The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1331 Avalanche! ! !

Chapter 1331 Avalanche! ! !

Chang Xuefei's head was like a clockwork machine, and it turned quickly.Soon, Chang Xuefei had an idea and came up with an idea. She turned her head to look at Mikiko and said, "Mikiko, we must find a place to hold on to it." Then, she pulled Mikiko and came Arriving at the lee of a small protruding glacier, Chang Xuefei yelled at Sandru before Mikiko figured out what she wanted to do, and threw the fire dragon ball at him.

As soon as the fire dragon ball was thrown out, Blizzard immediately wrapped Meijizi and Chang Xuefei mercilessly.Chang Xuefei, who had been protected by the Fire Dragon Ball, suddenly felt the stimulation of the cold, and her heart almost stopped beating.

Coming to Antarctica, a place that is extremely cold, this is the first time Chang Xuefei really felt the coldness of Antarctica. The pain of being wrapped in ice and snow, and even her blood would freeze into ice cubes, Chang Xuefei couldn't help crying out. A low cry of pain. "Xuefei, you're crazy!" Mikiko yelled loudly while hugging Chang Xuefei tightly.Chang Xuefei was trembling all over, and said in a trembling and difficult voice: "Their speed is really...too slow. Huo... Fire Dragon Ball can help them!
Hearing Chang Xuefei's roar, Sandro subconsciously looked up at her, saw Chang Xuefei throwing the Fire Dragon Ball, and Sandro instinctively grabbed it in his hand.As soon as the fire dragon ball entered his palm, the surrounding blizzard disappeared without a trace, and his body, which was blown to and fro by the strong wind, immediately straightened up.After a short moment of astonishment, Sandru immediately understood what Chang Xuefei meant, and secretly praised "Smart!"

Then, shaking the fire dragon ball, he rushed towards Chang Xuefei and Mikiko in big strides.Without the trouble of the blizzard, Sandru's speed was at least ten times faster, and he quickly caught up with Chang Xuefei and Mikiko.After catching up with the two, Sandru turned around and threw the Fire Dragon Ball at Yuri without the slightest hesitation. With the protection of the Fire Dragon Ball, Yuri successfully joined Chang Xuefei and Sandru, and threw the Fire Dragon Ball Throwing it to the next team member, so repeated, Fire Dragon Ball quickly fiddled with ten expedition team members and saw that the method worked, Mikiko looked at Long Chang Xuefei with admiration and said: "Xuefei, you How clever!"

At this time, Chang Xuefei was almost frozen by the cold wind, and it was very difficult for her to even smile, she chattered her teeth and said, "Professor, time is running out. Let's move on according to this method. "Sandru nodded and handed the Fire Dragon Ball to Chang Xuefei's hand again, and said: "Xuefei, you and Mikiko continue to move forward under the protection of the Fire Dragon Ball, and we will follow you slowly. Wait until you think it's 30 meters away from us, no, 30 meters is too far, I'm afraid you won't be able to throw the Fire Dragon Ball to us. Let's say 20 meters, when you think it's 20 meters away from us, you can throw the Fire Dragon Ball Give us, let us chase you."

This was exactly what Chang Xuefei was thinking of, Chang Xuefei nodded hastily upon hearing this.Holding the Fire Dragon Ball made her feel a lot better, she turned her head and said to Mikiko: "Mikiko, let's go!" After speaking, she pulled her foot out of the snow with difficulty, and walked forward according to this The method, the speed of the expedition team is indeed much faster.After a while, we walked 300 meters.However, as the big crack continued to approach, the entire ground trembled more and more, which became another major problem affecting the expedition team's progress.After Sandro threw the Fire Dragon Ball to the next team member, he turned his head to look in the direction of the big crack, and saw a black straight line on the snow-white ground, stretching towards them from the sky, like a devil's hand.Sandro estimated in his heart, and said quietly: "I'm afraid it's too late....

Chang Xuefei shook her head and said, "No way! As long as we work harder, we will definitely be able to escape from this fault zone." Sandro smiled wryly, and said, "The speed at which the big crack extends is too fast. Soon, according to my opinion, within half an hour, the big crack will reach our feet. And at our current speed, we simply cannot cover the remaining distance!" Chang Xuefei frowned and said: "Professor, you are our captain, you must not lose confidence first. If even you lose confidence, then us people will lose confidence even more. Cheer up, we will definitely get out of this death zone!"

Sandru shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "My child, you are wrong. I am not lacking in confidence, but I respect the facts. Xue Fei, after all the team members arrive here, you and Mikiko will be together with each other with fire. Dragon Ball is yours, don't worry about us anymore. If you two move forward at full speed, under the protection of Fire Dragon Ball, maybe there is still a glimmer of life!" "No! We can't leave you alone!" Chang Xuefei was determined said loudly.Mikiko also nodded heavily.

