'll wait for you!" Wu Liang snorted coldly, and waved his hands violently, except for the one who restrained Wang Changren Apart from them, the other six immediately surrounded Ge Jun.Ge Jun looked around for a week, and said sarcastically: "Okay, this is to prepare more people to bully less people."

Wu Liang ignored Ge Jun's sarcasm, and said flatly: "Your Excellency is highly skilled, and you must be able to defeat ten enemies with one enemy. If this is the case, then we will not be hypocritical. Let's learn about Your Excellency's brilliant moves together." Ge Jun sneered and said: "It's obvious that you are bullying the few with the more, but you say it is high-sounding. Is the usual training of your military region in T province just training lip service?" " will know in a while! Everyone!" Wu Liang gave the order to attack, and the six soldiers rushed towards Ge Jun fiercely. Facing the attack from all directions, Ge Jun was so excited that he couldn't help raising his head to the sky and let out a long roar, shaking his voice and saying: "Here you come!" Good! There are fewer people, and it’s not fun to fight!" After speaking, he danced with both fists, sometimes like thunder, fierce and unstoppable.Sometimes it is like silk, weird and elusive.Wu Liang, who was playing with the six guard soldiers in the palm of his hand, looked more and more ugly. "I'm here to play with you too!" Finally, Wu Liang couldn't bear it any longer, shouted angrily, joined the battle with his fists, and greeted Ge Jun desperately with both fists.

After all, Wu Liang was the vice-captain, and his skills were better than the other team members, but it put a little pressure on Ge Jun.It's just a little bit.As the battle continued, Ge Jun fought more and more freely.Some exquisite moves were displayed one after another, and Wu Liang and his team members immediately ran into big trouble.In front of their eyes, Ge Jun was like an extremely slippery fish. No matter how hard they tried, they couldn't touch it. Instead, Ge Jun seized the opportunity and succeeded in shooting again and again. The three soldiers let out a scream almost at the same time, and staggered out of the battle.Ge Jun's fists were already extremely heavy. This time, because he hated the behavior of Wu Liang and others, he showed no mercy. All the members of the guard who were recruited lost their fighting ability in an instant and collapsed to the ground.

The more he beat, the more frightened Wu Liang became, and the sweat dripped down his forehead.This was not because of Wu Liang's poor physical strength, but because Ge Jun was always suppressing them in terms of momentum while flexing his fists.This made Wu Liang feel as if he was fighting in the water, not to mention that he couldn't move freely, and there was a feeling of stagnation that made people feel very unrestrained.Usually a punch might only need three points of strength, but now it needs five or even six points of strength, but the effect is terrible.Over time, this kind of mental and physical exhaustion made it difficult for Wu Liang not to feel tired.Even Wu Liang, who was superior in skill, did this, not to mention the other fighters. At this time, all of them were about to reach their limit, relying on perseverance, gritted their teeth and struggled to support.What's more, I am envious of those soldiers who were knocked down by Ge Jun. At least they can lie there and don't need to be as tired as them.

Of course Wu Liang has sensed the current atmosphere, and Yin Bai's complete collapse will happen anytime from now on.Wu Liang's head turned rapidly, trying to find a way to reverse the decline, but unfortunately, under the powerful offensive of Ge Jun, he didn't have even the slightest chance.

Now Wu Liang has only one thought in his mind, that is, he wants to find out Ge Jun's identity, at least to let him know who defeated him in the end.But will Ge Jun tell him?Seeing the arrogant and arrogant man in front of him, a sad wry smile appeared on the corner of Wu Liang's mouth, "Lie down!" Just as Wu Liang was thinking wildly, Ge Jun's mouth suddenly sounded like a thunderclap. He shouted.Wu Liang's heart sank instinctively, and he subconsciously wanted to block Ge Jun's attack, but Ge Jun's attack was too fast and weird, and he was too tired at this time, too tired to block Ge Jun's fist. The palm fell to the ground, and he could only watch helplessly as Ge Jun's fist passed through his last defense and landed heavily on his chest.Wu Liang only felt an explosion-like force pouring into his body from his chest. Accompanied by the power raging in his body was incomparably severe pain. This severe pain surpassed the limit that Wu Liang could bear. As soon as it went dark, consciousness shrank into a dot of light like a tide, and then flickered a few times before disappearing.

(End of this chapter)

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