The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1338 The Persistence of the Two Women

Chapter 1338 The Persistence of the Second Daughter

So abrupt, so unacceptable.The leader and Lin Chaoran sat opposite each other, silent to each other, only silent tears rolled down at the same time "No way!" Lin Chaoran stood up from the sofa suddenly, and said in a vibrating voice: "Will Li Xiaogang die? It's just a joke Leader, we can’t just sit around like this, I suggest sending the most elite rescue force to Antarctica immediately, carrying the most cutting-edge equipment for rescue. Even if we dig through the earth, we have to dig out Xiao Gang!”

The leader gave the excited Lin Chaoran a sad look, and said, "Old Lin, I know how you feel at this moment. I am also like you. I am deeply saddened, and I wish I could be the one who wants to die. Face the reality. There is the South Pole. It is God's forbidden zone. If more people die in order to find Xiao Gang, I think this must be what Li Xiaogang does not want to see." "But...but we just watched helplessly. Did Xiaogang leave us?" Lin Chaoran pulled his hair and sat back on the sofa full of pain.

The leader frowned, pondered for a while, and suddenly turned to look at Lin Chaoran and said in a deep voice, "Old Lin, do you really think that Xiaogang will die so easily?" Lin Chaoran was startled for a moment, then brought Looking at the leader full of bitterness, he said, "Is it possible for a person to be alive after being trapped under the extremely cold Antarctic ice for several days and nights?"

The leader shook his head, and said slowly: "If he is an ordinary person, of course he is dead. But Xiao Gang is not an ordinary person at all. If we think about what happened to him according to the thinking of ordinary people, that is Big mistake. We've made plenty of mistakes like this before, haven't we?"

Lin Chaoran touched his nose, and murmured: "Of course I also hope that what you said is right, but this time I really don't have much confidence..." The leader was about to speak, when there was a rush of footsteps, The leader turned his head to look, but it was Long Ling'er and Hu Rong.Now the leader is a little afraid of seeing the second daughter.In the past two days, the second daughter at least made hundreds of phone calls to the chief to ask about Li Xiaogang's news.The leader's words are going to be worn out, let them be calm and restless, but in the end, the second daughter still came to the door today.Looking at the two, the leader couldn't help but smiled wryly, and said, "You two girls, do you want to drive me crazy before you give up?"

Ignoring the leader's ridicule, Long Ling'er asked eagerly: "Chief, is there any news about Xiaogang? How is he?" The leader coughed unnaturally, and said slowly: "Ling Son, listen to me, you must remain calm. According to the news from Antarctica, Xiao Gang is in a very bad situation, but both Standing Committee Lin and I believe that with Xiao Gang's ability, we will be able to overcome this difficulty! "

The leader's comfort did not have the effect he expected. Long Ling'er's anxious forehead was covered with sweat, and he said eagerly: "Leader, please tell us, is Li Xiaogang dead or alive now? The leader's face Bitterness flashed across his face, and he frowned and said: "Linger, Song Shuang, according to all signs, Li Xiaogang is trapped under the ice layer more than tens of meters thick..." "What? When Long Ling'er heard it, he felt a loud buzzing in his head, which almost made him faint. Song Shuang was not much better than her, her face was so pale that there was no trace of blood. Ordinary people You would suffocate to death even if immersed in ordinary sea water, let alone in the icy sea water like Antarctica. A kind of despair almost hit the hearts of the two women at the same time, making the two women constantly She shed silent tears.

Seeing the great sadness of the two girls, the leader said bitterly: "I should have told you this news earlier! Ling'er, Song Shuang, you two cheer me up. I know, if An ordinary person would have died under such circumstances, but don’t forget, Xiao Gang is not an ordinary person. He has the ability to steal the sky and change the sun, and the ice layer as thick as tens of meters may not count for him at all. What. Believe me, don’t rush to be sad and give Xiao Gang a little more trust, he will be able to break through the desperate situation and come back to you.”

"Yes, Linger, the leader is right! Even we have so much confidence in Xiaogang, you should have more confidence. Cheer up and wipe away your tears! We all pray for Xiaogang, hope he can Come back to us as soon as possible!" Under repeated comfort from the leader and Lin Chaoran, Long Linger and Song Shuang finally held back their tears, closed their eyes, and silently prayed for Li Xiaogang in their hearts.Seeing the focused expressions of the two women, the leader and Lin Chaoran looked at each other and shook their heads. They knew in their hearts that if something happened to Li Xiaogang this time, how many people like Long Linger and Song Shuang would be added to the world. Heartbroken.

The cold wind from Antarctica was still blowing unscrupulously, haunting Chang Xuefei and the expedition members relentlessly.Although the wind is mixed with ice and snow, the blood that blows on people's body will freeze, but Chang Xuefei doesn't seem to feel the cold, her body stands motionless in the wind and snow, her eyes are anxious While patrolling the vast ice surface, hoping for a miracle, Li Xiaogang was able to break through the ice.While Chang Xuefei was anxiously searching the ice, Sandru received another call from the rear headquarters.Since Sandru decided to lead a team to search for Li Xiaogang on the vast Antarctic continent with Chang Xuefei, Sandru has received at least a dozen calls from the headquarters.The attitude of the headquarters has become tougher every time, and even decided to use military planes to pick them up in Antarctica.

