The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1332 A Living God!

Chapter 1332 A Living God!
Behind them was a large crack that was approaching, and in front of them was an overwhelming avalanche, and the Antarctic expedition team was immediately placed in the predicament. Everyone's faces turned pale, and Sandru was no exception, staring blankly at the approaching avalanche , his mind went blank. "It's over, I'm only in my twenties, and I'm not married yet!" Mikiko shouted unwillingly.Yuri simply lay down and murmured: "If you die in this posture, you will be restrained, right?" Seeing the despairing faces of the crowd, Chang Xuefei cast her eyes on Sandro, and murmured Said: "Professor, can you let me try it?" Sandro shook his head bitterly, and said slowly: "Then you try it, in the desperate situation, leave yourself even a little Hope is not a bad thing."

Sandro's words clearly showed that he still didn't take Chang Xuefei's words seriously.Chang Xuefei couldn't care less about parting with him now.Hurriedly holding the Fire Dragon Ball to his chest, facing the avalanche, he knelt down slowly.He closed his eyes, kissed the Fire Dragon Ball lightly, and then Li Xiaogang's figure appeared in his mind, facing the Fire Dragon Ball, he shouted crisply, "Li Xiaogang, come and save me!"

Just when Yuri and the others didn't understand what Chang Xuefei was doing and looked at her curiously, Chang Xuefei called out a second time, "Li Xiaogang, save me!" Seeing Chang Xuefei's devout expression , Sandro couldn't help but let out a wry smile. Although she felt that Chang Xuefei was a little silly, she didn't stop her. After all, it was a wonderful thing to leave this world with hope.

Just as Sandru was singing and sighing, Chang Xuefei opened his eyes suddenly, and with all his strength facing the sky, he shouted loudly, "Li Xiaogang!!" Chang Xuefei's call continued through After a blizzard, it drifted far, far away.But when her voice disappeared, in the whole world, apart from the raging snowstorm and the avalanche that was approaching, there was no sign of Li Xiaogang.Chang Xuefei lay on the ground a little exhausted, not only amused in her heart, knowing that it was impossible, but she still wanted to do it, this is probably a common problem of human beings.Under the protection of Fire Dragon Ball, Chang Xuefei felt very warm, but her heart became cold because of disappointment and frustration.

She was disappointed not because Li Xiaogang didn't show up after she shouted three times, but because she couldn't see Li Xiaogang for the last time.Looking back, Chang Xuefei and Li Xiaogang didn't know each other for a long time, and their first meeting was very unpleasant.But maybe it was because of this that Chang Xuefei had such a deep impression on Li Xiaogang, which led her to fall hopelessly in love with Li Xiaogang.People say that this fate is wonderful and unfathomable. This point is especially suitable for her Chang Xuefei.Holding the Fire Dragon Ball tightly, Chang Xuefei felt like holding Li Xiaogang's hand, just as warm and caring.The earth trembled more and more violently, indicating that the avalanche was getting closer and closer to them.Chang Xuefei gently closed her eyes, with a trace of tears falling from her eyes, she murmured in her heart: "Dear Xiaogang, farewell..."

Seeing Chang Xuefei's sad expression, Mikiko hurriedly helped her up, and comforted her softly: "It's okay, Xuefei, where there is hope, there will inevitably be disappointment. Cheer up, no matter where we go, at least we I can be your companion.” In the face of death, Mikiko, who was usually weak, showed an eye-catching strength.Looking at her, Chang Xuefei showed a peaceful smile, nodded heavily, and held Mikiko's hand tightly.

"Come on! Let's gather together hand in hand!" Sandro said in a deep voice: "It's the last moment, I, an old man, can die with you, the most gangster young people in the world, I have no regrets in my heart! In fact, death It's not scary, it's a part of life. Although you seem a little hasty from birth to death, don't forget that you bear the fate of mankind and die for all mankind. This is a supreme honor , we should all be proud. Xue Fei, one of your great writers in China once said such a sentence, which impressed me deeply. He said that some people are alive, but they are dead. Some people are dead, and they are still alive Alive. I think this sentence is suitable for us now. Although we are dead, we will live in the hearts of all mankind! What else is more exciting and proud than this?"

In this blizzard, in front of this terrible avalanche, Sandro's impassioned speech moved everyone.I felt like a raging fire was being ignited in my heart, and my blood was boiling.When people's will and courage are fully stimulated, no matter how harsh the natural environment is, it seems to become insignificant.The turbulent avalanche moved forward, and the glaciers along the way were either destroyed in one fell swoop or completely buried. The overwhelming ferocity did not make these expedition members feel the slightest fear, but made their expressions even more serious. firm.

"Xuefei, I am very happy to be friends with you in this life! Although it is short, but I will remember it in my heart!" When Xue Beng was only a hundred meters away from them, Mikiko suddenly held Chang Xuefei tightly hand, said loudly.The rumbling noise produced by the avalanche made it impossible for Chang Xuefei to hear what Mikiko was saying clearly.But at this moment, the communication between people has broken through the limitation of words and has risen to the height of the soul.Although Chang Xuefei didn't hear what Mikiko said clearly.But he still felt the strong friendship from her, and he also held her hand tightly, with a smile on his face.

