The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1307 Blind!

Chapter 1307 Blind!
Mentioning Jiang Wu, Wu Hao frowned immediately, and asked: "By the way, what are you going to do with Jiang Wu?" Li Xiaogang pondered for a while, and said slowly: "Although Jiang Wu's character is very impressive, I hate it, but it’s not a big mistake. Just let him go, I’m afraid he won’t learn any lessons. In my opinion, just lock him up here for a few days. Let him stay with the three brothers, it’s okay. Let him have a taste of what it means to be called unresponsive every day, and the earth is not working. Maybe in the future he will restrain himself and change his past to be good. This can be regarded as Jiang Zhongde's wish."

Wu Hao frowned and said: "The words are good, but the problem is, those three brothers are perverted, I'm afraid they will hurt Jiang Wu, it will be counterproductive." Li Xiaogang laughed haha: "Don't worry, I have already made an agreement with those three brothers. They may scare Jiang Wu, but they will never hurt him. Wu Hao, among all the teachers that Jiang Wu has encountered since he was a child, I can assure you that the three The third is the most special, but at the same time it is also likely to be the most effective three. It is probably his chance that Jiang Wu can meet these three brothers in his life."

Wu Hao still had some doubts about Li Xiaogang's words, after all, in his opinion, those three brothers were completely lunatics, so it was unbelievable.However, thinking of the scene where Jiang Wu was bitten by the three brothers just now, he had to believe that Li Xiaogang did have a way to communicate with the three brothers.Seeing the confident smile on Li Xiaogang's face, Wu Hao didn't say anything more.Since Jiang Wu has been so decadent and depraved, it is better for the soldiers to take a risky move and try it out.At worst, he sent a few soldiers to guard here day and night, and if he found something wrong, he would just send Jiang Wu out.Taking a long, deep breath, Wu Hao said in a deep voice, "Okay, I'll listen to you." After discussing about Jiang Wu, Li Xiaogang and Wu Hao walked out together.

Seeing that Li Xiaogang really came out of the office, Wang Xinping and Wang Changren couldn't help looking at each other.No one can figure out how Li Xiaogang got into the office.Ma Liang and Jiang Wu were equally confused, but Jiang Wu couldn't control so much now. When he saw Wu Hao, he couldn't help asking anxiously: "Brother Hao, is everything settled?" He glanced at him, and said lightly, "It's done, don't worry." Hearing what Wu Hao said, Jiang Wu was really relieved.It's just that he never expected that what Wu Hao said was done, it was not what he imagined at all.

It was obvious that Jiang Wu was not the only one who misunderstood, and a smile could not help but appear on the corner of Ma Liang's mouth.Saving Jiang Wu this time means that he has climbed onto the high branch of Jiang Zhongde.With Jiang Zhongde behind him to support him, what is there to fear in the future, the future is bright. "Brother Hao, I knew you wouldn't let me down." After finishing speaking, Jiang Wu looked at Xiaoshan triumphantly, and said, "Little girl, who is that person who stole? Tell everyone?" Xiaoshan glanced at Jiang Wu, snorted at him, and said faintly: "I don't understand, you are the one who stole things, and instead of feeling ashamed, you are so proud , don't you have any sense of shame?"

Jiang Wu couldn't think of such a result even if he was thinking about it, so he couldn't help being stunned on the spot.After being stunned for a long time, he murmured: "What are you talking about? You think it through before you say it!" Ma Liang also looked at Xiaoshan in surprise and said: "You must know that perjury is legal responsibility Yes." Although Ma Liang just met Wu Hao for the first time, he could tell that Wu Hao was a very capable person.He couldn't believe that Wu Hao couldn't even deal with a girl like Xiaoshan who seemed very weak.

Xiaoshan said with certainty: "Of course I know! What I just said is the truth, you are the thief!" Xiaoshan once again said it loudly in a very sure tone.At this moment, Jiang Wu felt as if he had been hit in the head with a sap, and he couldn't react for a long time.Ma Liang turned his head to look at Wu Hao full of surprise and confusion, and asked in a nasty voice: "Staff Wu, what...what's going on here? I don't understand?" Wu Hao said blankly: "You are still the police chief, you can't even understand this? Jiang Wu stole, the facts are clear, and the evidence is solid."

"But...but he is the only son of your commander Jiang!" Ma Liang felt as if he was in a dream, and everything seemed so unreal.Wu Hao snorted heavily, and said: "As I said before, our Commander Jiang is the most principled. If Jiang Wu really breaks the law, he will never give any protection." "Wu Hao!" Jiang Wu suddenly jumped up from the Yizi in great anger, stared at Wu Hao like a cowbell, and roared: "What the hell is going on? Didn't you tell me that you have already settled everything?" ? This is the result after you get it done?"