The reason why the headquarters is so anxious, in fact, Sandru can also understand.The ten members of their investigation team are all top experts in the world, and they are all national treasures in any country.If it weren't for the life and death of the entire human race this time, countries would not be willing to send them to this dangerous Antarctic.In addition, although the Antarctic crisis has been resolved this time, who can guarantee that the next crisis will not come tomorrow?If the second crisis really comes, the ten people like Sandru will once again become the hope of solving the crisis. With such an important figure, how can the rear headquarters just watch them stay in Antarctica, regardless of whether they are in the Antarctic? ask?

Among them, the pressure from Yukio Yamamoto, Mikiko's father, is getting more and more serious. It is Yukio Yamamoto who proposed to use military aircraft to bring them back forcibly.In the conversation with Mikiko, Yukio Yamamoto's tone became more and more severe. In the end, he even scolded Mikiko like never before, which shows how nervous Yukio Yamamoto has become.Chang Xuefei has a leader to back her up, so she can ignore the pressure from the rear headquarters at all, but Sandru, Mikiko and the others are under increasing pressure.Although the leader has exerted pressure on the rear headquarters and constantly asked to postpone the return date of the expedition team, but the ten members of the expedition team came from ten countries. If one country is against nine countries, the role that the leader can play is limited.

Putting down the phone, Sandru said to Chang Xuefei with a bitter face: "Xuefei, I am very sorry, we may have to return." "But Li Xiaogang hasn't been found yet, how can we just leave like this? Even if Li Xiaogang is dead Now, we should find his body too, shouldn’t we? Otherwise, how can our conscience be at peace!?” Sandru said in a sad tone: “Xue Fei, I don’t want to hit you, so I haven’t expressed my true thoughts. If Li Xiaogang is really under here, his survival rate is basically zero. Think about it calmly, the ice layer here is tens of meters thick, and the sunlight is completely absorbed and reflected when it does not reach the bottom. Imagine that it will be extremely dark and cold under this ice layer, not to mention human beings, I am afraid that even the strongest life in the world will not be able to survive. Furthermore, even if Li Xiaogang can survive in the darkness and cold, can he also survive? Is it okay not to breathe? Xue Fei, don't waste any more time, it is impossible for Li Xiaogang to be alive."

Chang Xuefei didn't understand what Sandro said?But she always had a strong belief in her heart that Li Xiaogang was not dead, he was still alive.Even though this idea made her feel crazy, even absurd, she just couldn't let go of it.Shaking his head vigorously, he murmured: "Maybe you are right, maybe Li Xiaogang is really dead, but I still won't give up! I will wait here, and wait until Li Xiaogang comes back. "

Hearing Chang Xuefei's words, Sandro was both moved and helpless, and pressed Chang Xuefei's shoulder and said: "Xuefei, calm down! Although Li Xiaogang is dead, his spirit lives in our hearts , immortality..." Chang Xuefei shook her head in pain and said: "No! I don't want him to live in my heart, I want him to live in front of my eyes so that I can see and feel it! Hearing Chang Xuefei's cries, Sandru couldn't help but sighed up to the sky and said helplessly, "Okay, Xuefei. If you want to stay here, you can stay here. You set up a tent and leave all the supplies to you. After we go back, we will immediately figure out a way to break through the ice. If Li Xiaogang is still alive, it will be a miracle. But if unfortunately he dies, We'll bring his body out of this cold darkness, too!"

Chang Xuefei was already very grateful that Sandruken did this, so she nodded and agreed.Sandru turned to look at Mikiko, Yuri waited for the others and said, "Let's go!" Mikiko shook her head and said, "No! I want to stay and wait with Xuefei." Chang Xuefei Turning her head to look at her in surprise, she murmured: "Mei Jizi, you..." Mei Jizi chuckled a few times, and said faintly: "I can't bear you..."

Although it was only a few words, there was a warm current in Chang Xuefei's heart. "Mikiko, your father will go crazy if you don't go back!" Sandro said, frowning. "Then let him go crazy, I don't care!" Mikiko said lightly.

Mikiko is a woman, although her appearance is soft and weak, like a doll, but she has a strong and stubborn side in her personality.Once she made up her mind, even if Yukio Yamamoto pointed a gun at her, she might not be willing to change her mind. After getting along with Mikiko for so long, Sandru knew this more or less, so he had to smile wryly and said: " Well, with you and Chang Xuefei as companions, we feel more at ease. But you have to promise me that you will only wait for three days! If Li Xiaogang has not come out in three days, you must return to the Antarctic base, understand?" Chang Xuefei and Mikiko nodded at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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