The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1337 Under the Ice

Chapter 1337 Under the Ice
It is hard for Li Xiaogang to imagine that a car with a Galaxy smart chip and this advanced material will not be popular all over the world.In addition, blood steel has many other uses, and it is also a very suitable and ideal material for building aircraft.The weight of the fuselage is greatly reduced, which can not only greatly increase the flight speed, but also greatly save fuel and reduce flight costs.Once this material comes out, it will surely make those astronauts go crazy with joy!Of course, the hardness of blood steel surpassing that of diamond can also make it show its talents in the manufacture of interstellar warships. In short, it is not an exaggeration to say that the appearance of blood steel will definitely cause a revolution in materials science on a global scale.After all, the impact it will have on mankind will be written in the annals of history.

In addition to 'blood steel', there are many other synthetic materials with special textures in memory.Li Xiaogang believes that after these materials are developed, they will definitely find a suitable application for them.With a little bit of sorting out the memory, Li Xiaogang discovered a small piece of special spell in the depths of the memory.These spells are written in a special script that looks like Mayan script.Fortunately, Li Xiaogang found the complete system of Mayan script in the memories of the former god fragments, and translated this passage, only to be surprised to find that this spell is actually used to communicate with various animals .Although Li Xiaogang was surprised, he didn't take it to heart. Nuwa is the god in charge of everything in the world, and it's not unusual to be able to communicate with animals.Li Xiaogang didn't think it was interesting to communicate with animals, so he just read it briefly, then threw it aside and didn't care.

The fifth Yuanshen Fragment has almost so many memories, and it is only because there are too many technical materials in it that it appears so complicated.After storing these memories by category in his brain, Li Xiaogang let out a long breath.His mind sank into his body and he saw that the volleyball-sized piece of Yuanshin was still as big as a baseball and hadn't been completely refined.With Li Xiaogang's current speed, it may take three days for Lian to transform into a broomstick. , and a few Chinese scientists behind her who have been stationed at the Antarctic Research Station all year round asked.Chang Xuefei nodded heavily and said: "Yes! We can't leave Li Xiaogang alone, don't forget, he saved us all human beings!" Mei Jizi frowned, and said nah: "I I know, but the orders from the First Headquarters..." "Let their orders go to hell! I have already received an order from our leader himself. If Li Xiaogang is not found, I will never return to the country!" Chang Xuefei said resolutely.

"Are you really going?" Meijizi looked at Chang Xuefei and asked quietly.Chang Xuefei thought for a while, and Meijizi shook her voice and said: "Okay then! I'll go with you!" After hearing what Meijizi said, Chang Xuefei said in surprise: "Meikizi, you don't need to do this ..." Mei Jizi shook her head and said with a smile: "You are right, Li Xiaogang saved so many of our lives, if we leave him alone, are we still human?" "But you Dad, he won't agree!" Mikiko's father, Yukio Yamamoto, is a very powerful person in the island country. He currently holds the important position of the leader of the island country and has considerable power to restrict the prime minister of the island country. .

Yukio Yamamoto is a decent man, not only in the island country, but also has a good reputation internationally.He is one of the few leaders of island countries who once acknowledged the invasion of China by the island country and made a solemn apology to China and the people. He is a friend of the Huaxia people.When the tsunami was about to destroy the island country, it was Yukio Yamamoto who led a delegation to China and asked China to send a drilling ship to help the island country tide over the difficulties.However, the so-called no one is perfect, and Yukio Yamamoto is no exception. He is very patriotic and can die for the country, but he loves his only daughter Mikiko very much and refuses to let her suffer any harm. , even for the country.

This time when Mikiko came to the Antarctic, Yukio Yamamoto strongly opposed it. If Mikiko had not done a lot of work to deceive Yukio Yamamoto, she would not be here now.The reason why the rear headquarters of the Antarctic expedition team ordered the expedition team to return so urgently was probably due to the role of Yukio Yamamoto.

Therefore, Chang Xuefei can fully imagine how Yukio Yamamoto would be furious when he learned that Mikiko ignored his orders and insisted on staying in the dangerous Antarctic.

Seeing Chang Xuefei's worried face, Mikiko giggled and said, "I know you're worried about my old man. It's okay, it's okay for him to lose his temper at most, he won't do anything to me, don't forget, I am his only and favorite daughter!" "Not only Mikiko will go with you, but we will also join!" As soon as Mikiko finished speaking, Sandro took the other seven expedition members away came in, and said to Chang Xuefei with a smile.Chang Xuefei was deeply moved, looked at the crowd, bowed deeply, and murmured: "Xuefei thank you all!" Sandro helped him up, and said with a smile: "Thank you What do we do? Don't forget, Li Xiaogang is our savior!"