Just a second before the avalanche was about to swallow them up, a purple circle of light, like a glass wall, suddenly covered them.The turbulent avalanche was forcibly separated by the purple light circle, and continued to flow forward from its two sides.However, the ten people circled by the purple light did not suffer any damage.On the contrary, under the protection of the aperture, they couldn't even feel the cold and strong wind, as if everyone had a fire dragon ball in their arms.

Mikiko, who thought she was going to die, waited for a long time with her eyes closed, but she didn't feel the taste of death, so she opened her eyes in surprise. When she opened her eyes, a purple brilliance flashed in front of her eyes. Ji Zi's heart was shocked, and she murmured to herself, "Could it be that you have reached heaven so soon?" However, she soon discovered that the place she was in was not heaven, because not far in front of her, there was a source of The constant avalanche is still coming towards them.However, before Xue Beng reached them, it was split into two halves by streaks of purple light, and flowed past them on both sides.Just when Mikiko was surprised and didn't know what was going on, she saw that Sandru and others were staring at the top of their heads in a daze.

Mikiko looked up subconsciously, but was deeply shocked by the scene in front of her.Above their heads, there was a handsome and refined man floating in the air.The man was holding a single palm upright, facing them condescendingly.Visible purple rays of light emanated from his palm, continuously adding to the purple light circle that enveloped them.And they were able to survive such a huge avalanche, relying on this aperture.

The people here at this time are all the top scientists in the world.An atheist who only believes in science all his life.That's why they were so shocked.They tried hard to find a theorem to explain everything they saw, but soon they discovered that what was happening before their eyes was far beyond the scope of science. "Xuefei, Xuefei?" Seeing that Chang Xuefei still had her eyes closed, Meijizi couldn't help but gently pushed her.Chang Xuefei opened her eyes and opened her mouth to ask, "Are we already dead?"

Seeing Chang Xuefei's somewhat funny expression, Meikiko couldn't help chuckling a few times, and said, "We're not dead. God sent a god to save us!" Chang Xuefei was stunned by what Meikiko said, Mikiko pointed to the sky with a finger.Under the guidance of her fingers, Chang Xuefei looked at Xiang Kongzai, and at a glance, she saw Li Xiaogang who was showing his majesty, and Xue Beng was robbing them of their lives.At the beginning, Chang Xuefei still couldn't believe her eyes, but when she rubbed her eyes vigorously and continued to look, she was sure that the tall man was exactly the person she had been thinking about day and night, Can't help crying with joy.Facing Li Xiaogang in the air, he shouted loudly: "Xiao Gang, I am here!"

Hearing Chang Xuefei's call, Li Xiaogang looked down at her and gave her a reassuring smile.In this desperate situation, Li Xiaogang's smile is like a reassuring pill.All the apprehension and uneasiness in Chang Xuefei's heart were instantly swept away.I always feel that even if the avalanche is bigger and more insane, there is nothing terrible. "Xuefei, actually know God!?" Seeing Chang Xuefei calling Li Xiaogang's name loudly, Mikiko couldn't help shouting in surprise.Not only her, Sandru, Yuri and the others also looked at Chang Xuefei in surprise. Seeing the surprised expression on Zhongliu's face, Chang Xuefei giggled and said, "He's not some kind of god, He is my good friend! He is specially here to save us!" Chang Xuefei looked at Sandru narrowly and said, "Professor, he is the one I summoned with the Fire Dragon Ball 'Elf', now you believe it? "

Sandru stared blankly at the miraculous Li Xiaogang, and said nah: "I believe it, I believe it!" Chang Xuefei said excitedly: "Don't worry, everyone, we are fine. As long as he is here, No matter how dangerous it is, don't even think about what can happen to us!" Seeing Chang Xuefei's confident appearance, everyone's heart that had been hanging over them finally fell back.

The avalanche came and went quickly, and within a short while, it rushed past them.After the avalanche stopped, Li Xiaogang slowly retracted the purple light, which fell from the sky.As soon as Li Xiao landed, Chang Xuefei couldn't help rushing over excitedly.He hugged him tightly.Chang Xuefei only thought that Chang Xuefei was frightened, and didn't care about her enthusiasm.He smiled and said, "Are you okay?"

Chang Xuefei pouted and said: "It's something! Didn't you say that as long as I call three times, you will appear immediately? Why, you didn't show up until we were about to die? It scared people to death At this moment, Chang Xuefei acted like a little rascal, coquettishly said to Li Xiaogang as if finding fault. Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said, "You really think of me as a fairy? This is Antarctica, so far away!"

Chang Xuefei curled her lips and said, "Forget it, since you came here in time this time, I won't bother you." After finishing speaking, she smiled and said, "Come on, I'll give you Let me introduce my teammates!" As he spoke, he directed Li Xiaogang's gaze to Sandro and the others.Just when Li Xiaogang was looking at them, they had already looked at Li Xiaogang all over.Especially Mikiko, she set her sights on Li Xiaogang and refused to look away.Island women have always had a complex of 'following the strong'.Whether a man treats them well or not, they may not care very much.But whether the man they are dating is strong enough is definitely what they care about.

(End of this chapter)

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