The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1328 Chang Xuefei who is not afraid of the cold

Chapter 1328 Chang Xuefei who is not afraid of the cold
Hearing that the situation of the Antarctic expedition team was so critical, Li Xiaogang couldn't help complaining and said: "Chief, why didn't you tell me this earlier?" In addition, this is just an expert's estimate and guess, so I didn't tell you." Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "There are priorities. This Antarctic is related to the fate of all mankind. If Antarctica is destroyed Then, the entire human race will perish, even if I persuade the commanders of the eight major military regions, what's the point?"

The leader frowned, and murmured, "It's not as serious as you said, is it? Experts say that even if all the ice in Antarctica melts, it will only reduce the land area by [-]%. It will be so serious that the entire human race will be destroyed..." Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said in a deep voice: "Those experts are just wishful thinking. The fragile Antarctic does bear the life and death of the entire human race. Leader, you don't know that this entire world can exist , relying on an energy transmission belt extending to every corner of the earth. This energy transmission belt provides all the energy for the entire world to survive."

Seeing the deep doubts on the leader's face, Li Xiaogang further explained: "In fact, this energy transmission belt is composed of two ocean currents, one cold and one warm. Everyone knows that ocean currents have a great impact on the entire earth. How important. Without ocean currents, fish would become extinct, and sea water would stop flowing and become a huge smelly pond. When warm ocean currents flow to the Antarctic, they condense with condensation, increase the density of sea water, become heavier and sink, forming The cold ocean current continues to flow with abundant plankton and nutrients. So Antarctica is actually the engine of this energy transmission belt, and it is the most critical link. If there is a problem in Antarctica, then this huge energy transmission belt will be destroyed. Break, and then stop. At that time, not only the sea level will rise, but also the organisms in the sea will become extinct due to lack of food and nutrients. The dead fish will continue to accumulate in the sea water, and then rot, producing all kinds of highly toxic Sexual gas, dispersed in the atmosphere. At that time, once humans inhale such air, it means death!"

The leader never dreamed that the problem in Antarctica would be so serious, he stared blankly at Li Xiaogang, and asked in a murmur, "You...are you sensational?" Li Xiaogang said with a wry smile, "Boss, you You should know me well, when did I scare you?" "Then...then, is this energy transmission belt safe?" The leader asked nervously.Li Xiaogang frowned, and said in a concentrated voice: "As long as Antarctica remains cold, this transmission belt can continue to operate. It's just that the large-scale melting of Antarctic glaciers undoubtedly shows that Antarctica is getting warmer. Just find out where Changing that to stop Antarctica from continuing to warm should have prevented catastrophe.”

Lin Chaoran, who had been listening for a while, suddenly snorted and said, "Is it necessary to investigate the reason? Now all countries in the world are developing their economies at the cost of destroying the environment, especially those developed countries. The greenhouse gases they emit every year are It is N times that of developing countries. As long as these developed countries cannot be made aware of the horror of destroying the environment, Antarctica will be in danger every day." Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "Most of the world now Countries have realized the importance of environmental protection and have strengthened supervision in this area, and the situation will gradually improve.

Moreover, the amount of natural gas emitted by humans cannot cause such a large-scale melting of glaciers. I think there must be other reasons for this. The leader nodded and said: "Xiao Gang, no matter what, I can rest assured that you go to Antarctica yourself." "

After a pause, the leader continued: "Also, the expedition team has lost contact with the rear for three days. The experts in the rear guessed that their supplies and equipment must be extremely scarce now, so a large amount of equipment was prepared in advance and ready to be transported to the Going to the South Pole. It’s just that I can’t find the current location of the expedition team, so I can’t make the trip. Xiaogang, can you find a way to find the expedition team?” It was really easy for Li Xiaogang to find the location of the expedition team.The Fire Dragon Ball that Li Xiaogang handed over to Chang Xuefei back then can completely indicate Chang Xuefei's location for Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang nodded and said, "Yes!"

Although there was only one word, the leader couldn't help being elated with this word, and he almost jumped up in joy, saying repeatedly: "This is really great! Since you can find their location, then you can go with the supply transport team." Come on, show them the way." Li Xiaogang frowned and pondered for a while, then said: "It's too slow to deliver the supplies, and when the supplies arrive, Chang Xuefei and the others may have starved to death or froze to death. In this way, you Let them bring the supplies and equipment here, and I'll just take them to them."

