The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1305 Xiaoshan's Extraordinary

Chapter 1305 Xiaoshan's Extraordinary
Xiaoshan had no choice but to exclaim, gave up on unlocking, and hid aside.At this time, Wu Hao only had Xiaoshan and the recorder in his eyes, and he couldn't care about anything else.In Ma Liang's fairly spacious office, the two played 'hide and seek'.But Xiaoshan is just a weak girl after all, how could she be Wu Hao's opponent, she was forced into a corner fiercely by Wu Hao within a few strokes.There is no way to avoid it.Wu Hao stared at Xiaoshan with red eyes, stepped forward step by step, and said in a cold voice: "Give me the recorder, give me!"

Xiaoshan was terrified right now, but she still kept Li Xiaogang's instructions firmly in her heart, she tightly protected the recording pen to her chest, closed her eyes, and kept shaking her head.Seeing this, Wu Hao snorted coldly, and said, "If that's the case, then I'm offended!" Wu Hao snorted, and quickly grabbed Xiaoshan's chest with his right hand.Just when Xiaoshan screamed again and again, thinking that she was about to die, a cry of pain suddenly entered her ears.

Xiaoshan opened her eyes with some surprise, but what she saw was a tall and burly figure.This figure is like a wall, blocking all the wind and rain outside, and Xiaoshan can't help but feel a strong sense of security in her heart. She only hopes to stay here for the rest of her life, and never go out again. The pain did not suppress the shock in Wu Hao's heart.Just now, just when his hand was about to touch Xiaoshan's chest, there was a flash in front of his eyes, and Li Xiaogang's figure appeared in front of him like a ghost, and his hand was also covered by Li Xiaogang's big hand. It was held firmly, and it was difficult to get in the slightest.Before Wu Hao figured out what was going on, Li Xiaogang suddenly exerted force on his wrist.Immediately, it felt as if it was about to break, and it started to hurt violently.

Wu Hao clenched his teeth tightly to prevent himself from screaming.However, the pain was like waves in the sea, one after another, it seemed to be continuous, beating his heart non-stop.Finally Wu Hao couldn't bear the pain, and opened his mouth to shout.The miserable roar echoed throughout the room.However, due to the good sound insulation effect of the room, it still cannot be transmitted to the outside.Seeing that Wu Hao has reached his limit, if he continues, Wu Hao will probably collapse completely.Li Xiaogang snorted coldly and let go of his hand.Wu Hao's body immediately went limp and fell to the ground.

"Is this your true face? Jealousy!" Li Xiaogang looked at Wu Hao with disdain, and scolded in a cold voice full of sarcasm.Xiaoshan, who was almost in despair, suddenly found Li Xiaogang, and the excitement in her heart could not be described in words.Unable to bear it, he threw himself into Li Xiaogang's arms, and let out a low hey.Li Xiaogang patted her on the back gently, and comforted her softly: "It's okay, everything is over, with me here, you don't have to be afraid of anything." Li Xiaogang's gentle voice gradually soothed the fear in Xiaoshan's heart. Xiaoshan calmed down a little bit.

"Mr. Li, here, this is the recording pen you gave me!" Xiaoshan wiped away her tears, raised her head from Li Xiaogang's arms, and handed the recording pen to Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang caressed Xiaoshan's beautiful hair, his expression was like a brother who was full of concern for his sister, which made Xiaoshan very intoxicated.Li Xiaogang said softly: "Xiaoshan did a great job, thanks to you this time." Hearing Li Xiaogang's praise, Xiaoshan smiled like a bright summer flower. "That pen is mine!" Wu Hao bounced off the ground violently, rushing towards Li Xiaogang like crazy.Li Xiaogang snorted coldly, raised his right leg like a whip, and kicked Wu Hao's chest. Wu Hao didn't even have time to react, and was knocked to the ground by Li Xiaogang's kick.

"With me here, you can't help being presumptuous!" Looking at Wu Hao struggling on the ground, Li Xiaogang said coldly.Give me back the recording pen, give me back..." Suffering heavy injuries one after another, Wu Hao still couldn't bear it, and stood up from the ground tremblingly again. Li Xiaogang was angry at Wu Hao for what he did to Xiaoshan. Because of this, the force of the kick just now was not light. Most people would have passed out on the spot after eating his kick. But instead of being unconscious, Wu Hao stood up again. This strong will can be used astonishingly. described.

What supported Wu Hao, who still refused to give up after being hit so hard?Li Xiaogang's heart trembled.The reason why Wu Hao is able to do this is because of Jiang Zhongde.Thinking of Yin De's loyalty to Ke Zhengang, Li Xiaogang can easily understand Wu Hao's devotion to Jiang Zhongde.Generals like Ke Zhengang and Jiang Zhongde may have their own flaws, and they may occasionally be confused, but it is undeniable that they all have an extremely attractive charm.This charm is condensed from the battlefield, in the bloody fight with the enemy.

They regard death as home, value love and righteousness, and live in the torment of fire all the time.They have never lacked fighting spirit, no matter how difficult and dangerous they are ahead.They are good at creating miracles, because they have a life as passionate as fire.This kind of sentiment is often the thing that can move a person the most, and once you are moved, you will be infected by them, and you will have a kind of pride that is willing to live and die with them. It is this kind of pride that inspires Wu Hao, Yin Yin People like Germany are willing to defend them at the cost of death.During the long time of getting along, it turned out that Jiang Zhongde and Ke Zhengang had already become milestones and lights on their journey.

