The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1329 The Desperate Expedition Team!

Chapter 1329 The Desperate Expedition Team!
The situation of the expedition team is indeed not optimistic. What they are facing now is not only the problem of cold, but also hunger.The expedition lost two-thirds of its food while pitching tents.The remaining one-third of the food, under the circumstances of the captain's careful calculation and unified distribution, persisted until the third day today, and there was not much left.Except for Chang Xuefei, all the expedition members at this time were hungry.Chang Xuefei also felt hungry.But whenever she felt hungry, a strange heat would seep into her body, and then her hunger would disappear.Chang Xuefei was always worried about the current situation of the expedition team, so she didn't notice these strange things that happened to her, not afraid of being hungry or cold.

In addition to the threat of cold and hunger, sickness has become an increasingly prominent problem.Among the ten team members including Chang Xuefei, five of them had a low-grade fever, and frostbite was even more common.If you don't think of a way, the expedition team may never leave here again.Seeing her teammates getting weaker and weaker with the passage of time, Chang Xuefei saw it and was anxious in her heart.I have been working hard to restore contact with the rear command.

It's a pity that under such a situation where the strong storm keeps raging, contacting the headquarters seems to be out of reach. Mikiko ignored Chang Xuefei, but looked her up and down seriously.Chang Xuefei didn't understand what she was up to, so she asked in a soft voice, "Meijizi, what are you doing? It's not the first time you see me, what are you looking at?" Feeling suspicious, she asked anxiously: "Xuefei, are you from Earth?" Chang Xuefei was taken aback for a moment, and then said to her angrily, "Why are you so crazy? I'm not from Earth, am I?" Or Martians? Hurry up and return the computer, you don’t want everyone to die here, do you?”

Mikiko didn't return the computer to her, but asked again: "But if you are really from the earth, why don't you seem to feel cold at all? Look at everyone's clothes for bears, But look at you again—this is really unbelievable!" Speaking of this, Chang Xuefei also showed a trace of confusion on her face, and said: "I don't know how this happened, I really don't feel cold. "Mei Jizi listened, and leaned towards Chang Xuefei subconsciously. As soon as she leaned, Mei Jizi immediately shouted in surprise, "Wow, it's so warm!" Before Chang Xuefei could react , Mikiko put her whole body on Chang Xuefei's body, hugging Chang Xuefei tightly like an octopus spider.

Chang Xuefei couldn't laugh or cry, pushed her away from her body, and said softly: "Mei Jizi, you are crazy! I don't have that kind of hobby." Mei Jizi shook her head, and said eagerly: "Xuefei, you can't feel it yourself, your body is so warm, it's like a heater, please, let me hold you to keep you warm, okay?" With beautiful big eyes, she looked at Chang Xuefei pitifully and said coquettishly.Mei Jizi is the kind of doll-like beauty who is similar to Yufu doll. With such a pitiful Yuan Qiu expression, even a man with a hard heart will turn into a man, let alone a man who is originally The soft-hearted Chang Xuefei is gone.Chang Xuefei shook her head helplessly, and said, "Come on, I really lost to you!" When Meijizi was overjoyed, she threw herself into Chang Xuefei's arms, and hugged her tightly.

As soon as Meijizi and Chang Xuefei embraced each other, she immediately felt a strange warm current leaking from Chang Xuefei's body, encircling her body.Under the protection of this warm current, the cold that made Mikiko so painful immediately weakened a lot.It's like stepping from the cold winter into the warm spring of March.

The bright and soft sunlight shone on her body, making her whole body warm and full of comfort.Mikiko, who has been tortured by the extreme cold for a long time, is surprisingly attached to this kind of warmth. But she was thinking about what could make her not afraid of the cold.Chang Xuefei knew herself very well, she was very afraid of the cold.

Not to mention the freezing Antarctica, even at home, when winter comes, her heart beats, but after arriving in Antarctica, she sees other team members shivering from the cold wind, but she doesn't notice it at all. , she is not surprised.After much deliberation, Chang Xuefei thought of the Fire Dragon Ball that Li Xiaogang gave her before leaving.He vaguely remembered that Li Xiaogang once told him that the Fire Dragon Ball could help avoid the cold.It's just that Chang Xuefei, who has always been influenced by science, doesn't think that such a small bead can withstand the severe cold, so she doesn't take Li Xiaogang's words to heart.