Facing the blizzard in Antarctica and enduring the biting cold, the expedition team divided into several groups and searched for the source along the big crack.In this vast Antarctic continent, sand is covered with thick ice and snow everywhere, and all eyes are blinded by a dazzling white.Staring at the dazzling white light for a long time is likely to cause snow blindness, but now no one cares about this. Two eyes are watching closely on the snow, not letting go of any trouble.This was especially true for Chang Xuefei, her eyes were painfully pierced by the reflection of Bai Xue, and she burst into tears, but Chang Xuefei didn't dare to slack off for a moment, for fear that she might miss Li Xiaogang when she blinked.In this way, everyone searched all the way and advanced all the way. When they reached the source of the big crack, two days had passed.

Looking at the ice surface that suddenly jumped into the line of sight, everyone couldn't help being surprised.Because in the past, some people have arrived here, but no one has discovered that there is such a large body of water here.Although the surface of the water is covered with thick ice, and the ice is covered with thick snow, the general outline of the water surface can still be seen.Chang Xuefei looked at Sandru with some surprise and asked, "Professor, this is..." Sandru stared at the water closely, his face was full of surprise and confusion, and he said blankly: "It's incredible!"

"If my guess is correct, this is where the suspicious heat source we have been looking for was located a few days ago. The heat source first affected here, and the ice here melted first, forming such a body of water. Then from here It radiated to the entire Antarctic continent. Now that the suspicious heat source has disappeared, the ice has re-formed here." Mikiko said the only explanation that is also the most factual.Sandru nodded and said slowly: "It can melt such a large area of ​​water and affect the entire Antarctic continent at the same time. The energy contained in this suspicious heat source must be terrifying. But what exactly is it?"

Looking at the vast ice surface in front of her, Chang Xuefei felt as if she had been electrified, jumping non-stop, a kind of strong embarrassment and uneasiness, which made her mind frequently turn to the ice. under.This made Chang Xuefei feel extremely nervous, faintly feeling that Li Xiaogang was trapped under this thick layer of ice.But if Li Xiaogang is really trapped under this ice layer, even the gods will not be able to save him.Chang Xuefei kept comforting herself that it would not be true, but she became more and more worried. "Xuefei, what's the matter with you?" Sandru saw that something was wrong with Chang Xuefei, and couldn't help asking with concern from the side. ...He's under this ice layer..." Chang Xuefei's words startled Sandro Mikiko and the others, and Mikiko asked nah: "Xue Zui, how do you know?" Chang Xuefei Fei shook her head in pain, and said slowly: "It's the feeling, it's the feeling that told me, Professor, you should think of a way, how can we rescue him?" Chang Xuefei is completely confused now , tightly grasping Sandru's arm, begging anxiously.

Sandro smiled wryly, and said: "Xue Fei, calm down! You are a scientist, you should rely on reason, not feeling. Before there is no definite evidence, no one can say that Li Xiaogang was trapped in the This is under the ice layer. But if Li Xiaogang is really trapped below, I'm afraid we can't help with our strength? First, the ice layer is extremely thick, and it will take a lot of effort just to break through the ice layer. It took a lot of effort, let alone searching for people in the icy sea." "Then...then what should we do?" Chang Xuefei stared at Sandru with big eyes, blankly asked.Sandro smiled wryly, and said quietly: "I'm afraid only God knows?"

As the rest of the squad arrived, all the news came together.The conclusion is that if Li Xiaogang has not left Antarctica, then he must be under the ice.Coming to this conclusion, Chang Xuefei collapsed in the snow at that time, her heart was as cold as the world around her, she couldn't feel the slightest warmth.Mikiko didn't know how to comfort her, but just silently cried beside her.

When this news was fed back to the leader, the leader's heart seemed to have been punched hard, and he almost fainted.The leader never thought that Li Xiaogang would leave earlier than him.That's why when all this happened suddenly, the leader was so caught off guard.It's not like Lin Chaoran, his relationship with Li Xiaogang is even deeper than the leader's relationship with Li Xiaogang.Recalling, when I met Li Xiaogang for the first time in province S, Li Xiaogang was still a college student who had just walked out of the university campus in his prime.When he saw Li Xiaogang's eyes, he recognized him and saw him.For so many years, Li Xiaogang has never let him down once. He has survived countless storms and waves, and finally achieved such a remarkable achievement today.Lin Chaoran thought that Li Xiaogang's life had just begun, and there would be even greater glory in front of him.But all of this came to an abrupt end like a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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