The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1330 Ice Fracture

Chapter 1330 Ice Fracture
Chang Xuefei giggled and said, "Professor, you don't have to worry about me. I'm not a fool. If I feel cold, I will wear more clothes!" Sure enough, there were several down jackets and other clothes scattered beside Xue Fei. "You... are you really not afraid of the cold?" If Sandru hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he probably wouldn't believe it. Someone was wearing such thin clothes in the freezing and snowy world of minus [-] or [-] degrees, and she was a girl Son.Chang Xuefei nodded affirmatively, and continued typing on the computer. "Amazing, really amazing!" Sandro couldn't help giving Chang Xuefei a thumbs up and said in admiration.

After hearing this, Chang Xuefei smiled, and thought to herself: "What kind of magic is this? If you see Li Xiaogang's ability, you will feel even more amazing!"

"Wow, sushi, I want to eat it!..." Chang Xuefei was trying to restore the communication with the headquarters when she heard Mikiko in her arms shout out loudly.Chang Xuefei hurriedly looked down, only to find that Mikiko had fallen asleep in her arms before she knew it, her little mouth was wriggling non-stop, as if she was enjoying a big meal in her dream.Thinking of the big meal, Chang Xuefei suddenly felt a burst of hunger in her stomach, but before the hunger spread to her whole body, a hot stream flowed into her body, obliterating that trace of hunger.This time, Chang Xuefei felt it very clearly, the hot stream was gushing out from her chest, and there was hanging the fire dragon ball that Li Xiaogang gave her.

This time, Chang Xuefei completely believed what Li Xiaogang said, the Fire Dragon Ball was really miraculous, it could not only keep out the cold, but also help him resist hunger.Now that the facts have proved that the Fire Dragon Ball is indeed very magical, Chang Xuefei also believed that Li Xiaogang can be summoned through the Fire Dragon Ball.Chang Xuefei was overjoyed, and hurriedly took out the Fire Dragon Ball.Taking out the fire dragon ball, Chang Xuefei saw a scene that made her feel even more unbelievable. The fire dragon ball was actually glowing. It was a golden and very warm light. It was probably the fire that separated Chang Xuefei from the cold. The light emitted by the Dragon Balls.Not only that, inside the Fire Dragon Ball, there was actually a small golden dragon swimming in the Fire Dragon Ball, and from time to time, it would open its mouth and howl at Chang Xuefei, but the voice was too low, Chang Xuefei couldn't hear it. However, Chang Xuefei could clearly see Xiao Jinlong's movements.

Since I was in school, my teacher has said that the dragon is a magical animal created by the ancient ancestors with their imagination, but it does not actually exist.But if dragons really don't exist, then what is in the Fire Dragon Ball?At first Chang Xuefei thought it was her eyes that were blurred, but when she was about to rub her eyes blind, the little golden dragon still existed vividly. "What, did you get in touch?" Sandro couldn't help asking when he saw Chang Xuefei in a daze.Chang Xuefei let out a sigh, and said, "Not yet, I'm thinking of other ways."

Sandro smiled wryly, and said, "In this situation, the computer is the only thing we can use to communicate with the outside world. What other methods can we think of?" After hearing Sandru's words, Chang Xuefei said: He didn't say anything, but he didn't take it seriously in his heart. Looking at the little fire dragon ball in his hand, he believed that even if Sandru went crazy, he wouldn't believe that he could find Li Xiaogang with this little gadget.Chang Xuefei was about to give it a try, calling out Li Xiaogang's name to the Fire Dragon Ball, when suddenly a very clear cracking sound came from outside the tent.Sandru and Chang Xuefei were taken aback at the same time, "What's going on?" Chang Xuefei felt an inexplicable tension in her heart.asked anxiously.Just as her words fell to the ground, another crackling sound came in, and this time the sound seemed to be closer to them than the last time.

Sandro's face suddenly changed, and he said in a deep voice: "No! I'm afraid the ice layer is breaking!" "What! No way?" Chang Xuefei couldn't believe her ears.If what Sundertai said is true, then the entire Antarctica will probably be torn into two halves, which will inevitably be accompanied by a huge avalanche, and this continent will become a land of death. "I'll go out and have a look!" Sandro hurriedly stood up.Chang Xuefei hurriedly called him to a stop, and said, "I'm not afraid of the cold, let me go!" Saying that, she threw Mikiko aside without hesitation.After leaving Chang Xuefei, Meijizi immediately woke up from the cold with a shiver, looked at Chang Xuefei with some dissatisfaction, and complained: "Why? I'm almost full..." Chang Xuefei looked at it dumbfounded She glanced at her and said, "Still thinking about eating? In a while, we're going to eat with Lord Yan!" After speaking, Chang Xuefei rushed out of the tent before Meiji and Li Xiaogang came over.

