The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1344 The critically ill scientist

Chapter 1344 The critically ill scientist
"I'm sorry, it's all my fault, and I made you worry about me again..." Li Xiaogang put his lips next to the ears of the two girls and whispered.Long Ling'er gave Li Xiaogang a flirtatious look, and said quietly: "What apology? You know very well that we are willing to die for you." Li Xiaogang said softly: "No! I won't let you die I want you to watch the changes in this world together with me, until the moment when the world is destroyed!" Long Ling'er pressed a kiss on Li Xiaogang's cheek, giggling and said: "Fool, where in this world Can anyone live that long?"

Li Xiaogang couldn't help being stunned by Long Ling'er's words, he really didn't think about this question.After absorbing the fifth fragment of the original god, Li Xiaogang realized that Nuwa's seven fragments of the original god are basically one. Although they are separated, they are still attracted to each other. It goes deep into the ground, and one day it will automatically appear in front of him.This fifth Yuanshen fragment is the proof.

The fifth Yuanshen fragment was originally well hidden under the Antarctic ice layer, and has not changed for tens of thousands of years, but why, it suddenly became powerful now, and almost pushed the entire human race to extinction.After thinking about it carefully, Li Xiaogang vaguely felt that the fifth piece of the original god must have sensed the breath of Li Xiaogang who had already fused the four pieces of the original god. To release the energy, I wanted Li Xiaogang to feel its existence and come to meet it, but unexpectedly, it unconsciously involved human beings into a catastrophe.Since the fifth Yuanshen fragment can sense Li Xiaogang's existence, then Li Xiaogang has no reason not to believe that the final sixth and seventh Yuanshen fragments will not be able to sense his existence.It's just that Li Xiaogang is worried about one thing now, that is, whether the sixth and seventh Yuanshen fragments will bring new disasters to mankind like the fifth Yuanshen fragment.

Li Xiaogang didn't realize it at first, but now he really realizes that the last two fragments of Yuanshen are actually two super powerful time bombs, but he doesn't know when they will explode.When Li Xiaogang absorbs the seven original god fragments, he will shatter the void and become a god instantly.At that time, he will have the same lifespan as the world, and it can even be said that he will be immortal. This is a great thing, but now it has become what Li Xiaogang is most worried about.The reason is very simple, Li Xiaogang can live forever, but Long Linger and the others cannot, which means that Li Xiaogang has to watch Long Linger, Gao Yuanyuan, Song Shuang, Hu Rong grow old one by one, and then pass away.Although he has not experienced it yet, Li Xiaogang just thinks about it and feels that this will definitely cause him great pain...

It's not that Li Xiaogang never thought about using his own strength to help them live longer, but Nuwa's memories are all-encompassing, the only thing that doesn't make people immortal.However, there are still two original god fragments that have not been fused, Li Xiaogang can only pin his hopes on them, hoping that the sixth and seventh original god fragments will have this content.

Li Xiaogang shook his head, and said with some firmness: "No! Yes!" Hearing Li Xiaogang's words, Long Ling'er couldn't help being taken aback for a moment, then looked up at Li Xiaogang, and said with a charming smile: "Fool! Can you live forever for us?" The important thing is that we can love you for the rest of our lives, which is enough!" "No! This is not enough for me!" Li Xiaogang looked at Long Linger and Song Shuang affectionately and said loudly.After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, the hearts of the two women in Guangzhou were full of happiness and touch, and the figures of the three hugged each other more and more tightly.

"Hehe, let me tell you the three of you, do you think we two old men are nothing? Please don't be so violent, our hearts won't be able to bear it!" Seeing Li Xiaogang's safe return, the leader was in a good mood and walked over with a smile.

Seeing the leader and Lin Chaoran coming out, Li Xiaogang hastily let go of the two women, greeted them with a smile, and said, "It's all my fault this time, and made the two worry about me..." The leader waved his hand and said, "Okay You brat, don’t come with us. You have turned the tide and saved the whole world this time. Even if we are worried about you, that’s what we should do. However, I knew from the beginning, You will definitely come back safely. Hahaha..." Before the leader's laughter landed, Lin Chaoran couldn't help but smiled and said: "Li Xiaogang, don't listen to the leader's nonsense. You don't know, where you disappeared In the past few days, the leader is probably the most worried. He hasn't eaten or drunk for several days.

"Really? It seems that I have to make up for the leader properly! So, I will treat you at noon today, how about going to have a good meal together?" Li Xiaogang said, looking at the crowd with a smile.Lin Chaoran laughed loudly and said, "Boy, I've been waiting for your words these eight days. You have made us worry for nothing for so many days. We will give you a good meal at noon today." The leader responded with a smile "Of course! Xiaogang is a rich man now, if he doesn't kill him, who will he kill?" Long Ling'er clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Good! We can listen to Li Xiaogang talk about what happened in Antarctica while we eat. I think it must be thrilling and exciting!" After the agreement was made, the group of five went straight to the hotel.Boss, the restaurant Lin Chaoran went to was naturally not an ordinary restaurant. Fortunately, Li Xiaogang is indeed rich, so he doesn't need to care about it.