Wu Hao couldn't even stand upright now. Li Xiaogang's kick almost cost him half his life, which made Wu Hao even feel worse than being shot. Mistakes, but a lifetime of wisdom, ruined once, Wu Hao just persisted and refused to fall, step by step, walked towards Li Xiaogang with great difficulty.Li Xiaogang looked at Wu Hao coldly, and said quietly: "You can't even stand firmly now, how can you take the recording pen back from me?" Kneeling down, he said slowly, "I've surrendered. I can't beat you, so I beg you. Please, return the recorder to me. I can do whatever you want!"

"Anything is fine? Even if I let you die, doesn't it matter?" Li Xiaogang frowned and asked.Wu Hao gritted his teeth, and said in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter! You want my life, just take it. I just hope you don't make this recorder public. I caused all this by myself, and I don't want to implicate our commander!" "Mr. Li, he...he is so pitiful." Seeing Wu Hao's appearance, Xiaoshan couldn't help feeling sympathetic, and murmured.

Li Xiaogang smiled at her and said, "Xiaoshan, can you go out first? I have a few words to say to him." Xiaoshan nodded obediently.When she came to the door, Xiaoshan suddenly found that the door was still locked, and there was no sign of it being opened at all, so she couldn't help being stunned.If Li Xiaogang didn't come in through the door, then where did he come in?Xiaoshan subconsciously looked at the windows of the office, and found that the windows were all closed, and even the blinds were lowered.Xiaoshan couldn't help looking at Li Xiaogang full of curiosity.Li Xiaogang smiled and nodded at her, Xiaoshan had no choice but to keep her doubts in her heart for the time being, opened the door and walked out.

As soon as Xiaoshan came out, Wang Xinping hurried up to meet her, and asked with concern: "Xiaoshan, that guy didn't do anything to you, did he?" Xiaoshan shook her head and said, "No, I'm fine." Wang Xinping was relieved She smiled, and asked again: "Hey, why didn't that guy come out with you? What the hell is he still doing in the office?" Xiaoshan replied: "Mr. Li said he had a few words to say to him, so he Still staying in the office." "Mr. Li? Isn't Mr. Li standing there all the time? When did he go in?" After speaking, Wang Xinping subconsciously looked at the place where Li Xiaogang was standing, but what she saw was nothing. , Li Xiaogang had disappeared for a long time, Wang Xinping couldn't help being surprised.You know, from just now until now, he has been staring at the door of the office, and he has never seen Li Xiaogang open the door and walk in.If so, how did Li Xiaogang appear in the office?This time, Wang Xinping and Xiaoshan fell into deep confusion together.

At this time, Li Xiaogang was facing Wu Hao, glanced at him, and said in a deep voice: "You get up first." Wu Hao shook his head bitterly, and said slowly: "If you don't promise me, I will I won’t get up.” Li Xiaogang’s mouth twitched, and he said lightly, “Are you threatening me?” Wu Hao smiled wryly, and said, “Don’t dare! Your scheming and martial arts are far superior to mine. As a Your defeated general, what right do I have to threaten you? In fact, I can't stand up at all, hehe..." Hearing Wu Hao's words, Li Xiaogang murmured: "My kick just now was so powerful. Heavy?"

Wu Hao said bitterly: "I think I am valued by Commander Jiang among the hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the military region of T province. It depends not only on my brain, but also on my skill. I have always loved fighting skills. Ask yourself , Looking at the entire Military District of T Province, there are definitely no more than five people who can defeat me. But I never thought that I would not be able to hold up even one foot in front of you. I was so self-important at the beginning, but I only It's just a frog in a well who hates and ignorance! Hehe..."

Wu Hao smiled very bitterly. It seems that Li Xiaogang's blow to him was indeed not small. Standing up from the ground is enough to prove that you have the capital to be proud." Wu Hao grinned a bitter smile, and said slowly: "Are you comforting me? No need! I, Wu Hao, am not that fragile yet, no I will be overwhelmed by such a small blow. It's just that I want to know more and more now, who are you? Your demeanor and your skill all show that you are definitely not an ordinary person. You... …Can you tell me?"

"Stand up if you have anything to say, I'm not used to people kneeling in front of me!" Li Xiaogang didn't answer Wu Hao's question, but said lightly.Wu Hao smiled wryly, and said, "I've already said it, it's not that I want to kneel, but that I can't move anymore." Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said, "Really? I don't believe it!" It grabbed Wu Hao's shoulder.

Wu Hao was about to prove it to Li Xiaogang, when he suddenly felt a warm current flowing along his shoulders and quickly flowing all over his body.Wherever the heat flow goes, the pain on the body is like snow under the scorching sun, quickly melting away.As if in the blink of an eye, all the discomfort in his body disappeared.There was an unspeakable ease all over her body.Wu Hao exerted all his strength, and his body suddenly stood up.I stomped my feet vigorously, and my body was lighter and more comfortable than before the injury.

(End of this chapter)

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