Outside the tent is a world of ice and snow raging and wild winds dancing wildly.Chang Xuefei even felt that the end of the world was coming.Before rushing out of the tent, Chang Xuefei was ready to fight against the strong wind, but after she rushed out of the tent, she found that although the strong wind was fierce, it would never blow a strand of her hair.The Fire Dragon Ball seemed to have set up a protective cover around Chang Xuefei. After the blizzard hit this protective cover, it slid to the side, and Chang Xuefei could not be blown at all.Seeing this, Chang Xuefei was shocked, and couldn't help kissing Huolongzhu hard.

Just when Chang Xuefei was pleasantly surprised by this discovery, another clicking sound came from her north.Chang Xuefei was startled, put away the Fire Dragon Ball, and quickly climbed towards a tall glacier on the ice field beside her.Is this glacier slippery? If you are not careful, it will slip and roll down. Chang Xuefei clenched her teeth, and while digging the pit for her feet with an ice ax, she tried her best to stick her body on the ice.This glacier has been here for at least tens of thousands of years, and its surface temperature is at least about minus [-] degrees. If it were an ordinary person, it would have been frozen into ice lumps, let alone climbed to the peak of this glacier. up.However, Chang Xuefei, who was protected by the Fire Dragon Ball, didn't care at all.But even so, it took Chang Xuefei a lot of time to climb to the top of the glacier.

Standing on the top of the glacier, Chang Xuefei can see everything on this ice field. Chang Xuefei hastily looked in the direction of the loud cracking noise. Chang Xuefei was surprised when she saw it. , about a hundred miles away from the glacier where she was, a huge, roughly one kilometer wide super crack jumped into her eyes.This crack continued to extend, and all the glaciers encountered on the road disappeared in an instant as if they had fallen into a bottomless pit.

What shocked Chang Xuefei even more was that, looking at the direction of the big crack, the tent they set up was right on the fault zone.But at the speed at which the big crack extended, it would take less than an hour to reach here, and Chang Xuefei's heart suddenly rose to her throat.Hastily turned around and climbed down the glacier.And at the moment when he turned his head, an extremely strange purple light shot up from the source of the big crack, turning the sky in the distance purple Chang Xuefei didn't notice it.

The so-called uphill is easy to go downhill, and this glacier is even more so.Chang Xuefei could be said to have rolled and crawled down the glacier.The Fire Dragon Ball can help Chang Xuefei resist the cold and hunger, but it can't help her stop wrestling on the ice. When he comes down from the glacier, his body feels like it's falling apart.

Mei Jizi pouted, and said with some displeasure: "Why not? I'm not cold now, not because of him, but because of Xuefei. If God really wants my forgiveness, then he should give it to me too. I am such a fire dragon ball." Mikiko's words caused a burst of laughter among the crowd, Chang Xuefei didn't say anything, but felt extremely proud and happy in her heart.Secretly grateful to God for allowing Li Xiaogang to appear in her life, even though they are thousands of miles apart now, Li Xiaogang can still bring warmth to her, especially in this icy and snowy world, Chang Xuefei is even more grateful. Everyone is smiling, The ground under their feet suddenly trembled, and Yuri hurriedly said: "Professor, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go!"

Sandro nodded and greeted everyone. They stepped on the knee-thick snow and walked towards the end of the fault zone.Although with the help of the Fire Dragon Ball, everyone was able to get rid of the troubles of disease and hunger, but it was still very difficult to move forward in this blizzard.Even though they had stretched out their full strength, everyone was still moving very slowly.Especially the storm, it made Sandro and the others suffer a lot.Often when you take three steps forward, you need to take two steps back.

But at this time, Chang Xuefei and Mikiko who were protected by Fire Dragon Ball were much more comfortable, as long as they could overcome the difficulties caused by the snow, they didn't have to worry about the snowstorm at all.As a result, these two weak girls became the fastest walkers in the whole team.Not long after, they forced Sandro and the others to fall behind them more than ten meters away.Chang Xuefei realized that Sandru and the others did not follow, and looked back anxiously, only to see Sandru and his party of eight, struggling in the blizzard, leaning forward and back, like snails crawling, each step forward , have to pay tremendous effort.At their speed, it would be a dream come true to want to extend this big crack and get out of this one-kilometer-wide fault zone.

Meijizi was walking vigorously, when she suddenly found that Chang Xuefei was not leaving, she couldn't help being startled, she looked up at Chang Xuefei full of surprise, and found that Chang Xuefei was staring behind her in a daze, Meijizi subconsciously look back.Seeing this, he immediately understood why Chang Xuefei stopped.The crescent eyebrows were clustered, and she said full of worry and anxiety: "If we continue like this, we won't be able to escape the fault zone at all." There was a loud click sound clearly from the direction.It sounded like lightning, but both Chang Xuefei and Mikiko knew it was the sound of the earth being torn apart.Hearing the sound, they were much closer. Obviously, the big crack was extending much faster than they imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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