The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1301 The Three Cruel Brothers

Chapter 1301 The Vicious Three Brothers
"Good... so amazing!" Wang Xinping looked at Ge Jun dumbfounded, and it took her a long time to hold back her admiration.Thinking that Ge Jun is the leader of the dignified dragon team, it is naturally no problem to deal with Wu Liang and these little fighters.After solving Wu Liang and others, Ge Jun turned his attention to the last soldier who restrained Wang Changren.The soldier was completely stunned at this time, I'm afraid even Xiaoshan can easily handle him.

Countries all over the world have been instilling a concept when training troops, that is 'don't be afraid of death'!But it is human nature to be afraid of death, and there are few people who can be calm and calm when facing death.Even those heroes who died gloriously, didn't they all shout slogans before they died?People think that they are more heroic in this way, but who really knows that they don't use slogans to alleviate the fear of death in their hearts?
Therefore, an excellent fighter should not be afraid of death, but fear of death is not the criterion for judging whether a fighter is good or not.Ge Jun didn't despise the last soldier because of the fear of death in his eyes, and he was even frightened.Sometimes Ge Jun would touch his chest and ask himself if he was also afraid of death.Every time the result is the same, Ge Jun now has a happy life, a beautiful wife, everything is as beautiful as heaven.If he died, everything would disappear, no wonder he wasn't afraid!But he was afraid of returning home, and Ge Jun also believed that when everything was doomed and he had to die, he would never frown.Maybe he will shout a few slogans, pull a few dramas and so on like those heroes who died generously in the past.But after all, there is only one principle, it is better not to die or not to die.

"Your comrades-in-arms have been wiped out, do you want to be one of them?" Ge Jun stared at him and said indifferently.The guard probably knew in his heart that he should be stronger and more heroic at this moment, but he really couldn't do it, so he shook his head timidly.Ge Jun showed his face with a smile, and said lightly: "Then why don't you release that comrade policeman quickly and run for his life?" The team member was stunned for a while, and then remembered that Wang Changren was still pressed on the ground by him.I couldn't help screaming, and hurriedly let Wang Changren go. Wang Changren stood up, his whole body hurt like hell.

He was pressed to the ground just now, and he didn't see what happened, only heard the screams that kept coming.At this time, I stood up and looked at it, and I couldn't help being shocked.Wu Liang and the others, who were arrogant just now, fell to the ground as if they were dead.Wang Changren was startled, and looked at Ge Jun blankly, with nervousness in his eyes.Ge Jun smiled slightly, and said slowly: "I am not a murderer. Don't worry, they are still alive, they just passed out. My mission has been completed, you can go on the road now.

"You said your mission? Someone sent you to rescue us?" Wang Changren is an old policeman after all, with quick thinking, and he immediately heard the deep meaning from Ge Jun's words.Ge Jun didn't hide anything, he laughed and said, "Of course!" "Can you tell me who he is?" Wang Changren asked curiously, his heart was shocked.Ge Jun pondered for a while, then smiled and said: "It's not the time yet, when you should know, you will know it naturally. However, I can tell you that as long as he is around, Jiang Zhongde is nothing to be afraid of. Continue to perform your duties, and maybe you will get unexpected results." After speaking, Luoliu Wang Changren went to meditate by himself, turned his eyes to the only little soldier who survived, and said, "Don't just stand there stupidly. Put your All these team members got into the car and sent to the hospital. If there is a long delay, although they will not die, there is no guarantee that they will not become disabled.

Hearing that it was so serious, the team member didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly moved Wu Liang into the car first, and then got the other soldiers into the car one after another.Although it was a bit crowded, he couldn't manage so much.Finally, he gave Li Xiaogang a timid look, then started the car and left quickly.After he drove high, Ge Jun waved at Wang Xinping and the others, smiled, got into a sports car parked not far away and disappeared.

All this made Wang Xinping feel like a dream, she kept staring at the direction where Ge Jun disappeared in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.Until Wang Changren pushed him awake and said to him, "Xinping, let's not delay, get in the car right away and go back to the police station!" Wang Xinping hurriedly agreed, and got into the car with Xiaoshan.Getting into the car, Wang Xinping still couldn't turn around, and asked in a murmur, "Dad, who did you say was that person just now?"

Wang Changren frowned and said, "No matter who it is, he is not someone we can compare with. Xinping, this time our father and daughter may have fallen into a huge vortex. This vortex has It may drown us, but it may also make us float up from the bottom of the water. No matter what, this will be a turning point in our destiny. Xinping, you have to be mentally prepared."

