The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1333 Out of Danger!

Chapter 1333 Out of Danger!

If an island woman thinks that you are strong enough and a well-deserved strongman, then even if you hit her 24 times a day for an hour at a time, she will not leave you.The mentality of island women, which is close to being cheap, actually has deep historical roots.From the beginning of the civilization of the island nation, it was known as barbarism.This kind of barbarism is not only barbaric to neighboring countries, but also prevails in the island country.In the historical period when samurai were rampant in that island country, duels between samurai were commonplace, and murder was not uncommon.If a woman marries a husband who is not strong enough, she may become a widow in a few days.In order not to let themselves suffer from the torment of desire, whether or not island women are strong enough when choosing a husband naturally becomes the primary criterion.With the advancement of history, it has been precipitated to this day.

In M Jizi's eyes, Li Xiaogang is as powerful as a god.The historical precipitation of island culture immediately had an impact on her heart.Coupled with Li Xiaogang's astonishing bearing and handsome appearance, Mikiko couldn't take it anymore. "My name is Meijizi, please take care of me. Before Chang Xuefei could introduce Li Xiaogang, Meijizi rushed to announce her name. Li Xiaogang doesn't hate islanders, but he doesn't like them either, so Faced with Mikiko at this time, his attitude was average, and he just nodded politely. Li Xiaogang's almost indifferent reaction obviously aroused Mikiko's dissatisfaction. You know, in the island country, Mikiko's pursuit of Or, they can line up from Nagoya to Yokohama. When did she experience such indifference?

With a turn of her eyes, Meijizi grasped Li Xiaogang's hand, pressed her body against Li Xiaogang's body vigorously, and smiled in Li Xiaogang's ear, "Thank you for saving me, my dear!" I don't even know how to thank you..." At this moment, Mikiko's eyes are as charming as silk, and there is a tantalizing charm in her smile. In addition, her body movements, if it were an ordinary man, I am afraid it will be difficult to resist this temptation.It's a pity that Li Xiaogang is already a demigod, and his state of mind has already been cultivated.Mikiko wants to seduce Li Xiaogang, but she is still far behind.

Li Xiaogang frowned slightly, and calmly withdrew his right hand from Mikiko's hand, a cold look flashed across his face, and said faintly: "I'm sorry, I don't like girls getting so close to me!" "Ah?" Mikiko never thought that she tried her best, but Li Xiaogang was still not affected by it. The always confident Meikiko couldn't help but start to doubt herself.Chang Xuefei saw Mikiko's actions clearly. Although she and Mikiko had a good relationship, when it came to love, it did not prevent her from expressing dissatisfaction with Mikiko.He snorted lightly and said, "Mei Jizi, in China, you will be punished for your behavior!"

It can be heard that there was obvious anger in Chang Xuefei's words, and Meijizi knew she was wrong, and said with some embarrassment: "I... I just wanted to make a joke with him, after all, just now everyone I'm really nervous..." Chang Xuefei ignored her, and was about to introduce Sandru and others to Li Xiaogang one by one, when the ground under their feet shook more violently than ever before.Sandru's complexion changed drastically. Looking back, during the time they were resisting the avalanche just now, the big crack had quietly extended to them.At this time, long and thin cracks have appeared under their feet. With the development of the crustal tension, in just one minute, the long and thin cracks under their feet will become a big rift valley.

Sandru couldn't help shouting: "Oops! We probably won't have time to escape!" Chang Xuefei hurriedly cast her gaze on Li Xiaogang, and asked eagerly, "Xiao Gang, what should we do?" Li Xiaogang frowned. Frowning, he said in a deep voice: "Everyone gather around me as closely as possible, and I will take everyone out of here!" Although I don't know how Li Xiaogang will take them out of here, everyone including Sandro subconsciously Yes, they unconsciously surrounded Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately released a purple light to cover everyone in it, and then teleported.

Sandro and the others felt that the scene in front of them was distorted for a while, and then the whole world disappeared from their eyes, replaced by a colorful and bizarre world.There was nothing but light, light of various colors.Just when Sandru and the others were still surprised and didn't know what happened.Their bodies stopped suddenly, and then the various colors in front of them quietly receded like a tide, and the land in front of them returned to its original appearance, and all eyes were dazzling white.

"Look! The fault zone has run behind us!" With Yuri's exclamation, everyone looked behind in surprise. Sure enough, about two or three kilometers away from them, a brand new big rift valley appeared. appear in front of your eyes.It seemed as if they just blinked, but they were already standing two kilometers away, which shocked everyone. Even Chang Xuefei, who had known Li Xiaogang's ability for a long time, couldn't help Li Ming's mouth at this time.Chang Xuefei murmured: "Xiao Gang, what's going on here?" Li Xiaogang didn't know how to explain to them scientifically what teleportation is, so he said vaguely: "Don't ask, this place is not for a long time. No one knows when a new avalanche will occur."