Wu Hao shook his head helplessly, and said, "I'm sorry Mr. Jiang, the commander asked me to clarify the whole matter, but he didn't want me to protect you. Now that the certification is confirmed, I have nothing to do. I can only blame you It’s too disrespectful." "Fart! If I, Jiang Wu, steal something, I will be struck with thunder!" Jiang Wu roared angrily.Wu Hao said indifferently: "The law believes in evidence, not in vain oaths. Jiang Wu, this time, I really can't help you, so please do it yourself."

"Wu Hao! I kept calling you Brother Hao, but I didn't expect you to be a bastard. What kind of benefits did Li give you? You actually betrayed my father. My father will not let you go!" Jiang Wu roared furiously.Hearing Jiang Wu's roar, a wry smile appeared on Wu Hao's face.Jiang Wu is obviously Jiang Zhongde's blood, but why is there such a big gap between the two.Is this a joke made by God?Ma Liang didn't know what to do?The development of things completely exceeded his expectations.It's just that he doesn't know it yet, and something even more unexpected is yet to come.Wang Changren and Wang Xinping, who were originally worried that things would not turn out well, were all excited when they saw Jiang Wu's complete defeat, and couldn't help clapping their hands to celebrate.It's just that both of them knew in their hearts that Jiang Wu would fall into this situation, and Wu Hao's sudden change of attitude was probably related to the in-depth conversation between Li Xiaogang and Wu Hao in the office.It's just that the content of this in-depth discussion is something they can't think of anyway.

The whole matter has come to an end, and Jiang Wu's punishment is a foregone conclusion.But in the hearts of Wang Changren and Wang Xinping, there are many mysteries that have yet to be solved.One of the biggest mysteries is undoubtedly Li Xiaogang's identity.It's a pity that Li Xiaogang doesn't seem to be ready to solve this mystery for them. Until many years later, when the father and daughter mention what happened today, they will still be troubled by each mystery.

"Staff Wu, what should I do now?" Ma Liang looked at Wu Hao and asked bitterly.Wu Hao glanced at him full of disdain, and was about to throw away a few harsh words, but Li Xiaogang spoke first: "You have nothing to do here, and you don't need to worry about it anymore." Li Xiaogang's words immediately caught Ma Liang's attention. A wave of anger sprouted in his heart and he shouted in a deep voice: "What do you mean? I am the leader of the bureau, so it's none of my business, so whose business is it?"

Li Xiaogang sneered, and said softly: "You have the face to say that you are the head of a bureau, and the police station is about to lose face. Look at your actions and words and deeds just now, you don't look like a policeman." Director, you seem to be a complete slave." ~ "Presumptuous! What do you think you are, dare to talk to me like this?" Ma Liang looked at Li Xiaogang angrily, and shouted in a deep voice: "Don't think that you are clean now. If you are suspected, you can show off your power, and I can still lock you up for other crimes. So, you better give me a little peace of mind!"

Wu Hao listened on the sidelines, and felt that Ma Liang was not only extremely stupid, but also blind.Up until now, I still haven't seen how extraordinary he is.Still barking wildly like a wild dog, his death was really imminent, and he didn't know it until Ma Liang finished barking, Li Xiaogang said with a sneer: "You conceited fool, if you continue to be the chief, then Who else can the people down there rely on?" As he spoke, Li Xiaogang took out his phone, dialed a series of numbers, walked to the side, and chatted into the phone.I don't know why, seeing Li Xiaogang calling, Ma Liang felt uneasy like claws scratching his heart.A strong uneasiness, like a torrent of torrents, kept stirring in his body, making him unable to be at peace anymore.

"Idiot!" Seeing Ma Liang's uneasiness, Wu Hao couldn't help but yelled coldly.Although the cold drink was soft, it was transmitted into Ma Liang's ears very clearly.Ma Liang looked at Wu Hao more and more anxiously, only to see that Wu Hao was also looking at him, but Wu Hao's eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person.Ma Liang didn't know how to describe his mood at this time, as if he was about to go crazy, he murmured: "Wu Staff Officer, you..." Wu Hao said coldly: "Your eyes are really blind Don't you see that, in fact, he is someone you can't afford to provoke?"

"Ah!? He... who is he?" Ma Liang glanced at Li Xiaogang who was on the phone, and asked blankly.Wu Hao frowned, and said quietly: "Who is he? I still want to know?" Li Xiaogang's mystery, coupled with every word Wu Hao said, kept setting off bursts of waves in Ma Liang's heart. huge waves.Ma Liang finally felt scared, and looked at Wu Hao pleadingly, "Staff Wu, all I did was for Commander Jiang, you can't leave me alone at the critical moment!" Wu Hao said in a deep voice He shouted: "Shut your mouth. What you do is your own business. Our Commander Jiang doesn't know you at all, let alone what you should or shouldn't do. If you dare to take our Jiang If the commander talks about something, I will definitely make you die in an ugly way!"

(End of this chapter)

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