The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1310 Meeting Li Xiaogang

Chapter 1310 Meeting Li Xiaogang

After Li Xiaogang finished speaking, regardless of Xiaoshan's answer or not, he waved at the three of them, then left the police station and disappeared without a trace. Unknowingly, there was a ripple in Wang Xinping and Xiaoshan's hearts that could not be calmed down for a long time.Seeing Wang Xinping's face covered with deep melancholy, staring at the place where Li Xiaogang disappeared, she was in a daze.Wang Changren saw what was on Wang Xinping's mind, shook his head with a wry smile, and said slowly, "Don't look at Xinping, he is not from the same world as us, let him go with the wind." He gave Wang Changren a sad look, and let out a long sigh.

After leaving the police station, Li Xiaogang didn't go anywhere, and went directly to Room 802 of the Dihao Hotel, which he had asked Ge Jun to book in advance.At the beginning, Li Xiaogang just wanted to teach him a lesson because he couldn't understand Jiang Wu's arrogance and rudeness.But he didn't expect that it was such a coincidence that Jiang Zhongde was pushed in front of him step by step.When calling to tell Lin Chaoran what happened at the police station, Lin Chaoran also told him that when the leader proposed to recruit troops in major military regions, he was strongly opposed by the Communist Party headed by Jiang Zhongde.This made Li Xiaogang have to believe that this was an opportunity bestowed on him by God.

If this matter can be used to settle Jiang Zhongde's big space program for him, it will definitely be a huge improvement.So the opportunity is rare, Li Xiaogang has to think carefully about how he can persuade Jiang Zhongde and when Li Xiaogang was waiting for Jiang Zhongde at the Imperial Hotel, Wu Hao also found Jiang Zhongde.At noon, Jiang Zhongde and *** were drinking and talking about the next day's exercise arrangement. On a whim, they drank too much and had to sleep for two hours before gradually regaining some sobriety.As soon as Jiang Zhongde opened his eyes, he saw Wu Hao who seemed a little anxious.Jiang Zhongde's brows immediately frowned, and he asked in a deep voice, "Why, the matter didn't get done?" A trace of deep helplessness flashed across Wu Hao's face, and he said bitterly, "I'm sorry, Commander, it's all because of my incompetence."

Hearing that Wu Hao really didn't get things done, Jiang Zhongde couldn't help being taken aback, looked at him full of astonishment and asked, "Who is the other party? It's so difficult, what do they want to do?" Wu Hao Hao tidied up his thoughts, and said: "Commander Jiang, in fact, things are not as we imagined at the beginning. It's not that someone deliberately made you an enemy, but we made a mess of ourselves." Jiang Zhongde looked at Wu Wu with some confusion. Hao, said: "What's the situation, please explain clearly." Wu Hao said: "Actually, this matter has nothing to do with you, Commander. The reason is very simple. Jiang Wu stole other people's things, and his attitude was very tough. In the end They were turned over to the Public Security Bureau."

"What!? That brat Jiang Wu really stole other people's things?" Jiang Zhongde asked angrily.Wu Hao smiled wryly, and said quietly: "The evidence is solid, I'm afraid Jiang Wu was not wronged."

When Jiang Zhongde heard this, he was full of anger and jumped up against the case, shouting repeatedly: "It's unreasonable! This bastard is really getting worse and worse! He won't stop until he loses my old face. He is now Where?" Wu Hao said bitterly, "He's still in the detention room of the Public Security Bureau." "Well? What's going on, didn't you bail him out?" Jiang Zhongde asked in confusion.

Wu Hao said: "The cause of the incident is very simple, but the process is not that simple. And the person who caught Jiang Wu to the Public Security Bureau is even more difficult!" Wu Hao's words made Jiang Zhongde look serious, and asked in a deep voice: "Why not?" It's simple, just tell me well."

Wu Hao frowned, and murmured: "I've never met that person before, and I don't know where he came from, but his background is very complicated. He can even directly contact Lin Standing Committee, but he just called Lin Standing Committee phone call, the former director of the Public Security Bureau was dismissed on the spot. I think, if he hadn’t been very close to Lin Standing Committee and Lin Standing Committee had great trust in him, this situation should not have happened.”

"Walking very close to Lin Standing Committee? Lin Chaoran Lin Standing Committee?" Jiang Zhongde asked with a serious look.Wu Hao nodded immediately.Jiang Zhongde followed up and asked: "What's that person's name?" Wu Hao replied: "It seems to be Li Xiaogang." Full of surprise and shock.Jiang Zhongde has always been a person who is calm and calm when the sky falls.It seems to be the first time in Wu Hao's impression that his complexion changed so much today.Now Wu Hao was even more curious about Li Xiaogang's identity, and couldn't help asking: "Commander Jiang, who is this Li Xiaogang?"