At the dinner table, most of the people were not outsiders, so they let it go very freely, leaving aside all their identities, and everyone chatted very happily.After listening to Li Xiaogang's description of what happened in Antarctica, the leader frowned, and said slowly: "That is to say, everything that happened in Antarctica this time is actually related to you?" Li Xiaogang said with a wry smile: "It was indeed caused by me, and if my predictions are correct, I am afraid that there will be two more catastrophes, but I don't know when and where..."

Li Xiaogang's words surprised the leader and Lin Chaoran at the same time. The leader said dumbfoundedly: "There are two more times!? My God, a big tsunami and a melting of the Antarctic ice layer are about to break me down. Now you Tell me, there are two more vicious things like this, even if I have a hundred and eighty hearts, I can't stand such a toss! Xiao Gang, can you find a way to get rid of him before the disaster breaks out?"

In fact, Li Xiaogang was also very nervous.The power contained in the fragments of Nuwa Yuanshen is extraordinary enough to overwhelm mountains and seas.The last big tsunami and this time Antarctica was endangered, thanks to Li Xiaogang's timely action, the disaster was resolved before the catastrophic consequences were caused.But he didn't know if his next two times would be as lucky as these two times.Seeing Li Xiaogang's frown gradually tightened, the leader couldn't help but raise his heart a little bit.Some things can be settled by national power, but disasters like the tsunami and the melting of the Antarctic, even all human beings are helpless. He can only pin all his hopes on Li Xiaogang who is "omnipotent."Therefore, at this time, Li Xiaogang's dignified expression made the leader feel uneasy and at a loss.

"Don't worry, leader, there are my relatives and lovers on the earth, and I will never let it have any mistakes! Seeing the dignified expression on the leader's face, Li Xiaogang promised. With Li Xiaogang's guarantee, the leader felt more at ease , nodded lightly. "By the way, where is Xue Fei?Why didn't she come back with you? "When the leader mentioned Chang Xuefei, Li Xiaogang's face immediately changed. Although he quickly returned to normal, it was still noticed by the careful Long Ling'er, and his crescent eyebrows were slightly clustered.

"Who is Chang Xuefei?" Song Shuang asked a little confused.Long Ling'er said to her, "I'll talk to you when I get back," Song Shuangruo let out a thoughtful groan, suppressing his doubts back to the bottom of his heart. "Xuefei... She went back to see her grandpa..." Li Xiaogang replied vaguely.The leader nodded after hearing this, and said slowly with a dignified expression: "Old Chang, he has devoted himself to the country. He has suffered so much in his life, and now he is about to pass away. I only hope that he can go well all the way. Pity……"

Hearing what the leader said, Li Xiaogang couldn't help being startled, and asked in a concentrated voice: "Why, is Chang Xuefei's grandfather seriously ill?" The body has always been under a very heavy load. When he was young, he could still persist, but in his old age, he finally became sick from overwork. The doctor said that all the organs of Chang Lao’s body have been exhausted and almost exhausted. At that time, even though the doctors had tried their best, the result was still alas, no matter how strong this person is, he can't beat God after all!

Li Xiaogang frowned, and said slowly: "Chief, don't you always say that man can conquer nature? Why, your thoughts have become so negative now?" The leader smiled bitterly and said, "It's not that I have become negative, but There are some laws of nature that cannot be changed by manpower. For example, when people are born, aged, sick and die, how many people can go against the sky..." At this point, the leader's heart skipped a beat, and he suddenly turned his head to look at Li Xiaogang, He murmured: "Xiao Gang, you have a way..." Li Xiaogang smiled wryly, and said, "It's rare for you, leader, to think of me so highly, but no matter how powerful I am, I'm still just a mortal after all. The scythe is not something I can resist."

"In that case, I'm afraid Chang Lao is really in danger this time." The leader said with a hint of disappointment.Li Xiaogang suddenly chuckled a few times, and said with a chuckle: "That's not necessarily true. Although people are doomed to die, it is not impossible to make peace with the god of death and strive for a few more years." After listening to Li Xiaogang's words, the leader My heart was greatly shaken, and I said anxiously: "Xiaogang, if you can make Mr. Chang live 20 years longer, no, even if you live [-] years longer, it will be regarded as a great deed for our country!" Li Xiaogang clicked He nodded and said, "Chang Xuefei's grandfather is a bright light in the scientific world. It would be a pity if it just goes out like this. Organ failure is nothing more than exhaustion of vitality. If vitality can be reinfused, it should be able to prolong his life." Lifespan. Leader, you don't have to worry about this matter, just leave it to me!
(End of this chapter)

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