The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1343 Don't Be Greedy Anymore

Chapter 1343 Don't Be Greedy Anymore

This is the first time for Mikiko to come to China. She is like a curious baby who has infinite interest in everything.Li Xiaogang and Chang Xuefei were dragged by her to run wildly in the streets and alleys, even Li Xiaogang couldn't stand it anymore, but Mei Jizi still seemed to have more to say.Li Xiaogang couldn't help laughing wryly, and winked at Chang Xuefei, Chang Xuefei took Mikiko's hand knowingly, and begged: "Mei Jizi, don't go shopping anymore, let's find a place to rest first Let’s go on like this, even gods can’t stand it!” Mei Jizi pouted her mouth and said very dissatisfied: “I don’t want it, it’s fun here! I finally came here, I must have a good time, Come with me!

Li Xiaogang smiled wryly in his heart, if he continues to accompany him like this, he must go to the underworld with him.Turning her head, she said to Chang Xuefei in a serious manner: "Xuefei, Mikiko has been in such a dangerous place in Antarctica for so long, I think her family must be worried, don't you think so?" Li Xiaogang just deduced according to common sense, He didn't know that Mikiko's father, Yukio Yamamoto, was really anxious to hang himself!This casual remark reminded Chang Xuefei, and Chang Xuefei hurriedly said to Mikiko in a serious manner: "Mikiko, you must return to the island country immediately! We will send you to the airport right away!
Mei Jizi frowned, and said with a hint of crying: "No way? Sister Xuefei, you won't be so disappointed, you want to drive me back to the island country?" Chang Xuefei said with a wry smile: "No I want to drive you back! It is you who have to go back, and you don’t even think about it, if your father’s temper really gets angry, who knows what he will do?” Mei Jizi pouted, very upset Reluctantly said: "No, I don't want to go back..." Chang Xuefei said with a smile: "You are so stupid, you go home and hug your father first, and then come back! Anyway, I am in the capital, I will wait you!
When Chang Xuefei said this, Mikiko's expression eased a lot, she looked at Chang Xuefei and asked, "Really?" Chang Xuefei nodded quickly, and said, "When did I ever lie to you? , your father is so powerful, it is not easy to find me?" Mikiko pondered for a moment, then nodded lightly, then turned to look at Li Xiaogang, and asked, "What about him? He is also waiting here Me?" Li Xiaogang smiled wryly when he heard this, the national education in a foreign country is really problematic, to teach a well-behaved girl like a nympho, what a failure!In order to get rid of Mikiko as soon as possible, Li Xiaogang nodded vaguely and said, "Yes, let's go to the airport!"

After sending Mikiko to the airport, Li Xiaogang and Chang Xuefei managed to get her on a plane to Tokyo, an island country.Seeing off Mikiko, the mother-in-law with teary eyes, both Li Xiaogang and Chang Xuefei could not help but breathe a long sigh of relief. Looking at the boarding corridor where Mikiko disappeared, Li Xiaogang said with a wry smile, "This island woman is really hard entangled." Chang Xuefei snorted, glared at him a little jealously, and said quietly: "Being entangled by such an envied girl, I'm afraid your heart is about to explode with joy?" Li Xiaogang chuckled a few times , Said faintly: "Do you think I am that kind of person?"

Chang Xuefei's expression darkened after what Li Xiaogang said, she shook her head a little aggrieved and said, "No! Otherwise, I've been pestering you for so long, why don't you feel anything about me?" Speaking of this, Chang Xuefei Fei suddenly looked at Li Xiaogang seriously, and said softly, "Li Xiaogang, what do you think is wrong with me? Why do you refuse to accept me? Could it be that I really make you so dismissive?" Chang Xuefei, who was a little excited, Li Xiaogang shook his head hastily and said happily: "No, no, you are fine, it's just me..."

Chang Xuefei asked: "Is it because of Sister Linger and the others?" Li Xiaogang smiled bitterly, and said to Chang Xuefei: "Xuefei, I understand that you are kind to me, since you waited for me in the ice and snow Antarctica at the expense of your life. , I can feel your love for me even more. It’s just that I already have Linger and them. God has given me enough, I can’t be greedy anymore, do you understand?” “I don’t understand!” Chang Xue Fei shouted, and said: "I took the initiative to throw myself into your arms, it's not because of your greed!" Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said slowly: "Xue Fei, my energy is limited after all, my energy is limited. There is only one heart. I don't want any of you Qishen to be hurt, but sometimes I really can't take care of it. Even if there are only four of Linger and the others, I can't take good care of them one by one, let them I have suffered a lot of grievances, and with you, the result will only get worse. I can't be so selfish, do you understand? In fact, love is something that must be done according to one's ability!
Chang Xuefei shook her head in pain, sobbing and said: "I don't understand, I don't understand at all. All I know is that you are determined not to accept me, maybe you don't love me at all !" After finishing speaking, Chang Xuefei turned her head abruptly and ran away.Li Xiaogang opened his mouth, wanting to stop her, but in the end he still didn't yell out, watching Chang Xuefei run farther and farther, until he completely disappeared into the vast crowd.Li Xiaogang didn't intend to hurt anyone, but unknowingly he hurt many people, maybe this is where fate played tricks on people?Feeling helpless and lonely, Li Xiaogang turned around and left the airport, heading towards the base camp.

