The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1308 One step to the sky

Chapter 1308

Wu Hao's words felt like a heavy punch, hitting Ma Liang's heart fiercely, making his head dizzy for a while, unable to react for a long time, and said bitterly: "This...what the hell is going on? What's the matter?" "Director Ma, don't worry, Wu Hao doesn't care about you, I will take care of you, I don't believe that my father, a commander of the military region, can't even keep you, the little chief!" Jiang Wu stood aside, Some loudly talked about Jiang Wu's childishness and recklessness as if they wanted to sing against Wu Hao, which made Wu Hao a little dumbfounded, and said in a deep voice: "Jiang Wu, pay attention to your words and deeds. You can't satisfy your father, at least you can't implicate him! You If you are detained here for a few days at most, you will be released, don’t mess around.”

Jiang Wu said coldly: "I want to mess around, what can you do to me? If you betrayed my father, you are no longer my father's soldier. Don't try to lock me up!" "Asshole! My Wu Ever since he joined Commander Jiang, Hao has made up his mind that even if he dies with Commander Jiang, he will never betray him, why do you say that about me?" Wu Hao shouted at Jiang Wu angrily: "Hmph! You know that I am my father's only son, and my father will never allow me to be innocent. But instead of saving me, you are greedy for money and betray me. This is betrayal!" Jiang Wu said in a cold voice.Hearing Jiang Wu's words, Wu Hao couldn't help but let out a wry smile, and said quietly: "It seems that Mr. Li is right at all. If you don't teach you a lesson, you really will be hopeless." gone."

While the two were talking, Li Xiaogang came over after making a phone call, looked at Ma Liang coldly, and said slowly: "From now on, you are no longer the chief of police." Jump, nana said: "You... who do you think you are? You say I am not, and I am puzzled? Why should I listen to you?" Li Xiaogang sneered, and said faintly: "You can Don't listen to me, but you will soon know that what I said is true or false." When Li Xiaogang's voice fell, just as Ma Liang was feeling uneasy, a policeman ran over in a hurry.He said to Ma Liang nervously: "Director, it's Minister Wang of the Ministry of Public Security calling, looking for you!"

"Wang... Wang?" Ma Liang only felt his legs go limp, and he almost fell to the ground, and asked blankly: "Why did Minister Wang find me? He... did he say something? The policeman shook his head and said, "No, but Minister Wang seemed very angry. Chief, I'm afraid you should be more careful." The policeman didn't say anything, but Ma Liang was even more confused when he said this, and his face turned pale. pole.

"Hurry up. Minister Wang is already in a fit of anger. If you delay, the consequences will be even more serious." Li Xiaogang stood aside, looked at Ma Liang's paler and paler face with cold eyes, and sneered again and again. Said.

Is it you? "Ma Liang looked at Li Xiaogang in disbelief, and asked in a gasp. Li Xiaogang sneered, and said: "Go and answer the phone, don't you know? "Amidst Li Xiaogang's sneer, Ma Liang staggered towards the phone.

Li Xiaogang just put down the phone for a few words, and the Minister of Public Security Wang called him personally. If there is no strong backstage and background, who can do this, let alone this is related to a person who is not low-level Appointment and removal of the Chief of Public Security.I am afraid that even Jiang Zhongde does not possess this kind of ability to cross the sea with his hands.Wu Hao couldn't help shivering, feeling very grateful in his heart, this turned out to be just a misunderstanding, and Li Xiaogang didn't really want to trouble Jiang Zhongde.Wang Changren was also a little apprehensive at this time, and vaguely felt that the Minister of Public Security calling now should be because of Li Xiaogang's relationship.Although he had expected that Li Xiaogang's background must be extraordinary, but when Li Xiaogang began to show his influence, he couldn't help but startled him.

"Father, this..." Wang Xinping experienced far fewer scenes than Wang Changren, so she was much more nervous than Wang Changren at this time.Filled with doubts, Wang Xinping looked at Wang Changren and whispered.Wang Changren waved his hand lightly, interrupted her, and spit out four words, "Speak less and watch more." Wang Xinping had no choice but to suppress the doubts in her heart, and looked at Ma Liang with apprehensive eyes.At this time, I don't know what the police officer said to Ma Liang, Ma Liang's face became more and more ugly, and in the end, his whole body seemed to be electrocuted, shaking non-stop.Even if they can't hear the content of the phone, just by looking at it, everyone can see that what Li Xiaogang just said is probably true.

After a while, Ma Liang put down the phone slowly, his face was pale, as if he had just seen a ghost.His eyes were dizzy, without the slightest expression, he came to Wang Changren like a walking dead, and murmured: "Minister Wang asked you to answer the phone." "Let me answer the phone?" Living.Wang Xinping pushed him aside, and urged: "Dad, hurry up, don't make Minister Wang wait too long." "Oh!" Wang Changren took a long breath, pulled himself together and went to answer the phone up.

