The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1345 Mikiko Was Kidnapped

Chapter 1345 Mikiko Was Kidnapped
After hearing Li Xiaogang's words, the leader was overjoyed, and said with a chuckle: "So, can I understand that Mr. Chang will not have any worries about his life for a long time in the future?" Li Xiaogang smiled and said : "Yes! Hahaha..." Hearing the answer he wanted to hear, the leader couldn't help laughing happily, and said while laughing: "Okay! Come, let me toast you, for you You have never let us down, cheers everyone!
Just when Li Xiaogang, the leader and the others were drinking heartily, Mikiko's plane landed at Tokyo Airport on time.Along the way, although Mikiko's body was on the way to the island country, her heart was always in Huaxia, in Li Xiaogang's body.All he wanted was to see Yukio Yamamoto as soon as possible and return to the capital as soon as possible.She was absent-minded all the way, so she didn't feel the slightest fatigue from the journey. When she came to her senses, the people on the plane had already disembarked. The sweet-looking stewardess was looking at her with a smile, reminding her It's time for her to get off the plane.Only then did Mikiko get up, and staggered off the plane.

Walking out of the crowded airport lobby, Mikiko shivered when a gust of cold wind blew in. She was wondering whether to call Yukio Yamamoto and ask him to send someone to her. A luxurious three-door sedan slowly stopped beside her.When Mikiko was stunned, the front door slowly opened, and a young man dressed as a driver got out, and said respectfully to Mikiko: "Miss, Mr. Yamamoto asked me to pick you up." !" Mei Jizi looked up and down the driver vigilantly, and stared at the driver with slightly clustered brows: "How does my father know that I'm coming back today?" The driver smiled indifferently: "Actually, I have already served as the leader of the court. Order, I have been waiting for you here for a few days, and I finally waited for you today.

The driver's performance was calm and unhurried, and his answers were reasonable.Mikiko didn't have any more doubts, and opened the car door casually, and when she was about to lean in, she suddenly found two men with cold faces, sunglasses, and black suits sitting in the car, who looked murderous. .Mikiko's heart couldn't help tightening, and she subconsciously wanted to back out, but at this time she couldn't help herself anymore. One of the big men suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Mikiko's chest. Pulling her into the car, the driver who was standing outside the door closed the door smoothly.

Mikiko was shocked and couldn't help screaming, but the window glass of this car can not only cut off the eyes, but also the sound insulation effect is surprisingly good. The two big men in black sat there like wood carvings, not at all. Mikiko's loud screams were also ignored.It didn't take long for Mikiko herself to realize that this kind of screaming was useless at all, so she stopped automatically.Looking at the two big guys with full vigilance, Mikiko asked softly, "Who are you? Why did you arrest me?"

One of the two men dressed in black sneered and said: "When you get to the place, you will know!" Mikiko couldn't help but said in a deep voice: "You scoundrels, don't forget who my father is, if he catches you , with his temper, it would be strange if he didn't skin you alive!" "Heh heh haha... With you in our hands, I guess your father will peel his own skin in exchange for your life!" The two The big guys in black laughed together, what they said made Mikiko tremble with anger, and she wished everyone could bite them!
Along the way, the two big men in black clothes refused to speak again, and even though Mikiko tried her best, she couldn't get any usable information out of their mouths.The car went all the way, passing through the hustle and bustle of downtown Tokyo, and turned seven times and eight times in the remote suburbs. When M Noriko was dizzy from being turned, the car drove to a quiet villa in the suburbs and stopped. . "Go down, you're home, miss!" One of the big men in black clothes wanted Rami Kiko's arm a little bit rudely.Mikiko raised her eyebrows and said coldly: "No, I will go by myself!
The big man in black smiled nonchalantly, and said lightly: "Sure enough, you are a tiger father without a dog girl. You really look like your father!" Mikiko sneered and said, "I know my father is a tiger, You dare to touch me, have your heads been kicked by a donkey?" After speaking, he opened the car door and got out of the car.Stepping out of the car and looking at the exquisite villa in front of her, Mikiko felt completely clueless.Since these people dare to deal with her so blatantly, it is obvious that they are not as afraid of her father as she imagined?In other words, these people clearly planned it long ago, and if this is the case, it is not only her who is in danger, but even her father Yukio Yamamoto will not stop.

"Miss Mikiko, since you're here, please go in?" The big man in black stepped back behind her and said with a sneer.Mikiko turned her head and gave him a hard look, then walked into the villa with her head held high.Just when Mikiko was guessing what these people would do to her, led by two big men in black, the three of them passed several guards who were on full alert all the way, and walked into a room with extremely exquisite decoration.The big man in black pushed open the door of the room, pushed Mikiko inside, and shouted in a deep voice: "You just wait here, someone will come to see you when the time comes!

