The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1303 Xiaoshan's Extraordinary!

Chapter 1303 Xiaoshan's Extraordinary!

Wu Hao was about to drive Ma Liang aside when the phone in his pocket rang suddenly.Wu Hao picked up the phone, and before he could say a few words, his complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted out in a deep voice: "What are you talking about? Say it again!" Seeing Wu Hao's expression was wrong, Ma Liang also became nervous He got up, hurriedly approached him and asked, "Staff Wu, what happened?" Wu Hao slowly put away the phone, and said with a fluctuating expression, "All the people I sent to intercept Wang Changren's father and daughter were killed by others." Injured and sent to the hospital, even my younger brother Wu Liang was no exception."

"Ah!? Wang Changren and his daughter have such courage that they even dare to fight soldiers?" Ma Liang exclaimed in surprise.Wu Hao couldn't help but glared at him, and said coldly: "Director Ma, please use your brains! Even if Wang Changren and his daughter have the guts to take action, could they be the opponents of my subordinates? Someone else made the move!" Ma Liang scratched his hair in embarrassment, and said with a hey smile: "Yeah, I was excited at the moment, and I didn't think about it. Hehe, who will make the shot?" Wu Hao frowned, and snorted coldly Said: "I still want to know, who will tell me?"

"I didn't expect such a simple case to turn out to be so tricky. What a fucking ghost!" Ma Liang said a little upset.Why doesn't Wu Hao think so?Thinking of Jiang Zhongde's entrustment to him when he came, no matter how difficult it is for him, Wu Hao must grit his teeth and persevere.Just when Wu Haoxuan was thinking hard, there was a sound of hurried footsteps, and everyone looked up, only to see Wang Changren and Wang Xinping walking in, supporting Xiaoshan from left to right. "Director, we brought the witness back, can you release Mr. Li now?" Wang Xinping said impatiently as soon as she walked in.

Ma Liang glanced at Wu Hao, Wu Hao said calmly: "Don't worry, she hasn't testified yet." Wang Xinping hurriedly said to Xiaoshan: "Xiaoshan, tell everyone now, who is the real thief? "Xiaoshan was about to testify against Jiang Wu, Wu Hao said: "Wait a minute! I want to talk to this lady first." Wang Changren narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "Talk? I think you want to Intimidate others?" Wu Hao said coldly: "This matter is related to the reputation of our family Mr. Jiang for the rest of his life, and even the reputation of our Commander Jiang. I have to be careful if the trouble is serious. If you Just buy someone on the street and ask him to testify against Mr. Jiang. Isn't Mr. Jiang very wronged?"

Ma Liang hurriedly chimed in and said, "Since the witness was found by you, of course she has to ask a few questions first, otherwise how can she convince others with her testimony? I'm the director, and I'm the one to say this! "Wang Changren sneered and said: "Although you are the director, I am in charge of this case. You said this in front of everyone. You can't deny it, right? Since I am in charge, Everything about this case must be approved by me!" Ma Liang was annoyed by Wang Changren's unyielding attitude, but his words made sense, leaving Ma Liang speechless.

Seeing that Ma Liang hesitated for a long time and couldn't fart, Wu Hao snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice: "Whether you are willing or not, for the sake of our son's innocence, I must talk to her. If you have the ability , come and stop me!"

As soon as Wu Hao finished speaking, more than a dozen guards immediately took a step forward. Wang Changren and Wang Xinping were startled by that posture.Seeing the unfriendly expressions of the guards, Wang Changren said coldly: "Why, are you still going to use force?" Wu Hao said lightly: "If you insist, I have no other choice."

Faced with this situation, Wang Changren had no choice but to agree.The father and son looked at each other, and Wang Xinping suddenly said, "You can talk to Xiaoshan if you want, but I have one condition." Wu Hao was shocked, and said, "Speak!" Wang Xinping frowned, and said: "Release Mr. Li from Class No. [-]." Along the way, Wang Xinping was always concerned about Li Xiaogang, fearing what would happen to him by those three perverted brothers.

Wu Hao and Ma Liang originally planned to lock Li Xiaogang into the No. [-] class, and use the hands of the three brothers to teach him a good lesson, let him take the initiative to bear all the crimes, and help Jiang Wu escape.But never expected that instead of being hurt by those three brothers, Li Xiaogang miraculously subdued the three brothers and bit Jiang Wu hard.In this way, the meaning of shutting Li Xiaogang into class = No. [-] will be lost. Wu Hao readily agreed to Wang Xinping's request.