Now, however, her thinking is beginning to change.Thinking of all the miraculous things that happened to Li Xiaogang, Chang Xuefei suddenly realized that the Fire Dragon Ball might really be as miraculous as Li Xiaogang said.Realizing this, Chang Xuefei suddenly thought of another thing Li Xiaogang said to her, that is, when in danger, she can call his name to Fire Dragon Ball, and then Li Xiaogang will appear by his side , to help her get out of trouble.At that time, when Chang Xuefei heard what Li Xiaogang said, she just regarded his words as a romantic and warm fairy tale. Although her heart was doubly moved, she did not believe that everything Li Xiaogang said was true.But at this moment, Chang Xuefei suddenly had a strong impulse in her heart, she wanted to try it.

"Xuefei!" At this moment, a deep call woke Chang Xuefei from her contemplation.Chang Xuefei looked for the reputation, it was Sandru, the captain of the expedition team.Sandru is 60 years old this year. He is a native of M country. He is the most authoritative geology expert in the world. Some people even say that in this world, there is no one who understands the earth better than Sandru.Sandro has always been an expert that Chang Xuefei admired in his heart. At the age of 60, he still insisted on coming to Antarctica, where the environment is extremely harsh. This in itself requires incomparable courage.

Although Sandru is older than everyone in the team, his body is still strong.It is really rare that he still maintains a good working condition when most of the people have fallen ill.Chang Xuefei relied on the Fire Dragon Ball. If there was no Fire Dragon Ball, she might have fallen by now.But Sandro relies entirely on his strong body and will. "What's the matter, Professor?" Chang Xuefei hurriedly responded.Sandru asked: "Is there any medicine for low-grade fever? Yuri's condition is very serious, and I'm afraid he won't be able to hold on any longer."

Chang Xuefei looked bitter, and said quietly: "The last needle was used on Joseph half an hour ago." Chang Xuefei looked at the team member named Yuri while talking.His face was dark, his lips were white, his brows were tightly wrinkled, and he was trembling all over, obviously his consciousness was not very clear.After hearing Chang Xuefei's words, Sandru couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and murmured, "Could it be God's will?"

Sandro is an authoritative expert with outstanding achievements in science. It stands to reason that he should believe in the power of science more.But at this moment, he attributed all this to God's will. It can be seen that the expedition team at this time has indeed reached a desperate situation.

"It's all my fault! If I hadn't insisted that everyone keep going, we might have avoided this damn storm. It was me who killed everyone!" Sandro suddenly blamed himself, his eyes and brows were full of deep self-blame and regret.Chang Xuefei hurriedly comforted: "Professor, don't think so. Go on, it was approved by a collective vote, and the responsibility is not on you alone. Besides, this storm is unpredictable, who would have thought of it?" , will we encounter this storm?"

Sandro looked at Chang Xuefei gratefully, and said quietly: "My child, thank you for your comfort. I am already 60 years old, and I have no regrets even if I die. But you are still so young, and you are all so talented It must be a pity to die here with an old man like me..." Chang Xuefei laughed and said, "Professor, we are not dead yet, as long as we are still alive, hope will last forever." Exist. I firmly believe that miracles will happen, and we still have the great mission of saving all mankind!"

Sandru's expression sank, and he murmured: "Yes, human beings are facing unprecedented dangers. They pinned all their hopes on us. If we fail, then the entire human race will fail. We We must cheer up, find a way to get in touch with the headquarters, and tell them where we are now!"

Chang Xuefei said with some distress: "I have been trying hard just now. But this snowstorm has greatly interfered with our signal, and we have not been able to contact the headquarters." Sandro said in a trembling voice: "No matter what, we must Contacting the headquarters is our only hope for survival. Come on, give me the computer!" Sandro held out his hand to Chang Xuefei.Seeing Sandru's hand, Chang Xuefei couldn't help being startled.I saw that Sandro's hands were covered with large and small chilblains, and some of them had even begun to fester. Even just by looking at them, Chang Xuefei could understand how much pain Sandro was enduring. Painful, so he shook his head and said, "Let me do it! If your hands continue to freeze, they will be destroyed."

Sandro smiled wryly and said, "It's okay, I'm a man, and I'm an old man that no one loves. It doesn't matter if my hands are rough. You are such a beautiful and young girl, you can't freeze your hands." Often Xue Fei smiled at Sandro, and said, "I'm not cold, it's okay!" "Not cold? How could it be possible not to be cold in such a ghostly place?..." Sandro stopped suddenly after saying a few words Living.Just now he was focused on taking care of the other sick and wounded, and didn't notice Chang Xuefei. At this moment, he noticed it, and was surprised to find that Chang Xuefei was wearing such thin clothes. He couldn't help but looked at her in surprise and said : "Are you crazy? Wear so little, you will freeze to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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