Li Xiaogang looked at Ma Liang coldly, and asked a bit playfully: "Director Ma, what did Minister Wang tell you?" Ma Liang turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang with difficulty, and asked instead: "You ...Who are you? You can get straight to Lin Standing Committee. You..." Li Xiaogang hated this Ma Liang to the extreme, knowing in his heart that he was useless and only knew how to flatter and bully the chief of the public security bureau. There are still many in the country.But it doesn't matter if you don't meet him.But now that he has encountered it, he must take care of it, and he must take care of it to the end.So he immediately called Lin Chaoran and told him everything that happened here.However, Li Xiaogang concealed Jiang Wu's identity as Jiang Zhongde's son, and only presumed that he was a wicked young man from a rich family.This can be regarded as saving some face for Jiang Zhongde.

After listening to Li Xiaogang's various descriptions of Ma Liang, Lin Chaoran was also very angry, and directly called Minister Wang of the Ministry of Public Security.As the head of a department, he still has the power to remove a small public security chief.That's how the phone call came about.When the word Lin Standing Committee came out of Ma Liang's mouth, even Wu Hao couldn't help being startled.There are a total of nine members of the Standing Committee of the high-level Political Bureau, and there is only one surnamed Lin, and that is Lin Chaoran.Who is Lin Chaoran?The well-deserved old phoenix in the court.It is Jiang Zhongde's old chief, and he is still Jiang Zhongde's boss.Since Li Xiaogang can directly reach Lin Chaoran's Tianting, naturally he will no longer take Jiang Zhongde seriously.Thinking of how at the beginning, I didn't know how to live and die against others, and I couldn't help feeling even more grateful.

Wu Hao probably never imagined it in his dreams. In fact, at first, Li Xiaogang planned to go directly to the leader. Later, Li Xiaogang thought about it, and felt that the leader was always busy with business affairs. It would be a bit confusing to bother him for such a small matter, so he retreated. The second thing is to find Lin Chaoran. If Li Xiaogang found the leader, with Ma Liang's guts, he wouldn't faint from fright on the spot, that would be weird.However, it is enough for him to drink a pot now.

"Yes! I know Standing Committee Lin, so you are the one who is unlucky this time. But if I don't know Standing Committee Lin, I'm just an ordinary commoner, how will you let me die? I'm afraid it's as miserable as it can be Right? Ma Liang, you are a police chief, but you don’t make decisions for the people. You blindly flatter horses and flatter you. It’s unlucky for you to meet me! Pack up your things and get out of the police station. You don’t deserve to wear this suit, let alone Fit to be a police chief!
Under Li Xiaogang's repeated reprimands, Ma Liang's complexion became more and more gray, and his body seemed to be drunk, and he swayed.Ma Liang slowly cast his eyes on Jiang Wu, and he pinned all his last hopes on Jiang Wu.

Jiang Wu was also righteous. Seeing Ma Liang's eyes cast over, he slapped the table and said in a very grand manner: "Director Ma, you should go home and rest for a few days, and treat it as the country's recognition of your hard work and give you a holiday! No After three days, I will reinstate you as an official. A small public security minister, but an official who is bigger than sesame and mung beans, in my father’s opinion, it’s just a matter of one sentence to settle him.” Ma Liang was about to say a few words. The words of gratitude were interrupted by Wu Hao's yell, and Wu Hao stared at Jiang Wu sternly, his eyes spit fire, and shouted in a thunderous voice: "Jiang Wu, shut up!

Wu Hao's angry curses startled Jiang Wu, and he turned his head to look in fear.Wu Hao pointed at Jiang Wu, and shouted in a deep voice: "You lifeless thing, do you know who Lin Standing Committee is? Even Commander Jiang has to be polite to his old man and obey his orders. What are you talking about?" If you want to restore Ma Liang's official position within three days, you simply don't know how to live or die. It doesn't matter if you die, but don't implicate Commander Jiang. It's just that he hasn't enjoyed a day's blessing from you, and he must not follow you Be buried together!" Jiang Wu's ignorance and arrogance made Wu Hao a little intolerable, if Jiang Wu was his own son, he might have pulled out a gun and killed him right now.

"Minister, what did you say, say it again!" At this moment, Wang Changren, who was on the phone with Minister Wang, suddenly shouted excitedly.Just when everyone was hesitant and puzzled, Wang Changren shook his head like a rattle and said, "How can this be done? No, no, I can't—well, since you trust me so much, Minister, I have no choice but to persevere." After thinking about it for a while, I promise that I will do my best and never let you and the organization down! Please rest assured!" The crowd couldn't hear Minister Wang's words, but Wang Changren seemed to be making promises to Minister Wang What.

When Wang Changren ended the call and put down the phone, Wang Xinping asked Wang Changren in confusion: "Dad, what did the minister tell you?" Excited and unbelievable.Knowing that Wang Xinping had asked three times in a row, Wang Changren gradually came to his senses, held Wang Xinping's hand, and said in a trembling voice: "Xinping, do you know that Minister Wang just appointed me as the new director of the Public Security Bureau to replace me? Ma Liang presides over the work of the Public Security Bureau." " this true?" This was undoubtedly great news for the father and daughter, and Wang Xinping jumped up like a child.

(End of this chapter)

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