The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1341 Survival in a desperate situation!

Chapter 1341 Survival in a desperate situation!

Seeing this scene, Chang Xuefei and Mikiko almost fainted from shock.Mikiko's teeth chattered and said, "Isn't Taiyi too exaggerated? Is this still a wolf?" Chang Xuefei was not surprised, she looked at Meikiko bitterly, and said faintly: "Meikiko, This time, we're probably really doomed..." Before Chang Xuefei's words fell to the ground, Mikiko suddenly let out an exclamation, and Chang Xuefei looked back subconsciously, only to see a huge gray wolf , jumped up violently, and attacked them from Mikiko's side.

The spikes that were as sharp as daggers, the sharp claws that shone with frightening light, and the scarlet bloodthirsty eyes, all of these made the two women shudder. "Be careful!" Chang Xuefei roared, she didn't know where the courage came from, she hugged Mikiko and lay down in the ice and snow, and then the two heard a sharp sound, the gray wolf almost It jumped over the scalps of the two of them.

Gray Wolf's attack failed and was about to attack again, but at this moment, the wolf king moved, and his body as strong as a calf slammed into Gray Wolf's body fiercely. Gray Wolf was caught off guard and coughed. With a cry of grief, he was sent flying more than ten meters away by the impact of the wolf king, and fell heavily to the ground.The gray wolf struggled to stand up from the ground, looking at the wolf king with a pair of wolf eyes full of awe, but the wolf king was looking at him, baring his extremely sharp teeth, as if to tell it, who is the wolf pack A real king.

Mei Jizi thought she was going to die, but she didn't expect that the wolf king would save them. She looked at Chang Xuefei in surprise and said, "Sister Xuefei, is the wolf king helping us?"

Chang Xuefei glanced at the Wolf King with tight eyebrows, shook her head, and said with a wry smile: "You imagined the Wolf King too well. I don't think it's trying to save me, but it's planning to kill us with its own hands!" What?" Mikiko looked at the Wolf King in surprise.Sure enough, as Chang Xuefei expected, after the wolf king scared the gray wolf away, he aimed his huge wolf head at the two women, and the fierce light in his eyes not only did not disappear, but became stronger and stronger.

Seeing the wolf king's body bowing up little by little, Chang Xuefei's heart also twitched little by little.Facing this vicious and strong wolf king, the two weak girls may have nothing to do but wait to die.Seeing that the wolf king was about to attack, the whole pack of wolves began to growl in shame.A low, goosebump howling wolf came from the pack from time to time, as if it was ringing the bell of a gorgeous banquet.

The wolf king didn't take a step forward, but the two women involuntarily took a step back.However, God seemed to be deliberately teasing these two poor girls. Mikiko stepped on something, her body shook violently, and fell heavily backwards.Mikiko, who was falling backwards, instinctively grabbed Chang Xuefei's hand. Chang Xuefei missed her by mistake, and was immediately taken off balance by Mikiko, and fell down with her.And at this moment, the cunning wolf king sensed an excellent opportunity to fight, and without the slightest hesitation, his huge body jumped up like an arrow, straight towards the throats of the two women.

"Ah!!!" Mikiko was terrified, and a shocking cry broke out from her mouth.Chang Xuefei didn't feel scared in her heart, her handsome face had already been frightened to the point of losing any color.However, just when Chang Xuefei was in despair, a ray of purple light struck down from the air like lightning, and hit the Wolf King's head impartially, as if the Wolf King had been hit hard with a baseball bat. Suddenly, the body froze, and then fell heavily from the air onto the snow.

The snow is very thick, and a fall won't hurt the wolf king, but the purple lightning that suddenly hit the wolf king's head made the wolf king suffer a lot, and the wolf king let out painful moans from time to time. Screaming and struggling a few times, he stood up tremblingly from the ground, looking around with vigilance and fear, as if trying to find the person who attacked him.Chang Xuefei saw all this in her eyes, especially the purple lightning, which made Chang Xuefei's heart very excited. At this time, like the wolf king, she searched hard in the ice and snow, hoping to find the familiar figure.

"Sister Xuefei, are we still alive?" Mikiko closed her eyes instinctively because of fear when the wolf king came, but after waiting for a long time, the expected sharp pain did not hit. He opened his eyes full of doubts.Chang Xuefei held Meikiko's hand tightly, her voice trembling slightly because of excitement, and she murmured: "Meikiko, we can't die!" "What?" Meikiko turned to look Glancing at the wolf king who was only a short distance away from them, he couldn't understand what Chang Xuefei meant.

And just when M Jizi was feeling puzzled, the wolf king recovered from the severe pain, glanced around again, and found that there was no Xiao Zhiren, so he fixed his eyes on Chang Xuefei and Mei Jizi again. "Bastard! Why don't you run for your life? Otherwise, you and your wolf cubs will never live and leave today!" Chang Xuefei yelled at the wolf king without fear.Mei Jizi looked at Chang Xuefei full of worry, and murmured, "Sister Xuefei, you...are you crazy?"

Chang Xuefei gave Mei Jizi a bright smile confidently, and said, "Don't worry! The wolf king might not understand what Chang Xuefei said, but the wolf king felt the provocation from Chang Xuefei's roar. The wolf king is supreme among the wolves, just like a person who is used to being worshiped by others, he can't bear the slightest humiliation, and immediately uttered a loud wolf howl towards the sky. Afterwards, his eyes shot out cold red lights, two The hind legs kicked deeply into the snow, ready to attack. "It's over, sister Xuefei, you provoked it, this time we are really dead! Mikiko quickly closed her eyes again, her face full of fear.