Wang Xinping was overjoyed, and hurriedly asked Ma Liang for the key and ran to the door of the No. [-] classroom.Hearing the silence in the door, without the slightest sound, Wang Xinping's heart suddenly tightened, for fear that she would be late in the end and fail to save Li Xiaogang.With serious unease and deep worry, Wang Xinping opened the door of Miyoshi's class with trembling hands.When Wang Xinping summoned all her courage to push the door open, she saw a handsome and charming smiling face that dazzled her. "Why did you come back? It really made me wait, haha..." Li Xiaogang said with a series of hearty laughter.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang was fine, Wang Xinping was certainly happy, but she didn't understand why.You know, she still remembers the misery of the criminals who were unfortunate enough to be locked up with the three brothers before.

But looking at Li Xiaogang again, his whole body is neat and tidy, even his hair is not messy at all, he is still so neat and handsome, this can't help but confuses and surprises Wang Xinping.Turning her head to look into the classroom, Wang Xinping saw the three brothers lying on the ground unconscious, she seemed to understand a little bit.Looking at Li Xiaogang with a smile on his face, he asked, "You did this?"

Li Xiaogang shook his head, curled his lips and said, "I'm not that heartless, everyone is going to die, so why bother with them? Hey, I really don't understand!" Li Xiaogang's words made Wang Xinping feel even more excited. A little confused, she realized more and more that during the period of time she was away, she must have missed something good.Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "Okay, let's go. Don't wake up these three brothers!"

After finishing speaking, he tidied up his suit and returned to the hall with a bright smile on his face.Seeing Li Xiaogang walking out with great splendor, and looking at the thick gauze on his shoulders, Jiang Wu's heart seemed to be on fire, eager to vent, but seeing Wu Hao's stern face, he I think it's better to be patient a little bit.

"Mr. Li, are you alright?" Seeing Li Xiaogang walking out unharmed, Wang Changren couldn't help being surprised, but soon he was relieved.How can someone who can mobilize a series master like Ge Jun be afraid of the three brothers who are a little too aggressive and crazy?Li Xiaogang nodded at Wang Changren, and said, "Thank you, Officer Wang, for your concern. I'm fine." Wang Changren nodded with a smile, and said, "It's fine, it's fine." When he reached Xiaoshan, he said, "I'm really sorry, but I have to trouble you to make a trip."

Li Xiaogang's humility and smile made Xiaoshan lower her head a little embarrassedly, playing with the corner of her clothes vigorously, and said embarrassingly: " doesn't matter." "I have fulfilled your conditions, now you can Let me talk to the witness?" Wu Hao said in a deep voice. "You want to talk to her? What are you talking about? Do you want to use the power of the Jiang family to threaten her?" Li Xiaogang exposed Wu Hao's plan with one word.But Wu Hao didn't take it seriously at all. At this point, the matter has already become clear, and it is completely unnecessary to hide it.

Wu Hao said lightly: "What do you think? In short, for the sake of Mr. Jiang's innocence, we must talk about it." "Hmph, you are struggling in vain. Justice will not yield!" Li Xiaogang said coldly Said.

"That's right! Of course justice is invincible, but it doesn't necessarily mean that you are the one who defeats justice." Wu Hao confronted Li Xiaogang not to be outdone.Li Xiaogang turned his head to look at Xiaoshan, only to see that Xiaoshan's eyes were filled with! , nodded heavily at Li Xiaogang.At this moment, Li Xiaogang suddenly realized that his worries were superfluous. This unattractive, somewhat weak girl in front of him had a heart like gold.

"Mr. Li, what should I do?" I don't know whether it was out of feeling, or what Wang Changren said about Li Xiaogang on the way. I gave it to Li Xiaogang to get it.Li Xiaogang smiled faintly a few times, and said quietly: "People must keep their promises. Since you promised him earlier, let them talk. I want to see what tricks he can talk about." Wu Hao didn't Instead, he looked at Xiaoshan with lightning eyes and said, "Miss, please come with me!" After speaking, he walked straight into Ma Liang's office.

Wu Hao's gaze was very sharp, falling into Xiaoshan's eyes, as if piercing her heart, making Xiaoshan, who hadn't experienced much wind and rain, involuntarily feel a strong pressure, with some He looked at Li Xiaogang in fear.Li Xiaogang gave her a calm and calm smile.This smile seems inconspicuous and meaningless, but in Xiaoshan's eyes, it seems to contain countless connotations.Encouragement, comfort, and trust—these all merged together to form a huge torrent, which literally washed away the trace of fear in Xiaoshan's heart.Xiaoshan's courage increased greatly, she pulled herself together, and walked into Ma Liang's office with her head held high with steady steps.

(End of this chapter)

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