After Li Xiaogang said this, no one cared about how Li Xiaogang brought them out of the fault zone.Sandru looked at the snow and ice flying all over the sky, and said bitterly: "In such a cold day, we may be frozen to death within five kilometers." Li Xiaogang smiled slightly and said, "It doesn't matter, it will be fine if you use it." As he spoke, Li Xiaogang snapped his fingers smartly, and then, three snowmobiles miraculously appeared in front of everyone.This kind of car is specially designed for driving on snow, so it looks very strange.

However, although it looks strange, this kind of car is definitely a treasure for Sandro and the others.It not only travels very fast on the snow, but more importantly, the car adopts the best insulation technology in the world today. Staying in this car, there is absolutely no worry about freezing, although the three snowmobiles have been parked. It was in front of their eyes, but everyone still couldn't believe their eyes.They stretched out their hands to touch the three snowmobiles one after another, only then realized that what Diao Fei saw was not an illusion.

"Xiao Gang, are you a magician?" Chang Xuefei was full of surprises, looking at Li Xiaogang with sparkling eyes and shouted loudly.Li Xiaogang smiled and said: "With this snowmobile, you should be able to return to the research stations set up in Antarctica by various countries before dark. I have already put all the supplies you may need on the way in the car." It's getting late, so hurry up and get on the road."

"Us? Aren't you going with us?" Chang Xuefei asked in surprise after hearing Li Xiaogang's words.Li Xiaogang shook his head, turned his eyes to the source of the big crack, and said slowly: "I'm going to see what happened there, and find a way to prevent it from happening!" After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Chang Xuefei thought too Without thinking, he said: "Then I'll go with you!" Li Xiaogang frowned, and said in a deep voice, "Nonsense! How can this be done? It's very dangerous there!" Chang Xuefei said stubbornly: "You are not afraid of danger, What am I afraid of? Besides, you are so capable. You can protect me!"

Li Xiaogang smiled bitterly and said: "The environment here is harsh, and dangers are everywhere. If I am negligent and you encounter any danger, how can I face Rong'er and the others? Be obedient, follow everyone back first, at the inspection station Wait for me! When I settle the matter here, I will naturally go to you guys!" Chang Xuefei was reluctant and was about to speak, but Sandro spoke before her, and said slowly: "Sir, what Xuefei said Yes, you can’t take risks alone, all of us will go with you, we are experts in all aspects, we will definitely help you!” Li Xiaogang said with a smile to Sandro: “Thank you for your kindness! But forgive me for being arrogant, If even I can't help you, I'm afraid you won't be able to help. Well, time is running out, so don't waste it here, hurry up and get on your way!" Chang Xuefei opened her mouth to speak, but Li Xiaogang waved her hand to stop her She said with a stern face: "Chang Xuefei, you know my character. What I have decided cannot be changed. I hope you don't provoke me!" "Li Xiaogang!" Chang Xuefei shouted with some dissatisfaction.Li Xiaogang opened the car door violently, and said in a deep voice, "Get in!"

"I..." Chang Xuefei felt bitter, not knowing what to do.Seeing that Li Xiaogang had made up his mind, Sandru shook his head, dissuaded Chang Xuefei, and said to Li Xiaogang, "Why don't we leave you a snowmobile?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said, "No need. , this thing is too slow, I can't get used to it!" Although the snowmobile can ride on the thick snow like walking on flat ground, the fastest speed is only tens of kilometers per hour, which is indeed slower than Li Xiaogang's It's like a snail crawling.Seeing this, Sandru smiled wryly and said, "Huaxia people are amazing!" Then he shook his head and got into the car.Although reluctant in every possible way, Chang Xuefei did not dare to disobey Li Xiaogang's wishes after all, and followed Sandro into the car with full of dissatisfaction.

When Chang Xuefei got into the car, Li Xiaogang was about to wave goodbye to them when he suddenly remembered something and took out a tent that must have been huge from the Qiankun ring.Seeing this familiar tent, Chang Xuefei, Sandru and others all exclaimed in surprise, "Ah! Isn't this our tent?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said to Chang Xuefei: "I see You left in such a hurry that you even dropped the tent, so you just put it away. No, I’ll give it back to you!” As he spoke, he stuffed the contents of the tent into the car one by one, then put the tent away and threw it on the snow In the back of the car.

(End of this chapter)

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