Chapter 1302
"Save Young Master Jiang! Save Young Master Jiang!" Seeing this scene, Ma Liang was so terrified that he screamed desperately.The two policemen were about to step forward to rescue Jiang Wu, but they were violently thrown to the ground by the other two of the three brothers, and the four scuffled each other. "Help!" Seeing the other party biting him again, Jiang Wu lost his soul, desperately covered the man's mouth, and shouted frantically: "Brother Hao, help Brother Hao!
Seeing that the situation was not good, Wu Hao rushed up in a few steps, and hit the man's back hard with his elbow. The man let out a painful cry, and subconsciously let go of Jiang Wu.Seeing the opportunity, Wu Hao pulled Wu Hao aside, and at the same time his legs danced like long whips.In the blink of an eye, one of the three brothers was shot more than a dozen times in the leg, and finally lost consciousness and passed out on the ground.

Wu Hao turned his head and saw that the remaining two brothers were still fighting with the two policemen. He frowned and waved and said that several guard soldiers rushed up and knocked the two brothers unconscious with their guns. The siege of the two policemen was solved.Seeing this, Li Xiaogang shook his head full of regret.It's a pity to say a few times.Wu Hao knew that this must be Li Xiaogang's fault, but he suffered from lack of evidence.He just glared at Li Xiaogang bitterly, then turned to look at Jiang Wu.Jiang Wu's injury was not too serious, only a piece of flesh was lost.Ma Liang has ordered several policewomen in the bureau to bandage his wound.

It's just that the physical trauma was secondary, but Jiang Wu's psychological blow was much greater.At this time, Jiang Wu seemed to have lost his soul, his face was pale, and the two of them did not have the slightest expression.Obviously frightened by the terrible scene that he experienced just now.If Jiang Wu really has three advantages and two disadvantages, then he, Wu Hao, has no way to explain it to Jiang Zhongde.Although Jiang Zhongde was often angry because of Jiang Wu's failure to live up to expectations, he only had such a son after all. If he didn't even have a son to pass on the incense, how would Jiang Zhongde face the ancestors of his Jiang family?

Therefore, Wu Hao was also very annoyed at this time, turned to look at Ma Liang, and shouted with a bad expression: "Director Ma, what's going on? If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, I'm afraid we will Commander Jiang will not give up on this matter!" Ma Liang was upset when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "Staff Wu, listen to me, I really didn't know that things would turn out like this. It must... This kid must be the one to do it!" Nie Liang turned and pointed at Li Xiaogang, full of resentment.Li Xiaogang sneered, and said quietly: "Director Ma, as the chief of the police, you should know that everything must be based on evidence. If you talk nonsense without evidence, I will not agree."

Ma Liang roared full of annoyance: "Boy, just be arrogant! Let's see how long you can be arrogant. This time, even if there is no matter with Commander Jiang, I will kill you myself!" Li Xiaogang snorted coldly , said lightly: "I remember what you said. By the way, I want to remind you that you must kill me. If I don't die, you will be the last person to die!" "You..." Ma Liang He looked at Li Xiaogang furiously, wishing he could blow his head off with a gun.

Wu Hao pulled him aside, faced Li Xiaogang himself, and said slowly: "Actually, I should have known it a long time ago, so I can't do anything to you at all." Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said: "Yes! Are you Should have known earlier, if he had known earlier, Jiang Wu would not have lost a piece of meat, hahaha..."

Wu Hao's complexion darkened, and he said slowly: "I know that your background is not simple, and you are not afraid of our Commander Jiang's power at all. But have you ever thought about it, our Commander Jiang is not easy to mess with after all. He has the best popularity in the military circle, and he has a high status in the political circle. If you provoke him, and he fights with you, the end result will be that we both lose. Why bother? I still mean that, It's all over here, isn't it better for everyone to be friends than enemies?" Li Xiaogang looked at Wu Hao, and said lightly: "You are a smart person, you should have achieved something, but it's a pity that you are a bit of a bully, and you are destined to not What a big achievement."

"Bullying? Me? Hehe..." Wu Hao couldn't help but let out a wry smile when he was dubbed 'bullying' for the first time.Li Xiaogang was startled by Wu Hao's expression, and said in a deep voice: "Why, looking at your expression, I seem to have wronged you." Wu Hao shook his head, and said slowly: "I don't know either. But once you have heard Something called 'protective color,'?" Li Xiaogang frowned, and said slowly: "It is common in nature, and it is a camouflage technique evolved by animals to protect themselves from natural enemies. Why did you suddenly bring this up? ?”

Wu Hao said lightly: "Animals need a protective look, why don't humans need it? Sometimes, in order not to be bullied by others, you have to pretend to be very powerful. This is the protective look of a human being. You are a smart person, you should You will understand what I mean." Li Xiaogang sneered, and said quietly: "You mean, you are so bullying, but you are actually pretending?" Wu Hao smiled bitterly, and said: "Our Commander Jiang, although the status It's very high, but this is the capital after all, not the province of T, in order not to be threatened by others, we need some camouflage."

