The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1306 Meet Jiang Zhongde!

Chapter 1306 Meet Jiang Zhongde!
Wu Hao looked at Li Xiaogang in amazement, and murmured, "What...what's going on? What did you do to me?" Li Xiaogang chuckled mysteriously, and said, "It's nothing, I It’s just for you to stand up. How about it, is it much better now?” Wu Hao moved his limbs and said excitedly: “It’s as if I haven’t been injured. This is amazing. If you don’t experience it yourself, I absolutely can't believe it, this will be true. Just tell me the truth, are you a fairy in the legend?" Li Xiaogang laughed and said, "God? If I were a fairy, how dare you treat me Are you so arrogant?"

Wu Hao touched his nose with a wry smile, and said quietly: "Even if you are not a god, after this time, I dare not do anything to you." Li Xiaogang frowned lightly, and asked with a smile: "Why, Are you scared?" Li Xiaogang's question made Wu Hao somewhat embarrassed, and his voice was so cowardly that he couldn't speak.Don't be afraid, it's obviously a lie.Li Xiaogang's miraculous ability can't help but he is not afraid of flying, but he is afraid. As a soldier, and he thinks that he is still a handsome soldier, it is a bit shameful.Just when Wu Hao was pondering, Li Xiaogang patted him on the shoulder, and said quietly: "Actually, some people are afraid, but it may not be a bad thing. Like Jiang Wu, the reason why he became the person he is today Sex, because there is nothing scary about him. He always thinks that relying on his father's power, he can be lawless and have nothing to fear, so that's why he is so intensified, arrogant and arrogant!
Why didn't Wu Hao think about what Li Xiaogang said?But this is Jiang Zhongde's family matter after all, how can he open such a mouth as an outsider?Shaking his head, Wu Hao suddenly asked full of doubts: "I don't understand, why did you save me after hurting me?" Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said slowly: "Because I think that a person who is loyal to his boss , the person who is willing to die to save himself is probably not a bad person. Since you are not a bad person, why should I make things difficult for you?" Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Wu Hao couldn't help showing a smile on his face.But Li Xiaogang waved his hand and continued: "Don't be so anxious to be happy, I haven't finished my words yet.

Wu Hao's expression straightened, and he said solemnly: "Please tell me!" Li Xiaogang nodded, and then said: "There are two types of loyalty to the master. One is true loyalty. Die for the master without hesitation. This kind of loyalty is enough to make people immortal and be admired by future generations. As for the other kind of loyalty, it cannot be said to be false loyalty. To be precise, it is stupid loyalty. For example, Knowing that his master is wrong, he would rather die with him than correct his mistakes. Wu Hao, do you understand what I mean?"

Wu Hao nodded with some bitterness, and said slowly: "Of course I understand what you mean, sir. You mean, I am that kind of stupid loyal. However, there is something else hidden in it, but you don't know it, sir. That's all.

"Oh, tell me." Li Xiaogang said with a frown.Wu Hao took a long breath, and said quietly: "Sir, you think that Jiang Wu became like this because our Commander Jiang connived and protected him, but it's not the case. Our Commander Jiang has always been strict with Jiang Wu. I hope that by forging him into a piece of fine steel, he can inherit his career. Maybe everyone has his own fate, or maybe the commander used the wrong method. Instead of making Jiang Wu develop in the direction he wanted, Jiang Wu gradually moved towards Slowly, Jiang Wu was like a wild horse, gradually getting out of his control and running in the opposite direction. In desperation, the commander could only let Jiang Wu develop freely, and no longer put his own The will was imposed on him.

Li Xiaogang said pertinently: "It is the wish of every parent to hope that their children will become dragons. This kind of painful plan will unconsciously impose their own will on their children, but at the same time ignore the children's own ideas, which often makes things counterproductive. Depression Things that have been held for too long will always explode, not to mention human nature. To a certain extent, Jiang Zhongde let go of Jiang Wu's restraint and let him develop according to his own will, which cannot be miscalculated. However, in Jiang Wu When he made a mistake, Jiang Zhongde blindly protected him, which is somewhat unreasonable.

Wu Hao shook his head, and said slowly: "Mr. Li doesn't know something, please listen to me. In fact, our Commander Jiang sheltered Jiang Wu for a reason. First, our Commander Jiang didn't believe it. Jiang Wu will degenerate to the point of stealing things." It is true that Jiang Wu did not steal things, but Li Xiaogang used his supernatural powers to frame Jiang Wu. In this way, Jiang Zhongde's reason is tenable.Li Xiaogang nodded and asked, "What about the second reason?"

Wu Hao frowned, and said slowly: "This originally involves state-secrets, I shouldn't have told you. It's just that although I don't know your background, I can guess it. With your status and identity , What I know, you may not know. Then I will simply say it all. This two is related to our Commander Jiang himself. Although Commander Jiang is very popular, there are people who have different political views from him. This political enemy is indispensable. Our Commander Jiang is worried that this is his political enemy, and he is using Jiang Wu's small article of stealing to make a big article against him. Now Shangfeng happens to have a batch of new equipment to be distributed to the major military regions The number of new equipment is limited, which involves a question of who has more and who has less. We, Commander Jiang, have more reason to suspect that this is actually a well-planned conspiracy against him, Jiang Zhongde, to weaken the strength of the Military Region of T Province. So , Our Commander Jiang ordered me to take Jiang Wu out of this matter no matter what. If Jiang Wu is not convicted of the crime, then all the plots against our Commander Jiang will be self-defeating.

