The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1327 Fragile Antarctica!

Chapter 1327 Fragile Antarctica!
"Have advanced ancient civilizations existed on Earth? Xiaogang, why have we never heard of it before?" the leader asked Li Xiaogang with a slight frown.Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said: "After all, this kind of thing is a bit sensational, and there is no evidence. I don't dare to tell you rashly. However, please believe that what I said is true, and there is absolutely no deception at all. Your composition!" The leader smiled and said: "We have been dealing with each other for so long, can I still not trust you? But there is one thing, you have so many strange things, and they are far beyond the current earth. Does the level of scientific and technological development come from that ancient civilization that has perished?"

Li Xiaogang nodded and said: "That's right! The Galaxy smart chip and most of the technology for manufacturing interstellar warships come from that ancient civilization." The leader looked at Li Xiaogang and was stunned for a long time before saying quietly: "It really is! But how did you discover the existence of that ancient civilization and obtain a large amount of technical information from them? Could it be that you discovered the ruins of the ancient civilization? Li Xiaogang, if this is the case, then you must tell us the location of the ruins Me, so that we can organize people to carry out large-scale excavations. Maybe we can find more things that are useful to the country and beneficial to the people.”

Li Xiaogang said: "Didn't I just say that this advanced civilization was completely destroyed, leaving no trace on the earth. As for how I obtained these technical materials, I really can't tell you, please forgive me! "The leader nodded and said: "If that's the case, then fine." "Xiao Gang, just now you mentioned the Starship Warship, isn't it the one in a sci-fi movie?" Hu Dinghai asked curiously.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Exactly! We can do the same things that the starships in sci-fi movies can do, and even do better than them!" "No way? Our country really Have the ability to develop that kind of thing?"

Hu Dinghai couldn't believe his ears, looked at Li Xiaogang full of surprise and shock and asked.The leader chuckled a few times, and said: "Even M country, which claims to be the most technologically advanced, doesn't have that kind of strength, let alone our country. However, although our country is unable to develop, Li Xiaogang can! Tell you the truth, Dinghai , our country, and at the same time the first interstellar warship of all mankind, has already started construction, and it will be able to soar into space in a short time. When the time comes, just keep your eyes open and watch, haha..." Hu Dinghai couldn't believe what the leader said, Feeling both exhilarated and stressed in his heart, he said, "So, what our Ninth Military Region is cultivating are actually space fighters who can fight in space in the future?"

Li Xiaogang laughed and said: "Not bad at all! Although with the advancement of technology, we will design and manufacture a series of new equipment, these equipment can make our soldiers no longer need to be as demanding as the current astronauts, But we still have to select the most elite fighters, train them, and create a super strong space army. Brother Hu, this task is very difficult and onerous, you must help me!" Hu Dinghai smiled wryly, and said: "I'm on your thief ship now, I'm afraid I can't get off even if I want to." Li Xiaogang laughed aloud after hearing this, and said in a vibrating voice: "Brother Hu, believe me, wait until our interstellar battleship crosses." When Kong is born, your name will definitely resound throughout the world!"

Hu Dinghai nodded, and said in a deep voice: "I don't doubt this at all. When our interstellar warship enters space, everyone will be surprised!" After a pause, Hu Dinghai continued: "You strongly recommend me As the political commissar and deputy commander of the Ninth Military Region, what do you expect me to do?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "Brother Hu, I have a lot of things at hand, so it is impossible for me to stay in the Ninth Military Region to work. In a year, I will stay in the military region for one month at most, and for the remaining eleven months, I will be supported by you alone."

"Isn't it? What are you kidding? You asked me to build an army of tigers on land, dragons in the sea, and eagles in the air. I will work hard, and it is not impossible. But you are tricking me to build a space army. I have no idea what to do with the Star Wars team! If I run into you, the commander-in-chief who is like a hands-off shopkeeper, I will definitely destroy the Ninth Military Region!" Hearing this, Hu Dinghai said a little excitedly.Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "Brother Hu, even though I'm not in the military region, it doesn't mean that I'm just a hands-off shopkeeper? Now that communication is so developed, what problems can't be solved on the phone? Besides, you are a political commissar, as long as you are in charge of the military region The daily management and the thoughts of the soldiers are enough. As for the training, I will send other people to carry it out. You don’t have to worry about the training, so it’s okay for the head office, right?” Hearing what Li Xiaogang said, Hu Dinghai’s emotions gradually calmed down He got down, nodded, and said: "In this case, I can try it." Li Xiaogang said emphatically: "However, your main task at present will be relatively heavy.

Although the commanders of the eight major military regions have agreed, they will select the most elite fighters from each military region to add to our ninth military region.