Sandro said: "Xuefei, Mikiko, you need to be more rational! As the captain, I am very pleased to have players like you who refuse to abandon your teammates even in the face of death. But now is not the time for you to be brave. , Don’t forget, what we are responsible for is the life and death of the entire human race. Someone must go out alive and tell others what happened here in Antarctica. Do you understand?”

"No, no, we can't leave you alone. Captain... ah!" Just as Chang Xuefei was talking, the ground suddenly shook, which made him fall heavily into the snow.Fortunately, the snow was very thick and the snow was soft. Chang Xuefei fell but was not hurt.After the ground shook violently, there was a loud cracking sound, and the black line extending from the sky was getting closer to them.Sandro helped Chang Xuefei up from the ground, looked at the black line in the distance, and murmured: "God, what did human beings do wrong? You want to punish us like this!" After finishing speaking, turn to Looking at Chang Xuefei, she said in a deep voice: "Xuefei, you have also seen that time is running out, there is no other way!
"No!" Chang Xuefei suddenly yelled, and said, "There is another way!" Sandro and Mikiko were stunned at the same time, and Sandru asked in a nasty way: "What else do you do? "Chang Xuefei was thinking about Li Xiaogang at this time, and she couldn't help but blurted out: "As long as he can show up in time, we can all be saved!" "Him? Who is he? God?" Sandro looked at him dumbfounded. Chang Xuefei said: "Xuefei, stop thinking about this situation, no one can save us unless it is God!" Chang Xuefei shook her head and said confidently: "Is God capable of saving us? , I don't know, but I know, he will definitely be able to!

Seeing Chang Xuefei's serious look, Sandro said with a wry smile: "Well, even if he can save him, how does he know the situation we are facing right now? How can he show up in time?" Fire Dragon Ball!" Chang Xuefei pursed her lips tightly and said, "He said that if I need him, I can shout his name three times at Fire Dragon Ball, and he will appear immediately!" After hearing what Chang Xuefei said , not to mention Sandro, even Mikiko felt a little funny, and couldn't help but said to Chang Xuefei: "Xuefei, have you been tricked by Aladdin's magic lamp? There is also an elf hidden in the bead that can talk nonsense at any time? Xue Fei, wake up!"

Sandru nodded in agreement, and Chang Xuefei was not surprised to see that neither of them believed what she said, after all, even she herself thought it was ridiculous at the beginning.After glancing at the two of them, Chang Xuefei said faintly: "I know this sounds absurd, but absurd does not mean impossible. You have all seen the magic of Fire Dragon Ball, why don't you try it?" Sandru said bitterly: "It's not that you are not allowed to try, but we have no time to waste any more. You must leave here now, and if you wait any longer, there will be no chance."

Chang Xuefei smiled bitterly, and murmured: "Professor, why do you need to deceive yourself again? Even if we two weak women can escape from this fault zone, do you still expect us to leave Antarctica alive? Not to mention that the blizzard will make us lose our way, and those snow wolves living in Antarctica will tear us apart at any time. If you die, it means that Mikiko and I will die too. Don’t you understand? What?" Chang Xuefei's words made Sandru stunned for a moment, knowing that what Chang Xuefei said was the truth, he couldn't help falling into silence.

"Professor, the people behind have followed, Xuefei and Mikiko can continue to set off!" At this moment, Yuri and others had already caught up, handed the Fire Dragon Ball to Chang Xuefei, and said to Sandro.After hearing Chang Xuefei's words, Sandru also didn't know what to do. While hesitating, the fragile ground under their feet began to change violently again, like a ten-level battle. Like an earthquake, the expedition team members were shaken to this side.

I thought this time the shaking would be the same as before, and after the shaking, it would stop.However, the result surprised everyone. After the shaking stopped, the ground did not return to calm, but trembled like an electric shock.That kind of feeling is like the trembling feeling of the ground being stepped on by horseshoes and soldiers' feet when thousands of troops are marching. This strange feeling made Sandru's heart sink, an ominous premonition, like a flood came to his mind.Accompanied by the trembling, there was a rumbling muffled sound like thunder, which was constantly approaching from a distance.

"No, it's an avalanche!" Chang Xuefei suddenly exclaimed, pointing her finger in their faces and shouting loudly.The people's court was busy looking for Chang Xuefei's guidance, and everyone's expressions changed drastically at this action, Li Ming opened his mouth, and even forgot to exclaim.About a few thousand meters in front of them, a white snow line rushed towards them like a bulldozer, as if the earth was tilting, and all the snow on the Antarctic continent was pressing towards them together.That kind of power is enough to scare people away...

(End of this chapter)

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