The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1335 Looking for Li Xiaogang

Chapter 1335 Looking for Li Xiaogang

The bigger the fragment of Nuwa Yuanshen, the greater the energy contained in it, and the more complicated the memories it carries.It is also doomed that Li Xiaogang wants to fully integrate it, the longer it will take.Li Xiaogang sank his whole mind into his body, not knowing at all that earth-shaking changes were taking place in the outside world. After the fragments of Nuwa Yuanshen were integrated into Li Xiaogang's body, the heat source that caused the melting of Antarctic glaciers disappeared, and the polar cold began to take over again. This piece of heaven and earth.The temperature in the warm and comfortable waters dropped rapidly, and in the blink of an eye, scattered ice cubes formed on the waters.Afterwards, the ice cubes became bigger and bigger, more and more, and they entangled each other. In less than a day, the waters that could not be seen at a glance were completely covered by ice again.Li Xiaogang, who was struggling to digest the fifth fragment, did not know that he had been frozen at the bottom of the water.

Without the 'disturbance' of Nuwa Yuanshen's fragments, Antarctica is rapidly restoring its usual order in its own way. Those melted glaciers have begun to condense again. All signs show that the fragile Antarctica is gradually recovering. out of danger.Chang Xuefei and others at the Antarctic Research Station have come to such a conclusion through brand new data.This is certainly exciting, but at the same time, a huge shadow is lingering in the hearts of everyone.Three days had passed since Li Xiaogang rescued them.Antarctica is restoring order day by day, but there is no news of Li Xiaogang.

In the past three days, Chang Xuefei, who was extremely worried, called Li Xiaogang's name countless times in front of Fire Dragon Ball, but Li Xiaogang still failed to appear in front of her.Fear mixed with despair is eroding this weak girl little by little. "Xuefei, you haven't eaten yet." Mei Jizi came to Chang Xuefei with a bowl of steaming, fragrant noodles.Chang Xuefei's complexion was very bad, showing haggardness and exhaustion, which made people feel distressed.Chang Xuefei held the fire dragon ball tightly, and said weakly: "I can't eat it, you can eat it."

Mei Jizi sat down beside Chang Xuefei, and said quietly: "Xuefei, you can't do this. I know you are worried about Li Xiaogang, but you can't help him if you don't eat like this. Instead, wait until he comes back On that day, I will still worry about you. What do you think?"

Chang Xuefei shook her head bitterly and said: "Mei Jizi, don't say any more. I understand what you said, but I really can't bear it, so don't force me, okay?" Mei Jizi He pouted and said, "Okay then! Let's eat when you can eat. By the way, an order came from the headquarters just now, let us leave Antarctica immediately and return to country M." "Why let us return?" Chang Xuefei looked at Mikiko in surprise and asked.Mikiko nodded and said: "The headquarters thinks that the problem in Antarctica has been cured without any medicine. It is meaningless for us to stay here except to increase the danger, so the headquarters ordered us to return immediately!"

Chang Xuefei said angrily when she heard it: "What's healed without medicine? This is clearly due to Xiaogang! Now that Li Xiaogang has not come back, we have to let go first, how can this be possible? No, I promise Li Xiaogang, I’m going to wait for him here! If you want to go, you go, I won’t go!” Mikiko smiled bitterly and said: “But this is an order from the headquarters, we…” “Let them go to hell !" Chang Xuefei roared furiously.Mikiko shook her head helplessly, and said slowly: "Li Xiaogang saved all of our lives, and we don't want to leave. But staying here and waiting foolishly, it's better to go back to China and do research while waiting..."

Chang Xuefei shook her head and said, "You guys don't understand my feelings for Li Xiaogang. Without him, I can't live without him, so why talk about research? I don't want Li Xiaogang to be disappointed because he can't find me when he comes back." , Therefore, I must stay here." "Xuefei, your leader wants to talk to you." Sandru walked in from the outside, looked at the haggard Chang Xuefei with some pity, and said clearly . "Boss?" Chang Xuefei was stunned for a moment, then quickly walked out of the room, went to the communication room, and answered the phone, "Boss, I'm Chang Xuefei."

"Xuefei, I heard something wrong with your voice, are you sick?" Chang Xuefei was moved by the leader's thoughtfulness, shook her head, and said, "I'm fine, maybe I didn't sleep well last night. Leader, Do you have any orders?" The leader laughed a few times and said, "I just got the news from the headquarters that you have successfully prevented the deterioration of the Antarctic environment. I will give you a first-class credit. I am also planning to hold a celebration banquet in the base camp, specially for you. Haha..."

The resolution of the Antarctic problem means that human beings can continue.Putting down the heavy stone in her heart, the leader felt much more relaxed, but Chang Xuefei was not as relaxed as the leader, and murmured: "Leader, actually I... I didn't do anything at all. I don't deserve this level of merit... "The leader said with a smile: "Xue Fei, modesty is certainly a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation, but excessive modesty is not beautiful. Your expedition team, this time you can turn the tide and save mankind from collapse. Gong, who else can match it?"