Wang Xinping looked at Wang Changren in confusion and asked, "Dad, why do you think so?" Wang Changren smiled wryly, and said, "Stupid girl, don't you see it? However, that Mr. Li is definitely not a fuel-efficient lamp. If you think about it carefully, Mr. Li's performance since entering the police station. Even when facing the aggressiveness of the major general, he is still calm and unhurried. Let me ask, if he didn't know what he knew, how could he be so calm and calm?
Just now you also heard that mysterious man said that he was ordered to save us.Then whose order?I guess, the one who is close to ten is that Mr. Li. "But now that he is locked up in the police station, with so many people watching him, how can he give orders?" Wang Xinping asked puzzled.Wang Changren smiled bitterly, and said slowly: "How can we understand the scheming of these big men? I only hope that the force represented by Mr. Li is strong enough to win the final victory. Otherwise , you and my father and daughter are not just taking off their police uniforms." Wang Xinping exhaled a long breath and murmured, "Don't worry, Dad, I have confidence in Mr. Li, he will definitely win!

Wang Changren nodded, and said quietly: "I hope so. In the police station, Li Xiaogang has been locked in the No. [-] class room for an hour. During this hour, Jiang Wu is looking forward to it every minute and every second." However, the result disappointed him greatly. Class No. [-] was always quiet and there was no sound at all, as if there was no one in it. After waiting for a while, Jiang Wu finally got a little impatient , and shouted at Ma Liang angrily: "Director Ma, what's going on?Didn't you say that the three brothers are the perverts among perverts?Worry about nothing? "

Ma Liang was also wondering, according to what he knew about the three brothers, even if Li Xiaogang hadn't been kidnapped for eight dollars, he was almost dead, why didn't he even make a sound?Wu Hao already felt that Li Xiaogang was not an ordinary person, and now that his original guess had been proved, his heart suddenly jumped.Ma Liang stood up slowly, and shouted: "I really saw a ghost, go and see!" After speaking, he brought a few policemen and came to the door of No. [-] class with Jiang Wu.Ma Liang first put his ear on the door and listened carefully for a while, but he didn't hear anything.Frowning, he ordered a policeman to open the door.When the door opened, including Jiang Wu, Wu Hao.Everyone including Ma Liang couldn't help being surprised.I saw Li Xiaogang sitting on a chair leisurely with his legs crossed, and beside him, the three brothers who were said to be extremely fierce and cruel, squatted there obediently with their heads in their arms, not daring to move. Move around, like three little daughters-in-law who have been bullied.

Jiang Wu pointed at the three brothers angrily, glared at Ma Liang and shouted: "This is the three brothers you said are extremely perverted? Are you kidding me?" Ma Liang couldn't figure out what happened, so he smiled bitterly. Jiang Wu said: "Young Master Jiang, calm down, even if I have the courage to play you. These three brothers are really cruel. None of the prisoners who are locked with him is not cruel. It is because of them The three are too vicious, that's why we detain them alone..." "Then what's going on, please explain to me clearly!" Jiang Wu wanted to see Li Xiaogang make a fool of himself, but he didn't expect it to be With such a result, the heart is naturally filled with infinite anger because of extreme disappointment.

Hearing Jiang Wu's repeated shouts and questions, Ma Liang could only hold a wry smile.explain?He also wanted to find someone to explain this incredible scene.At this time, Li Xiaogang suddenly let out a sneer, looked at Jiang Wu, and said quietly: "Don't embarrass Director Ma, what he said is right, these three brothers are very cruel!" Three sheep, Jiang Wuman curled his lips in disbelief.Li Xiaogang smiled slightly when he saw this, and said faintly: "Why, you don't believe it? It's easy!" After finishing speaking, he looked at the three brothers with a smile, and said slowly: "This Young Master Jiang doesn't seem to believe what I said, I see You might as well show him the cruelty.

As soon as Li Xiaogang's words fell, the three brothers stood up abruptly from the ground, and their three scarred faces turned to Jiang Wu together.Just now Rida hugged his head, Jiang Wu failed to see their faces, but now that he saw them, he couldn't help being startled, and subconsciously took a few steps back.This is not over yet, the eyes of the three brothers suddenly released three bloodthirsty cold lights like wolves, which made Jiang Wu's heart rise to his throat fiercely. "I'll kill you!" One of the three brothers let out a beast-like roar, and then rushed towards Jiang Wu. Before Jiang Wu came back to his senses, he was tightly hugged.Just as Jiang Wu was about to open his mouth to call for help, a sudden sharp pain came from his shoulder. Turning his head to look, he couldn't help but be out of his wits, the man actually forcibly tore off a piece of flesh and blood from his shoulder.Jiang Wu screamed as if being possessed by a ghost.

(End of this chapter)

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