The strongest peasant city

Chapter 1347 See through!

Chapter 1347 See through!

"Hmph let you go? That's not okay. I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time, and I can't bear it!" She said in horror: "Who the hell are you!? What do you want to do, let me go!" Shouting, Mikiko struggled violently.

" shout! Even if your throat is broken, no one will come to save you! Mikiko, you are so beautiful. If I can't get you in my life, even if I meet Amaterasu, I would also be deeply sorry.

As soon as his words fell to the ground, Mikiko felt a pinch on the sensitive part of her chest.

Mikiko had never been frightened like this since she was a child, she let out a sudden exclamation, she almost didn't cry out, she kept twisting her body, and shouted tremblingly: "Let me go! Let go of me, you bastard, my father will definitely kill you!" "Yukio Yamamoto!? Hahaha... It won't be long before he can't protect himself. How can he care about you? Come on, today Let's have a good time!" After speaking, she threw Mikiko down to the ground with her chair and her body.Mikiko's heart jumped out of her throat in shock, and she pushed her knee up subconsciously. Unexpectedly, this push was right on the vital part of the man, and the man immediately let out a gasp. There was a scream.

And this scream also completely exposed the identity of this person. Mikiko couldn't believe that the person who violated her would be him, so she couldn't help being completely stunned, and said nana: "Uncle Mito? One is you?" Hearing Mikiko's words, Mikiko's heart was shocked, in order not to let Mikiko recognize him, Mito Hirohiro completely blindfolded Mikiko's eyes, and even Some changes could be made in the voice.But he didn't expect that, after all his tricks were calculated, he still hadn't figured it out, and a scream completely exposed his identity.

Hearing Mito Hirohiro fell silent, Mikiko affirmed his identity more and more. Tears full of humiliation and anger, like a river breaking a bank, burst out of her eyes, and asked in a low voice: "Why ? Why is it you who hurt me? Are you still my Uncle Mito?" Now that his identity has been revealed, Mito Yuhiro no longer concealed it, and said in a cold voice, "Why? For revenge! Kazumi Kiko, Do you know that you look so much like your mother..." Mikiko frowned and couldn't help asking: "Why do you mention my mother? What does this have to do with my mother who has been dead for many years ?”

"Of course there is!" Mito Yuhao let out a roar, and said with a gloomy face: "You will never know, what a couple of lovers you and I used to be. We made an agreement that we will be on Mount Fuji, under the cherry blossoms. , hold a grand and romantic wedding, I want to make her the happiest bride in the world, and make all the women envy her and envy her. But all of this was shattered after your father appeared! He You took your mother from me without mercy, took my heart, my liver! How do you know how much pain I felt when I lost your mother? Since then, I secretly made up my mind, I want revenge! I want Yukio Yamamoto, that is, your father died without a burial!
Hearing Mito Yuhiro's swearing by gritted teeth, Mikiko was so startled that she couldn't help but tremble.He never dreamed that the person his father had always trusted and she had always respected was a poisonous snake lurking beside them! "My mother and my father have always had a good relationship! If my father really took my mother away from you, my mother should hate him! I think this is what my mother has between you and my father." The choice I made was not my father's fault! It's unfair for you to blame all this on my father!

Mito Yuhao gritted his teeth and said: "Your mother and I love so deeply, if your father hadn't touched some shady person's hands and feet, how could your mother choose him? Mikiko, I have never had one in my life." I feel sorry for your mother! However, God finally opened his eyes and sent you to me. You and your mother were carved out of the same mold. When I saw you, I thought of your mother. Since I can’t If I own your mother, then I will possess you!" After finishing speaking, she rushed towards Mikiko again, Mikiko was frightened, and hurriedly shrank her body against the corner of the wall, crying and begging: "Water! Uncle Hu, don't do this! You can't do this to me, you can't!
At this time, Yuhiro Mito seemed to be a wild beast that had lost his mind, and a strong fire of hatred was burning in his heart, making it impossible for him to listen to Mikiko's words.Not only that, the more Mikiko yelled fiercely, the more beastly Mito Yuhiro became.There was a constant whirring sound, but in the blink of an eye, most of Mikiko's clothes had been torn off by Mito Yuhiro, leaving only the innermost underwear, which hadn't been completely ripped off.Although Mikiko's hands were handcuffed behind her back, this did not make her give up resistance at all.Mikiko was like a lioness being cornered, shouting loudly while kicking her legs vigorously, trying to kick Mito Yuhiro away.Mito Yuhiro may have been kicked several times by her because he was too anxious, his face was blue and red, which was really pretty.