Li Xiaogang felt the helplessness expressed by Wu Hao, and said lightly: "Perhaps what you said is true, but it's a pity that the arrow is already on the string and has to be fired!" Wu Hao nodded and said: " You are right, there is no stopping now. In order to protect our Commander Jiang, I will definitely do my best. I will not let your plot succeed."

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "If you have the ability, you can come and stop me. I'm afraid you have more power than you want. However, I will remember what you said to me just now. Please also remember my words. Jiang Wu is too arrogant, arrogant and conceited. If you allow him to continue, it will only cause more trouble for Jiang Zhongde. You should take this opportunity to treat him well. It's a pity that instead of doing this, you unscrupulously defended him, as if you were pushing Jiang Wu to the edge of a cliff. Maybe it wasn't me who killed him in the end, but you yourself .”

Li Xiaogang's words made Wu Hao frowned, and his heart was touched a little.In fact, why didn't he think so.After a pause, Wu Hao said lightly: "I heard what you said. However, Jiang Wu is the son of our Commander Jiang, how to educate him is the problem of Commander Jiang. My task is to help Jiang Wu wash his hands. Injustice, restore the Jiang family's innocence." Li Xiaogang shook his head and said, "Even if it is to wash away the grievances, this is not the way to wash them off. Wu Hao, you used the wrong method. In the end, not only you will regret it, but Jiang Zhongde will also regret it. " Wu Hao said in a deep voice: "Thank you for your reminder, but I think we don't need it at all." After speaking, he turned and walked out.Looking at his back, Li Xiaogang said several times in his heart, "It's a pity, it's a pity..."

Back in the lobby of the police station, Jiang Wu's wound has been bandaged.The pain was not so severe, and Jiang Wu finally came back to his senses, like a furious beast, he roared at Ma Liang repeatedly: "Bastard! You, immediately pull the person who bit me out and kill him. I don't want to see him again! And his two brothers, let them all die together! Go!" Facing Jiang Wu's roar, Ma Liang's face was full of bitterness, and he smiled apologetically He said: "Young Master Jiang, aren't you embarrassing me? I don't have the right to shoot people casually..."

"You don't, my dad does! Tell me to call my dad, and I must watch the three of them be shot! Damn, you dare to bite me, you want to die!" Jiang Wu picked up the phone while cursing endlessly.Wu Hao walked over quickly, snatched the phone out of his hand, and hung it up heavily.Jiang Wu looked at Wu Hao with some surprise, and asked, "Brother Hao, what are you doing?" Wu Hao looked at Jiang Wu, and now he finally realized Jiang Zhongde's indignation of hating iron for nothing, and said angrily: " Why do you want to shoot them, just because they bit you? Ah!? Who do you think you are, who will shoot you if you bite you, why are you so awesome?"

Wu Hao is always polite to Jiang Wu on weekdays, but this is the first time he yelled at him so embarrassingly. For a moment, Jiang Wu was stunned by Wu Hao's scolding: , with an embarrassed smile on his face. "Brother Hao, why are you making such a fuss? They are just three scumbags..." "They are scumbags, so what are you? Since you were young, apart from causing trouble for Commander Jiang, What else have you done? Do you know how much Commander Jiang hurts you? If you weren't his son, you would have died [-] times! If it wasn't because of you this time, how could you be like this? Let me tell you, you deserved it if you were bitten!"

"Brother Hao, you..." Jiang Wu was completely dumbfounded by Wu Hao's scolding, and his face was dull.Wu Hao vented the anger in his heart, calmed down a little, and said in a deep voice: "From now on, you are not allowed to say a word. Just sit here for me obediently, if you talk nonsense again, I will replace you Daddy will teach you a lesson!"

Seeing that the atmosphere was tense, Ma Liang hurriedly stood up to smooth things over and said, "Chief of Staff Wu, Mr. Jiang, you don't need to be so angry about those three brothers. Their crimes are enough to shoot them a hundred times, sure. I'm going to die, it's just a matter of time. Hehe..."

Wu Hao glared at Ma Liang with some disgust, he is really useless to be a policeman in his role.Although Wu Hao is only Jiang Zhongde's subordinate, he is favored by Jiang Zhongde.Especially when Jiang Wu became less and less up to date, Wu Hao was more able to win Jiang Zhongde's favor.In this situation, even Jiang Wu would not dare to easily offend Wu Hao.Especially Wu Hao's kung fu in fists and feet is very good. Fighting recklessly with him is simply looking for death. Although he was a little dissatisfied, Jiang Wu could only be as Wu Hao said, and he didn't dare to fart any more and calmed down.

(End of this chapter)

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