The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1304 Xiaoshan's Extraordinary

Chapter 1304 Xiaoshan's Extraordinary
Seeing Xiaoshan's straight body and unhappy but firm steps, Wang Changren's worries about her also disappeared.Full of surprise, she murmured: "I really can't see it. This girl looks weak and weak at first glance, as if she can't stand the wind and rain. But I didn't expect that there is such a surprising strength in her body. It seems that my previous worries are superfluous." Li Xiaogang said with a faint smile: "Yes, as the ancients said, this person should not be judged by his appearance, hehe..."

Walking into Ma Liang's office, Wu Hao turned his back to Xiaoshan, staring out the window, not knowing what he was looking at.

He didn't speak, just stood there quietly.Xiaoshan twitched her crescent eyebrows lightly, and smiled slightly. Since Wu Hao didn't speak, she didn't bother to speak first, so she simply pulled a chair and sat down.Wu Hao originally thought that he wanted to play psychological tactics with Xiaoshan first, but he didn't expect that Xiaoshan would not accept this trick at all.Through the reflection on the glass window, what Wu Hao sees is that Xiaoshan is holding a small vanity mirror, carefully painting her eyebrows, as if Wu Hao doesn't exist at all.

After living in the army for so long, Wu Hao has already accumulated a lot of aura, which can subdue thousands of troops.However, in front of Xiaoshan at this time, it seemed that it was completely useless.Xiaoshan always had a faint smile on her face, as if she admired herself in the vanity mirror.Wu Hao was helpless, turned around, and said slowly: "Aren't you afraid of me?" "Afraid of you? Why should I be afraid of you? Do you have two heads?" Xiaoshan turned her head and looked at Wu Hao said nonchalantly.

Wu Hao shook his head, and said slowly: "Don't think that you can be lawless if someone supports you. You have to know that the person who supports you is just using you. Once his purpose is achieved, you will not Use it. At that time, who can protect you?" Xiaoshan curled her lips and said quietly: "Who knows, maybe God will send me a prince charming?" Wu Hao snorted coldly, She said in a low voice, "I ask you, who is the one who stole things?" Xiaoshan replied without thinking, "Of course it's the man surnamed Jiang. Mr. Li is a hero who stands up for justice..."" Bang!" Before Xiaoshan finished speaking, Wu Hao was not only angry, he slammed the table hard and shocked Xiaoshan who was not paying attention.After being dazed for a moment, Xiaoshan came back to her senses, and shouted in a coquettish voice full of annoyance: "There's something wrong with you! It's okay to slap on the table, can't you scare people to death?" Recalling when he was in the military area of ​​​​T Province, he said so. As soon as he slapped the table, even a fearless soldier couldn't help but lose his legs.But Xiaoshan was only slightly stunned for a moment, and then fiercely launched a counterattack. This kind of behavior made it impossible for Wu Hao to regard her as a weak girl.

Coughing, Wu Hao said in a slow voice: "Miss, this matter is very important, I advise you to think clearly before answering. You know, perjury is a felony." Xiaoshan curled her lips. , Said: "You don't have to worry about me, what I said is the truth, and it's nothing to do with perjury." Wu Hao sneered, and said quietly: "Whether what you said is the truth is up to you to say." The final decision. I'm not afraid to tell you that Jiang Wu is the only son of our Commander Jiang. And Commander Jiang is the commander of the Military Region of T Province. He is so powerful that you can't imagine it. He will not let Jiang Wu have an accident, so even if The thing was really stolen by Jiang Wu, and our Commander Jiang has a way to evade it. At that time, even if you tell the truth, it will become a lie."

Xiaoshan frowned, and said: "I don't believe in Wei, I don't believe that you can turn the real into a fake, and take the fake as real." Wu Hao sneered, and said lightly: "Little girl, after all, you He's still young, and hasn't seen much in the world. In this world, being reasonable doesn't mean you can travel around the world, the key is to be powerful." After a pause, Wu Hao continued: "Little girl, do you have brothers and sisters?" Xiaoshan said, "Yes, what do you want to do?" Wu Hao smiled and said, "Oh, why not. I just want to tell you that our Commander Jiang has great power. If your brothers and sisters are useful to us Jiang In the place of the commander, Commander Jiang is very happy to take the lead."

" want to buy me?" Xiaoshan looked at Wu Hao, blinked her big eyes a few times, and said quietly.