However, Mikiko is a weak girl after all. How can she resist Mito Yuhiro who is as fierce as a wild wolf? Seeing that the last position is about to fall, at this time, Mikiko has no strength anymore. , only Shen Yin kept crying.Seeing that Mito Yuhiro's bestiality was about to succeed, the door of the secret room was suddenly opened, and at the same time, a cough came into the ears of Mito Yuhiro and Mikiko.Mito Yurohiro was awakened by this cough, and he was annoyed that the person who came to him did not know how to live or die. He dared to interrupt his elegant mood, and turned his head full of annoyance. However, when he saw clearly who the coughing person was, the anger in his eyes subsided immediately. Going down, with an embarrassed smile on his face, he said to the visitor: "Tojo Shino, why are you here?"

Hearing Mito Yuhiro blatantly revealing his identity in front of Mikiko, Tojo Shino immediately raised his brows, and glared at Mito Yuhou as sharply as a knife.Yuhou Mito immediately understood what Tojo Shino meant, and said with a wry smile: "This girl already knows my identity, so there is no point in hiding it!" Tojo Shino glanced at Miki who was curled up in the corner as if hurt Mikiko, with a bad expression, hooked Mikiko's fingers and said coldly: "Come with me." Mito Yuhao looked at Mikiko reluctantly, and said to Tojo Shino: "Tojo Your Excellency, can you give me a few minutes, a few minutes is enough..."

"Come out!" Before Mito Yurohiro finished speaking, Tojo Shino interrupted him with a roar.Tojo Shino's roar and stern look made Mito Hirohiro feel uneasy for a while, and he didn't dare to say any more, so he could only bear the pain and temporarily let Mikiko go, and walked out of the secret room with Tojo Shino.As soon as Mito Yuhao walked out of the secret room, he suddenly felt a gust of cold wind blowing over him, and before he could react, Tojo Shino's fist as hard as a stone slammed into his lower abdomen fiercely.Yuhiro Mito has been pampered in the past few years, and his body is very weak. Tojo Shino's hard punch almost knocked out all the food he ate three days ago, and he let out an indistinct scream. The person clings to the wall and slowly squats down.

Tojo Shino's punch was so powerful that it took Mito Yuhao a few minutes to digest the punch. He looked at Tojo Shino with a pale face, and said nah: "Tojo-kun, you, you This is..." "Bakar! You idiot, who told you to do this to Mikiko?" Tojo Shino's eyes were vicious, his teeth were gritted, and his face was full of resentment.Mito Yuhiro smiled wryly, and said, "I thought it was a big deal? Although Mikiko is Yukio Yamamoto's daughter, she has nothing to worry about..."

"Bastard! Is Yukio Yamamoto so easy to mess with? If something goes wrong in this matter, don't say it's you and me, even the whole Qianguotang will not be able to think about it! Also, you are so brave , dare to call out my identity in front of M Noriko, in case she is in front of Yukio Yamamoto..." Tojo Shino's words were interrupted by a sneer from Mito Hirohiro, Said faintly: "Why, Tojo-kun, are you still planning to reunite Mikiko and Yukio Yamamoto?" Mito Yuhiro frowned, and asked in a deep voice: "What do you mean? We put Mikiko was arrested just to use her to force Yukio Yamamoto to agree to cancel the plan to blow up the shrine, but he didn't intend to kill her!

Mito Yuhiro sneered, and said, "Tojo-kun, you think things too simply! Even if we succeed in blackmailing for a while, Yukio Yamamoto will still hold a grudge against us, and it is uncertain how he will retaliate against us in the future!" Tojo Shino said coldly: "As long as we do the whole thing tightly, Yamamoto Yukio won't suspect us!" Mito Yuhiro said with a wry smile: "Tojo-kun, I'm following Yamamoto Yukio has been around Yukio for so many years, don’t you know him? Yukio Yamamoto is a very scary person. He is wise and has a brain! As long as he wants to check things, he can’t find them. There is an old saying in China called If you want others to be unaware, unless you have nothing to do! Are you so sure that among your many subordinates, not one or a half will leak the news? Hehe, when that time comes, everything will be revealed, and Yishanmuyou With Ji Fu's temper, the entire island nation will surely be plunged into a bloody storm."

Mito Yuhiro's words made Tojo Shino's heart sink, and he frowned and looked at him and said, "Then what do you mean? Killing Mikiko will make this matter invisible "Of course not! If you kill Mikiko, then Yukio Yamamoto will become a mad dog. At that time, even if he has no evidence in his hand, it is difficult to guarantee that he will not be angry with Tojo-kun, right Qianguotang takes extreme measures!" Mito Yuhiro said.

(End of this chapter)

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