Chang Xuefei said: "Boss, it's really not my credit. In fact, the solution to the Antarctic issue is entirely due to Li Xiaogang's credit. First-class credit should also be credited to him." Speaking of Li Xiaogang, the voice of the chief again It rang and asked: "Did you see Li Xiaogang in Antarctica? Is he with you now? If he is, let him answer the phone. There are two people beside me who are looking for him urgently, hehe... ..."

Before the leader's laughter stopped, a crisp voice rang out from the phone: "Xuefei, I'm Linger, are you okay?" Hearing Long Linger's voice, Chang Xuefei's heart sank. , and murmured into the microphone: "Sister Linger, I...I am Xuefei," "Hey Xuefei, you have made a great contribution this time, and we are waiting to celebrate for you!"

Chang Xuefei said faintly: "Where is there any credit, I didn't do anything..." Long Ling'er giggled and said: "Xuefei, you are still as humble as before. It's a couple, Li Xiaogang, he I want to say a few words to him by your side." Long Ling'er mentioned Li Xiaogang again, Chang Xuefei felt sad and couldn't help sobbing softly.Hearing Chang Xuefei's cry, Long Ling'er, Song Shuang and the leader couldn't help being stunned, and at the same time, an ominous premonition rose in their hearts.After talking with the leader, Lin Chaoran, and Hu Dinghai, Li Xiaogang just called Long Ling'er and Song Shuang who were temporarily staying in Long's house, and then flew directly to Antarctica.

After all, Antarctica is one of the most dangerous environments on earth. Since Li Xiaogang went to Antarctica, Long Linger and Song Shuang have come to the leader almost every day to inquire about news.Today I finally heard that the Antarctic problem has been solved, and the expedition team will return some day. The two women breathed a sigh of relief, and they quarreled with the leader to ask him to call Chang Xuefei to ask about Li Xiaogang's situation in advance, and to urge him Come back early.As a result, when Chang Xuefei cried, the hearts of the two girls immediately rose to their throats, and the original joy and excitement disappeared without a trace in an instant. "Xuefei, why are you crying? Did something happen to Li Xiaogang?"

Speaking of this, Chang Xuefei could no longer hide it, and cried, "Sister Ling'er, Xiaogang...he is missing!" After speaking, she burst into tears.After hearing Chang Xuefei's words, Long Linger and Song Shuang's expressions changed, and they almost fell to the ground.The leader was even more anxious, snatched the phone from Long Linger's hand, and asked anxiously: "Xue Fei, what do you mean that Xiao Gang is missing? He is a good and alive person, how could he say that he is missing?" Just disappeared? Xuefei, stop crying and tell me what happened!" Chang Xuefei wiped away her tears, pulled herself together, rescued Li Xiaogang from the avalanche and fault zone, and was alone People, I went to the source of the big rift and haven't returned yet, and I talked about it in detail.

After listening to Chang Xuefei's narration, the leader didn't say a word for a long time, and at this moment he was also a little at a loss.If it is domestic, it will not be a problem for the leader to organize a search team of hundreds of thousands of people at the order of the leader.But this is in Antarctica, where God's forbidden zone, not to mention the vast territory, and the harsh environment, even if people can be organized, who would want to go to such a ghostly place to find people?Although the leader has never lacked confidence in Li Xiaogang, but this time, Li Xiaogang is facing the extremely dangerous Antarctic after all, which makes the leader feel worried.

"Boss, what should I do? Today is already the third day. If everything goes well, Li Xiaogang should have come back to join me long ago. Boss, I'm afraid something really happened!" Chang Xuefei He swallowed hard and said.The leader patted himself on the forehead vigorously to keep himself awake, and said, "Xue Fei, at this time, you must not panic. We are beyond our reach, and we are not familiar with Antarctica. The only person who can help is Li Xiaogang." You are probably the only one who is busy. So, you must calm down and think about what else to do!"

Under the leader's encouragement, Chang Xuefei calmed down slowly, pondered for a moment and said: "Boss, the only way now is to organize people to search and rescue along the way as soon as possible. But an order came from the headquarters, let us return immediately! "The leader shouted angrily when he heard the words, and said: "Go back! Li Xiaogang saved all of us human beings, but we want to abandon him alone in Antarctica. Humans can't do this kind of thing. If they want to spread it, let them Let them spread it. But Xue Fei, you can’t withdraw! You have to organize our scientists at the Antarctic research station to actively carry out search and rescue work. I will serve as your rear and will do my best for you. Whatever you need, just tell me, you need People give people, and things give things! There is only one condition, even if you turn the Antarctic upside down for me, you must find Li Xiaogang back for me!"

(End of this chapter)

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