The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1336 Blood Steel!

Chapter 1336 Blood Steel!
Hearing the leader's words, Chang Xuefei's heart was settled, and she vibrated on the phone and said: "Leader, you and sister Ling'er don't worry, I, Chang Xuefei, will find Li Xiaogang even if I die!" "Okay, Xuefei! Immediately Arrange to do it, I will ask someone to open a special line, and report to me as soon as there is any news!" The leader hung up the phone after finishing speaking. "Boss, I'm going to the South Pole!" The leader put down the phone, and Long Ling'er on the other side asked eagerly. "Yes! I'm going too!" Song Shuang also said loudly.The leader smiled wryly and said, "Nonsense! You think Antarctica is a playground where anyone can go? You who have not received professional training, even if you go to Antarctica, you can only make trouble for others. At this time, what you need It's not recklessness, but a clear head, calm down!"

"But..." As soon as Long Ling'er opened his mouth, he was interrupted by the leader, and said in a deep voice: "Don't be so, I won't agree. You stay here, in case Li Xiaogang comes back by himself , he will definitely look for you. I’m going to discuss with some Antarctic experts and come up with a sound tracing plan as soon as possible!”

After finishing speaking, he left Long Ling'er and Song Shuang behind and left alone.The two women looked at each other, and had no choice but to follow the leader's order.On the way to find the experts, the leader notified Lin Chaoran of the situation.Hearing the news of Li Xiaogang's disappearance from the leader, Lin Chaoran, who has always been calm, couldn't help being in a hurry, almost trotting all the way to join the leader.

Li Xiaogang, who was struggling to absorb the energy of the fragments of the original god under the frozen waters, did not know that his disappearance had caused an uproar.At this time, Li Xiaogang was immersed in the wonderful feeling brought to him by Nuwa's divine power, and at the same time carefully sorted out the miscellaneous memories contained in the fifth fragment of Nuwa's original god.As the memory was sorted out bit by bit, Li Xiaogang's excited heart almost jumped out of his throat.The memory contained in the fifth Yuanshen fragment can be said to be the lower half of the memory of the fourth Yuanshen fragment.In the memory of the fifth Yuanshen fragment, more science and technology created by that advanced ancient civilization are stored.It not only includes many advanced technologies applied to interstellar warships, but also the manufacturing technology of robots with various super functions.

These robots each have jaw-dropping functions, some are specially used for mining on various planets, some are used for family services, and some are used for fighting.Li Xiaogang was dazzled by the dazzling array of robots and was overjoyed at the same time.You must know that although there are as many as 60 billion human beings on the entire earth, there are far fewer alien life forms than tens of billions of them. With these robots, not only can the gap in the number of alien life be narrowed, but also Reduce human casualties.More importantly, according to memory, the fighting power of these robots is at least ten times higher than that of ordinary fighters.Moreover, when fighting in a complex outer space environment, these robots do not need any protective measures, and can go into battle at any time.The response is only fast, beyond people's imagination.

In the beginning, Li Xiaogang didn't think about making robots, and robots with high efficiency, high accuracy, and high loyalty, which can replace human beings in various heavy labor, have become an inevitable trend.So in the Academy of Sciences, when Li Xiaogang saw the robot developed by Liu Xuehai, he was so interested.However, although Liu Xuehai represents the top level of robot manufacturing in the world today, the robots he created are still at the stage of toys and cannot be applied to the actual field. This makes Li Xiaogang feel that according to the current level of human technology, if he wants to create Robots that can be used in interstellar battleships and even participate in space battles may have to wait at least another 50 years.Based on this, Li Xiaogang had to give up manufacturing a large number of robots, and set his sights on recruiting a large number of troops from the army.

But even if all the troops in China can be brought into space, it will only be a few million people. On the earth, these few hundred outsiders may be able to sweep everything, but in outer space, facing a huge number of people, the number is as large as astronomical The number of extraterrestrial life, a few million people is really too small.In order to form an interstellar fleet of a certain size, Li Xiaogang must integrate the entire world and the armies of various countries.But for today's world of constant strife, it is actually more difficult than reaching the sky.Li Xiaogang didn't even dare to think about these questions.However, the emergence of robot manufacturing technology can let Li Xiaogang breathe a long sigh of relief.