Chapter 350 Chapter 2009 Update Time: 9-23-9 50:11:4910 Number of words in this chapter: [-] Throwing Mikiko in this room, the two of them dressed in black and walked away, looking at their backs Mikiko Ziqi's teeth were itchy, but there was nothing he could do.I had no choice but to throw myself on the soft and comfortable bed, cursing in my heart, hoping that all the bastards who kidnapped me would die!
Since the last tsunami almost wiped the island country off the face of the earth, the political situation in the island country has undergone tremendous changes.The original governing hall and the opposing hall, because they fought side by side to save the island country together, there was an unbelievably deep relationship between the two originally hostile halls.Slowly, the ruling-government hall and the opposition hall merged into one to form the Xindang faction led by Yukio Yamamoto.However, the island nation did not enter the era of dictatorship.

Soon, another political force began to rise rapidly, this is Qianguotang led by Tojo Shino!Tojo Shino is the direct grandson of Tojo Hidekichi, who once witnessed the demise of Tojo Hidekichi.However, although Tojo Hideki perished, his warlike, greedy, and savage nature was passed down to Tojo Shino.Since he first stepped into the political arena, Tojo Shino has been a standard hawk, advocating the complete tearing up of the terms promised by the island nation in the surrender document during World War II, vigorously developing the military, and using force to win the re-emergence of the island nation.Although Hidekichi Tojo died, he still has many followers who still hold many important positions in the island country. With their support, Tojo Shino's political career can be described as smooth sailing. Finally, he founded the island country power hall.

In the island country after the tsunami, there is an atmosphere of gratitude everywhere.Because, at the last moment when the island country was about to be destroyed, it was the countries who gave aid regardless of the past and the cost to turn the tide and prevent the island country from dying.With such a great favor, many foreign policies of the island country began to undergo silent changes in the past.For example, island countries gave up territories that had conflicts with China and returned them to China.When the island country occupied the Korean peninsula, the cultural relics looted from country H and North Korea were also returned in batches.Not only that, in terms of economic policy, the island country began to actively tilt towards developing Chinese countries, sometimes even at the expense of their own interests.Under the joint leadership of Yukio Yamamoto and the Prime Minister of the island country, the island country is establishing a brand new international image praised by countries all over the world.

This mistake of the island country has also aroused very good responses in the island country, and has been supported by more than 70.00% of the citizens.However, in this world, there is always a small group of bastards who are afraid of chaos, and Tojo Shino is one of them.In the eyes of other citizens, the policies of Yukio Yamamoto are repayment, but in the eyes of Tojo Shino, they are humiliating the country and betraying the country, which is an intolerable act of treason.So the more I look at Yukio Yamamoto, the more I feel disliked, and I have been thinking about how to drive Yukio Yamamoto out and establish Qianguotang, which is also the purpose.However, the new faction, which was united by the former ruling-government hall and the opposition hall, is so powerful that he cannot easily contend with it. Therefore, Tojo Shino has been dormant all the time, struggling to find opportunities.

However, before he found the opportunity, Yukio Yamamoto was about to make a new decision, which was to move out the remains of the World War II fighters placed in the shrine, and then blow up the shrine to build a "peace hall". .This decision undoubtedly aroused the unanimous welcome of surrounding Asian countries including China, and the international attitude towards the island country has also undergone tremendous changes again.However, while this move made the countries rejoice, it also made Tojo Shino's teeth itch with hatred. You must know that his grandfather's ashes were placed there.With the power that Qiangguotang currently possesses, it is undoubtedly impossible to veto this proposal in a fair and legal manner.In order to prevent Yukio Yamamoto's plan from being realized, Tojo Shino decided to go astray, so he set his sights on Mikiko.He wanted to threaten Yukio Yamamoto through Mikiko, but he probably never imagined that this time he didn't get Yukio Yamamoto, but put his own life in it instead.

In the island country of Tokyo, in a high-end luxury residence not far from the city, a burly, serious, and resolute middle-aged man was pacing back and forth in the living room with a little restlessness.This person is none other than Yukio Yamamoto, a powerful and powerful figure in the political circles of the island country, who is also Mikiko's father.

Yukio Yamamoto is an extremely majestic man. Even the prime minister of an island country can't help but feel an inexplicable pressure from him when facing him.However, this pressure is not only due to his high status and the power of life and death in his hands.If you savor it carefully, it is not difficult to find that his majesty actually comes from his natural leadership temperament. When 7 people see him, they can't help but look up to him.Of course, in addition to this natural leadership temperament, his ability and integrity are also important reasons for his majesty to affect most people.

(End of this chapter)

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