However, the more elite fighters are, the more their darlings are. I'm afraid they won't give up and will fool us.So I need you to go to the eight major military regions in person to supervise the selection of elite soldiers.We must ensure that the fighters we want are the best.Well, there is only one principle, and that is to rather lack than abuse! "

Hu Dinghai nodded in agreement, and asked: "Then when shall I set off?" Li Xiaogang said: "The sooner the better! The sooner the Ninth Military Region is formed, the sooner we can start training. Brother Hu, time is running out Now, no one knows if aliens will come when they open their eyes tomorrow morning." Feeling Li Xiaogang's sense of urgency and anxiety from the bottom of his heart, Hu Huhai nodded heavily and said: " That's good! I'm leaving today!" "Yes, yes. Also, Brother Hu, the headquarters and training base of our Ninth Military Region is in Taklimakan, so you and your family may have to be separated," Li Xiaogang said.Hu Dinghai heard this, shook his head and smiled and said: "Soldiers, these are inevitable. I have long been used to joining, and it's okay!" Li Xiaogang said to Hu Dinghai full of admiration: "Is there a soldier like you in our country? It's a great honor." Hu Dinghai said hurriedly: "You must never say that. If you want me to say it, the country's greatest pride is to have you!"

" two don't need to be humble, you are the wealth of the country!" The leader interrupted the two of them with a smile, and said to Hu Dinghai: "Dinghai, time is running out, we won't waste your precious time anymore Now, you can leave now. Remember one thing, for the Ninth Military Region, we will do our best to go up the peak. If you encounter any obstacles during your mission, but you can't solve them yourself, just report to us, and we will I will try my best to clear the obstacles for you!" Hearing the leader's words, Hu Dinghai's heart was lifted, and he said, "Understood! With these few words from the leader, I have more confidence in my heart!"

The leader smiled and said: "But then again, you have to have a plan while you have a bottom. When you go to the major military regions to perform conscription missions, if you encounter a situation where you don't cooperate, you have to be more understanding and understand others. You know, you are cutting people's hearts and minds. People feel pain, and they can be forgiven for complaining. Also, although the Ninth Military Region has just been established, it ranks at the bottom. But the Ninth Military Region The nature of the military and the future development trend determine that the Ninth Military Region will one day become the leader of the major military regions, the boss. Since he is the prince, he must cultivate the demeanor of a king in advance. Dinghai, do you understand what I mean?"

Hu Dinghai laughed and said: "How can I not understand what the leader said? If it is a last resort, I will not embarrass the commanders of the eight major military regions." The leader nodded and said with a smile: "That's good, You go." Hu Dinghai stood up, saluted the three leaders, and left in a hurry.Looking at Hu Dinghai's back, the leader said to Li Xiaogang with a smile: "Xiao Gang, you are not only a ghost, but also have poisonous eyes! Hu Dinghai is a real talent. I really wronged him by leaving him idle in the General Staff Headquarters. "Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "No matter how poisonous my vision is, I have to be the leader. If you insist on not letting Hu Dinghai let me go, can't I just stare blankly?"

The leader squinted his eyes at him, snorted coldly, curled his lips and said, "That's it!"Don't do this with me.If you take a fancy to Hu Dinghai, no matter how tightly I cover him, you can still try to get me away.I figured it out, in front of you, don't mention the words 'impossible' at all. "Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said quietly: "Boss, if you give me such a high evaluation, I will inevitably be proud. The leader glared at him and said, "I won't talk nonsense with you."Your goal has been achieved, what are your plans next? "

Li Xiaogang frowned and said, "I'm going to go to Antarctica." Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, the leader nodded and said in a deep voice, "That's what I mean too! To tell you the truth, we haven't met with the Antarctic expedition team for three days. Got in touch..." "What? Lost contact, what's going on?" Li Xiaogang seemed a little nervous.Antarctica is the harshest living environment on earth.To survive here, in addition to having a strong will, you also need strong support from the rear.Losing contact with the outside world there is no different from lying in a grave.

The leader said in a condensed voice: "According to the prior schedule, the expedition team will report information to the Antarctic Expedition Headquarters located in China and the United States at ten o'clock and twenty o'clock every day. One is to report their latest discoveries in Antarctica. , The second is to report the situation of the expedition team members, their supplies, equipment, and their location. Facing the harsh living environment of Antarctica, the human body is too weak and prone to various diseases.

There is also equipment. In Antarctica, the damage rate of equipment is extremely high and needs to be replaced from time to time.In response to the information fed back by the expedition team, the headquarters of both M and M will deliver the medicines and new equipment to the location he designated as soon as possible.Therefore, maintaining communication between the two parties has always been regarded as the top priority of this Antarctic expedition.However, since three days ago, the contact between the two parties has been completely interrupted. The two headquarters of China and M have exhausted all methods, but they have not been able to contact them.According to the estimates of relevant experts, the situation of the Antarctic scientific expedition team will be very difficult and dangerous now. "

(End of this chapter)

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