The base camp, the leader, Lin Chaoran, Long Ling'er, and Song Shuang are like ants on a hot pot, running around in a hurry.The leader just talked to the Antarctic Research Station on the phone, but the result made him very worried.Wang Xinhai's words were flickering, avoiding the truth and pretending to be false, and always refused to answer the leader's question directly, whether Li Xiaogang was found or not.Not only that, Wang Xinhai even hurriedly ended the call with him on the grounds of poor signal, and even the leader asked Chang Xuefei to answer the phone, but Wang Xinhai ignored it and hung up the phone.This made the leader Yue Zhuan feel uneasy, thinking that something happened to Antarctica again, wishing he could fly over to see what happened in person.How did he know that Wang Xinhai was entrusted by Li Xiaogang to deliberately conceal the news that Li Xiaogang had returned safely.

Long Ling'er and Song Shuangben were already panicked, and now seeing the ugly face of the leader, the two women were completely lost, and tears were about to fall from their eyes, "Boss, Xiaogang... What the hell is wrong with him? Are you okay?" Long Ling'er looked at the leader and asked nah-na-na, the leader smiled wryly, he also wanted to know the answer to this question, and he was very eager. "You two, just don't be nervous. The call signal was not good just now. I will call again later! I assure you, I will definitely return you a alive and kicking Li Xiaogang!" Although the leader said so, but he The tension in my heart was less than that of the two girls.

"No! Just sitting like this is not an option! Leader, we must send people to Antarctica immediately!" Lin Chaoran stood up abruptly, and said in a dignified voice.The leader shook his head full of bitterness, and said slowly: "Do you think I haven't thought about it? But sending people to the Antarctic is not so easy. We must send those who are not only strong, but also have the ability to work in the Antarctic." People with experience in rescue work in extremely cold weather are not only rare, but also scattered all over the country, it is not easy to gather them together in a short period of time!"

"But if we keep waiting for nothing, the result will only get worse and worse! I have an idea, the leader might as well think about it!" Lin Chaoran said.The leader shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Old Lin, when is this, just let me know if you have any ideas!" Lin Chaoran nodded, and said, "Ask for help from the Sky Spikes! The Sky Spikes under Li Xiaogang are quite It's not easy, all of the members have amazing martial arts. With their physical fitness and fighting quality, they should quickly adapt to the Antarctic environment!
The leader pondered and said: "But the problem is, if we want to use the sky thorn, we have to tell Lightning about Li Xiaogang's disappearance. Once we tell Lightning about this, with Lightning's temper, I still don't know what amazing actions we can make." Come on. Li Xiaogang's black and white forces can be said to be extremely powerful. Once this news spreads, I am afraid that even you and I will not be able to control the shock." Lin Chaoran nodded with a wry smile and said: "You I don't know what I said, but in today's situation, where do we have other solutions?" Lin Chaoran looked at Long Ling'er and Song Shuang and asked, "What's your opinion?"

Long Ling'er frowned and said: "As long as I can save Li Xiaogang, I don't care what the consequences will be. What's more, even if we can keep this matter a secret for the time being, we won't let others know about it. But we can't keep it a secret for too long. One day, Lightning and the others will find out about this, and at that time, they might turn the blame on us!" The leader sighed a long time, and said, "Okay! I'll call Lightning right away and let him Gather your people quickly and go to Antarctica immediately!"

The leader picked up the phone and was about to dial, when suddenly a hearty laugh came in from outside the door: "Tianci sits in the Middle East, if it is transferred to the Antarctic, then the Middle East will still be in chaos?" Hearing these loud words , Long Linger and Song Shuang were all overjoyed, and hurriedly opened the door, and standing outside the door was Li Xiaogang with a smile on his face.Seeing Li Xiaogang, Long Linger and Song Shuang's worries for many days finally came to an end. The two women threw themselves into Li Xiaogang's arms almost at the same time. In the eyes, envy in the heart.

"Bad guy! You always make people worry about you so much. They could live to be a hundred years old, but now they can live to be 50 years old and they will be Amitabha!" Long Ling'er thumped Li Xiaogang's chest, saying with joy and annoyance.Song Shuang was leaning tightly on Li Xiaogang's chest, squinting her eyes to listen to Li Xiaogang's strong heartbeat, as if as soon as she let go, Li Xiaogang would disappear again.Li Xiaogang stroked the hair of the two girls tenderly, feeling the deep and sincere love emanating from the bottom of their hearts, and his heart was full of happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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