Jiang Zhongde took a long breath, sat back on the sofa slowly, and muttered as if talking to himself: "What's going on? Why did Jiang Wu get involved with him? "

"Commander Jiang, you seem to be very concerned about this Li Xiaogang, who is he?" Wu Hao asked again.Jiang Zhongde frowned and said: "Li Xiaogang's identity is beyond your rank, and I am not in a position to disclose it to you. Now you are right about all the details that happened in the Public Security Bureau. I say it again, hurry up!"

Seeing Jiang Zhongde's extremely dignified expression, which was obviously very important to him, Wu Hao nodded, not daring to be negligent, and began to slowly talk about everything that happened in the police station.From the beginning, Wu Hao spoke very carefully and Jiang Zhongde listened very carefully, and asked a few times from time to time, never letting go of any question.Seeing that he was about to talk about the recording pen in Ma Liang's office, Wu Hao suddenly stopped talking.Jiang Zhongde was listening carefully, when he suddenly found that Wu Hao had lost his voice, he couldn't help looking up at Wu Hao with some doubts, and asked, "Speak, why don't you continue?"

Wu Hao's face changed several times, and finally he knelt down in front of Jiang Zhongde.Wu Hao's sudden action startled Jiang Zhongde, and he hurriedly asked, "Ah Hao, if you have something to say, what are you doing? Get up quickly!" Wu Hao cried out full of grief and regret: " Commander, it’s all my fault, I’m a good-for-nothing! I’ve been confused for a while, and I’ve hurt you. I...I don’t even know how to face you.” Looking at Wu Hao’s expression and listening to what he said, Jiang Zhongde frowned. Wrinkled, said in a deep voice: "What the hell is going on, stand up and explain it! You have been with me for so many years, and you have worked hard without credit. I won't blame you. Don't worry, I, Jiang Zhongde, will take care of everything no matter how trivial it is. Can carry it. Stand up and talk!"

Amid Jiang Zhongde's repeated reprimands, Wu Hao tremblingly stood up from the ground, wiped away his tears, and told the part about the recorder.At the end, he said: "Commander, I'm so confused. I didn't expect that I was tricked by a little girl..." Jiang Zhongde sighed, shook his head and said, "You deserve it! To a little girl, you are threatening and threatening. It's a temptation, it's simply despicable, and it's a shame for us soldiers. This is a lesson from God! How many times have I told you that as a soldier, you must stand upright and behave properly! Think about it yourself Think, if you are really upright, even if she has ten or a hundred recording pens, what can she do to you?"

Wu Hao said full of regret: "Commander, you are right, I was so confused at the time!" Jiang Zhongde sighed a long time, and said quietly: "You can't blame you for this matter, you also did it for us. The Jiang family took this wrong step." After a pause, Jiang Zhongde asked in a deep voice: "That is to say, that recording pen is still in Li Xiaogang's hand?" Wu Hao nodded hastily, and said: "Exactly! Li Xiaogang Tell me, if you want to get this recorder back, you can find him in Room 802 of the Dorsett Hotel at ten o'clock tonight, and he has something to tell you!"

"Li Xiaogang has something to tell me?" Jiang Zhongde snorted coldly, and said, "I'm afraid he wants to blackmail me with a recording pen?" Wu Hao coughed, and said slowly, "I thought so too at first. Yes, but looking at his meaning later, he doesn’t seem to want to threaten you, but has other plans.” Jiang Zhongde snorted coldly, and said faintly: “There are many things in it that you don’t know. Recently, he made an almost crazy request to Shangfeng. The commanders of our military regions are firmly opposed to it. If it wasn’t for this matter that he asked me to talk about, I’ll wring my head off and give it to you!”

Seeing what Jiang Zhongde said was so sure, Wu Hao couldn't help but not believe it. Wu Hao frowned and asked, "What are you going to do, Commander? If you don't agree to his conditions and anger him, he will put the recording pen The publication of the content will be very detrimental to your reputation, Commander." Jiang Zhongde glanced at him, and said in a deep voice, "Not only is it detrimental to my reputation, but it is also a heavy blow to our provincial T military region! "Wu Hao's face was immediately covered by deep guilt, and he said in a painful voice: "It's all my fault! I'm so stupid..."

Jiang Zhongde waved his hand and said: "Okay, don't blame yourself anymore. You can take out your gun and shoot yourself, it won't help. What time is it?" Wu Hao looked at the watch on his wrist and replied Said: "It's ten past nine." Jiang Zhongde pondered for a while, then said quietly: "Okay! Didn't he want to see me, I'll go see him!

I don't believe that he has three heads and six arms, and I, Jiang Zhongde, will be determined by him! "As he said, he stood up from the sofa, and while arranging his military uniform, he shouted: "Go, let them prepare the car!"Let's go to the Regency Hotel.I want to meet him well! "Wu Hao listened to the order and hurried out to prepare.

(End of this chapter)

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