The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1339 He must have something unfinished!

Chapter 1339 He must have something unfinished!
Before Sandru and the others left, they set up a tent for Chang Xuefei and Mikiko, stuffing it with all kinds of food and warm bedding.Huaxia's research station stationed in Antarctica originally planned to keep a few people here to accompany Chang Xuefei and Mikiko, but they were rejected by the two women.There are many advantages to having a gay man, but at the same time there are also many inconveniences.Seeing Chang Xuefei's insistence, everyone had no choice but to give up.Finally, after exhorting the two women, leaving them a snowmobile and a set of communication equipment, Sandru and others returned the same way.

Sandro and the others left, and the noisy ice field suddenly became much more empty. Chang Xuefei and Mikiko cuddled up to each other, and the fire dragon balls kept them warm, but they didn't feel cold. "Fool, you really don't have to talk to I stayed here together." Chang Xuefei looked at Mei Jizi with gratitude and pity and said quietly.Mei Jizi smiled and said: "Don't forget, I told you once that I like Li Xiaogang!" Chang Xuefei was startled for a moment, and said: "Isn't it? You didn't even say a word to him, you Just fell in love with him?" Mei Jizi said with a clear smile: "There is something called love at first sight in this world, why, don't you know?" Chang Xuefei smiled wryly, and murmured: "Love at first sight? Yes , Why wasn't I at the beginning?"

"Sister Xuefei, I know you like Li Xiaogang, but I like him too, what should I do?" Mei Jizi suddenly looked very distressed, tilted her head, looked at Chang Xuefei and asked solemnly.Chang Xuefei said faintly: "I don't know what to do? I like Li Xiaogang, I can't give up on him, but I can't let you give up, it seems very difficult..." Mei Jizi suddenly laughed and said : "Actually, if you think about it, there's nothing difficult to do. Since neither of us can give up, then let's not give up. Let's marry him together, and we can continue to be good sisters in the future, isn't that good?"

After hearing what Meijizi said, Chang Xuefei looked at her in astonishment, and said quietly: "I heard that right, are you willing to serve a husband with other women?" Meijizi looked at Chang Xuefei and smiled Said: "Why, are you surprised? Actually, there is no need at all. I know that in ancient China, it was normal for big men to have three wives and four concubines!"

Chang Xuefei shook her head and said: "But that was in ancient times after all. Not only are modern men three wives and four concubines not forgiven by morality, but also having sex at the same time is not allowed." Mei Jizi raised her eyebrows and said: "Then what should I do? Anyway, I think that if you really like someone, as long as you can stay with him, you will be happy!"

Long Ling'er, Hu Rong and Gao Yuanyuan could not help appearing in Chang Xuefei's mind. Maybe they thought the same as Mikiko, so they were willing to share the man Li Xiaogang together, right?Thinking of Long Ling'er and the others, Chang Xuefei's expression suddenly dimmed, and she said faintly: "Silly girl, don't talk about you, even I, Li Xiaogang, might not accept it." "Huh? How could this be? How long have you You are so beautiful, and you are willing to endure such hardships for him, why does he not want you? If he can miss a woman as good as you, then he will regret it for the rest of his life!" Mei Jizi was very surprised said loudly.

After hearing Mikiko's words, Chang Xuefei couldn't help but chuckled, and asked: "Do you think I'm good?" Mikiko said with a smile: "I think you are the best woman in the world, smart and beautiful , and gentle and kind, if I were a man, I would try my best to marry you home!" Chang Xuefei shook her head slowly, and said: "You said that I am so good, but you don't know that in Li Xiaogang By my side, there are many girls who are better than me. You know, I was a very confident woman, but after meeting Li Xiaogang and the women around him, my self-confidence completely disappeared... ..."

"No way? You don't even have confidence. What kind of women are around Li Xiaogang? Don't they all look like fairy daughters in the sky?" Mei Jizi asked in surprise.Chang Xuefei smiled wryly and said: "If there really are fairies, I'm afraid they are three points inferior to them." After hearing Chang Xuefei's words, Mikiko couldn't help but look bitter, and murmured: "It's over, it's over! , if this is the case, Li Xiaogang will definitely look down on me." Seeing Mikiko's bitter expression, Chang Xuefei hugged her neck and said: "It's okay, if Li Xiaogang doesn't like you, I will marry you You, okay?" Mikiko couldn't help giggling and said, "Okay! Then you are not allowed to play tricks, I will give you a bunch of fat babies, giggling..."

At this time, the sunshine in Antarctica is very short, and the two women did not talk for a while before it got dark.Although there are Fire Dragon Balls, the two women are not afraid of the blizzard, but Fire Dragon Balls are not night pearls, and cannot drive away the darkness.Seeing the haunting darkness all around, the two women got into the tent together.After grabbing something to eat, the two girls lay down in a sleeping bag.Mikiko leaned close to Chang Xuefei, with her right hand resting on Chang Xuefei's lower abdomen, and the Fire Dragon Ball was placed between them, making them feel as warm and comfortable as sleeping in a heated house.

