The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1346 Yukio Yamamoto

Chapter 1346 Yukio Yamamoto

However, at this time, Yukio Yamamoto seemed to be more majestic than usual, so that even if he got close to him, he would feel a burst of powerful pressure that seemed to be suffocating.Several of Yukio Yamamoto's think tanks were all standing a few meters away from him, not daring to approach easily. "Why is there no news about Mikiko!?" Although Yukio Yamamoto's voice was not loud, every word in it was like a knife, piercing the hearts of several think tanks fiercely, making them A think tank who was already tortured by Yukio Yamamoto's coercion, who was about to go crazy, couldn't wait to run away.

"Your Excellency, according to the latest news we have received, all ten members of the expedition team, except Miss Mikiko and Chinese scientist Chang Xuefei, have returned to their respective countries." A slightly bald man The middle-aged man replied cautiously with a trembling voice. "Bastard! They all went back, but why did they leave my daughter in Antarctica?! Could they leave their teammates behind so easily? What kind of scientists are they!?" After hearing this, Yukio Yamamoto immediately He roared furiously.Frightened by Yukio Yamamoto's roar, several think tanks trembled all over, their bodies bent again and again, as if a sharp knife was sweeping over their heads, if they straightened up a little, their heads would It looks like it will be chopped off.

Another think tank said, "Calm down, chief. We asked Professor Sandro, the captain of the expedition team, and according to him, Miss Mikiko decided where to stay by herself. It seems that she is looking for a Chinese named Li Xiaogang? "Li Xiaogang? What is his origin? Send someone to China to find out his details!" Yukio Yamamoto frowned with extreme sensitivity and shouted anxiously.The bald think tank said bitterly: "Your Excellency, this one may not be easy. Apart from this name, we know nothing about it. In China, this name is very common. I am afraid there are not 100 million people, but there are also many 80, we really don't know where to start from..."

"Trash! It's all trash! You can't do such a small thing well, but you still claim to be elites in the hall! I don't care, if Mikiko has even the slightest accident, I will never let you go! "Yukio Yamamoto roared angrily a few times.The hairs on several think tanks couldn't help but stand on end.Just as the think tanks were frowning, there was a rush of footsteps from outside, and all the corpses, including Yamamoto, turned their eyes to the door.The door was pushed open from the outside, and a short but shrewd man appeared in front of them. This man was Yukio Yamamoto's secretary and also an important figure in the island country's political circle, Mito Yuhiro.

Yukio Mito has been working as a secretary for Yukio Yamamoto for more than ten years now.Over the past ten years, the two have cultivated a rare tacit understanding, and because of this, Mito Yuhiro has become the new dignitary of the island country.Looking at the entire island country, no one is more familiar with Yukio Yamamoto's mind than him.If you don’t want to offend Yukio Yamamoto for a certain action, and end up causing disaster for yourself, it’s best to ask Mito Yuhiro before acting. This has almost become an open code of conduct in the island country. It can be seen how detached Shui Xionghao's position is.

Seeing Mito Yukio, Yamamoto Yukio's expression softened a little, and several think tanks couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, sighing inwardly, after all, Mito Yukio's energy is the greatest. "Mito, is there any new news?" Yukio Yamamoto looked at Mito Yuhiro eagerly and asked.Yuhao Mito nodded, and said in a deep voice: "The latest news, Chinese scientist Chang Xuefei has returned to China not long ago." "What!? Chang Xuefei has returned to China? What about Mikiko? Just now these trash said, Mikiko is with her!" Yukio Yamamoto immediately became nervous when he heard this, and asked anxiously while holding Mito Yuhiro's hand.

Yuhao Mito shook his head and said: "The report said that Chang Xuefei returned to China alone, and Ms. Mikiko was not with her, so her whereabouts are unknown!" "What!? Whereabouts are unknown!?" Yamamoto Yujifu couldn't believe his ears, and asked with a dull expression.Yuhao Mito's expression was also very ugly, he shook his head, and said slowly: "That's what the report said. Sir, what should we do? Ms. Mikiko may be experiencing danger now..."

Yukio Yamamoto's mind was already in a mess, and after listening to Yuhiro Mito's words, he was even more confused.Yukio Yamamoto has always been known for his wisdom in the political arena in the island country, and some people even compared him with Zhuge Liang of the Three Kingdoms period in China, which shows how amazing his talent is.However, it is impossible to be perfect, and Yukio Yamamoto also has his own weakness.There is no doubt that his weakness is Mikiko.In the face of a super tsunami that can completely destroy the entire island country, he can remain as calm as Mount Tai without changing his face or beating his heart.But when the matter was related to Mikiko, Yukio Yamamoto's wisdom and composure completely disappeared, and he looked at Mito Yuhiro with helplessness in his eyes, and said bitterly: "Mito, my head is completely messed up now .Can't think of anything, but your brains are good enough to give me an idea."