Chang Xuefei stared at the wolf king, and said firmly, "No! Definitely not!" "Cough..." The wolf king howled again, bowed his body, kicked his hind legs, The whole body sprang up again, the target was very clear, it was Chang Xuefei's throat. "Xiao Gang!!!" The body of the wolf king kept approaching, followed by a cold murderous aura that suffocated and frightened Chang Xuefei, and couldn't help but yelled up to the sky.

"Hehe..." Before Chang Xuefei's shout fell to the ground, accompanied by a burst of indifferent laughter, a figure descended from the sky like a god, inserting itself between Chang Xuefei and the wolf king.The wolf king who rushed over obviously did not expect the appearance of Li Xiaogang, an uninvited guest, and there was a trace of surprise in his eyes.However, a beast is a beast, and when it meets an obstacle, all it can think of is to tear it apart.

The surprise in his eyes didn't stay for long, and then disappeared. With a swing of the huge wolf's head, it changed its direction in the air and bit Li Xiaogang's throat fiercely. "What a beast that is not afraid of death!" Li Xiaogang stood upright like a mountain, gazing at the wolf king who was jumping forward, and snorted heavily, seeing the wolf king's approach, he stretched out his right hand like a thunderbolt, extremely accurate In an instant, he strangled the wolf king's throat.The five fingers tightened violently, and the wolf king immediately let out a moan of incomparable pain in Li Xiaogang's hand, and his body struggled violently.

But how strong is this little wolf king?Wanting to break free from Li Xiaogang's grasp is simply a dream.Seeing Li Xiaogang finally appeared, Chang Xuefei was both surprised and happy. She couldn't help hugging Li Xiaogang from behind, and put her face on Li Xiaogang's broad and strong back, feeling an indescribable sense of security in her heart. .Mikiko also sensed something was wrong, and opened her eyes again, seeing Li Xiaogang who appeared in front of her at some unknown time, her big eyes also involuntarily lit up.Li Xiaogang didn't expect Chang Xuefei to be so excited, she hugged her upright suddenly, and said with a wry smile: "Hey, miss, I'm fighting the wolf king right now, it's very dangerous, please let me go!" Open! Only then did Chang Xuefei realize that she lost her composure in a moment of excitement, and hastily let go of her hand in embarrassment.

He said to Li Xiaogang with a bit of coquettishness: "You must teach us a good lesson for this hateful smelly dog, it actually wants to eat us!" Although the wolf king fell into Li Xiaogang's hands, even if That's right, and it can't bear being called a dog.It's like a Chinese person, walking on the street, being treated as an islander, which is disgusting.Because the wolf king's throat was firmly stuck by Li Xiaogang's hand, he couldn't make a complete sound, but this did not prevent him from protesting, although the sound was intermittent and unpleasant.

The wolf king is the leader of the wolves and the strongest among them.When they saw that the wolf king was restrained by Li Xiaogang's gestures, the pack of wolves all felt a little bit of fear and retreated one after another.Li Xiaogang glanced at the wolves contemptuously, looked at the wolf king in his hand, and said coldly: "I should have broken your neck like this, but I think it is extremely difficult for you to lead the wolves to survive in the Jedi." , I intend to let you live. I know that you wolves are spiritual animals, remember my words, no matter who you meet here in the future, you are not allowed to attack, understand?"

Li Xiaogang's aura can penetrate the wolf king's eyes and penetrate into its heart.In order to survive, the wolf king nodded his head hastily.Li Xiaogang smiled, and sent his hand forward fiercely, as if the wolf king had grown wings, he flew tens of meters away before landing on the ground.Climbing up from the ground, the prestige of the wolf king has long been lost.The snow-covered wolf king who was shaking his body took one last look at Li Xiaogang, and returned to the depths of the ice field first, and the pack of wolves disappeared behind him.

"Xiao Gang, why didn't you kill it, it almost ate us just now!" Seeing Li Xiaogang let go of wolf king Chang Xuefei, he seemed a little dissatisfied, and complained to Li Xiaogang.Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, and said lightly: "Didn't it eat you?" "You..." Chang Xuefei looked at Li Xiaogang a little angrily.

Li Xiaogang laughed a few times, and said slowly: "Xue Fei, don't forget that this is their territory. In their eyes, we are invaders. If it were you, facing the invaders who invaded your home Man, would you be polite to him? What's more, it's not easy to survive on this barren ice sheet. It's just their instinct to survive if they want to eat you. Well, they are just a group of animals after all, why should you How about haggling with them?"

Chang Xuefei curled her lips, and said quietly: "You always have so many great reasons, I can't say no to you!" Li Xiaogang smiled, looked at the two of them, and asked: "Why are you two here alone? What about the others?" Chang Xuefei coughed, and said, "You still have the face to ask? Do you know that during the few days you disappeared, we were all worried about you to death!" Li Xiaogang felt a little guilty in his heart. He didn't expect that the fifth Nuwa Yuanshen fragment would be normal and fused with him on its own initiative, which made Li Xiaogang a little bit by mistake, and he didn't have time to inform Chang Xuefei and the others. "I'm sorry, there is a reason for this, and I didn't think of it at first. But, you two are here, are you waiting for me?" Li Xiaogang asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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