The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1311 Convincing Jiang Zhongde

Chapter 1311 Convincing Jiang Zhongde
When Jiang Zhongde and his group arrived at the Dorsett Hotel, it was exactly 45:15.Wu Hao was about to open the elevator for Jiang Zhongde. Jiang Zhongde waved his hand, pointed to the quartz clock in the hotel lobby, and said, "Isn't it [-] minutes before the agreed time? We're waiting until ten o'clock before going up!" After finishing speaking, he went straight to In the lobby, sit down on the sofa for guests to rest and sit.Seeing Jiang Zhongde's eyes closed and meditating, Wu Hao knew in his heart that Jiang Zhongde might not be as relaxed and at ease as he appeared on the surface.In his heart at this moment, he is probably thinking about how to deal with Li Xiaogang.Jiang Zhongde has always been well-planned and calm, but like today, this is the first time.After all, this is related to his reputation throughout his life, as well as the military prestige of the military region of T Province, and Li Xiaogang, whose opponent is still mysterious and can cover the sky with one hand, he can't help it.

When the time came to 55:802, Jiang Zhongde finally opened his eyes, exhaled a long breath, slowly stood up from the sofa, and said to Wu Hao expressionlessly, "Let's go." At exactly ten o'clock, Wu Hao knocked on the door of Room [-] on time, and Li Xiaogang also opened the door on time.Seeing Jiang Zhongde standing upright in front of him like a javelin, Li Xiaogang couldn't help smiling a few times, looked at Jiang Zhongde, and said: "This is the well-known Commander-in-Chief of the Military Region of T Province, General Jiang Zhongde, right?" ?”

Jiang Zhongde also looked at Li Xiaogang, and said in a low and stern voice: "Mr. Li Xiaogang! Although I have heard of your name for a long time, it is the first time I have met you face to face. Jiang is deeply honored!" Li Xiaogang said with a hasty smile : "No, no, I should be the one who should be honored! General, you lead the party alone, defend your home and country, and you are the patron saint of the people. If the country does not have a general like you, I don't know what will happen Appearance. Stop talking, please come in first!" After speaking, he looked at Wu Hao and said, "Staff Wu, we are old acquaintances, there is no need for me to greet you, please!" Wu Hao is not so ignorant, Said in a deep voice: "I think I should be responsible for the two of you!" After finishing speaking, he turned around and walked out regardless of what Li Xiaogang said.

After Wu Hao left, Jiang Zhongde immediately coughed, and said slowly: "Li Xiaogang, we are all cheerful people, so don't go around the corner. You asked me to come this time, I'm afraid you want to talk to me about the transfer of troops from our military region Right? If it’s this matter, don’t bring it up as soon as possible. Because I will never agree to it anyway, even if you threaten me with that recording pen, that’s what I mean. At worst, Jiang Zhongde’s reputation will be ruined, but Let me put the safety of the whole country aside for the sake of my own reputation, I can't do it!" Jiang Zhongde's attitude was very resolute, and he was ready to turn his face as soon as he came up.This also shows how loyal Jiang Zhongde is to the country.

It seems that when Li Xiaogang praised him as the patron saint of the country just now, he was not exaggerating at all.Faced with Jiang Zhongde's toughness, Li Xiaogang just smiled slightly, and slowly took out the recording pen from his pocket.Seeing Li Xiaogang's move, Jiang Zhongde immediately frowned, and said in a deep voice, "As I said just now, you have no way to threaten me with this pen..."

Before Jiang Zhongde finished speaking, Li Xiaogang suddenly made a move that surprised him.I saw Li Xiaogang's five fingers exerted force, only to hear a crackling sound, and the recording pen was crushed into pieces by him abruptly, and he threw it into the trash can.

"You are..." Seeing Li Xiaogang's actions, Jiang Zhongde was taken aback, looking at Li Xiaogang in astonishment and murmured.Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said quietly: "Commander Jiang, you thought I would use this recording pen to threaten you, but you really underestimated me, Li Xiaogang. Although I, Li Xiaogang, am not a big man, at least There are still principles of being a human being, and it is definitely not like you imagined, a villain who always threatens others!"

Li Xiaogang's words were very solemn and powerful, but Jiang Zhongde couldn't pay attention. Jiang Zhongde frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Since you are not going to use this recording pen to threaten me, why didn't you just send it to me?" Give it to Wu Hao?" Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said, "If I hand over the recording pen to him, can I still see you here?" Jiang Zhongde smiled, and said faintly: "It seems that you understand it quite well. Mine." Li Xiaogang said: "Commander Jiang's prestige has long been heard by me." Jiang Zhongde interjected: "Since this is the case, then you should understand that I, Jiang Zhongde, have never liked to beat around the bush. If you have something to say, you this time Invite me to come, do you want to talk about the transfer of troops from our military region?"

Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said quietly: "Let's not talk about this matter in a hurry, let me ask you a question first. From Commander Jiang's point of view, who is the biggest enemy our country is facing today?" Jiang Zhongde thought. Unwillingly replied: "This is not certain, any person or country that threatens the fundamental interests of our country may become our enemy. As for the biggest enemy, it is hard to say, it may be M country, or it may be Island country, India, in short, no matter who it is, as long as they dare to think about our country, my soldiers will mercilessly tear him apart."

Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said slowly: "I really admire Commander Jiang's patriotic enthusiasm. But Commander Jiang's short-sightedness makes me dare not compliment you." Jiang Zhongde couldn't help being startled when he heard Li Xiaogang's words. No one has ever dared to say that he is short-sighted in front of him.With a heavy snort, Jiang Zhongde said with a somewhat unfriendly expression: "Since I am short-sighted, then I will teach you, Mr. Li."

Li Xiaogang ignored Jiang Zhongde's anger at all, and said lightly: "What age is this? Human spacecraft have already flown out of the earth, and will fly out of the solar system in a short time. The stage of human beings is no longer limited to this place." On a small earth, outer space is ushering in a wide-ranging invasion, this big stage. But Commander Jiang, you still keep your eyes on the countries around us, isn't this short-sighted?"

Without waiting for Jiang Zhongde to interrupt, Li Xiaogang went on to say: "I believe it will not be long before the concept of a country will be blurred on the earth, and national integration and great unity have become the trend. You have also seen that the European Union, ASEAN, NATO, a This large group is constantly forming and maturing, and this is evidence. One day, there will be no Chinese, M, or island people in this world, and only Earth people will be left. At that time, you can still say that they are Your enemy?"

"This..." What Li Xiaogang said was very reasonable, and Jiang Zhongde was not ignorant of it.It's just that this kind of inherent thinking is not so easy to change.You Zuan is a person like Jiang Zhongde who is always surrounded by a deep sense of worry and vigilance, and it is even more difficult to change.However, difficult to change does not mean that it is impossible to change, Li Xiaogang is trying now.And obviously, his attempt is not in vain, at least now Jiang Zhongde has started to meditate.After being silent for a while, Jiang Zhongde looked at Li Xiaogang quietly, and murmured: "Then what do you mean, our army can be disbanded, and there is no need for it?"

Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "The army is an important force to maintain the stability of the country. It cannot be lacked for a day, and it cannot be disbanded. Although in the future, after the great integration of human beings, they will not be enemies before, but it does not mean that human beings will have no enemies. It's gone." Jiang Zhongde snorted coldly, and said in a low voice: "When the time comes, everyone will be a family, so how can there be any enemies?"

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said, "Why do you always keep your eyes on the ground and refuse to look up to the sky?" "Sky?" Jiang Zhongde glanced at the sky outside the window with some confusion, na na asked, "What's there?"

Li Xiaogang said slowly: "Scientists have calculated that in the entire Milky Way, the probability of existence of planets similar to the Earth that can breed life is about [-]%. In the vast universe, planets like the Milky Way There are tens of billions of units, do the math, how likely is it that aliens exist?"

Jiang Zhongde was stunned for a long time before he asked, "What do you mean? You mean that one day aliens will invade our earth?" Li Xiaogang said in a deep voice, "Why is it impossible? We humans can already fly Out of the earth, out of the solar system. Why can't aliens do it? Maybe they not only did it, but they did it much better than us!"

"This... This still sounds a little ridiculous to me. Aliens-this is only found in science fiction after all..." Jiang Zhongde said with some dumbfounding.After hearing this, Li Xiaogang said disapprovingly: "Everything we experience today is a science fiction to people 1000 years ago. Isn't it?" Speechless, fell into silence.

Li Xiaogang just wanted Jiang Zhongde to think and reflect.When I felt that the heat was about the same, I said slowly: "Just now I said that Commander Jiang is short-sighted, but it is actually somewhat unfair to you. If you are really short-sighted, you will not become the commander of the Military Region of T Province , not to mention such an outstanding feat. I prefer to believe that you just didn't think of it for a while, or misjudged it for a while. Like you, there are many people who think that aliens are out of reach. But they don't know , Just when we human beings knew about alien monks, they have visited our earth several times. They have carried out various researches on us human beings. Maybe they are just curious for a while, which is the best. But in case they are looking for a There is no way to exterminate us, so what should we do? Do you want to die? I think this is definitely not your commander Jiang's style, right?"

Jiang Zhongde turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang. This time, there was no hostility in Jiang Zhongde's gaze, but seriousness. He asked, "You mean, aliens may invade at any time?" Earth?" Li Xiaogang nodded heavily, and said slowly: "Although I don't want this kind of thing to happen, this kind of threat is indeed constantly approaching. Maybe even in the next second. We humans are not ready yet, so we are likely to lose. But if we are not vigilant now, then we will definitely lose. There is no chance at all. Commander Jiang, you should change your mind now and turn your eyes From the earth to the sky!"

(End of this chapter)

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