After listening to Wu Hao's explanation, Li Xiaogang understood everything. He couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said faintly: "I understand, I dare to love Jiang Zhongde and he regards me as his political enemy. Hehe Wu Hao. Do you think I look like me?" Wu Hao shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "It's not like that! If you were the political enemy of our Commander Jiang, with your scheming and means, he might have been defeated long ago, so you don't need to work so hard!" Li Xiaogang said with a smile : "You guys made a wrong starting point from the very beginning, that's why a very simple matter has developed into today's field, and it has been unable to solve it for a long time." Wu Hao sighed, and said full of regret: "Yeah, we were the ones who made ourselves so passive back then.

Li Xiaogang smiled, and said lightly: "If it's what you said, I seem to wish you and your Commander Jiang." Wu Hao hurriedly said: "That's right. You misunderstood our Commander Jiang , we also misunderstood you, so it seems that this whole is just a misunderstanding." After a pause, Wu Hao said quietly: "Mr. Li, since this is nothing more than a misunderstanding from the beginning to the end, then we Let everything stop here." Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, and said slowly: "Although you are right, this is just a misunderstanding, but I will not return this recorder to you Wu Hao couldn't help being taken aback by Li Xiaogang's words, and asked blankly, "Why?Since you don't intend to be an enemy of our Commander Jiang, then this recording pen is meaningless.Why should you hang on to it? "Li Xiaogang said lightly: "I don't return this recorder to you, of course I have my reasons, so you don't have to ask any more questions. "Wu Hao's face immediately changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li, this recording pen is related to the reputation of our Commander Jiang, so I must not let it be exposed, please understand? "" Let me understand?Hehe... what do you want to do?Don't forget that you are not my opponent at all.

Li Xiaogang's words made Wu Hao's expression dark for a while, and he murmured: "You are right. Even if I have two more legs and two arms, I am not your opponent. However, I have the consciousness that I must die. In order not to Let this recorder ruin the reputation of our Commander Jiang, I would rather die with you!" Li Xiaogang narrowed his eyes, and said in a vibrating voice: "Okay! You have a backbone, you are a man! Your Commander Jiang can be as good as you It can be said that he is the luck of his life." "Huh?" Wu Hao was a little confused by Li Xiaogang's words, and looked at him blankly, not understanding what Li Xiaogang meant.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly, and said slowly: "Don't worry, I definitely didn't want to threaten Jiang Zhongde by keeping this recording pen. As for my purpose, the time has not come yet, so it is not convenient for me to tell you. You just need to go back and tell Jiang Zhongde, If he wants to get this recording pen, he can come to Room 802 of the Dorsett Hotel at ten o'clock this evening. I will wait for him there and return the pen to him with my own hands." "You...what exactly do you want? ?”

Wu Hao looked at Li Xiaogang with suspicion and asked in a deep voice.Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, I won't do anything to your Commander Jiang. Besides, I'm not afraid that you will call me arrogant. If I really want to do something to Jiang Zhongde, he will make him hundreds of thousands." It is useless to bring all the soldiers and horses with you.

Wu Hao didn't know if Li Xiaogang really had such power, but he would rather believe it than not, so Wu Hao could only agree and said, "Well, I've already surrendered. As a loser, I don't have Bargaining qualifications. But I still want to ask you, don't make the content recorded by this recorder public." Li Xiaogang said in a small voice: "Don't worry, I actually have a good impression of that Commander Jiang. Yes. As long as he agrees to my request, I will not embarrass him." Wu Hao frowned, keenly caught a trace of information from Li Xiaogang's words, and murmured: " want to use This pen came to threaten our Commander Jiang, remember to let him agree to your request? You have threatened our Commander Jiang like this, but you still said that you will not do anything to him, are going too far.

Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said: "Don't talk nonsense if you don't know the situation. If someone can threaten me like this in this life, I will be so happy that I can't sleep for three days. Maybe your Commander Jiang will hate me to the bone now , but it won't take long before he will be grateful to me, because I saved your provincial T military region."

Wu Hao took a few careful glances at Li Xiaogang, and between Li Xiaogang's brows, there was a sense of righteousness, without the slightest hint of evil.Wu Hao couldn't help but didn't believe what Li Xiaogang said, and said in a daze: "You mean, the thing you threatened our Commander Jiang to do is actually for his own good, but he still can't understand it yet?"

Li Xiaogang clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Smart! Talking to a smart person like you is a pleasure." Wu Hao frowned, and said quietly: "But why should I trust you? If you are lying to me, then What should I do?" Li Xiaogang said lightly: "Now it seems that you can't believe it or not? With the recording pen in my hand, it means that I have Jiang Zhongde by the throat. He has to believe it or not!" Wu Hao smiled wryly. He let out a sigh and murmured: "Yes? Anyway, the handle of our Commander Jiang has already fallen into your hands.

Li Xiaogang said: "You don't have to be so depressed! Listen to me, it won't take two years, no, one year, and you will understand my hard work today." Wu Hao let out a bitter smile, Said quietly: "As things stand today, isn't everything at your mercy? Don't worry, I will bring your words to our Commander Jiang." Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "I just saw that Jiang Wu was too arrogant, and I couldn't bear it." I wanted to teach him a lesson. But I didn’t expect that by chance, I would solve a big problem for me. Haha... It seems that God is really kind."

(End of this chapter)

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