The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1342 Return to the World

Chapter 1342 Return to the World
Chang Xuefei looked at Li Xiaogang, and said affectionately: "They all say you are dead, but I don't believe it! God did not disappoint me, you are really still alive, I am so happy!" See Seeing Chang Xuefei's happy appearance, Li Xiaogang can fully imagine how tormented Chang Xuefei was during the six or seven days when he had no news from him.Frowning, Li Xiaogang said faintly: "Actually, you don't have to do this. Even if I die, every festival, you can miss me in Bizhong, I am already satisfied!"

Chang Xuefei pouted, took Li Xiaogang's hand and said, "How can that be? If you are really dead, I... I will go with you!" Chang Xuefei's words, undoubtedly a confession, made Li Xiaogang's heart tremble. shock.Chang Xuefei has a cute side, but he already has Hu Rong, Long Ling'er, Gao Yuanyuan and Song Shuang in his heart at this moment, which already makes him a little uneasy, how can he add more love debts?Coughing dryly, Li Xiaogang calmly pulled his hand out of Chang Xuefei's, looked at Mikiko, and asked with a smile, "What about you? Why didn't you leave with the others?"

The openness of the island country is world-renowned. Under the influence of such a big atmosphere, Mikiko can't be too reserved if she wants to.As soon as Li Xiaogang asked, he immediately replied with a smile: "I like you, so I will stay here and wait for you to come back!" Thinking about it, the result was that he had just escaped from the dangerous shoal and fell into the fire pit again.Li Xiaogang was taken aback for a moment, and then he said nah, "You...are you kidding me? We don't even know each other." Mikiko said hurriedly: "I know your name is Li Xiaogang, so let me tell you now, mine The one's name is Mikiko, so in this way, don't we count as acquaintances?"

Mei Jizi's eccentricity really made Li Xiaogang a little overwhelmed. He shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Okay, stop making trouble! This is not a place to stay for a long time. I will take you out of here first!" Li Xiaogang said Holding Chang Xuefei and Mei Jizi with two hands respectively, they teleported, a purple light flashed, and the place where the three of them stayed just now was empty.Li Xiaogang absorbed the energy of the fifth Yuanshen shard, and his cultivation was at least one-third stronger than before.With his current cultivation, it is easy to destroy a planet with a snap of his fingers.

However, as Li Xiaogang's cultivation became higher and higher, Li Xiaogang was also troubled by a problem in his heart.That is, what is the use of him having such a high level of cultivation?Just like the dragon slaying technique, no matter how strong you practice it, it is useless if you don't have a strong enough opponent.After much deliberation, Li Xiaogang couldn't think of an answer, so he could only convince himself with a sentence that a philosopher once said, that existence is reasonable.Since God has given him such a powerful force, I believe it will be useful, but it has not yet come.

Li Xiaogang first took Chang Xuefei and Mikiko to Huaxia's research station stationed in Antarctica.Using the communication equipment here, Chang Xuefei reported the good news that Li Xiaogang had found to Sandro and others.Sandru was naturally very happy when he heard the news, and kept asking Li Xiaogang to visit his home in country M, and was ready to thank him for saving his life, but Li Xiaogang politely refused in the end.Before calling Sandru and the others, Chang Xuefei was planning to call the leader, Long Linger and the others, but Li Xiaogang stopped him, saying that he would give them a surprise.Chang Xuefei didn't expect Li Xiaogang to be so playful, so she agreed with a smile. "Miss Xuefei, it's great to see you smiling again!" Chang Xuefei just hung up the phone when a staff member of the Antarctic Research Station standing beside her said to her with a smile.

Chang Xuefei turned her head to look, smiled at the man, and said: "Stationmaster Wang, thank you, I have troubled you a lot these days!" Chang Xuefei said to Li Xiaogang: "Xiao Gang, I Let me introduce to you, this is Wang Xinhai, the stationmaster of my country's fixed-point research station in Antarctica. Wang is a great scientist. His greatness is not only reflected in his academic achievements, but also in his Perseverance and persistence! Did you know that stationmaster Wang has been working at this research station for more than ten years. His staff has changed several times. A soldier. Come here and become an iron-clad station master, cluck..."

In Chang Xuefei's words, Li Xiaogang cast his eyes on Wang Xinhai.Having been ravaged by blizzards here for more than ten years, Li Xiaogang could no longer tell his age from Wang Xinhai's face.The rough skin, dark complexion, and wrinkled forehead are far beyond his actual age.For such a person who has stayed in such a difficult position for more than ten years, Li Xiaogang has nothing but admiration in his heart.

Wang Xinhai smiled and stretched out to Li Xiaogang, and said repeatedly: "I heard Xue Fei talk about you many times, this time Antarctica was able to turn the crisis into safety, it is all thanks to you. Although I still can't figure it out, how did you do it?" Yes, but I still think you are amazing!" Li Xiaogang said with a smile: "No! You are the one who is really amazing! You scientists should have enjoyed superior treatment and lived a comfortable life in the motherland, but you have resolutely abandoned this Everything, came to this forbidden place for human beings, and stayed in this extremely harsh living environment for more than ten years. This perseverance, this high strength, is something that we people will never be able to match, nor can you! A true hero!"