Otherwise, the transport team that delivered supplies and equipment to the Antarctic expedition team was equipped with the most advanced and fastest transport aircraft in the world. The leader really couldn't figure out how Li Xiaogang could do it faster than them.But seeing Li Xiaogang full of confidence.Reminiscent of all the mysteries in him, the leader agreed to his request without thinking for long.In a short while, three loaded tall trucks drove to the destination designated by Li Xiaogang.The three trucks were filled with various items, including food, medicine, various scientific research equipment, and even several snow jeeps.

Looking at this thing as high as a mountain, the leader asked worriedly: "Xiao Gang, so many things, can you do it?" Items are shrouded in it.When the leader came back to his senses, everything had been put into his Qiankun ring.The leader gave Li Xiaogang a thumbs up in a daze, and then praised Li Xiaogang, "That ring of yours is amazing! I have some doubts, whether he can put my whole base in it."

Li Xiaogang just chuckled a few times, said goodbye to the leader and Lin Chaoran, and then disappeared before the eyes of the two of them, and started teleporting in the direction of the South Pole... South Pole, the white continent covered by ice and snow, at a glance, All eyes are dazzling white.The fierce cold wind rolled up the snow on the ground from time to time, flying between the sky and the earth, making it very difficult for people to even open their eyes.Ice and snow storms like this are commonplace in Antarctica, but their appearance is most terrifying.Just three days ago, when Chang Xuefei and nine other scientists of the Antarctic expedition were looking for the suspected heat source that caused the melting of the Antarctic ice, a huge and trembling polar storm suddenly came.This storm is more terrifying than a typhoon, not only because of its stronger wind, but also because of its extreme cold that can freeze any liquid into an ice cube in an instant.

The climate in Antarctica is unpredictable, and it is impossible to predict when a storm will come.Fortunately, Chang Xuefei and the others were very lucky. Not long after the storm swept in, they found a shelter from the wind and pitched a tent to keep out the wind and cold.This tent is made of special material, which is very effective in keeping out the cold, and it is big enough to allow ten people to squeeze into this tent.The temperature in the Antarctic inland is usually about [-] degrees below zero, but when the storm comes, the temperature will drop another ten degrees, reaching minus [-] degrees.

Many people probably don't understand the concept of minus [-] degrees.When the temperature reaches minus [-] degrees, it means that your urine will be frozen into ice in less than a second when it leaves the body and reaches the ground.Therefore, in a world of ice and snow at minus [-] degrees, it is better to endure the urination if you can bear it.It's freezing outside, but it's much milder inside the tent, but the temperature is around minus five degrees. The expedition team must wear thick down jackets to feel a little warmer.So looking around, the scientists in the tent were all dressed like cotton bags. Even so, they had to try their best to curl themselves up into a ball to prevent the heat from being lost too quickly.

However, among these people, Chang Xuefei was an exception. Compared with what other people wore, what she wore was really pitiful.For example, if someone else is wearing winter clothes, she is wearing a bikini.Even people can vaguely see her slender figure.Mikiko is one of the only two female members of the expedition team. The islander is about the same age as Chang Xuefei. Not only is she very beautiful, she is also an accomplished polar climate expert, and she can be regarded as God's Beloved.Because there were only two girls in the team, and they had similar knowledge, so they got close very quickly and became good sisters.

Mikiko was wrapped in a thick blanket, even so, she was still shivering and sneezing one after another.Just as Mikiko was complaining about the weather and asking God when the damn storm would stop, she turned her head suddenly, only to find Chang Xuefei beside her, typing on her laptop, and asked in surprise: " Xuefei, are you crazy? Such a cold weather will freeze your hands to death!" As he spoke, he hurriedly took off his gloves and held Chang Xuefei's hand, trying to warm her up.But holding Chang Xuefei's hand, Mikiko was even more surprised to find that not only was Chang Xuefei's hand not cold at all, it was actually warmer than hers.

Mikiko opened her eyes wide as if she had seen a ghost, and was about to ask Chang Xuefei what was going on, but she found Chang Xuefei's thin clothes.Based on her experience, with Chang Xuefei wearing such thin clothes, the chance of freezing to death is at least 50.00%.But looking at Chang Xuefei's expression, Mikiko found that Chang Xuefei didn't seem to feel the cold at all, as if she was staying in a heating room, she looked very comfortable and comfortable.

Chang Xuefei tried to pull her hand out of Mikiko's hand several times, but without success, she couldn't help but twitched her eyebrows lightly and said, "Meikiko, let me go, I'm trying to find a way to contact the headquarters. If we don't tell them about our situation in time, we will be in more danger."

(End of this chapter)

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