Wu Hao shook his head, and said: "Don't say anything about buying or not, it's so ugly. I just want to ask you to make it easier. As long as you go out and tell everyone that everything is stolen by that Mr. Li, it will be fine. It's very simple. "But... Mr. Li really didn't steal the things. Wouldn't I wrong a good person by saying that?" Xiao Shan said in a full of embarrassment. Mr. Li, but what does it matter? Anyway, you don’t know him. After you walk out from here, don’t you go your own way? The key is that from now on, you will have such a high price and high authority like our Commander Jiang. My good friend, when the time comes, who else would dare to bully your family? Are you right? "

Xiaoshan tilted her head and thought for a while, then quietly said: "You seem to be saying something reasonable..." Wu Hao was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Right, this is what a smart girl should do. Then we will make a decision like this. You testify against Zhang, and our Commander Jiang will take care of your family and protect you from being bullied by anyone." Xiaoshan let out a crisp laugh and said, "It sounds like It's very tempting. But I'm very sorry, my mother taught me since I was a child that I can't do immoral things, otherwise I will be punished. So I'm sorry, I will let you down."

Wu Hao thought he was done, but he didn't expect Xiaoshan to play with him so well. He couldn't help feeling annoyed, and shouted loudly: "Little girl, don't toast and eat fine wine. If you continue to be obsessed, don't blame me. You're welcome!" Xiaoshan snorted, and said, "Now you can't help being rude to me, but I'm going to be rude to you." "What do you mean?" Wu Hao asked a little confused.Xiaoshan took out a miniature recording pen from her pocket, shook it in front of Wu Hao, and said with a sneer: "You didn't expect that, I have already recorded all our previous conversations, word for word. come down."

Wu Hao was taken aback by Xiaoshan's words. He looked at Xiaoshan incredulously, and asked in disbelief, "You...what did you say?" Seeing Wu Hao's surprised look, Xiaoshan giggled Said: "I'm afraid you never dreamed that when you came into the office, Mr. Li quietly put this recording pen in my pocket. The purpose was to collect evidence that you threatened me. I didn't expect this trick It really worked. Even if I don’t testify now, as long as I have this recorder, Jiang Wu’s charges will be confirmed.”

Wu Hao never dreamed that things would develop in such a situation.He originally thought that Xiaoshan was weak and understood that just a little intimidation would make her change her testimony.But he never dreamed that Fei Bofen could achieve his goal, but instead he fell into someone else's trap.

The conversation recorded in the voice recorder in Xiaoshan's hand is really terrible. Once it is released to the public, not only Jiang Wu's guilt will be solidly proved, but Wu Hao will also be implicated.As a general, but disregarding his status to intimidate and lure a girl, this crime is not light, enough to send him to a military court.What scared Wu Hao, the currency accountant, was that even Jiang Zhongde was involved in what he said to Xiaoshan just now.He, Wu Hao, is Jiang Zhongde's confidant, so what he does naturally represents Jiang Zhongde.Don't say it was him this time, I'm afraid Jiang Zhongde himself jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean it up.Recalling in his mind, Jiang Zhongde's advice to him before he left, he seemed to be struck by lightning, and his hair stood on end.

Seeing Wu Hao's horrified expression, Xiao Shan sneered and said, "Now you have nothing to say, then I'm going out." "Stop!" Wu Hao slammed into Xiao Shan and Between the doors, staring at Xiaoshan with bloodshot eyes.Wu Hao's ferocious and terrifying expression made Xiaoshan startled, she hurriedly stepped back a few steps, and murmured, "You Zhou What do you want to do? Don't mess around, this is the police station!" Wu Hao He has always been known for being calm, but this time, he really couldn't keep his cool anymore.Because he knew very well that once the recording was exposed, the serious consequences would be unimaginable.It doesn't matter if he loses his reputation, but he doesn't want to implicate Jiang Zhongde who has been kind to him because of his fault.

In order to prevent the recording from being exposed, he has no other choice but to snatch the recording pen back from Xiaoshan's hand and destroy it.Wu Hao's eyes flashed with cold and sharp light, he stared straight at Xiaoshan, and said in a word: "Give me the recorder!" Xiaoshan snorted coldly, and said, "Ha, you want to destroy Evidence, dream! I won't give it to you!" Xiaoshan said while holding the recording pen tightly in her hand.Wu Hao was already anxious, and said in a cold voice: "Miss, you'd better give me this recording pen, otherwise I don't know what I will do, if Xiaobai doesn't hurt Miss You, don't blame me!"

"Okay! Are you still going to commit murder? I don't believe it. With so many people outside, you dare to act recklessly!" Xiaoshan plucked up her courage and shouted loudly at Wu Hao.Wu Hao snorted coldly, and said: "The big deal is that I will not be a general.

But even if I die, I cannot implicate Commander Jiang.Miss, I beg you, give me the recorder! Xiaoshan hid behind the desk and said loudly: "Impossible!" "Wu Hao's eyebrows turned cold, he turned around and locked the door behind him, and said coldly: "If that's the case, then don't blame me for being ruthless." After finishing speaking, Wu Hao slammed into Xiaoshan. Xiaoshan quickly escaped from under the table and tried to open the door, but it was a pity that the door of the office was locked by Wu Hao, and it was difficult to open for a while. But Wu Hao chased up again from behind, and his right hand was about to touch her back.

(End of this chapter)

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