The two of them didn't find a new topic for a while, and fell silent, listening quietly to the howling wind outside the tent.The sound of the wind seems to be nothing during the day, but at night, it can make people feel an indescribable fear.It seemed that countless monsters caught by Zhang Yawu were approaching them step by step outside the tent.Meijizi was a little timid, and subconsciously leaned towards Chang Xuefei.Chang Xuefei caressed Mikiko's beautiful face, and asked with a smile: "What, are you afraid?" Meikiko nodded lightly without hiding it.Chang Xuefei stretched out her arms and hugged her in her arms, and comforted her softly: "It's okay, with me here, there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Sister Xuefei, are you really not afraid at all?" Mei Jizi looked at Chang Xuefei with admiration and asked.Chang Xuefei chuckled a few times, shook her head slowly and said, "I'm not afraid! As long as I think of Li Xiaogang nearby, I won't be afraid of anything." He said enviously: "You and Li Xiaogang must have experienced many things, it's really enviable!" Chang Xuefei smiled slightly and said, "Want to know how Li Xiaogang and I met?" Mei Jizi nodded in a hurry. He nodded and said, "I want to!"

Chang Xuefei pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "Do you still remember that tsunami?" Mikiko said: "Of course I do! That tsunami almost submerged our entire island country. In the end, it was the joint support of many countries. Only then did our island nation escape from disaster. Thinking of the terrible scene when the tsunami came, I am still trembling."

Chang Xuefei nodded and said, "Speaking of which, it was the tsunami that brought me and Li Xiaogang together. The tsunami not only threatened you Bamang, but also posed a huge threat to China. Our leader ordered me to sit in the headquarters to resist the tsunami. I had just stepped into the society at that time, young and energetic, and I always wanted to take this opportunity to stand out. But the power of the tsunami was far beyond my imagination. Even my grandfather was helpless, let alone me at the time. At this most critical moment, Li Xiaogang appeared.

As soon as Li Xiaogang appeared, the leader immediately handed over all command rights to him.I was very jealous of him at the time, thinking that he stole my limelight, so I used words to contradict him.To tell you the truth, our first encounter was very unpleasant!Thinking back now, Li Xiaogang was very gracious at that time, he gave way again and again to my provocations, and in the end he was so angry that he couldn't stand me anymore, so he just gave me a glare and walked away.But when he left, the tsunami subsided miraculously. Only then did I realize that Li Xiaogang is actually a very extraordinary person! "

"I remembered when you said that. I was there when the tsunami happened. Not only did our plan to stop the tsunami fail due to a miscalculation, but it also made the tsunami even more violent and cloudy than before! Just when everyone was helpless and ready to sit and wait for death, a dazzling purple light suddenly appeared in the sky. This purple light was like a giant dragon descending from the sky. It fought the tsunami to the death and finally calmed down the tsunami. Looking back now , The purple light that appeared at that time was exactly the same as the purple light that Li Xiaogang emitted when he saved us. I think it was he who took action at that time to resolve this huge disaster!" Mikiko said.

Chang Xuefei nodded, and said with a smile: "Exactly! It's a pity that I didn't think so at the time, even when the leader believed that it was Li Xiaogang's credit, I still didn't believe it." Mei Jizi asked: "Since you and Li Xiaogang's The first meeting was so unpleasant, but why did you suddenly fall in love with Li Xiaogang after that?" Chang Xuefei thought for a while, and said slowly: "I think, although our first meeting was very unpleasant, but since then Hou Qi, the shadow of Li Xiaogang was engraved on my heart. From then on, I couldn’t control it, and often thought of him unconsciously. Later, I heard and saw many incredible things about Li Xiaogang from the leader. Slowly I began to formalize my feelings for Li Xiaogang. At first I thought it was hate, but who knew, it was actually love!"

Mei Jizi couldn't help laughing and said: "You Huaxia have a saying that you don't know each other if you don't fight. Now it seems that you and Li Xiaogang are 'do not fight and love each other! Wow, so romantic!" Chang Xuefei Dumbfounded, she said: "You can imagine this, I really convinced you!" Mei Jizi laughed a few times complacently, and suddenly her face darkened, and she asked faintly: "Sister Xuefei, you said that Li Xiaogang still Are you alive?" Chang Xuefei was silent for a long while before saying, "I believe he must be alive. Think about it, he was able to quell the tsunami that was so big back then, and this thin ice layer How can you trap him?" Mikiko frowned, and said quietly: "But if the ice really can't trap him, why doesn't he come out?" Chang Xuefei was asked by Mikiko He was taken aback for a moment, and said bitterly: "I think he has some unfinished business."

(End of this chapter)

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