Yuhao Mito nodded, and said slowly: "Since it is said that Mikiko was with Chang Xuefei in the end, let's ask Chang Xuefei, maybe we can get some valuable information from her! " Mito's words brightened Yukio Yamamoto's heart, and he nodded quickly: "You are right, this is a good idea! Mito, you send someone to handle this matter, and you must take care of Miss Chang Xuefei. Please come to the island country, I want to ask her face to face!" A strange smile appeared on the corner of Mito's mouth, and he said slowly: "Okay! I will take care of this matter! Your Excellency, I know you are worried about the United States. I can understand Miss Ji Zi's safety. However, you are the leader of the sect, so please pay attention to your body! If something happens to you, the loss will be the interests of our entire sect!"

Yukio Yamamoto said bitterly: "Do you think I want to do this? If my subordinates were all as capable as you, then I would have gone fishing in the sea province long ago. Alright, alright, I will remember what you said In my heart, go do your work! If you have any news about Mikiko, you must inform me in time!" Yuhiro Mito nodded, and said: "Of course!" After speaking, he turned and walked out quickly.Yukio Yamamoto turned his head to look at the think tanks, and shouted in a deep voice: "What are you still doing here? Don't you think I'm annoying enough? Get out!" The think tanks were eager to leave here as soon as possible. Not daring to delay, one by one, like frightened rabbits, ran out in a panic, as if fleeing.Looking at their backs, Yukio Yamamoto snorted with disdain and sat down on the soft sofa with deep exhaustion.

Here, Yukio Yamamoto was troubled by Mikiko's lack of news, while Mikiko was also restless there.Not long after he fell asleep, he was jerked up from the bed.Mei Jizidi glared fiercely at the black-clothed man who pulled her up with full of anger, wishing she could poke him to death with her eyes.The big man didn't care about Meikiko's gaze at all, and said with a sneer, "Miss Meikiko really has the demeanor of her father and has become a fish on a sword, and she can still sleep peacefully, admiration, admiration! "

Hearing the ridicule from the big man in black, Mei Jizi sneered, and said in a low voice, "The fish on the knife? Heh, I don't know who is it! You dog slave, what's the matter with calling me up?" The big man in black glanced at her with disdain, and said quietly: "Hurry up, someone wants to see you!" Mikiko pouted and said coldly: "If you want to see me, let him come here, Ben Miss doesn’t want to see him again!” The big man in black raised his eyebrows, and said with a sneer: “Mikiko, don’t you see that this is where you are playing Miss’s temper? Get up obediently, lest I get rough on you!” Seeing that the big man in black seemed to be coming for real, Mikiko didn't dare to stand up any longer, so she pouted and stood up obediently.

The big man in black took out a strip of black cloth about three fingers wide from his pocket, shook it at Mikiko, and said, "Bring this yourself! lest I don't know how to measure it and hurt you!" "Why do you bring this?" Mikiko looked at the big man in black and asked in puzzlement.The big man in black snorted coldly, and said quietly: "You don't need to know! Do you want my help?" "You..." Mikiko was so angry that she almost opened her mouth to curse again, but seeing the coldness of the big man in black With an almost heartless expression, he had no choice but to swallow the words that came to his lips.He obediently took the cloth strip and covered his eyes.The big man in black sneered and said, "You'd better not play tricks, if you see something you shouldn't see, your life will be over!" hand went out.

After making many turns and turns, Mikiko was taken to a secret room, where she was forced to sit on a chair by a big man dressed in black.Less than a minute later, there was a click of the door opening, Mikiko frowned, and immediately turned her head in the direction of the sound.Just as Mikiko was wondering who the visitor was and what she would say to her, she suddenly felt that the visitor was very close to her, and she could even clearly smell the scent coming from that person.This smell is very familiar to Mikiko, but she can't remember where she smelled it for a while.

The whole person was immersed in the darkness, and the unknown person was so close to her, Mikiko immediately felt a feeling of extreme insecurity, and subconsciously wanted to stand up from the chair and jump to the side.However, that person didn't give her such a chance. As soon as her body moved, she was pressed down forcefully by that person. Before Mikiko could react, her wrist felt a sudden chill. She put on a pair of cold handcuffs and locked her hands behind the chair.Mikiko was taken aback and couldn't help shouting loudly: "Who are you!? What do you want to do! Let me go!"

(End of this chapter)

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