Hearing Li Xiaogang's sincere praise, Wang Xinhai grinned happily.Yes, isn't it just to get people's affirmation for what they have done? "Xiao Gang, there is something I want to discuss with you!" Chang Xuefei seemed to have made up her mind, and turned to Xi Li Xiaogang, saying solemnly.Li Xiaogang frowned, and asked, "What's the matter?" Chang Xuefei took out the fire dragon ball from her bosom, played with it a few times reluctantly, then gritted her teeth, handed it to Li Xiaogang and said : "Now we are leaving Antarctica, and this fire dragon ball is no longer needed. This is the only thing you gave me. I planned to keep it as a souvenir. But now, I think it should be Leave it to Station Master Wang and the others, what do you think?"

Li Xiaogang took the Fire Dragon Ball over and glanced at Chang Xuefei.I saw Chang Xuefei biting her lips tightly, her face full of reluctance, obviously she regarded the Fire Dragon Ball as extremely important.Li Xiaogang smiled, put the Fire Dragon Ball back into Chang Xuefei's hand, and said with a smile: "You should keep this Fire Dragon Ball yourself. I still have it here!" After finishing speaking, it was like a magic trick Suddenly, there were seven or eight more beads in the palm that were exactly the same as the Fire Dragon Ball in Chang Xuefei's hand.

Chang Xuefei looked at Li Xiaogang in surprise.Na Na asked: "Do you have so many?" Li Xiaogang chuckled mysteriously, handed these Fire Dragon Balls to Wang Xinhai, and said, "Stationmaster Wang, I have nothing to give you. It's a thing, you and your team members take it as a souvenir, right? "Although Wang Xinhai didn't know anything about jewelry, these Fire Dragon Balls were shining brightly, and there was a faint precious light emitting from them. Even a child would know that they were treasures after seeing them. Wang Xinhai hurriedly declined: "No, no, these things are too precious. I can't accept it! "

Li Xiaogang said with a chuckle: "These things are like rotten rocks in my hands, and they have nothing to do with the word precious. On the contrary, if they are in your hands, they are really precious. They can protect you In this severe cold, you will not be frostbitten, you can work with peace of mind, and create more achievements. Only in this way can they reflect their greatest value. Station Master Wang, please don’t refuse, accept it!” “Yes, Wang Station master, these beads can really resist the cold, you can use them in Antarctica!" Chang Xuefei persuaded from the side.

Seeing Li Xiaogang and Chang Xuefei fisting each other heartily, Wang Xinhai was a little tempted, and murmured, "Is this one really able to keep out the cold?" Chang Xuefei pursed her lips and smiled, took a bead from Li Xiaogang's hand, and forced it It was stuffed into Wang Xinhai's hand.As soon as the Fire Dragon Ball was in his hands, a warm feeling immediately hit Wang Xinhai's heart, making Wang Xinhai shiver with discomfort.Afterwards, the surrounding cold seemed to cut him off, and his whole body felt warm and indescribably comfortable.After more than ten years in Antarctica, Wang Xinhai hadn't experienced this kind of transparent warmth from the inside out for a long time, so he couldn't help grinning.

Seeing this, Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times, stuffed all the Fire Dragon Balls into Wang Xinhai's arms, and said with a smile: "Distribute these Fire Dragon Balls to your subordinates. Here, only by defeating the cold can you relax Start working." In an extremely cold place like Antarctica, as long as it can be used to keep out the cold, it can be called a treasure, and there is no doubt that this fire dragon ball is the treasure of treasures.Wang Xinhai bowed to Li Xiaogang and Chang Xuefei gratefully, and said in a trembling voice: "In that case, then I... I will accept it with the cheek!"

Seeing that Wang Xinhai had accepted it, Chang Xuefei breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Li Xiaogang, "Xiao Gang, it's getting late, should we go on the road?" Wang Xinhai hurriedly said, "I Just arrange a plane to send you back!" Li Xiaogang shook his head and said: "There is no need for the plane, we naturally have a way to go back! Wang Station Master, let's say goodbye." Wang Xinhai asked in surprise: "There is no need for the plane. , how do you go back?" Chang Xuefei pointed at Li Xiaogang, giggled to Wang Xinhai and said, "Don't worry, he has a lot of tricks!" "Oh..." Wang Xinhai looked at Li Xiaogang and nodded thoughtfully. nod.

After saying goodbye to Wang Xinhai, Li Xiaogang took Chang Xuefei and Mikiko to teleport.Absorbing the energy of the fifth fragment made Li Xiaogang's teleportation a lot easier.Even with Chang Xuefei and Mikiko with them, it didn't take much effort, and the distance of each teleportation was much longer. Without much effort, the three left the snow-covered Antarctic and came to the streets of the capital. superior.Chang Xuefei and Mikiko felt extraordinarily excited that they were in the deserted Antarctica one second, and appeared in the sea outside the mountains and mountains the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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