If the countries of the world are reasonable and far-sighted, and are willing to hand over the troops to him for integration, then he certainly welcomes it.But if they are unwilling, it doesn't matter to Li Xiaogang. At worst, he can increase the production of combat robots to make up for the shortage of personnel.Therefore, the robot-manufacturing technology contained in the fifth Yuanshen fragment, to Li Xiaogang at this time, can be used as a treasure to describe the problems that the fifth Yuanshen fragment helped Li Xiaogang solve. one.To build an interstellar warship that can shuttle freely in space, the various minerals and materials it needs are not a small amount, and to manufacture a whole fleet of about [-] interstellar warships to form the Taixing Fleet, what is needed The material is an astronomical figure.The types and quantities of minerals needed are so many that they are far beyond what the little earth can provide.

If such a fleet is to be built, it will be necessary to go to alien planets to collect resource deposits.However, mining on other planets is impossible with current earth technology.Part of the memory of the fifth Yuanshen fragment happened to help Li Xiaogang solve this problem.

In this part of the memory, not only the various mineral resources and reserves contained in the major planets of the solar system and the satellites of the planets are clearly recorded.It even records the methods of entering these satellites and mining these mineral deposits.As long as mining robots made of different materials are placed on planets with different environments, these robots can be commanded to carry out mining and excavation work on the earth through a complete remote control system.Of course, this also requires transport ships made of different materials that can adapt to the environment of each planet to transport these materials back to the earth.With this system and these mining robots, human beings can continuously transport the mineral deposits of each planet back to the earth without even having to visit the planets in person.

However, there is also a problem here.This remote control system adopts point-to-point rather than point-to-face design.In other words, a control system can only control one mining robot, but to mine a considerable amount of mineral deposits on a planet in a short period of time, at least thousands of mining robots are required to work simultaneously, which means It means that tens of thousands of people are needed behind them to control them.On this vast earth, it may not be difficult to find enough people, but the difficulty is how to keep so many people a secret.

Under the circumstances that Li Xiaogang's good intentions are not understood by the majority of countries and people, his behavior will definitely cause fear all over the world.Let me just ask, when most countries are working hard to study various spacecraft and explore these planets around us, but they have been able to collect resources on these planets and manufacture large-scale interstellar warships, this will definitely be a problem for many countries. Danger.In order to protect the interests of their own country, they may vigorously develop their own science and technology, but when they find that they cannot catch up with Li Xiaogang at all with their current scientific level, they will inevitably choose to destroy Li Xiaogang by any means and hinder Li Xiaogang's progress. Planning, this is actually one of the bad roots of human beings.

For secrets, if one more person knows about it, the risk of exposure will increase.It is simply impossible for thousands of people to keep a secret.Although this is a difficult problem, Li Xiaogang, who firmly believes that there must be a way before the car reaches the mountain, will not worry about it now.After all, the first interstellar warship has not yet been successfully developed, and mass production of interstellar warships is still out of reach. The need for various mineral deposits is not so urgent, and he still has a lot of time to think of a way.

Among the memories of the fifth Yuanshen fragment, there was another part that attracted Li Xiaogang's attention greatly.This part of memory is about the synthesis methods of various special materials.The characteristics of these special materials have greatly exceeded Li Xiaogang's imagination.With today's technology level, it is almost impossible to achieve.Among them is a synthetic material named 'Blood Steel' that attracted Li Xiaogang's attention.

This material is made by blending and refining dozens of minerals such as iron, aluminum, copper, silver, and copper in proportion.This material is not only very hard, but also has an incredible feature, that is, its weight can be adjusted, which can be light or heavy.When it is light, its weight is lighter than the same volume of foam, and when it is heavier, it is comparable to the same volume of lead.In that ancient civilization, this 'blood steel' was generally used to build houses.A house made of blood steel is very convenient to move, and you can even carry it with you.It's like a snail now.

The reason why Li Xiaogang pays special attention to "Blood Steel" is because he thought of the new car that Longhao Group is developing. Now that Longhao Group has made up its mind to manufacture a unique car in the world, why not let it Is it completely new? With the development of society, more and more cars are running on the road, and traffic jams have become commonplace. With this kind of car that can adjust the weight at will, when encountering traffic jams, it is completely Being able to lift a car out of a congested area will undoubtedly save a lot of time for humans. Although it sounds weird, it is not difficult to achieve if the car is made purely of blood steel.

(End of this chapter)

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